socksofthedaybefore, 18
I live in Paris. Yes, cute. Frankly, I was born like this. I often go to Berlin, now I’m in Berlin. If I’m here it’s because I’m doing my job. That involves getting vacuum kissed and screwed at my office (Prenzlauer Berg). I’m also a good hang.
1. with your recent hiv test / PrEp
150 i’m bottom, 120 im top
2. without your recent hiv test
300 i’m bttm, 200 i’m top
Dick M, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Dirty Dirty
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 100 €
Overnight On request
sponsors, I do anal in cars or motels only
benefactors, I been single all my life, I’m pretty tired of it
Guestbook of KILLU
27101996 – July 7, 2018
I don’t how your business is, but if it’s not great, could it be because your name is KILLU? Just a thought.
Dick L, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
S&M No answer
Dirty No answer
Safer sex Always safe
Rate per hour 80 €
Overnight 180 €
someone4someone, 19
West Los Angeles
I will not meet immediately and will not meet after 10 minutes. I would like to meet someone before we meet !!
Guestbook of someone4someone
someone4someone (Owner) – July 1, 2018
Back from a hiatus of trying to figure out life. Couldn’t figure it out.
Dick M, Uncut
Body Average
Body hair Shaved
Position No answer
Kissing Consent
S&M No answer
Dirty No answer
Safer sex Always safe
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request
eatme4dinner, 18
As you’ve seen. I’m more interested in sex. I do not want to be friends with you, but if you do not want physical contact then face your face and try elsewhere. Since February I can legally watch porn movies, so I am a sex criminal. For this reason, I do not care about mating. I’m not going to do that seriously anymore, because it’s not worth it to me. But a bit about my affiliation. I live near a small hole in Csorna. Places where I can go first: Csorna, Győr, Sopron, Szombathely, Pápa, Veszprém, Komárom and where the buses and trains still stop. So, either you’re straight to a bed or to a soft lawn, we’re gonna fuck hard. I want sex, but without emotion, I do not go for it. So you will not kiss, caress, hug, etc. I’m a pretty thin guy and I’ll pick up the water soon enough, so let’s not say the word. Let’s say the funeral is a pretty scrambled excuse. So far, it seems to me that I’m a fad, which is not true. It just seems like I did not sleep much, which is quite common with me and it’s early in the morning. I know many people on the site and in reality as well. How can I earn?
Guestbook of eatme4dinner
alejandro – July 11, 2018
My favorite tricks are innocent boys in shithole little villages and towns who don’t have the worldliness to judge their value as sex objects like this very pretty thin blond who has everything it would take to be some billionaire’s pampered boy toy if it weren’t for his circumstance. His reactions to my simple, basic passion and hunger for his goods were as wondrous as a kid in an amusement park and that kind of feedback is tremendously satisfying for me.
spyderbite – June 29, 2018
Not complicated: on the hunt for a 18 y/o live in whore.
Everything would be on the table minus women underage and illegal.
If I’ve commented on your profile there was something in your profile that obviously sparked my interest or your body/looks caught my attention and I can vision it around the house looking good.
Be respectful. If not interested simply address the compliment and state the non interest.
Dick M, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Needs discussion
Dirty Needs discussion
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 50 €
Overnight 100 €
Now-I-Am-Horny, 20
Like show off body
Like drill into this aspect
Guestbook of Now-I-Am-Horny
hairysweatybear – June 23, 2018
Excellent top, mediocre bottom. Unfortunately, so am I.
Rdickbb – June 17, 2018
My goal was to get as much cum oit of his dick as humanly possible and I did and then some
Dick L, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M No answer
Dirty No
Safer sex Always safe
Rate per hour 200 €
Overnight 600 €
S4u1, 23
Some people are beautiful
Some people are rich
Some people have everything
Some people have nothing
I’m a thief
Guestbook of S4u1
BigStarXLCock – July 1, 2018
fuckedhim thats all i can remember butliked everything
octahate – June 24, 2018
he’s a garbage CAN not a garbage CANT.
S4ul (Owner) – June 19, 2018
A satisfied client
TheGreyArea – June 19, 2018
Who took the pictures..
Loveslae – June 10, 2018
hats off to you
S4u1 (Owner) – June 8, 2018
Some people have unrealistic expectation
JoeJett – June 8, 2018
smooth slim twink from the neck down, ghoul like from a horror movie from the neck up
Dick M, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty WS only
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 140 £
Overnight 400 £
HorrorBuff, 18
Hi there the name is David (previously hornyboy142 on here). My apologies to anyone that was negotiating with me before. I had posted some pictures with explicit content on here, which I did not know was not allowed for display purposes and as a result my profile got taken down. Again my apologies.
Apologies also for the secrecy regarding my face. Hopefully you understand why I don’t reveal that here. (Ireland’s got a very ‘community culture,’ where someone knows someone who knows someone and so on). But trust me, I am stunningly cute (that’s why everyone in Dublin not only knows me but thinks they’re my future husband).
Obviously I realise what happens to me is none of my business, but as my name says, I am a boy who loves the extremes of horror. I am (shamefully?) a dump, a bin for use. It is my purpose to be a bin and to be subject to the sicked fantasties. I feel nothing.
Guestbook of HorrorBuff
Rbmacc – July 27, 2018
Welcome to Hell!
crypto – June 26, 2018
dark non trackable cryptocurrencies, monero (xmr)
raped in a secluded location
… to discuss details in private.
Dick S, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Safer sex Never
Rate per hour 300 £
Overnight 800 £
take_a_nap, 18
I am a young, masculine, intelligent, high class, laser focused, domineering chav lad in a way that is sexual and and not just during sex in life. I don’t like guys who sugar coat sex. I rip your outer shit off you and go straight to where the meat is reddest.
I am well dressed, Armani, Ralph Lauren, Nike, Nike trainers, Adidas, Adidas trainers, La Coq Sportif, Timberland, Sergio Tacchini, Fila. I am slim, drain board abs, 7.9 inches sized dick and, don’t get me wrong, an ass that turns men’s chins into Niagara Falls. But if you even want to see it, it’ll cost you severely.
Guestbook of take_a_nap
Sissyboi4bigcock – July 9, 2018
Whenever i get horny i like to find a private place and put on girls clothes and fantisize what it would be like to suck cock and get fucked like a girl… I couldn’t believe that there was someone who lived near by who could walk to my camper and fuck me. Lol God exists I guess. Lol
JordanX – July 6, 2018
don’t pay extra for his ass. it’s just an ass. it didn’t make me drool more than any other ass would.
sugger – July 3, 2918
I’m pretty inexperienced, passive, wealthy but extremely messed up. If any of those keywords apply to you, I should like to hire you!
Dick XL, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Position Top only
Kissing No
S&M Needs discussion
Dirty Yes
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 75 £
Overnight 180 £
Dark-and-infinite-clouds, 21
21 year old punk rocker and attention whore from Knoxville, TN, frontman for the shitty band Vulgar and Bored, bouncing around the world financed by renting butt traffic. The smaller your dick the better. No age play, eww! If you’re older, I’m not your kid and if you’re younger, you sure as hell didnt come from me.
Guestbook of Dark-and-infinite-clouds
WLFUR – June 12, 2018
Had him in Myanar a while back. The previous reviewer is unfair about his body which is tender and a little jiggly in places but very regular. Maybe his very cute face deserves better, but taken as an adjunct source to that face, it fulfilled my requirements.
gabrio44 – June 7, 2018
I took him up on his offer when he was passing through Hanoi. Cute face, sexy attitude, but his body’s like a gone-to-seed fifty year old’s. Being naked with him made me feel like a hottie, and I’m not, but that wasn’t what I was looking for.
Dick M, Uncut
Body Average
Body hair Not very hairy
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M No answer
Dirty WS only
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 100 $
Overnight On request
troy, 19
I always please that person the i love and I don’t recognise myself that I’m getting obsessed that guy i have a huge message for him and i got short feedback like “ah ok” ”k.” He’s pride was so high I can’t reach anymore sometimes i realise to move on bitch you don’t deserve him you will find a better man I always note to myself.
Isn’t right or fucking right to get off that guy his short his 12 years older than me. I believe my message was so enough to felt sorry for me that promises that i say and I don’t follow the deal . I say I swallowed my pride to say I’m sorry and trusting me very quick you know what it’s really hard to pretend that I’m yours i claim that you are my boyfriend and i told you that my friends, sister and my brothers wife I share my story’s to them to eliminate my feeling that j felt during that.
That pic are represent my personality I always get hurt and im soo.. tired.
Guestbook of troy
troy (Owner) – June 29, 2018
Im weird
Anonymous – June 23, 2018
This boy is psychotic and to be avoided at all costs if it isn’t already obvious.
troy (Owner) – May 19, 2018
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet that’s all i can remember
lycrabear – May 18, 2018
Due to anxiety and probably other issues he gets put off when someone is full on right away so need to take your time with him for your own protection.
troy (Owner) – May 6, 2018
Im looking for the guy who gave me warts and hiv so that he can come and get me and fuck me till i dont want anymore thne to keep going make me feel your load flow through me i am disgusting make me feel it rape me over and over then let me go come back and get me in a few weeks make me go through it gain please i want you again.
Dick S, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Smooth
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request
ArabDevoteBoy, 20
Did you ever wanted to Dominate, Humiliate or Insult an Arab/Muslim Guy while he’s sucking you on camera??
In general I charge around about 1 € per minute unless it takes longer.
I’m also a huge stoner and would need to get baked before anything happens.
Write me for more infos.
Dick No answer
Body No answer
Body hair No answer
Position No answer
Kissing No
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Safer sex No answer
Rate per hour 40 €
Overnight On request
SpermaBackStube, 22
I have a penchant for using my sperm as a creative substance, including for baking … at first it seems a little weird but … it tastes really awesome!
I currently offer the following products (ask for prices):
– SpermApple cake (in the glass)
– Cauliflower cake (in glass)
– Semen Christmas Cookies (4 varieties)
– Cum Linzer Torte (in the glass)
– Semen cream liqueur
– SpermEierLikör
– jam (strawberry, pineapple, raspberry, blueberry)
– semen multivitamin jelly
– chocolates with sperm
– AlmondSpermaRosinenChocolatines
– Hefeschnecken with semen nut filling (in the glass)
– semen-sambal-oelek
– SpermWiseSchoki cake (in the glass)
– Cum nut cake with semen-raisins (in a glass)
– Spermabrot (in the glass)
– barbecue sauce with semen
– sperm honey
– semen vodka
– SpermGummiHerzen
– Cauliflower biscuits
Please understand that I do not keep the stuff for days, and when the things are gone, then they are gone.
Dick L, Uncut
Body Average
Body hair Shaved
Position No answer
Kissing No answer
S&M No answer
Dirty No answer
Safer sex No answer
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request
boyisready, 21
New York City
Hey men! Chris here.
I am loving life here in NYC. I travel between the coasts for work somewhat often so I may not be in the city you think when we’re speaking!
I’m new to the site after literally searching for ‘older men attracted to younger man.’ My jaw dropped after a few minutes when I came across this site. Considering that I hate my current job, it couldn’t be more perfect : )
A little bit about me…I’m just now exploring my attraction to men. It’s been there for as long as I can remember, but I’ve still tried to make it work with women. I date here and there, and even had a long-term relationship or two. It. just. hasn’t. worked.
Long story, short…I did some self reflecting and thought about my life. It became quite clear that throughout my life, I had always struck up friendships with older men more easily. Whether it was my high school teachers or my boss at work. Inevitably they would want to have sex, and I wasn’t interested or didn’t know I was, and I thought it was just because we were usually drinking and acting weird at the time. It’s funny that I didn’t realize it at the time, but my not freaking out about those suggestions was my own subtle expression of my homosexuality.
Now, before you get thinking the wrong things, I don’t mean to imply that I’m interested in ‘men’ as plural. Yes, I’m attracted to men but I’m hoping to find multiple version of the one type of man who is attractive to me. And I don’t know how to describe him, and that’s why I’m here. To say yes or no to men and start that journey.
For reasons I won’t get into here, I’m fairly certain of my status as a bottom. So if you’re an older top, take a shot at me and say hello! Always have some money available of course.
Here goes nothing!
Guestbook of boyisready
boyisready (Owner) – June 29, 2018
I am just looking for one partner now….
I am still bottom but I don’t hook up anymore. its different thing.
already now have some experience with bottoming.
so just pay sexdate doesn’t interest me anymore. I want something consistence and trustworthy.
Bluskies – June 26, 2018
Very young and very cute but very motivated and perverted, and his ass could feed a family of ten!
Goldaline – June 12, 2018
the personal possession of a old slut bitch trapped in the body of a young guy
Stretch77332212 – May 30, 2018
I’m married, wife doesn’t know about this, I was hot for him and have a female friend that does know I’m on here, she was very encouraging, I also am a masochist most evenings (my wife doesn’t know that bit either), my female friend is sort of my mistress, she decided that I need to fuck a boy and learn some penis skill and possibly more, so I hired him and fucked him to learn, and boy did I.
AmericanTopXL – May 25, 2018
Ready to change your life with my magical dick no but really. I really think you should be with me but your choice.
Dick M, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Position More Bottom
Kissing Yes
S&M No
Dirty No
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 200 $
Overnight 500 $
AnorexicBttm, 21
Hey I’m extremely skinny and think it’s horny to be a pipe slut for $. If someone finds that or something else horny then pay something. Skin and bones yet hell of a face. Great for longer dates with guys who like to use a starving boy or starve one. ? BTW I suffer from severe circulatory disorders which is why I am visited only in my own environment. No, you’re not too old. No, I don’t do chems or alcohol, but yes, I smoke meth. Also feel free to ask any questions as I’m sure I have alot to explain.
Guestbook of AnorexicBttm
Bagamias – July 10, 2018
I’m not at all religious, but I think this boy is the annunciation.
lucas-man – July 2, 2018
Thanks to him I more than fulfilled a many years long fantasy to mercy fuck a cute twink with end stage cancer. Thank you Richard.
Dick L, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Little
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Safer sex Never
Rate per hour 350 €
Overnight 600 €
stereotypicaltwink, 21
Here I am good fister need money looking as much as possible
you can be couple also/ have two hands
Guestbook of stereotypicaltwink
stereotypicaltwink (Owner) – July 4, 2018
deleted my profile in a fit of rage yesterday but I am back
stereotypicaltwink (Owner) – June 27, 2018
I urgently need to get a bigger sum of money together by 1.7.2018 so need a lot of asses as soon as possible.
Dick M, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Not very hairy
Position No answer
Kissing No
S&M Yes
Dirty No answer
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 200 €
Overnight 200 €
Cream_twins, 20
We are twins. We are both the same size and we weigh the same amount. We are only differentiated by our hair color.
We are here looking for a threesome. Since we are both very close together, we decided together to look for money together.
Incidentally, you can do more with a body, face or underpants when you see the same face and body twice. But nude our asses and genitals are very slightly differentiated.
Based in Dortmund. So, overnight is the only possibility guys.
Guestbook of Cream_twins
Cream_twins (Owner) – July 7, 2018
Yeh, we have no idea why we wrote that. We must be losing our minds.
naughtysexxy – July 7, 2018
Why does your being in Dortmund make an overnight the only possibility?
Dick M, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M No answer
Dirty WS only
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 100 €
Overnight 340 €
paytofuckme, 20
I prefer someone who has a well filled in skull rather than have a well filled briefs so thank you but your pictures of dick, no thank you.
Those contacting with a dick photo .. frankly .. is that really what describes you best? That’s the only argument you have? Well, it is belittling! Not to mention it is even more tiring psychologically!
You know you are too old for me, still you send me a dick pic as a greeting. In what way do you think that would change my mind? Idiot!
To change to the classic: I only want to fuck amiably (and I say ONLY amiably) and why not fuck amiably (I mean, again, ONLY amiably)
“Come and drink herbal tea at my apartment”, no thanks
Let’s avoid a big age difference, it’s embarrassing. ?+35 ?
I want a father not a grandfather.
PS: I can not stand cigarettes!
As well as the “sportswear” look. Seriously, be smart!
“I’m too shy to send a face pic, here, lets swap numbers so I can send you one on whatsapp” or you send me half of your face or your face with a snapchat filter – you know what? Keep your precious face for yourself!
Guestbook of paytofuckme
DoubleJ42096 – July 11, 2018
he’s a little duranged but it’s alright
paytofuckme (Owner) – July 10, 2918
Are you blind??!!???!! I said no one over 35! I’d rather starve to death than have sex with someone over 35, got it????
Dick XL, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Smooth
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
S&M No
Dirty No
Safer sex No answer
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request
Luis, 19
Been a while since any action at all-
However this makes
For a
Much more bigger cum load
But of course its expensive because
It’s big!
Dick M, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Position No answer
Kissing No answer
S&M No
Dirty WS only
Safer sex Always safe
Rate per hour 200 $
Overnight 250 $
daddyhopping-in-the-Balkans, 20
As I grow into my twenties, I realize I’m not getting any younger and now is the time to really let myself loose.
I’ve battled and suppressed my feelings for too long and have come to terms with the fact that yes, I want to experience being objectified. I want to be sexy, walk into a room and have a guy be blown away by my cute face, check out my ass and give me attention for those reasons only. I know I sound spoiled, but I have never experienced what I am talking about and I don’t think there is anything wrong with romanticising what I don’t know.
Insatiable moneylust so that’s the best way to get my attention. Mention money.
And yes my pics are upside down. Idk how to fix it. Seems like an apt metaphor for my life, anyway.
Dick L, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M Needs discussion
Dirty No
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 90 €
Overnight On request
LostInTimeAndSpace, 18
Ivfeel a disire grow to become prostitute trash and get to be perverted.
One way to make me.
Now Im not easy with being fucked.
But being rapped feeling mad while to be fucked by anybody.
Ir solething else you lay to lake le get wish for thats paying for me.
Make me hot only if i am burned or in a hotel. You get the point
Guestbook of LostInTimeAndSpace
haete – June 28, 2018
really, he’s eighteen [insert punchline]
Dick L, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Smooth
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty No answer
Safer sex Never
Rate per hour 80 €
Overnight 320 €
INeedtoEscape, 19
Help me escape from my abusive country. Please help me to escape. Im from Georgia and live in Georgia, Tbilisi. Im working to pay my debt in Georgia and collect money to my debt.
I can disguise myself if you provide me clothes, panties, thong, bra, skirt, etc …
Don’t help me if you are not handsome, if you are feminine, if you are bottom. Help me only if you don’t like gay and nobody knows that you are Gay.
Guestbook of INeedtoEscape
DCRadministration – Apr 22, 2018
He was born Thursday, October 11, 1998
Exactly at 3:20 AM US Eastern Standard Time Daylight Savings Time
On a kitchen floor, in Tbilisi, Georgia
He was raised in Tbilisi for the first 8 years of his life going back and forth from Georgia to Russia and Russia to Georgia
He is not fully Georgian
He is half Georgian from his mother’s side and half Swedish from his father’s side
That’s why he is a true blonde in real life
That’s also why he has his Swedish trademark which is a universal trademark
And that trademark is his emotional reserve
His father abandoned him at birth and his mother is dead since six years
He is 5’11.5″ tall
150-165 lbs
Blue eyes
Blonde pubic and underarm hair
(He is otherwise naturally hairless)
He has a very cute smooth ass and a tight as fuck and very warm asshole
And a five inch cock
He is a talented musician (Drummer, Percussionist, Keyboardist, Pianist)
He wanted to be a DJ
He has been a prostitute since age 15
He left school at age 9
He was the boyfriend of a Georgian politician from age 9 to 14
Associates of the Georgian politician attempted to assassinate him two years ago but failed
He is a gamer
Correction: a GAYmer
He also has a Driver’s License and a clean driving record
That is literally everything about him in a nutshell
Anonymous – Apr 20, 2018
DCR member here. Is there more information you can make public?
DCRadministration – Apr 15, 2018
This party now an acquisition of DCR. His status is “all”. Established DCR members in Europe, Middle East and Asia may inquire through the regular channel about the arrangements necessary to acquire INTE. Non-members interested in this party are out of luck.
Dick M, Uncut
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Safer sex Never
Rate per hour 1000 €
Overnight 3000 €
transcend, 20
I’m sucking you man’s dick in front of you bitch and i’m like “that’s mine now so get off slut”.
K bye
Guestbook of transcend
phlyton – July 3, 2018
His pussy feel like a lake I wanna swim with my face He’s like okay I’ll let you do what you want
Hostahe – July 1, 2018
Fucked his throat and kept going until his face was covered in spit and god knows what else.
Dick S, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
Dirty Dirty
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 75 €
Overnight 180 €
OldManForMe1999, 18
Do I have interests other than sex? Yeah, but who cares? If you wanted that you’d be looking for me on Twitter. Come kiss the snot out of me and fuck my ass nutso. Please! (Bring a friend if you like, special two 4 one rate available.) Anything you want ill give except… If you’re under 26 years I offer sex but nothing else. I do not want to be a jerk, but I do not think we could have any common theme with such a small age difference, and I would not feel comfortable in a conversation with you.
Guestbook of OldManForMe1999
activ-macho – June 26, 2018
Im a very dominate i took unforgettable emotions from him and he won forgett mi never
Dick M, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty No
Safer sex Never
Rate per hour 250 $
Overnight 800 $
ConnectfulYoungster, 19
Anonymous bisexual sleazy teen arselicker who seeks anonymous Camp Bitchy Twinks who will make sure that I lick arse, whether you have just finished a SWEATY day at uni/work/club or doing nothing.
I have a downstairs cloakroom on the right hand side in my hallway, where you can clean up before you sit on MY FACE.
You can always be WANKING yourself and saying bitchy things whilst USING ME & when you need to CUM, get-off my face & JERK-OFF over MY FACE & then just walk away without looking back and without a care in the world.
This is all done in my hallway anonymously when DARKNESS FALLS.
Dick S, Cut
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Safer sex No answer
Rate per hour 50 £
Overnight On request
jonas, 19
I am a slim male ballet dancer.
5 ft 8, and only weigh 9 stone, which means i am small and slim, and very easily workable, flexible and bendable.
I go to ballet and dance classes.
I always wear the following gear, that being full bodied ballet costume, matching thong back leotards and tights, hot thong dance pants and lovely legwarmers, made of lycra and spandex. I even wear pretty pink pointe shoes, for pointe class.
I love wearing tight ballet gear, even though I am forced to wear this type of gear, when i dance and prance, and fly through the air, in ballet class, and my full bottom leotard slide up my butt, and wedgies me off, nice and deep, up my butt crack, and gets me all hard round the front – even though I am already hard, just by slipping on a sexy lycra and spandex ballet suit. I even leave the leotard wedgied up my butt, for the women in my class to see – yum yum ! If i decide to wear a thongback leotard or thongback dance pants, there is no way I can pull the wedgied thongs, out of my butt, for all to see !
I would very much like to meet up with any paying guys or girls, and have them watch me dance in front of them, and have them leotard grab my butt end and frontal cock side, and hoist me off the ground, wedgie style, like a ballerina, as I pose like a ballerina, while i position my arms in ballerina poses. I would even love to be photographed and filmed, being worked over, in my pink, white, blue and ballerina outfit, and sexy pink pointe shoes.
I would love to be even fisted by any paying guy or girl, while i am in my sexy aerobics ballet suit, so that when i am fisted up in the air, by my butt end, my cock is grabbed and bent and twsited out of shape, and my balls grabbed and crushed, while i posed like a ballerina, in mid air, while being fisted hard and deep !
I would like this done to me, as many times as possible, by as many people as possible. Please call me to arrange to make my ballet dreams come true.
Dick M, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Position Bottom only
Kissing Consent
S&M Yes
Dirty No
Safer sex Needs discussion
Rate per hour 600 $
Overnight On request
SatanIsTheLight, 18
Uttar Pradesh
I want to like work in Instagram headquarters in California
Dick No answer
Body No answer
Body hair No answer
Position Bottom only
Kissing Consent
S&M No answer
Dirty No answer
Safer sex No answer
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request
straightpride, 19
New York City
Hello Straight Lurkers on this site. I’m a gay faggot. Born in Jersey and currently living in Greenwich village.
I know that Straight Men are superior to gay men. All fags know this but most are in denial about it.
I’m looking for a Homophobic Straight man to meet up with the day of pride (June 24th Sunday in NYC) to bash me. We can meet at a bar and I can buy you drinks and then you can piss down my throat. You can just beat me up.
Bring some of your friends to join in the fun and fuck me up. It’ll be a great day of Straight Pride!!!
Dick M, Uncut
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
S&M Yes
Dirty No answer
Safer sex Always safe
Rate per hour 10 $
Overnight On request
p.s. Hey. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. Back in the day, I gradually lost interest in King Crimson after their second album, and I’ve never been able to find my way back into their stuff in a more than glancing sense or, actually, into much prog or math-rock in general. Not my tree, I guess. I love ABBA, and think they possess genius, and ‘Mamma Mia’s’ surface coopting kind of nauseated me, and I can only imagine the sequel to be more and worse of the same. I do remember that store you mentioned, and I continue to regret that I didn’t force myself to go there when I was in NYC. Nice score. I find CD bootlegs very fondness-inspiring in general for some reason. ** Tosh Berman, Hi, Tosh. So happy to have intrigued you with that book. People often ask me for French publisher recommendations, and I’m strangely not very knowledgeable at all about what French publishers are right or a good fit for certain books, especially with non-fiction as I really don’t know that aspect of publishing here much at all. You could try mine, POL, although they kind of famously rarely publish English language authors, but still, it might be worth a try. Does City Lights have presses here that they deal with? Is there anyone who could facilitate the foreign rights, at least vis-a-vis France, for you? I can ask people I know here who understand the publishers better than I do, and I will. I’m sure there’s some perfect place. Let me pass along your question just in case. Everyone, Here’s Tosh Berman. Can anyone reading this give him some knowledge or advice? Tosh: ‘I’m looking for a French publisher for my memoir “Tosh.” Do you have any recommendations for a French publisher? I do have a translator who is French and is interested in bringing the work to the French language. For those who do not know, my book is a childhood / teenage memoir of being with my family (of course) but in the world of the Beats in Los Angeles/San Francisco and a bit of London in the summer of love, 1967. My dad is Wallace Berman. So, I’m thinking that there may be a French reading audience for my book. Or, then again, maybe it’s all of a fantasy! My book is coming out in the United States/UK this coming January and published by City Lights. Any recommendations, I will take seriously.’ ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Huh, I don’t know Ollier’s film criticism, and I’m extremely interested to read it if it’s in English. I will do a hunt. Btw, your comment posted. I think you maybe got caught in some strange Bermuda Triangle kind of problem this blog seems to be suffering through where commenters sometimes can’t see that their comment registered. Weirdness. ** Corey Heiferman, Hi. What is ‘NPR TED Thought’? I feel like I should know what that is, but I don’t. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi, Dóra! Well, it could be worse with ARTE so far. They’re not asking us to throw away what we want to do, they’re asking us to try to go our way but also put in a lot of things that will ‘help the viewer’, i.e. a clear, strong ‘journey’ or narrative through-line, more explicit explanations, more clear background info and motivations, keep our main character at the center of everything all the time, etc., and now we have to find out how/if we can meet their needs without dumbing the series down, basically. Zac, Gisele, and I had a big meeting yesterday where we came up with ideas for how to do that, which we now have to propose them in writing and find out if ARTE will accept our idea of how to solve the problems they see in the script without robbing what we want to do. The real problem is that writing the project is turning more and more into a job, and the exciting and fun part is dying out. But being able to do a TV series is still an interesting enough idea that we are soldiering onwards. So far. Otherwise, I’m good. Mostly just trying not to get eaten alive by the TV project, which is not easy. Cool, you saw Iceage! Yeah, I think Elias is easily one of the most compelling, charismatic front persons ever. A show of theirs here in Paris from several years ago, around the time of their second album, is definitely up there amongst my all-time favorite gigs. And you got to meet him! Yes, he’s quite different offstage, right? As I’ve said, I like him as a person a lot. Very smart, complicated, deep, kind. So … very cool! I hope everything else is super awesome for you too! Have an amazing weekend! ** Chris Cochrane, Hey, Them-er. If France wins the WC tomorrow, Paris is going to go completely bonkers. Here’s hoping. Fingers crossed re: ‘Them’s’ bright future. Oh, so sorry, Chris, about the big blow out with Val. Better to get it out and over with than have that rumbling under a superficially okay thing, I guess? I’m sorry. Put it in the work. Or what you can translate of it. Or use it as a helpful but rote launching pad? Or I don’t know. Hugs. ** _Black_Acrylic, Cool. About the book’s easy reach. Oh, yes, the Trump in the UK stuff is completely inescapable barring the exiling of TV and the internet. The Trump addiction plague rampages on. I did read that the Glasgow School of Art wil be rebuilt, and that’s very relieving. ** Caitie, Hi, Caitie! Good to see you! I hope that hectic-ness was of the awesome variety. Can ‘hectic’ be a positive thing? I think so. Gosh, thank you about my name. That’s a nice way to think about it. I generally don’t like the regularity of it, that both words have two syllables and, more so, that the emphasis is on the first syllable in both words. But, okay, I can sort of see a loveliness there now. Thank you. I like Claude. It leaves a mark on the ears. Ha ha, cool, I love the reasons you were named Olivia. I love that your name was conceptualised. I love that it was conceptualised as a duality. Your mom sounds cool. It’s true, I’m kind of a generally excited person, it’s weird, but I’m glad. Your #5 is a tricky one to answer. Mm, in my dream of this blog, the posts would be the generative, central force of the comments for that day. Obviously, I put a lot of thought and effort into them, and I obviously don’t want them to be just ‘entrance’ signs hanging over the commenting link and the p.s. I call it ‘p.s.’ for a reason, right? At the same time, the posts are often hefty, and I don’t expect people to feel they have to engage with them deeply or thoroughly on a daily basis because that’s asking a lot. So it’s a mixed thing. Does it disappoint me when commenters don’t acknowledge the post? Sure, a little, but I’m very used to that, and it only really bothers me when commenters habitually ignore the posts, which doesn’t happen very often. It does bother me when it’s a guest-post and commenters ignore it because someone went out of their way to make a post hoping people will respond to it, and, in those cases, I think it’s rude and a bit thoughtless for commenters not to at least give some sign in their comments that they noticed and somehow appreciated the post. Ultimately, I’m interested to see what happens. I’m interested to find out what each post generates, whatever the reaction is, and when, for instance, a post is largely ignored or brushed off, or, on the other hand, particularly responded to, I’m interested to think about that means about the post and about the blog form in general. So I guess in a way it all interests me, and my interest is sometimes on the excited and curious end of the scale and sometimes on the confused or disappointed end. All of which must be not such a surprise, I guess. Pretty normal reaction for me to have, I would guess? Thank you a lot for asking. What’s going on with you at the moment? Anything making you especially want and/or satiating your wanting? ** Bill, Hi. Yeah, I’m with you. Zorn/Laswell: I feel like I can illustrate what that was without even knowing, but I bet I can’t, which is interesting. I’ll stream some of The Brankas in a minute. What an album title! I’m curious. Thanks, buddy. Enjoy what I hope will constitute something of a weekend off from all possible suckage. ** Right. Did you already guess you would get escorts today? Well, you do get them, don’t you? It’s that time of the month. Seek your imagination’s fortune therein if you like. See you on Monday.
I hope ArabDevoteBoy hooks up with Michel Houellbecq, Marine LePen or Renaud Camus!
I think I may have found a soundman. I went to a party last night and really hit it off with someone I met there. We spent close to 2 hours talking, although he wound up getting pretty drunk and ended up free-associating nonsense based on what I’d said in the past hour and stuff off the top of his head. He thought he was being hilarious, but it was just one of the occasions that remind me why I don’t like hanging around drunk people. But he used to own a recording studio in Berlin, where he lived for a dozen years before recently moving to New York. I E-mailed him my script this morning.
I bought RED when I was 16 and have always loved it; in fact, it was something like the third CD I ever purchased. But punk’s rules about the uncoolness of prog kept me from investigating the rest of their catalogue till I was well into my 30s. I actually have a certain amount of bitterness about how many rules punk had about what music was cool to like and how much I bought into that; I really wish I didn’t wait till I was 35 to listen to albums like Pink Floyd’s ANIMALS, Grace Jones’ MUSE, Fleetwood Mac’s RUMOURS & Joni Mitchell’s HEJIRA, all of which I think are masterpieces. It seems really funny to me to read Mike McGonigal post on Facebook about his horror that almost everyone who likes indie rock loves Fleetwood Mac or even the Pixies, while he’s busy searching thrift stores for indie gospel singles.
If you love ABBA but hate the concept of MAMMA MIA, the images used to illustrate those cover songs would make you puke (they didn’t make full-fledged videos but showed clips from the movie.)
On Monday, I plan to pitch the AV Club a list of underrated post-punk albums, either by relatively unknown artists like Blurt, the Glaxo Babies or Tuxedomoon or albums that tend to get overlooked by well-known musicians like Colin Newman’s A TO Z, David Byrne’s THE CATHERINE WHEEL and the B52s’ MESOPOTAMIA. They love doing lists like “an introductory guide to pub rock/Oi!/black metal/etc.” and I’m sure they did post-punk years ago, but I think a supplementary one would be a great idea.
Hey I want to hook up with “ArabDevoteBoy” myself!
hi dennis
il take the first 4, thank you very much
the LUCKY film is by john carroll lynch, i think its his first film, he’s a actor and you know his face as soon as, it’s the last film harry dean stanton made and david lynch is his buddy in it, you’ll need tissue’s dennis, no dennis, no..
the SEVERED book is by frances larson and its a history of beheading etc, it’s good and quite funny
im off now to do raindance in my birthday suit
love you, alex,x
hi alex, your rain dance helped us out over here. it started raining right as i read your comment. have a great weekend
My favorite part of today’s lot is the actual names of the escorts, as opposed to the posts themselves, which is something I’ve never paid too much attention to before.
socksofthedaybefore (Berlin; I live in Paris)
eatme4dinner (interesting because his post has absolutely 0 connexion to snuff or being eaten which is something we see in these posts a lot, actually, including in some other posts that are non-escort ones around here //// the escorts have started to act in discussion and dissection with the rest of the blog, and other past escort listings…)
Now-I-Am-Horny (whenisnowetc?)
octahate (as opposed to mono)
etc. etc.
I think there’s something in every single individual name here, whether intentionally curated together for this reason or just spiritually linked by being part of the same post; which is pretty incredible because the actual posts/photographs are equal to the content we always get. Just today I’ve found myself totally blown away by one of the structural elements.
NPR TED Thought is a soothing yet subtly agitating kind of speech common in NPR, TED Talks, and knockoffs of both that’s halfway between Midwestern and Valley Girl and tells you you’re great just the way you are but if you try a little bit more and find the right tricks you can be so much better. Giving the stuff a chance and reading Emily Dickinson Poem 750 (a parody of Emerson, a proto-NPR Ted Thinker) got me started on big changes in habits, hence my new interest in addictions of all kinds.
The slave profiles are making me think about an internet crush I’ve had for a while. I saw a profile on the Butt Magazine personals pages a few years ago but I never reached out. Instead I’ve just been following his Twitter and Instagram for a few years and projecting various imaginary boyfriend qualities onto him. Maybe I just look at his Instagram to dwell in a roundabout way on painful memories of love gone awry and wasted years in my early and mid 20’s.
I saw Paul McCarthy’s “Pinocchio Pipenose Household Dilemma” at the Tel Aviv University Art Gallery and wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I especially enjoyed how it’s not just performance art with a camera plopped in front of it: the camera work is endlessly inventive. I guess you and Paul McCarthy must’ve crossed paths at some point?
At an open house the Tel Aviv University film department unofficially told me that my Hebrew isn’t good enough yet to start studying there, primarily because I’d be required to write bullshit film theory papers in Hebrew. Yeah I could always come back next year with better Hebrew but then I thought maybe this was my sign to just double down on the Hebrew and do Hebrew poetry (without literature school) instead of film school. NPR TED Thought says never take no for an answer and follow your dream except when no is the right answer because it’s not the right dream but no matter what there must be a dream you couldn’t possibly want to merely live.
Hey Dennis, as you may have seen on Facebook I got back from the annual Champagne Maine summer trip today (and just in time for escort day, ha ha). Truth be told I was very leery about going this year… well, with my anxiety I’m pretty much leery every year, but this year doubly so for my own anxiety issues, along with worrying about my mom, who has been grappling with a lot of physical and mental health issues these last few months. But she was fine for the trip and even my health held out until yesterday, when I was hit by a sore throat and an IBS flare-up… but by that point in the week I had already done everything I needed to do, so it was all good. Even the weather was great: very mild, not too hot or warm (with the exception of one humid day early in the week), pretty much sunny every day.
We stayed in the same lakeside cabin we’ve been staying in since we started these trips in 2012, so it was pretty much more of the same: I played some pool with my dad and brothers (my record being 16 wins and 20 losses, a slip after last year’s record of 20-13: but yes, the cabin has a pool table), played a Mario Kart DS tournament with my dad and brothers (they all have the new models but I still use my old first edition DS, which still works fine), played some board games with my parents and brothers (such as RACK-O and TABOO, watched a few movies (that old John Candy comedy from the 80’s, THE GREAT OUTDOORS, along with DICK TRACY)… one day our mom drove my brothers and I to the only CD store in the area and I got like 10 CDs for $75: stuff like various Stevie Nicks/Lindsey Buckingham solo albums, the GAME OF THRONES season 7 soundtrack, and a bunch of classical CDs: Bach, Handel, Benjamin Britten, some Hildegard Von Bingen plainchant stuff. Oh, and this will interest you: we also all went mini-golfing one day (at the only mini-golf course in the area)… I came in dead last, but so did my dad, we tied… I DID get a hole in one though! One thing I did different this year was I took a walk into town by myself, where I strolled around for awhile taking pictures of things that interested me and visiting a small local bookstore, where I spent $8 on a small Jung paperback entitled THE UNDISCOVERED SELF. At the cabin I spent a lot of time reading: I ended up bringing along a Caitlin R. Kiernan collection (which I did finish up there), and Denis Johnson’s ALREADY DEAD, which is the one fiction book of his I haven’t read yet (I read about 100 pages in that one). I also started writing out my 90’s novel, around 23 pages worth… essentially the first chapter… so now I’ll have to type that out at some point… if I decide to go through with it (I still have my doubts).
It was a nice break from routine… I consider myself the archetypal city-slicker and am not an outdoorsy nature person by any stretch of the imagination, but I will say this: standing on a dock at sunset and staring out at the lake and watching the sun set behind the mountains in the distance and transform their peaks into flaming crowns… well, the aesthetic appeal of such a natural phenomenon isn’t wasted on me. And there’s something soothing about watching the waves of the lake lap against the rocks that line the shore: rocks that are in the same place every year, rocks that have probably been in the same place for hundreds of years now, rocks that will most likely still be in that same place long after I and everyone I care about has gone to dust… an intimation of eternalism…
Ah, but I’m dithering like an old biddy. How have things been in these parts? I took along my Nook e-reader, which has a web browser, but I barely used it at all, mainly because the cabin’s wi-fi was erratic… mainly just used it to check my e-mail once a day and check for birthdays on Facebook… but for the most part I avoided the Internet and (especially) social media… and it was refreshing, for all the reasons one could guess!
Things that stood out to me and three specific thoughts I have on today’s (gorgeous as always) post :
But (you) nude (can) our (be) asses? (couple)
//multiple version of the one type//
If someone finds that or something else horny then pay something”
Help me only if
GET-OFF my face
I want to like work
(any paying guys or girls, and have them)
bash me. We can meet
who cares? If you wanted that
Much more bigger
PS: I can not stand
you man’s dick
Now Im not easy”
Doing the above helped me with this post, in terms of connecting with it I think. On that note, what do you think are the biggest differences and similarities between female and male escorts and their societal niche?
Good to see you again too! Your blue light is killing my eyes
Hectic can be a positive thing, I think it mostly has been a positive thing for me recently – positive until I think about how little I’ve been writing (including here.) The fact that that is changing is also a positive thing.
Do you think you’d prefer it if the emphasis was on the last syllables of your name?
Thank you! I used to really not like my name either, it’s so hard to say haha – like so many syllables O LIVE E AH. Felt like far too much effort haha. But I’m beginning to get used to it after all these years.
Yeahhh my mum is quite cool, but I’m sorry to say you already know me better than she does. We live in the same house but we do not exist in the same home, we have never been in the same space. But that’s ok, she has my love and I have her 2d name
Thank you for giving such a deep response, I think it’s a really important question to ask. You mention in your response about what the lack of post-acknowledgement in the comments means for the blog as a form, when you started this blog did you even intend or forsee that this would happen because of the form you chose? and also, I am intrigued about the literal P.S-ness as you mentioned haha – I’ve been thinking about that a lot actually. The question of significance is of course impossible… but, I’m interested in how you view the P.S segment in relation to the post from the creator’s perspective. If you had to discontinue the actual posts, would you still continue opening up the space for comments and interconnected discourse through the P.Ss? Equally, if you had to discontinue the P.Ss, would you still continue writing the posts without the opportunity to easily and immediately interact with the impact/thoughts that bubble up because of them? (and, bonus question!, do you foresee either of them happening?)
I definitely realize the impossibility of these questions haha, I’m being manipulative and separating two parts of something that is very much a whole! Still, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on this as well
In terms of wants, tomorrow is the start of second semester! I’m doing a paper on psychology and a paper on linguistics, so that’s exciting and definitely satiating some wants of mine!Some personal stuff is going on around home with family and friends as well, I guess I’m wanting/waiting/hoping/growing to figure out some things. A lot of:
Dying, leaving, could be dying, could be leaving, sickness, wellness, togetherness, and general confusion in my life right now. I hate the feelings (nouns/adjectives) but I kinda appreciate the feeling (verb) – it’s a good thing to stretch and stretch and stretch. A good thing to have and be aware of fears and nonfears. Right now, I’m just trying to be aware of them, Dennis. I want to.
What about you, my far far away? Anything YOU especially want and/or is satiating YOUR wanting?
Dennis, Man, some of these commenters are harsh! Funny as hell, though.
Yeah, the novel’s holding up and holding its own so far. I’ve got two more chapters to write and then that either-brilliant-or-insane part that I mentioned months ago. We’ll see.
Sooooo…the dealer told me that repairs to my Subaru would be $4,100. I said, thanks but no thanks, just paid the charge for the diagnostics check ($168.68) and took ‘er home. Then went to Honda, traded it in, and bought a 2018 Honda Civic EX. With the trade-in, they’ll pay the rest of the balance on my loan for the Subaru, which would’ve been paid off in February 2019. Fingers crossed that this car is as dependable as it’s supposed to be.
I never realized, until I was researching new cars the other night, how undependable Subarus are. Pretty much across the board in every class, with one exception. Ugh.
The oven, we bought it in January 2018. It’s been 6 months! Should be under some warranty or something. My mom’s calling on it Monday.
Oh, and the other broken thing: my external hard drive. I knocked the fucker over the other night (long story) and I guess that did it. I’ll be replacing it today.
And don’t listen to Sypha…he’s writing this 90s novel.
“As you’ve seen. I’m more interested in sex. I do not want to be friends with you, but if you do not want physical contact then face your face and try elsewhere.” Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Anxiously awaiting the release of Orson Welles’ “The other Side of the Wind.” Heard that Todd McCarthy of “The Hollywood Reporter” has seen it and says all things considered (ie. Welles never properly finished it himself) it works quite well thanks to Michel Legrand’s score, which holds everything together. Michel also scored “F For Fake” (my favorite Welles film )
This is actually a relatively succinct set of profiles, Dennis!
Zorn/Laswell was pretty laid-back for the most part. They got excited mostly in the short encore.
Just started watching the 2nd season of Channel Zero; not sure if you’ve been following Nick Antosca’s project (up to season 4 now!) Season 2 (No-end House) is set in an abstract “haunted house”, might be fun for your Halloween projects? It steers clear of horror cliches for the most part, and the twist at the end of episode 1 is pretty nice.
I’ve seen the Zorn/Laswell/Dave Lombardo band Blade Runner live. Zorn was actually the most laid-back member of the band; as you can guess, it was a mix of free jazz, funk and metal. I’m surprised they’ve never made an album with that lineup and name.
Gus van Sant’s fragmentary 1996 short FOUR BOYS IN A VOLVO is now streaming at http://www.lecinemaclub.com through Thursday, to celebrate the release of his new film.
Congratulations to France on winning the World Cup. Pussy Riot invaded the pitch and it got a high 5 off Mbappe!
Latest FaBlog: The Best of All Possible Pronoids
Damn, The escort day is crazy as always!
I was actually surprised to see a polish boy here – the one with KILLU nickname.
Still, the most insane story is about this Georgian escort who wanted to escape his country and was ‘a boyfriend’ of a politician since age of 9…and then this commenter saying ‘This party now an acquisition of DCR’ ???? what does it even mean? i don’t know, but it sure sounds ominous….
This is Melitta and I am a professional illustrator.
I was baffled, to put it nicely, when I came across my images at your website. If you use a copyrighted image without my approval, you should be aware that you could be sued by the copyright holder.
It’s not legal to use stolen images and it’s so mean!
Check out this document with the links to my images you used at denniscooperblog.com and my earlier publications to obtain evidence of my copyrights.
Download it right now and check this out for yourself:
If you don’t delete the images mentioned in the document above within the next few days, I’ll write a complaint on you to your hosting provider stating that my copyrights have been infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.
And if it doesn’t work, you may be pretty damn sure I am going to report and sue you! And I will not bother myself to let you know of it in advance.
Nice website!
Hi there!
This is Melainie and I am a qualified photographer and illustrator.
I was puzzled, to put it nicely, when I came across my images at your web-site. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner’s license, you should be aware that you could be sued by the copyright holder.
It’s illegal to use stolen images and it’s so low!
See this document with the links to my images you used at denniscooperblog.com and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my ownership.
Download it now and check this out for yourself:
If you don’t delete the images mentioned in the file above within the next several days, I’ll file a to your hosting provider informing them that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.
And if it doesn’t help, you may be pretty damn sure I am going to take it to court! And you won’t receive the second notice from me.
Hi there!
My name is Tamara.
Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by myself.
Check out this document with the links to my images you used at denniscooperblog.com and my earlier publications to obtain the evidence of my copyrights.
Download it now and check this out for yourself:
I believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.
This letter is official notification. I seek the removal of the infringing material referenced above. Please take note as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to remove or disable access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this notice. If you do not cease the use of the aforementioned copyrighted material a lawsuit will be commenced against you.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Best regards,
Tamara Franklin
My name is Angela.
Your website or a website that your company hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by myself.
Take a look at this document with the links to my images you used at denniscooperblog.com and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my copyrights.
Download it right now and check this out for yourself:
I believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.
This letter is official notification. I seek the removal of the infringing material referenced above. Please take note as a service provider, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to remove or disable access to the infringing materials upon receipt of this notice. If you do not cease the use of the aforementioned copyrighted material a lawsuit will be commenced against you.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Best regards,
Angela Guerrero
Hello there!
My name is Connie.
Your website or a website that your organization hosts is infringing on a copyrighted images owned by me personally.
Take a look at this document with the hyperlinks to my images you utilized at denniscooperblog.com and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my copyrights.
Download it now and check this out for yourself:
I really believe that you willfully violated my legal rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and could possibly be liable for statutory damage as high as $140,000 as set forth in Section 504 (c) (2) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (”DMCA”) therein.
This letter is official notice. I seek the elimination of the infringing materials described above. Please take note as a service provider, the Dmca demands you, to remove or/and deactivate access to the infringing content upon receipt of this letter. In case you do not stop the use of the above mentioned copyrighted materials a legal action will likely be commenced against you.
I do have a good belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above as allegedly infringing is not approved by the legal copyright proprietor, its agent, or the law.
I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am currently the copyright owner or am permitted to act on behalf of the proprietor of an exclusive and legal right that is allegedly violated.
Best regards,
Connie Viereck
Hello there!
My name is Katie.
Your website or a website that your organization hosts is infringing on a copyright-protected images owned by me personally.
Check out this document with the hyperlinks to my images you used at denniscooperblog.com and my earlier publication to find the proof of my copyrights.
Download it right now and check this out for yourself:
I do believe you’ve intentionally violated my rights under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damages of up to $140,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.
This letter is official notification. I demand the elimination of the infringing materials referenced above. Please take note as a company, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act requires you, to eliminate and/or terminate access to the copyrighted materials upon receipt of this notification letter. If you don’t stop the use of the previously mentioned copyrighted content a lawsuit will likely be initiated against you.
I do have a good self-belief that use of the copyrighted materials mentioned above as presumably violating is not approved by the legal copyright owner, its legal agent, as well as legislation.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the letter is correct and that I am the copyright proprietor or am permitted to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive and legal right that is presumably infringed.
Katie Strinden