The blog of author Dennis Cooper

‘I do MDMA. Well did. Now I keep to myself’: DC’s select international male escorts for the month of February 2017


fuckdiego, 20

Diego? Maybe you’ve heard of him?
Hello, Bonjour, Goeiedag! Diego is a skinny boy originally from St. Louis, Missouri and moving here in Belgium to break down the rules.
Diego is not fluent in either French or Flemish, but he plans on further improving his French, and it doesn’t matter! You just be fluent in sex with a cute and vibrant personality.
Forget you’re ugly!
He likes to kiss a lot!!!!!
Believe it or not, his mom suggested he do this.

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Fetish Underwear, Uniform, Jeans, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



Meandyou, 22

Never really thought I’d have to resort to this but I’m totally broke and all I’ve got left to pay you back are my good looks. You know? Anyone here me?

Guestbook of Meandyou

The-driver – Jan 28, 2017
Our date:

I’m doing it very slowly …
You have to tell me when it hurts.
Are you sure you want it?
Are you sure this is correct?
Ok I go in now.
Very slowly.
How does that feel?
Do you like that?
And in him I am ………

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing No entry
Fucking Versatile
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Fetish Underwear, Uniform, Jeans
Client age Users between 18 and 98
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 600 Euros



schone, 24

You like Feets … then contact me. You can lick my feet, sniff, and I will spray a full load of cream in you face while you do.

My feets are size 10 and they smell.

Guestbook of schone

Anonymous – Jan 25, 2017
What should he do after sorting the tomatoes?

Deven – Jan 24, 2017
Get a job

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position No entry
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 50 Euros
Rate night 500 Euros



4starsluxury, 22

i act in tv serials and also do over voice for a children cartoons show ……… i was not born with this lifelike beautiful face and great ass, they were manufactured for me ……….i am the one i love, i am sure you will feel the same

Guestbook of 4starsluxury

4starsluxury – Feb 13, 2017
i have decided to leave france to be away from the french who always have problems with everything and everyone. …………i am in search of inner peace and although i will not find it in amsterdam, well, i have to start somewhere.

Crimsonfkrr – Feb 8, 2017
man oh man do not meet with this boy in public, he is kerAAAAzy looking!

Anonymous – Feb 4, 2017
I was very attracted to his photos, I’ve always had a thing for later phase Michael Jackson, but when he arrived, I was just too startled by how he looks in person and I had to cancel the appointment, he could not have been nicer about it.

Ohscotty – Jan 30, 2017
I don’t know what kind of ass fetish you’d need to have to get off on his. Based on the scar along the base of his back, it looks like someone used a knife to pull his cheeks open like they were underwear and shoved 9 month old fetus in there and then sewed him back up.

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 333 Euros



YoungBlondSlimMaso, 19


Normals or mens boring in the bed or not filthy rich need not even try at all, I recognize this at the first two sentences.

No “boyfriend experience”, I can’t hold my straight face when mother say I love you, and definitely not for you.
And please no blow job, fucking, boring sex people, no standard rubbish.
The more extraordinary you the better.

Imagine me crying, sobbing, flaming, pleading, whining, yelling … allowed, ignored.
Imagine as a coronation you can rob me of my senses and put your headphones on my ears …
Imagine my arms fixed tight to the body, feet tight, legs, all them fastened with ropes or armor, tape wrapped all of me, just 1 tiny pin hole by nose for breathe and I can not move a milimeter … creepy!

Honesty is rewarded. Since last Friday under the proof, is: HIV POSITIVE!
I have always watched I’ve never had without sex rubber, I can not explain but somehow it also probably one itself ..

If you are not afraid of me, you will write down small scenarios …

Guestbook of YoungBlondSlimMaso

BlowSau – Jan 30, 2017
Nils, Kiri ist auf dem Friedhof.

Nils – Jan 7, 2017
Wo ist Kiri? Weiß jemand? Er hat meine Nachrichten nicht in 6 Monaten beantwortet.

Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Bottom
Kissing No
Fucking No
Oral No
Dirty No entry
Fisting Passive
S&M Yes
Fetish Leather, Skater, Boots, Uniform, Techno & Raver, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Drag
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour Ask
Rate night Ask



GreenLight, 18

I’m really into Marilyn Manson and Rose McGowan.

Suck my penis and give me £50.

Dicksize M, Cut
Position Top only
Kissing Yes
Fucking Top only
Oral Top
Dirty WS only
Fisting No
S&M No
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 50 Pounds
Rate night 50 Pounds





Guestbook of MARCELO

Anonymous – Feb 13, 2017
I have given a hot Fuck to Marcelo today! My god! I fucked his ass so deep and hard as he needed it. He didn’t know how he needed, but I.

After the fuck, I brought him to my border with Piss and Shit. Now he know what he need and not need. Marcelo finally say to me, Thank you so much.

Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Pounds
Rate night ask



Justin_is_not_in_love, 19

I’m a single boy with no partner offering my cute, smooth, tasty young ass for rimming. If you want to know why, it’s an interesting story!

I noticed a time ago that everybody I had sex with spent most of the time rimming me. At first I thought it was kind of weird but after a while I got totally addicted to it!

Then I realized one day that it didn’t even really matter to me what the guys who rimmed me looked like, so I started having sex with pretty much any gay who didn’t stink, even really old guys who were actually the best at rimming I guess because they were so grateful!

A couple of the old guys offered money to rim me which at the time was unnecessary but then I realized I could charge gays to rim and me and make an income doing what I love. And here I am!

I almost forgot, yes, you can use your fingers and small dildos to help rim me more deeply. In fact if you only want to kiss my asshole like it’s a tattoo of an asshole, you can do that but I will feel insulted!

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
Fucking No
Oral Top
Dirty No
Fisting No entry
S&M Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 80 Dollars
Rate night ask



Pablum, 19

I’m serious and would love do my things in my 19 years.
I have lost my stamina so now only bottom and I can’t satisfy everyone but don’t worry about me.
Yes I have issues depression but I’m trying to stay strong?
If you like drinking or drugs, I would be synonymous. I’m in love with being in that space.
Some of my other interests are the works of Aleister Crowley.

“Escorting is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.”

Dicksize L, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing Consent
Fucking Bottom
Oral Top
Dirty No
Fisting Passive
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Underwear, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 150 Euros
Rate night 500 Euros



SilentEscort, 20
San Diego

I don’t take shit from no one and I treat every fuck like it’s my last.

I do MDMA. Well did. Now I keep to myself.

Not much for writing a book, when I say I’m coming I am.

Dicksize XXL, Cut
Position More top
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



Thursdayyy, 19

Openly speaking to the public is honestly not my forte, and those who boast of themselves as being something or someone they are not in their introduction is extremely unbecoming. People can be whoever or whatever they choose in their minds I suppose, but know that in my eyes it makes you no more enlightened or special than the next person on this earth. This displaying of people’s “pompous sovereignty” is not impressive or intimidating, it is merely a pathetic cry for attention. So please do not attempt that approach with me, it will get you nowhere. Also, I have a boyfriend and we are soul mates, we are madly in love, and are happily living together. I am letting this be known now, because neither he nor I will tolerate romantic behavior from you towards me in the slightest bit, so please have some respect and dignity for both of us as well as yourselves. Now, I’m sure you want to know what everyone else seems to want to know about escorts, and that is “are you a slut?” The answer is quite simple, “no, I am not a slut.” Sorry if that is a disappointment but I’m simply not a slut or any other mythical creature for that matter. Nor do I try to be, I have no desire to be a slut. I find that being a simple mortal human being with normal needs for sex and money provides me with all the capabilities and power I will ever need. This does not mean the topic of sluts does not interest me, because it does as most other alternative aspects of sex, I just simply do not believe that “the slut” is real outside of myth. My personal life outside of the sex act is not up for discussion. If you wish to know what I look like, then look at my photos. If you wish to know my sexual interests, then review my stats. If you want to know my age, look at what I wrote. If you want to know what is going on in my head when I have an orgasm with you, that’s none of your business at all and I do not care to talk about it. Not trying to sound rude, but that’s just how I am when it comes to such personal topics. Why you ask? Well, to put it simply in the words of H. P. Lovecraft, “Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect — the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours — and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense. It is good to be a cynic — it is better to be a contented cat — and it is best not to exist at all.” I am a very reserved person, meaning I do not make sounds during sex, so please do not expect it of me. Actually, do not expect me to say thank you or to bend to your will at all! So with all that being said, either kick back and enjoy my profile then hire me or leave peacefully, but refrain from stirring up trouble by saying you will hire me because MY profile is to YOUR liking when you don’t have the money. Please when I enter pay me the full amount I asked and I will return the favor by getting rapidly undressed. Well, I believe I have told you all you need to know about me here.

Dicksize M, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Bottom
Dirty No entry
Fisting Passive
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



weakmindedukescort, 23

literally just signed up an hour ago. i just developed interest because of how my deceased partner made me feel. i said this to a man and he told me to add it to my profile: i’m told i’m kind of retarded and wishy-washy so i’m not very good at answering open questions like that i guess. i am just learning that its okay to be retarded and to accept it as who i am.

Guestbook of weakmindedukescort

WildCrow – Feb 9, 2017
I had this boy earlier tonight. I wouldn’t say he’s retarded, other than perhaps in the schoolyard sense, but he is very giggly, mindless, a very, very airheaded kid. This reference will date me, but he reminded uncannily of how Goldie Hawn used to act on the TV show ‘Laugh In’.

Risky – Feb 6, 2017
Anyone online? I’m a 46 year old man in a hotel room with this boy and I’m really interested in fisting him, but I think I’ll need a second man to persuade him.

Dicksize M, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
Fucking Bottom only
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Underwear, Lycra, Techno & Raver, Jeans, Drag
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 80 Pounds
Rate night 180 Pounds



Exit66, 20
Sao Paolo

I hate the humanity.

I do have some anger issues if youre willing to work with that. I usually let it out during sex, so thats a plus.

Like: suicide videos
Dislikes: humanity
Favorite music: Deathbeds

Question is in your hand. I go for it.

Don’t ask me after sex if I liked it. I’m escort and I won’t give that information.

Don’t ask me if your butt looks fat, because I’ll say it does.

Guestbook of Exit66

Rbmacc – Feb 8, 2017
avoid having a conservation with this depressing escort at all costs!

hall – Feb 2, 2017
great rough sex with him
-he strangled me
-choked me
-smothered me
-suffocated me
-chloroformed me at max impact

puppyking_68 – Jan 30, 2017
milky bod

lucknowhot – Jan 27, 2017
W O W….!!! This boy is not sexy or sensuel or nice or friendly or interesting…he IS sex…!! He transformes from the sullen bored boy into a non stoppable sex machine…The crazyest sexesperience ever….and certainly not for beginners or whiners… his trip takes him and you from hell to deeper hell…!! I have taken a lifetime subscription yesterday with him…

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty Yes
Fisting No entry
S&M Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 70 Dollars
Rate night 400 Dollars



Contracturally, 22

Partnered with and being rented out by my former high school best friend and former football teammate.

Formerly straight and was married at age 16 but she committed suicide while pregnant with our son.

Ideally rented out for very long weekends because those have been my best successes.

My face is cute and my armpits aren’t very hairy but I love being a man.

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Dollars
Rate night 200 Dollars



Dark_Lounge, 19

I’​m “sometimes like a geisha” but not quite, sometimes want spree sometimes want party but what I seek is for a wealthy man, sometimes married, who have the means to support major expenses related to traditional eating, dressing and other costs.

However if that man will try to get me crazy in sex I did not agree because all I want is to make an alliance with those who care about me.

After I say yes to someone I commit to it until he ends it or dies.

Guestbook of Dark_Lounge

lu95p – Feb 8, 2017
He is not muscled or perfect, just saying.

oldman – Feb 1, 2017


Anonymous – Jan 10, 2017
definitely a hotny person a really hotny person

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing Consent
Fucking Bottom only
Oral No
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Formal dress
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



BornStar, 19

That’s m-o-n-e-y you so sexy, guy.
Once you look into my eyes and experience my hot ass there is no turning back.
People fall under my hypnotic power where and when I want always since I was 3 years old.
Even though I’m bottom I can make you a very sexually needy brainwashed man who is mine.
Maybe it’s the way I look. Who knows.

Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
Fucking More bottom
Oral Bottom
Dirty No entry
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Underwear, Uniform
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 350 Euros



Leashed, 20

5’11”, 20-year-old Polish boy completely owned by a 48-year-old German pimp, long story.

We’re really here only sizing up the market at this time, but my pimp will soon begin a search for paying customers. He says a pretty slut like me should earn a lot.

He will answer all email and make all the arrangements. I do EVERYTHING my pimp tells me to do even though he is a lying cunt.

I don’t mind doing this if you’re the kind of customer who cares if I mind.

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Sportsgear, Rubber, Lycra, Uniform, Formal dress
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 300 Euros



whythink, 23
Oklahoma City

I’m in a committed long-term loving relationship with my partner. However he’s recently opened up the relationship for me, so I can experience the tons of sex that he isn’t as fanatical about having as me, which is awesome!

I’m into getting anal. I’m not into getting it from overweight (sorry, just can’t get it up). I’m awfully good looking (ask anyone) and looking for the same. Please be.

Honestly I’d be happy if you just pulled my pants down and gave me anal (and cash) and nothing else for hours on end! But I would like to do kissing (esp as my partner won’t do that either).

Dicksize No entry, Uncut
Position Bottom only
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Client age Users under 21
Rate hour 80 Dollars
Rate night 1000 Dollars



Moneyforme, 18

I’m not expericed being a escort but I know this is what I want to do with my life.
I will need some training but since I’m already sleazey, I shouldn’t need much.

Sex I know I can do strate out of the gate: cocks suck, swallow sperm, fucked passively.
I can only receive you in the cellar of my house or in the corner of a street outside my house.

I suck your cock until you come and let me suck your juice into the stomach.
For this, calculate 100 euros

I’m waiting for fucking in the cellar you come in fucking me until you have come and go again.
For this I calculate 100 euros

★★★ FUCKING ★★★
I suck your cock or you me, then you fuck me, just like I like/ you like …. Quite uncomplicated.
For this I calculate 150 euros

Thank you for sending me your picture of your head in the first message, I am not there to discuss sex with a black screen.

Guestbook of Moneyforme

MumbaiBroker – Feb 2, 2017
hii dear Im here from Mumbai I have rent so many boys top bottom varsatile good looking hard long fucking kissing teen age guys who don’t mind drink high fun smoke whatever I want you I can arrange place near buy I know you not able to show here more picture but if are you interest in my money can you send me xxx picture of your dick balls pits everything even deep inside your hole

Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



Bad_German, 21

My services are verbal and psychological only. I seek men who’ll pay to strip me naked in front of their friends, put a dildo in my butt, call me a faggot and make me jerk my cock till I embarrassingly shoot a load in front of everybody. I love shame. Also I’m pretty obsessed with white guys. Also it’ll be great if you own a dog because I like fluffy things. Also really into food, I work in a restaurant.

Dicksize M, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No entry
Fucking Versatile
Oral Bottom
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Uniform, Formal dress, Jeans, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



Beckoning, 18

The purpose of this escort profile is to spread awareness of The Church Dominus Luciferi and to teach its tenets and beliefs to others.

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



Efron&Brice, 19

Gay couple makes up a boy Efron 18-year and a boy Brice 19-year both liabilities.
You may be interested in knowing that we have normal dicks and smooth asses with pinky holes.

The 18-year is little shower but dress cleanly and very open for a lot of delirium and drugs for sex as beautiful as the effel tower.
The 19-year is more reserved, needs for affection and agrees to the sexy things but likes not becusse he is so culture, so gay!

Come to the place where you never have been before, somewhere not yet develop but totally enchanted to the WORLD and still worlds competitive!

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask




Hallo! – Im can fuck you and maybe you fuck me und im like romantic

Ist really hard for a escort boy with a beautiful dick have’not much costumers…but i enjoy the town…that make me feel good

I will LEAVE sooN the TOWN

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking More top
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 200 Euros



Tortilla, 19
Mexico City

Only trust someone who can see these three things in you:
The sorrow behind your smile
The tension behind your passivity
The agony behind your silence
That way you know they understands you.

Sex is all I expect.

Guestbook of Tortilla

Solaire_Of_Astora – Feb 10, 2017
Nice enough boy just trying to keep his head above water financially through getting fucked. I tried to see the sorrow, tension, the agony he mentions, but the sex never felt like anything more than tit for tat. I’d give him a B- and I’d give it a C+.

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
Fucking More bottom
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No entry
S&M No
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 200 Dollars
Rate night ask



Eddie, 18

I like sex where you can turn off your brain and talk with someone you do not know!

My name is Eddie. I’m new in LONDON! IRANIAN! Pretty much middle eastern!

Look upon me! SEE ME and you’ll know just look upon me!

Dicksize No entry, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active
S&M No entry
Client age Users older than 18
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



fullofCASH, 21

im not the average escort on here in my personal life im hetrosexual but found myself escorting for men after i found out that women dont pay for sex when i put myself on a straight escort site i only got contacted by men. many men have told me that i provide a more enjoyable service because im straight other people are like wtf however i dont care. the best feeling in the world is when i act like a fag there is this inner voice screaming at me i dont have many friends anymore probably because of the way i have chosen. throat fuck me until i puke.

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
Fucking More bottom
Oral No entry
Dirty WS only
Fisting No entry
S&M Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Dollars
Rate night 450 Dollars



p.s. Hey. ** H, Good morning! Thanks, yes, ‘TMoD’ is a beauty, and wonderfully short too. Thank you for your support about the apartment search. I found a place yesterday that I really like and have applied for, but whether the owner will agree given my unconventional circumstances, we will see. ** Dóra Grőber, Hi! Yes, of course, as soon I know more about the Biennale, I will let you know. Diploma in the drawer, yeah, that’s what I think I would do too. I’m so pleased to hear that you’re going to concentrate on your writing! That’s music to my ears, as they say, although I guess technically it’s music to my eyes. Have you found some suitable journals and places to submit to? Me? Well, let’s see … technically, I started when I got a gig writing record reviews for a local newspaper when I was in high school, but that didn’t really go anywhere. Otherwise, I started by trying to get my poetry published because, at that time, in the 70s, I was mostly successful at writing poetry. I think I just went to bookstores and looked at literary magazines, and found ones I liked and then submitted poems to them, about 98% of which were rejected for a while. I also self-published a book of my poems in 1973 and sent it to writers I liked and snuck it into bookstores and put a tiny ad for it in a couple of places. My real success started happening after I started putting out my little literary magazine Little Caesar because people started to know of me because of that, and that made my poems more wanted. And then I started writing journalism and art/music reviews because I was a little known through my poems and Little Caesar, so places asked me if I wanted to. So I guess it was a combination of things. I’m good, thanks. I found an apartment that I like yesterday, but I have no idea if my application will be accepted, and I waiting to hear very nervously. You have a great day! Did you? ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Well, you know me: I don’t care one little bit that she didn’t talk about her same sex dalliances. Her decision. Happy belated Valentines Day to you. ** Sypha, Hi. I’m that way about ‘The Motion of Light and Water’. I barely remember a thing about it. I sort of remember thinking ‘why am I supposed to care about any of this’, but I didn’t know his work when I read it. It was the first book of his that I read. ** Cal Graves, Hi, Cal! How great to see you, man! Yeah I can totally see how ‘TMoD’ would suit those states. I’m going to try that the next time I’m moody/flummoxed. Other Duras? Well, some of the other of her novels that I personally like especially would be, hm, ‘The Ravishing of Lol Stein’, ‘L’Amante Anglaise’, ‘Destroy, She Said’, ‘Moderato Cantabile’. Oh, I would seriously love a guest-post from you, if doing that interests you and if you don’t mind. That would be great! Thank you for the very kind offer. I hope everything is going super well with you. Is it? Equally warmly, Dennis. ** Steevee, Hi. It’s weird but, at the same time, extremely not surprising that the homocons fantasized while reading what you wrote. Reality detachment seems to be at the very core of what conservatism constitutes these days. Very glad that the rally got some good coverage, of course. ** Jamie, Whoa, that’s a nice, fancy, complicated moniker, thanks. It sounds sort of ‘Star Wars’ character-ish to me, but, me being your basic know-little about ‘Star Wars’, I might be outing myself as someone with bad nerd credentials. As I told someone, I found an apartment I like yesterday. I applied. I’m anxiously hoping the owner doesn’t think my situation is too unusual and complicated. Hopes are not high, but hope exists. ‘All That Heaven Allows’ is a good one. He has really good titles a lot of the time. I honestly think his titles are part of why his work seems special in the way it does. I don’t know ‘Valley of Love’, but if John W. loves it, there’s definitely something there. Valentines Day is sort of vaguely practiced in France, I would say. I honestly forgot it was VD until last night when a friend sent me a Valentines selfie. I think for the Paris reading, I’ll probably read my poetry. I haven’t read my poems in ages, and I haven’t done a proper reading in a long time, and I’ve found reading my poems aloud to be the easiest way to read successfully, so I think I’ll do that, but I’m not completely sure. I always dread doing readings before they happen. And going on book tours where you have to read from from your new book constantly in the middle of noisy bookstores is one of my ideas of hell. And I would say about 75% of the time, I feel like the reading was a failure afterwards, it just depresses me. But every once in while something clicks and I feel like the reading was really good. So I’m aiming for that in Paris, obviously. That top photo of Nara Dreamland was amazing. I grabbed it, and I keep looking at it. The latest promise from ARTE is that they will give us the word by the end of February, but my breath is not being held. Love that looks and tastes like this, Dennis ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Happy that you’re a fellow lover of that book. Oh, I recommended some other Duras novels I like to Cal Graves up above, if you don’t scrolling backwards an inch or two. Good morning! ** Jeff J, Hi, Jeff. Both of those Duras you have are really good, and I especially like ‘Amant Anglaise’. Oh, jeez, so sorry that the plague did hit you with its might. Do what it takes to X it out. Ah, Justin Taylor! I haven’t talked to him in ages. How nice. I miss him. Sorry I didn’t write to you yesterday as planned. The day got hectic vis-a-vis apartment hunting and film stuff. I’ll write today. Feel better! ** William, Hi, Will. Thank you for thinking of me and for stopping by. I’m doing quite well for the most part, and I hope you are too. ** Right. It’s the middle of the month, and that always means what you already know (and see) it means, and do try to have fun with the fellas. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dóra Grőber


    Thank you so much for your long answer! It’s both really inspiring and reassuring to know that you started out with submitting to literary journals and that it wasn’t a complete, fantastic success at the very beginning because I usually get refused, too. I’m also thrilled about the idea of a literary magazine. I’ve been for a while and reading about Little Caesar gave me another push! And to answer your question: I think I did find a few journals I like so I’ll submit a few of my pieces! I’ll tell you about the outcome if and when it happens! Thank you again for your help!
    I hope they’ll accept your application and the apartment will be yours! Did they contact you? I keep my fingers extremely crossed!!
    I have to go to the capital city today to run a few errands but other than that nothing too special is going on. As always, I really enjoyed the boys so thank you for them!!
    I hope you have a lovely day! How was it?

  2. David Ehrenstein

    “I am letting this be known now, because neither he nor I will tolerate romantic behavior from you towards me in the slightest bit, so please have some respect and dignity for both of us as well as yourselves. ”

    Well that settles that!

  3. Jamie

    Hey Dennis! Fingers and toes crossed about the apartment. When will you hear?
    I like SilentEscort’s turn of phrase, especially, “Not much for writing a book, when I say I’m coming I am.” And GreenLight’s my favourite. Thanks for these guys.
    Moniker is a really good word.
    Totally with Douglas Sirk and the titles. I don’t quite get how that title pertains to the movie, but I like that and I like mulling it over.
    Nice that you’re thinking about reading some of your poetry at the reading. I sometimes find authors reading their own work funny, like they’re the last person that should be reading it, for some reason, but I’ve seen you do one online that I thought was really amazing.
    Dang, those TV people. Not nice to leave people dangling so long. I hope they return to you with a positive word very soon.
    How was Wednesday? Hope it was a good one.
    That was some impressive love you sent yesterday, btw! Thanks. I’ll send you love that looks and feels like this…..


  4. Sypha

    Dennis, I do get the sense at times that Delany does have a heightened sense of self-importance, though I would at the same time say there’s something oddly enduring about it. Right now in his journals I’m at a point where, when at the age of 19, he gives a long list of everything he’s written up to that point in his life (essentially 8 novels, a dozen short stories, tons of poems, 3-4 plays, and two opera librettis), followed by imaginary blurbs for each of the aforementioned novels (none of which had been published), saying things like “It is perhaps the greatest and most effective delineation of the horror that is adolescence ever written.” Then again, I used to write fake blurbs and critical praise for my unpublished books back in high school/college as well, so I can’t really throw stones here, ha ha.

  5. h

    Hi Dennis,

    I’m glad you found the place you love. I hope that owner will make a wise decision soon. Fingers crossed.

    Thursdayyy wrote a long profile. Wow.

    I don’t know there’s a local thing in New York. For some reason, I’ve been avoiding most of contact from people I meet with here. There’s something unnecessarily militant about people here.

  6. steevee

    I’d like to hope that some subtlety is still possible in political discourse, that it’s possible to talk without having to state one’s ideological position first and that it would be obvious where I’m coming from based on what I say. In Trump-era social media, these notions are probably utopian.

    But at least my psychiatrist mentioned A Tribe Called Quest’s Grammy performance of “We the People,” my favorite anti-Trump song!

    Speaking of which, he said that if I quit Zyprexa now, the withdrawal symptoms would be worse than anything I’ve experienced so far. He wants me to stay at the current dose (the lowest possible in prescription form) for another few months so my body is adjusted to it. At least I’m no longer experiencing the constant munchies and desire to sleep all day that I felt at higher doses.

    • Misanthrope

      steevee, I know that a lot of anti-depressants, when you quit them cold turkey, can have a rebound effect where the original symptoms come back several-fold. IOW, I think your doctor’s right about that.

  7. _Black_Acrylic

    Thursdayyy’s profile is pushing things to the very limit of TL;DR but hey, I’m sure his mother loves him.

    Today was a day off and I was through in nearby Broughty Ferry for another of those art therapy events the MS Society put on last year. What with work commitments I can’t do it every time but always enjoy it when I can. I find it’s good for the soul to just sit and make a few marks on paper once in a while.

  8. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Oh, yes, I know that. But hell, I’d like to recognize at least one of those bands! 😀

    I kind of think of those photos of former crime/murder scenes as the white space you’ll see on a page in a novel. A properly executed bit of white space. Or when you say so much by not saying anything. That thud.

    Kind of like how Irving, in “The World According to Garp,” never mentions the son who died after he dies. Chilling.

    So I went to the eye doc today. I’ve been seeing white flashes out of the bottom of my left eye for a week and a half. That suggests a retinal tear or detachment. But nope…luckily, I’m just getting older. It’s very common, actually, as the vitreous fluid or jelly loosens inside the eyeball and swishes around as we age.

  9. Cal Graves

    Ihey Dennis

    another fun escort day. solid butt pic up there from Justin_is_not_in_love, gonna save it to the bank.
    ‘Destroy, She Said’ sounds interesting gonna see if the campus library has a copy, thanks for the recs.
    Coolio re the guest post, could you pass me your email or just email me ( [email protected] ) if that works better for ya so i can send that post your way.
    i’ve been pretty good lately, just up’d my anxiety meds so that’s been helpful, toilin away at writing stuff, trying to find a real job. just bought a casio keyboard. So yeah. p good rn.


  10. Bill

    I’m badly in need of some charm today, so this is much appreciated, Dennis!

    Some of this charming lineup may get folded into a new piece I’m building, in the spare moments I have. It’s a much needed distraction from all the sourness around at the moment.

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