The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Hidden … *

* (restored)




… inside furniture



… inside blur

You could say that Iraqi artist Halim Al Karim is an interrupted being. You wouldn’t blame him, after all he was forced to spend three years living alone in a hole in the ground covered by rocks since he opposed Saddam’s regime during the Gulf war.

Throughout that time his only interaction with the outside world was through a Bedouin woman who brought him food and water on occasion and thus kept him alive.

Al-Karim has since emigrated to America and is currently living in Dubai. He says: ‘My works are concerned with ongoing and unresolved issues, especially as they relate to violence. The main challenge for me is to identify and stay clear of the historical and contemporary elements of brainwashing. The out of focus images, imply an uncertainty of context, time and place. These techniques, which have become the hallmark of my work, are means to overcome the effects of politics of deception and, in turn, transform me and the camera into a single entity, seeking a greater truth.’



… inside Central Park

‘You won’t find it on any official maps, or find sign posts to show you the way. Tens of millions of visitors come to enjoy Central Park every year, but very few know that hidden away in the middle of the park is a mysterious cave. It’s so ancient it predates Central Park itself! The cave has been the site of murder, suicide, assaults, and secret trysts. In the late 19th century it was even the home of a runway school girl for a while.

‘Whilst much of Central Park was sculpted into picturesque lawns, tree-lined avenues and lakes, Olmstead and Vaux deliberately created some wilder, more overgrown places; chiefly that maze of hills, winding steps, and lush, thick undergrowth they called the Ramble; “a wild garden away from the carriage drives and bridal paths.” And lurking in the midst of this idyllic reverie is the hidden cave – to find it requires keen eyes.

‘The cave was sealed up in 1934, leaving only the entrance, sealed with bricks. For this secret hideaway was not just an ‘Eldorado of pleasures’ but the sight of many nefarious crimes. Assaults and deaths were common here in the obscure cave.’ — Luke Spencer



… inside homes



inside games …

Where is the secret room in Nicholas’ weird adventure 2? Keep clicking on the drawing in the shop and he will give it to you and DON’T PRESS THE RED BUTTON then play until you find a castle not the one with the gate put the drawing in the shredder and there you have it!!:)

Once i told the tavern owner that i wont pay the 50 GP for another week and he attacked me, so i couldn’t buy his teleport rune to the tavern, and it happened to me with other merchants. There are several secret solutions. The best one is to kill his wife and cast the oblivion spell on him, but then you see her dead body in the market every day.

The Monkey People can be found on the first playable level of Halo 3. If you follow these instructions you can spot them hiding in the jungle, and then … nothing. You can’t kill them, but if you shoot them they actually bleed (only real characters do that). Note that they all look exactly the same only in different sizes, which suggests that they might be the product of genetic experiments or excessive inbreeding. For all we know, the monkeys might keep decreasing in size right down to a subatomic level. A lone Monkey Man can be found in a different, much harder to reach part of the level (it’s actually outside the game map and you can only get there by killing yourself and respawning in the right place).

lluminati is a standalone card game that has ominous secret societies competing with each other to control the world through sinister means, including legal, illegal, and even mystical. This is not funny but a sad truth. Please give your heart to Jesus.

I remember there used to be a mod for 1.6 that basically allowed co-op play for half-life and had a ton of maps made by a very strange individual that had nothing to do with much of anything? It’s had to explain but it was like dropping LSD made of old internet memes and 1.6 coding. Colored lights everywhere, weird music, things that just made no sense at all, so on. If you found the ‘red’ map and followed it, you’d find hidden tunnels behind walls leading to some sort of burial chamber, with plots of bone-filled dirt in the walls. Dark rooms full of barely audible whispering. Things would almost always get more abstract as you went on, meaning eventually you’d be in some sort of void. From what I’ve read, only 8 players ever found that void in the game, and 6 of them later committed suicide. Coincidence?



… inside the desert

Art does not always want to be seen – at least, not easily. Since the 1960s, some of the most memorable works of art have been hidden in remote places, or knowable only through photographs.

The latest such elusive treasure is a swimming pool created in the Mojave desert by Austrian artist Alfredo Barsuglia. The pool is full of clean blue water, whose appeal under the fierce sun in the middle of the desert must surely be amplified hundreds of times, set in a white, modern structure with pool-cleaning equipment supplied so you can leave it as you found it. You are also asked to bring water to replenish the pool.



… inside portraits

‘The first photographic images in the late 1820s had to be exposed for hours in order to capture them on film. Improvements in the technology led to this exposure time being drastically cut down to minutes, then seconds, throughout the 19th century. But in the meantime, the long exposures gave us a few unmistakable Victorian photography conventions, such as the stiff postures and unsmiling faces of people trying to remain perfectly still while their photograph was being taken.

‘Seems children were just as squirmy then as they are today, because another amusing convention developed: photographs containing hidden mothers trying to keep their little ones still enough for a non-blurry picture. These fantastic portraits of children all contain their mother and one father, disguised as chairs or camoflauged under decorative throws behind them.’ — retronaut



… inside Melrose Place

‘Conceptual artworks were secretly used as props on primetime television series Melrose Place. The artists worked with the show’s scriptwriters to ensure that the artworks had relevance to the plot, even though the audience had no idea of their existence.

‘The pieces were specially designed by art collective the GALA Committee. The group was led by Mel Chin, who gathered fellow artists along with faculty and students from the University of Georgia and California Institute of the Arts under the GALA Committee umbrella.

‘So when Courtney Thorne-Smith’s character, Alison, works from her couch while pregnant, the quilt she is under is stitched with a pattern of the chemical structure for the abortion drug RU 486. The drug was illegal in the US at the time.

‘Some of the interventions included material that evaded the censors at the Federal Communications Commission, like a set of bed sheets printed with graphics of unrolled condoms – images of which were banned from public broadcast.

‘Motivated by the idea that network television could prove a more powerful site for public artwork than a physical place, they pitched the idea to the Melrose Place producers, who agreed to the unconventional product placements.

‘The artists were not paid by Spelling Entertainment; instead, the project was independently funded by arts institutions like the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles (MOCA), Grand Arts in Kansas City and The Rockefeller Foundation.’ — Rima Sabina Aouf

Reconstruction of the Melrose Place bar location Shooters

75 unique bottles behind the Shooters bar detail the health and social issues relating to alcohol consumption throughout history.

An emblem of the African continent replaces the white circle on an Africa Is the Eight-Ball, a reference to the ubiquity of racism.

The Target Audience dartboard reflects the target audience of Melrose Place, women aged 18 to 49.



… inside a boulder

‘Swiss studio Bureau A has concealed a wooden cabin inside an artificial rock and transported it to a remote site in the Swiss Alps.’ — dezeen



… inside candles

‘This spectacular vary of high finish candles are some things fully new and exciting. Along with award winning packaging and eleven divine fragrances, every candles with jewelry hidden inside additionally contains an additional special hidden surprise. Revealed from the wax because the candle burns could be a hidden treasure, a spectacular ring. There are over 50 different styles of rings that range in value from $25 – $7,500. Every candle is carefully hand-crafted in New Zealand and are a fabulous gift that will be always be treasured.’ — wattpad



… inside Minecraft

‘Marcuss Persson, better known to the gaming community as Notch, is the man who created a world one block at a time, and an indie empire to go along with it, in the cultural phenomenon that is Minecraft. During a conversation between Notch and SpyParty’s Chris Hecker at GDC 2012, Persson teased there’s still some undiscovered secret in Minecraft, though no additional details were provided on what it might be. With how rabid and dedicated the Minecraft fan base is, I find it very surprising that any stone would be left unturned. When you consider the millions who play this game and all the time logged, this secret has to be buried very deep in the game. I wonder if it is some sort of uber secret recipe or dungeon. According to some Notch has hinted elsewhere it is a hidden recipe, according to others Notch has stated it is NOT a recipe. One big hint is that it “may or may not have something to do with time”. Notch said that the secret rare item was more rare than wearable cloaks that only Mojang employees could obtain, which, considering said cloaks are unobtainable by regular players, made the secret rare item pretty darn rare indeed. Lots of people think that it might have something to do with the new phases of the moon. Personally, I think whatever it is will rather be triggered by a certain player’s action or by a special seed for the world generation. It won’t be anything huge I’m assuming, but hopefully they prove me wrong with a HUGE idea! I dont care how big or small it is, I will love it all!’ — wethegamerz

‘Do people really think this is it? LIES. Notch is Swedish retard. I thought it would be a rainbow sheep. Notch tweeted that we can all stop looking for the secret now, since it was “very minor”. He also pointed out that he never said it was a big secret, but the internet over-hyped it. LIES, LIES. That is the stupidest bull shit I ever heard. That being the big secret is just fake in all kind of ways. I’m a member of a secret Minecraft society so exclusive it makes the Illuminati look like a Costco, so I should know. Maybe that so-called big secret is a secret message? One day we will have mince rafts. Whatever a mince raft is.’ — gamerant



… inside some of Milan’s manholes



… inside text

‘We often talk about “hidden text,” but in reality what is hidden text? Hidden text is also known as “invisible text” or “fake text.” Hidden text is often used for spamming the search engines. But many smart search engines, such as Google can detect the use of hidden text. To give a simple definition, hidden text is text on a Web page which is visible to search engine spiders but not visible to human visitors.

‘You should not use hidden text to get high ranking in search engines. Search engines can detect certain forms of hidden text algorithmically and when they do they will automatically drop the offending site from their index. By hiding keywords in hidden text, you may be able to trick the search engines for a limited amount of time. Anything that hides text from a browser, but is still in the body of the document, will be indexed by the search engine spiders. But the use of hidden text can cause search engines to permanently ban your website.

‘Some years ago, search engine optimization consisted of putting a group of phrases together with as many repetitions as possible to make up a keyword tag and, if necessary, putting the same text in a hidden form at the bottom of the pages. This was a very easy method of getting visitors, but some people overused this approach, to the point of abusing the system. Because of this abuse, search engines took action to stop this kind of search spam. The effect of this is that the actual keyword tag is virtually useless now.

‘The most successful form of hidden text is not so much hidden as ignored. This is text placed between comment tags like this . Comment tags are actually intended to be used as an aid to whoever is editing the source code at a later date and as such comments are not of course displayed in the browser. There are methods to make this text ‘readable’ or at least detectable in browsers, but they are illegal, and best of luck finding and learning them. But, to give an example, while it may not look much from the highlighting, the coder has managed to hide over four thousand words, sixteen pages of keyword rich hidden text in a single body of text. This must be approaching a world record and here is a small sample:’

Kenneth Goldsmith ‘HIDDEN TEXT / HIDDEN CODE’



… inside Fight Club

1. The Tyler flashes. Before Tyler officially enters the Narrator’s life when they’re sitting together on the plane, he appears six times in the film. Once he’s riding a moving walkway at the airport (that appearance isn’t included on this list, since it’s not hidden). Four of those times, Tyler appears as a subliminal flash that occurs when the Narrator has a moment of frustration or anger during his insomnia daze. These, of course, create the foundation for Tyler.

2. Tyler as a waiter. The fifth time Tyler appears? When the Narrator is in the middle of his early traveling montage and he’s watching TV in his hotel room. A group of waiters on screen all say “Welcome.” If you look carefully, Brad Pitt is in the front row of waiters, on the far right.

3. No incoming calls. This is a quick, subtle hint early on that Tyler isn’t real. When the Narrator’s condo blows up, he calls Tyler from a payphone, with no answer. Then, a few seconds later, the phone rings. As the Narrator goes to answer it, the camera zooms in on some text on the payphone that reads, “No incoming calls accepted.” In other words — Tyler could not have called him back, because this phone cannot ring.

4. White boxers. During the course of the movie, Tyler and the Narrator intentionally dress in opposite ways — Tyler is flamboyant, the Narrator is corporate and buttoned-down. The only place they’re identical: Their boxers. When the Narrator is ordering IKEA furniture at the beginning of the movie, he’s in plaid boxers. As soon as he moves into Tyler’s house, he begins wearing white boxers… the same exact ones Tyler wears as he bikes around the house.

5. Seven Years in Tibet. This was a little inside joke of production design. When the Narrator is sending Marla out of town, there’s a marquee in the background for the movie “Seven Years in Tibet”. A movie that starred Brad Pitt.




… inside embroidery

Vintage photographs without a doubt carry with them something from the past but to Maurizio Anzeri, his work is not about preserving or celebrating the past. “I don’t want to be nostalgic. When I work on them, to me they become very present. The catch is that at some point these photographs were to some people really important and suddenly they ended up in a box,” he says. When confronted with his portraits it’s as if Maurizio wanted to create a passage for the character to escape from their present form. You can see that a part of them is still there and the other part has become something else. “I think that what makes them work is that the image and the embroidery at the top feed each other,” he explains. He has no intention to cover or to erase. “It’s about feeding another dimension,” he says. For Maurizio, the physicality of puncturing a needle in the actual image “is an action of penetration”. “I have been told many times that one of the characteristics of my work is to cover when there is nothing to cover. And I like that and it’s not even hidden the fact that there is nothing to cover,” he explains.



… inside Disney parks

‘Steven Barrett searches for tiny Mickey Mouse patterns hidden in everyday spots throughout Disney theme parks. From the Magic Kingdom to Epcot to Disney’s Hollywood Studios, there are three little circles — a head and the two mouse ears — hidden in carpet patterns, tiles, wallpaper and even in the gift shops. Barrett, has mapped out nearly 3,000 of these hidden characters, and more are being discovered and confirmed every day via tips from fellow hidden Mickey hunters that come through his website and through his discussions with park employees, known as cast members.

‘Barrett personally verifies every Mickey tip he receives. But not every hidden Mickey is legitimate. “Sometimes it’s wishful thinking; sometimes it’s more of a decorate Mickey,” he says. Only about one in every four pans out. If one is questionable, Barrett asks his online followers to vote. “The story goes that hidden Mickeys started at Epcot,” Barrett says. “When Epcot was being built, Walt Disney management did not want characters in Epcot. They wanted to keep them in the Magic Kingdom. So, the imaginers began hiding Mickeys in Epcot attractions.” From there, they have expanded to the other parks, restaurants and hotels in Florida, California and around the world.’ — abcnews



… inside your face

‘The expression of a given face at a specific time is conveyed by a composite of signals from several sources of facial appearance. These sources include the general shape, orientation (pose), and position of the head, the shapes and positions of facial features (e.g., eyes, mouth), coloration and condition of the skin, shapes of wrinkles, folds, and lines, and so forth. Some of these sources are relatively fixed; others, more changeable. The most important source of change in facial expression is the set of muscular movements produced by facial muscles, which provide the most substantial changes in facial appearance over short time durations and contribute most to nonverbal communication by the face. Other shorter term origins that may contribute to expressions are blood flow and glandular secretions. As a generalization, muscular activity contributes expressive variation on a background of more slowly changing or static expressive sources. These latter sources include the sizes, positions, and shapes of fleshy tissues, hair, teeth, cartilage, and bones.

‘Corresponding to the several sources of expressive information in the face are the many nonverbal communication messages that the face can provide. Some of these messages are validly related to characteristics of the person behind the face, some are fabrications of the viewer unrelated to the real person, and others lie somewhere between these two extremes. Much of the research on the face is centered on discovering the messages that fit into these different categories. Another perspective on the range of facial messages is to consider objective description, such as a list of physical anatomical measurements, as an anchor for veridical information, and ever more abstract generalizations or inferences about characteristics more remote from these specific observations becoming increasingly difficult to verify.

‘A further difficulty for interpreting the face is that the appearances produced by one source of facial information can interact with another, producing a mixture, as mentioned above, that can hide, mask, or interfere with the messages conveyed by each source. The structure of facial nonverbal communication is complex.

‘The facial muscles are like elastic sheets that are stretched in layers over the cranium, facial bones, the openings they form, and the cartilage, fat, and other tissues of the head. These are the muscles of facial expression, acting singly and in combination. The diagram below shows a simplified view of how the facial muscles are actually arranged. Move the mouse cursor over the list of facial muscles and click on a facial muscle of interest to see more information. Most of the muscles have a short video that illustrates the appearances that are produced when the muscle acts. Innervation and blood supply are also indicated.’ — Data Face

[inner/outer frontalis] [corrugator] [procerus] [depressor supercilli] [inner/outer orbicularis oculi] [nasalis] [depressor_septi] [levator_labii] [buccinator] [caninus] [risorius] [zygomatic_major] [zygomatic_minor] [depressor_labii] [orbicularis_oris] [masseter] [triangularis] [mentalis] [platysma] [levator of the upper eyelid] [incisive muscle of the lips] [other facial/head muscles]



… inside Justin Bieber



… inside coins

Based in Russia, artist Roman Booteen maintains a mysterious level of anonymity, while producing hobo nickel creations which regularly shock the coin collecting community with both their subject matter, myriad hidden facets, and complexity.



… inside white walls



… in poems

‘The American Composer John Cage invented what can only be described as a postmodern poetic form in his mesostics. These writings, though they started out as purely creative, eventually became poems generated by chance operations. The mesostics emerged as another product of Cage’s exploration of indeterminacy. In his early mesostics, Cage would simply write a word (usually a name) vertically down the page, with all the letters capitalized. Then, he would “fill in the blanks” and come up with a poem using the “spine” he had chosen. According to Cage, in a “pure mesostic”, there are no repeated lower case letters that match the previous or next upper-case letter in the poem. The words that surround the spine letters are taken from a selected source text read forwards, or by chance operations. The first letter to appear in any word is used to surround the corresponding spine letter. “Wing Words”, or intermittent words placed in the text between spine words, may be selected by one’s taste or through further chance operations. They must, however, obey the non-repeating letter rule.’ —



… inside a Marcel Duchamp

‘Turkish artist Serkan Özkaya says he has found a secret in Marcel Duchamp’s Étant donnés. He built an exact replica which he put on view (by appointment only) at Duchamp’s former studio, on East 11th Street in New York in 2017.

‘Özkaya’s theory quite literally upends the way you look at the work. The work, he claims, functions as a camera obscura. Instead of being just a tableaux you are supposed to look in on, it is also meant to project, via its two peepholes, an hidden image of the artist’s face out onto the wall opposite.

‘Özkaya based his theory partly on Duchamp’s having said that every one of his works of art is, to some extent, a self-portrait. (The notion came to turning Étant donnés into a projecting device came to him, he explains, after reading Anne Friedberg’s book The Virtual Window: From Alberti to Microsoft.)

‘Upon opening the door to room 403, and you found a dark space, a few feet deep, still floored with the same cheap, checkered black-and-white tiles as in Duchamp’s day. Black trash bags surrounded a space about 13 feet deep and nine feet high that housed the sculpture. A few leaves and branches littered the floor. Özkaya turned off the lights; my eyes adjusted; the image thrown by the backlighting came, gradually, into view.

‘It was an innately intriguing experience—though I have to say that I found the contours of the projected face very, very hard to make out. The eyes, resembling a child’s line drawing, are very clear. It took a lot more convincing, and the consultation of some photographs, to see what is supposed to be the mouth and nose.’ — Brian Boucher



…inside a Prince video

‘After Prince released his now legendary Sign O’ The Times album in 1987, he planned to follow it up with the equally legendary TheBlack Album—legendary for very different reasons, as he pulled the record six days before its release, meaning that only a handful of the original promo records made it out there. In 1988, Prince released the Lovesexy album. On it was the chart smashing “Alphabet Street.” So, what I’ve learned this week is that, hidden in the “Alphabet Street” video is a message from Prince which reads: DON’T BUY THE BLACK ALBUM I’M SORRY. Check it out for yourself at the 27 second mark and look at the picture with Prince in green.’ — Richard Douglas



… inside Ramiro Saavedra

In 2012, footage of a singer performing Come As You Are led many to believe that believe Kurt Cobain is still alive. With guitar in hand, Ramiro Saavedra had the grunge singer’s iconic long hair and aped his singing style note-for-note. He was competing on Peruvian talent show Yo Soy (I am) – where contestants cover songs from their favourite singers. Nirvana’s Facebook page later posted a link to the video, accompanied by a caption that read: “It is true, Kurt is alive. He needed time to learn to play the guitar with his right hand. Finding left-handed guitars is not easy. We are so happy to have him back and forgive him for all of the sadness that we have held so deeply in our hearts.”



… inside the earth

Two teenaged boys in Germany were out exploring the fields when they found two pipes sticking up from the ground in the middle of nowhere.

This is the entrance, a hundred meters or so from the periscopes, and surrounded by coniferous trees. It was covered with a wooden lid, which was easy to remove by using a crowbar.

What you can see here is what you would see for the next few minutes – nothing but endless, hospital like hallways.

Hallways like this occurred several times. They decided to keep going straight in order to avoid getting lost. The holes in the wall on the right appeared to be punched with a hammer.

The hallway, as they found out, wasn’t straight at all. It had several slight turns, leading to another long hall to the left.

At this point they were both uncertain if they should proceed or get the hell out of there. Notice graffiti in the top right: ‘DIE’. The one on the left translates to “help”.

This big yellow door came out of nowhere. They were expecting (and hoping) for an exit or another dead end. They had no clue how a single person or even couple people would be able to open those, since they seemed as heavy as bank vault doors.

After passing a lot – and I mean A LOT – of those heavy safe doors, the rooms seemed to become more and more destroyed, as you can see from the decayed walls. Proceeding onwards, the graffiti clearly read, “Hallo Satan, I love you”.

This was the first time on the whole tour one of the explorers literally panicked. Terrified by the silhouette of this pile of rubble, resembling a crouching or sitting man.

Another flood, they were stopped by another impassable corridor.

Next was the biggest room so far, but only visible through little square holes in the walls.

This is a sign on the floor reading “Stay Back”. Right after this shot, the camera went dead.



p.s. Hey. ** Corey Heiferman, Hi, Corey. Well, yes, you’re absolutely right about the success of strange shows as opposed to standard fare types. That basically proven fact dawning on ARTE’s powers-that-be is our only hope. ** Nik, Yeah, the Bresson connection was a surprise to me too, and, right, makes total sense. Almost (maybe) on the TV script. One more revision based on Gisele’s feedback on Saturday then it will go to ARTE and make or break us. But even if ARTE green lights the thing, no question it’ll be with qualifiers that will force us back into script work again. Kill me. My novel does not have a home yet. Oh, cool, that I lead you to Dr. Gene Scott. A total pity that his earlier shows are dead. Lucky me was in SoCal at the time, and his show aired multiple times a day. Thanks a lot for coming in. Well, I have work and meetings this week, and Friday is my birthday although I don’t know if or how I’ll mark that dreaded occasion, and … maybe see some art. I’m way behind. How’s your week looking? ** David Ehrenstein, Yes, indeed! ** Sypha, Hi. Glad to see you back, natch. I think of you as someone who pretty much always gets sick at the end of the year. Zac’s like that too. As soon as Xmas shows up, he’s down with the flu like clockwork. May your aftereffects de-linger. ** _Black_Acrylic, Glad you like it. Interesting: that LeGuin inspired exhibit. I’ve never read her. SciFi is the huge hole in my reading history. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. Terrible thing to say but the idea of a mature Kesha is like conceptual nails on my conceptual chalkboard. Great news about the new Quietus gig! Terrible about TinyMixTape’s probable demise. It’s a big resource for me, and that seeming death will leave a very tenable hole in online music coverage. Ugh. ** James, Very happy birthday! And mine is in mere days. Very cool that Queen Mob saw the light re: your novel! Sweet! No news on my novel’s destiny yet. No fun on my end re: that. Much love in return! ** Misanthrope, Snow! I don’t think we’re going to get any yet again this year. Very grim. As I’ve said up above, there is still no news on where my novel will be housed. If it doesn’t land somewhere soon, I will be jumping off the Eiffel Tower. So if you see in the very outermost margins of the news that an obscure novelist jumped off the Eiffel Tower, it was me, and that’s why. ** rigby, Happy New Year to you, dear Rigby, old pal! I need a reboot too. Let’s find a good spa somewhere. Love, me. ** Right. You get another restoration today. A big, thick one. Do your things with it, please. See you tomorrow.


  1. David Ehrenstein

    Cue Donald Fagen!

  2. David Ehrenstein

    Forget Iran and Iraq! We’ve got far more important worries right here at home.

  3. Derek McCormack

    Man, oh, man, this post is every childhood fantasy of mine, along with every adult fantasy of mine. Thank you! Love, D

  4. Corey Heiferman

    Greatly enjoyed this ensemble, thanks. I was reminded of Dungeon Rock in Lynn, MA, a monument to New England eccentricity. If you visit I highly recommend bringing candles.

    “In the 2,200-acre Lynn Woods Reservation in Lynn, MA, is a rock formation called Dungeon Rock. It features a cave dug by a man directed by ghosts to search for a pirate treasure. The story starts in the mid-1600s, when a pirate named Thomas Veale supposedly hid in a cave with his loot. He lived there for a while until an earthquake destroyed him and the cave. The formation became known as Pirate’s Dungeon, which over the years became Dungeon Rock.

    In 1852, a man named Hiram Marble bought it, erected a house and outbuildings, moved his wife and son to the spot, and then excavated a new cave to find the treasure. Marble was a spiritualist and believed he was receiving directions to the treasure from the ghost of Thomas Veale himself. He held séances to receive digging directions, which he and his son Edwin undertook with dynamite and tools. They dug until their deaths but never found the treasure.”

    Please don’t jump off the Eiffel Tower. As a Romantic I believe there must be scores if not hundreds of obscure novelists currently considering that option.

    Do you happen to know of a well-done satire on smart phone addiction? There seem to be lots of dystopian or self-help critiques, but I’m looking for something closer to Tati.

  5. Sypha

    You know, yesterday I realized, “Hey, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a day for Dennis’ blog.” Like, I think the last one I did was Harlem Smoke Day back in January of 2019, so it’s been almost a year now. I’ll have to assemble something new at some point. I’ve been thinking of doing a day devoted to the art of Carl Jung, which might be interesting (and which probably wouldn’t take me too long to put together).

  6. Bill

    [Error message earlier; sorry if this appears twice]

    Don’t think I saw this before. Obviously a near and dear theme for me. Those GALA projects are fantastic. And the coins!

    I’m back home. Not a bad flight, I was lucky in my distractions: Ben Arzate’s recent short novel, “Once Upon A Time in Hollywood”, and the flawed but restrained and charming Taiwanese film “Xiao Mei”. Not sure if I’d recommend them on the ground, but the last has its charms.


  7. KK

    These are great. This reminds me that I’m pretty sure there’s an alien in every south park episode, hidden somewhere. Not sure if this is still done, but it used to be a thing.
    How have you been? It’s been pretty fucking embarrassing to be in america lately.
    Beyond that, I’ve been doing good. Trying to stay busy. I’ve got a story coming out in the next SCAB, did an interview with troy james weaver that’s coming out on vol 1 next week (I’ll link you when it’s out), and just working on my book some more. It’s coming along pretty good. I made some structural changes, and got some ideas from Dasa Drndic’s book EEG on how to expand it. Have you read that one? Highly recommend. I need to find someone to read it though, someone who can see what I’m trying to do and offer some good suggestions.
    Anyways, happy week to you. Kyle

  8. Steve Erickson

    Kesha has already made her “respectable” album, with RAINBOW. It seems like her new album is gonna be a mix of that approach and her earlier party music.

    If you pause Travis Scott’s “Sicko Mode” video at one moment, there’s a supposed hidden (and posthumous) dis of XXXTentacion, where a lookalike gets crushed by a giant rock. Or at least that’s how teenagers in Youtube comments interpreted it.

    I saw my eye doctor again and he said that I have a serious problem with cataracts, especially in my right eye. I have scheduled surgery on it for March, with the other eye to follow later this year. Next month, I need to have some tests done beforehand, but I’m glad that my worsening vision can be solved and that nothing more serious is wrong.

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