The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Happy birthday to me: My 60 favorite Robert Pollard and/or Tobin Sprout and/or Guided by Voices songs that have youtube presence, playable and in no order *

* (restored)


1. Guided by Voices Redmen and Their Wives

2. Guided by Voices Best of Jill Hives

3. Robert Pollard Far-Out Crops

4. Guided By Voices 14 Cheerleader Coldfront

5. Robert Pollard Town of Mirrors

6. Guided by Voices Little Whirl

7. Guided by Voices My Impression Now

8. Guided By Voices Dayton, Ohio – 19 Something And 5

9. Robert Pollard White Gloves Come Off

10. Robert Pollard The Ash Gray Proclamation

11. Tobin Sprout To My Beloved Martha

12. Guided by Voices Awful Bliss

13. Robert Pollard I Get Rid of You

14. Guided by Voices Johnny Appleseed

15. Robert Pollard Kickboxer Lightning

16. Guided by Voices Chicken Blows

17. Guided by Voices Exit Flagger

18. Guided by Voices Kicker of Elves

19. Guided by Voices Don’t Stop Now

20. Guided by Voices Father Sgt. Christmas Card

21. Guided by Voices Tractor Rape Chain

22. Guided by Voices Huffman Prairie Flying Field

23. Guided by Voices Big School

24. Robert Pollard Pop Zeus

25. Airport 5 The Cost of Shipping Cattle

26. Robert Pollard Vibrations in the Woods

27. Robert Pollard Edison’s Memos

28. Guided by Voices Game of Pricks

29. Airport 5 Stifled Man Casino

30. Airport 5 How Brown?

31. Tobin Sprout All Used Up

32. Guided by Voices Do the Earth

33.Guided by Voices Cut-Out Witch

34. Guided by Voices Queen of Cans and Jars

35. Guided by Voices Back to the Lake

36. Guided by Voices Lethargy

37. Guided by Voices On the Tundra

38. Guided by Voices The Official Ironmen Rally Song

39. Tobin Sprout The Last Man Well Known to Kingpin

40. Robert Pollard Subspace Biographies

41. Guided by Voices Car Language

42. Guided by Voices The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory

43. Guided by Voices Wrecking Now

44. Tobin Sprout Water on the Boaters Back

45. Tobin Sprout The Crawling Backwards Man

46. Go Back Snowball It Is Divine

47. Guided by Voices Atom Eyes

48. Guided by Voices Non-absorbing

49. Robert Pollard Whiskey Ships

50. Robert Pollard Enjoy Jerusalem!

51. Guided by Voices My Valuable Hunting Knife

52. Guided by Voices Matter Eater Lad

53. Tobin Sprout As Lovely As You

54. Robert Pollard Weatherman And Skin Goddess

55. Robert Pollard Dunce Codex

57. Guided by Voices Gleemer

58. Guided by Voices Shocker in Gloomtown

59. Guided by Voices Postal Blowfish

60. Guided by Voices Teenage FBI




p.s. Hey. So I’m using the blog to throw myself a birthday party or at least a birthday concert today featuring some song stylings by my all-time favorite band and its two genius masterminds. Of course you triggering the concert or parts of it and reaping happy rewards is my birthday wish, but please enjoy the show whether you poke it to life or scroll it. ** JM, Hey there. 1. Ha ha. 2. Ah, gotcha, good to know. 3. Widespread disdain is one of our biggest scourges. I’ll re-check ‘The Happening’, thank you! Merde! Break a leg! ** Sypha, Hi. I’m shit at it when it’s my own stuff, but I do it anyway. I’m better at it if it’s someone else’s stuff. Which probably make me a psychologist’s field day. Bugging people to review your thing on Amazon or Goodreads and then hyping every 3+ star review you get there is a bridge too far (for me). Oh, wow, a hardcover, that’s so cool! Fondle that thing and bliss out appropriately. ** Andrew, Hi, Andrew. Nice to meet you, and thank you for coming in here. And for the kind words about my gif work. Zac and I haven’t really talked about publishing our screenplays, which is strange, actually. Now that we’re finishing the screenplay of our third film, and, actually, with the screenplay of a three-episode TV series we’re finishing as well, maybe there are enough of them to think about doing that. I’ll confer with Z. How are your studies going? Are you making films now? Is there any way to see them, if you are? Thanks a lot! ** Steve Erickson, Oops. Oh, right, a reboot, that makes more sense. Weird, my laptop has mysteriously crashed twice in the last three days. Spooky, yes, for sure. I hope it’s something really simple on your end. Well, on mine too. Wow, that was fast on your Godard review. You’re speedy. Lucky you. Look forward to your article. Everyone, Duck out of the concert today at least long enough to read Steve Erickson’s article on the IFC Center’s Iranian film festival here. ** Kuteones, Ditto, agreed, on all fronts, about hotels. You know your related shit, man. I should do a post of all the weird or amazing or whatever hotels I’ve stayed in. Maybe. I guess that would be more fun (and laborious) for me than for the world. You were just radiating ‘inspired’ yesterday. I think I almost got a nice tan from it. Rockin’! ** H, Hi! Yeah, a bit of wind and her mouth twitch gave the gif away. It was a goodie. Thank you for the birthday wish! ** David Ehrenstein, You made it! I wonder what was up? Excellent wisdom on Schroeder, and I thank you kindly for that. I’d forgotten he was in that Rivette. Wow. Happy day! ** Misanthrope, Thanks, bud. Get some sleep. ** Kyler, Hi, Kyler. I did not know that. But I like that, you bet. Yeah, I’ve seen the Cannes press conference, and, yes, it’s amazing. I’m so happy you’re so into Bresson right now. It’s like a birthday gift straight to my soul or something. ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T! Thank you much, maestro and dear pal! ** Okay. Enjoy my birthday in whatever form you choose from indulging in my concert to ignoring it entirely. It’s all good. See you tomorrow.


  1. Jamie

    Happy birthday, Dennis! Lots of love to you. Things have been all over the place here, but I’ll hopefully be back soon to catch up (WiFi-willing). Hope everything’s good with you and you have some kind of super-special day.
    Jamie xx

  2. James


    Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day!

    I was trying to think of an appropriate birthday gift for you, but what do you give to a man who has everything? I was thinking of giving you my Gerber butterfly, my most valuable hunting knife, but then I figured you already have one. 😛


  3. MANCY

    HBD ❤️❤️

  4. David Ehrenstein

    Hippo Birdie Tw Ewe, Dennis!

    You share a birthday with Johnnie Ray.

  5. Sypha

    Well, I said happy birthday to you on FB Dennis, so I’ll just repeat the sentiment here!

    All of these GBV videos remind me that I really need to reread GUIDE at some point this year.

  6. Featon

    i say go for it your experiences are often nothing short of grand. youve a kind taste as well. talk about a nice present. pollard makes me want to fight or fight him wait no he inspires to me to rock or write. a wonderful ohioian quality to their music. saw them twice. outstanding sounding band. pollard walked by me standing outside a bar and i was fucked up and yelled kick it! at him lol. gbv rocks. getting with your posts lately. the world would be a sick twisted place without you. happy b day. you should see it. glory took my eyes from hurtin

  7. Dominik

    Here too: happy, happy birthday, Dennis!!!

  8. Damien Ark

    Happy Bday Dennis. You inspired me to listen to almost the entire GBV discography a couple months ago (took a couple days to get through, doing stereolab’s discog atm). Hope it’s an awesome day for you!

  9. Jeff J

    Happy birthday, Dennis! Hope you’re doing something nice today to celebrate. What a great gift this post is — I’ll be using it as my playlist tomorrow. Many favorites on here and a few that are new to me.

    Been buried in freelance work recently and vainly trying to get traction on the new novel. Recently saw James Benning’s “11 x14” and loved it. Really interesting combo of road movie and structuralist film, with a sense of mystery around the edges of so many of the scenes. I can’t recall if that’s the one that is among your favorites or a similarly titled film by him?

    Hope all’s love. Love to you.

  10. Jeff J

    Hope all’s *well*
    (My comment disappeared so I can’t edit it, but hope it went through)

  11. Robert Siek

    Dear Dennis,

    Happiest of birthdays to you! I hope it has been and continues to be a pleasant day for you all around. Any celebratory activities in store for you? BTW, I saw that you’ll be in LA very soon after I head back home from there. I hope the screening of PGL there is a riotous success. Do you ever consider moving back to LA, or has Paris become the ultimate home? After 8 years in Brooklyn I might be moving back to Manhattan much later this year. My boyfriend is hating NYC lately, but he believes it would be much more tolerable if he could walk to his workplace, so we’re going to shoot for the LES. I’m game. I’ve never really liked the building we’ve lived in the past 7 and a half years but the actual apartment has always been fine, minus the occasional major repair work–like reflooring half the living room because of water damage caused by a leak from the bathtub. We’ll see. We might get lazy and decide to stay another year when the time comes. Moving is always traumatic. Ha ha ha. I have time to psych myself up. Well anyway, again, all good and joyful occurrences for the rest of the day and through the weekend. Happy birthday!

    • Chris Cochrane

      Happy Birthday Sir, thank-you for today’s and yesterday’s postings. Talk to you on Sunday xoxoxo

  12. Bernard Welt

    Happy birthday, big guy. (Although I am older than you–you’re welcome–I think you’re my literary-life big brother. Or big bro, anyway.) I hope you’ll report on the amazing things that happen today.
    Yes, it’s been a while. I stayed real busy. Feel like I’m getting a lot done, but with these longer-term projects, always hard to say. I’ve seen some great art I want to report on, but not right now. I’ve had adventures. (I always do.)
    I have a conference in Holland and June so am asking Récollets for July; hoping that works out.
    Continuing good luck on all ongoing and future projects.

  13. kier

    happy birthday my number one dennis!!!! god this concert was just the thing i didn’t know i deeply needed. i put on don’t stop now and i haven’t heard it in soooo long and it filled me with bliss and i cried but blissed-out tears, and then atom eyes and i cried some more haha, it’s the music of my heart. thank you for that. what did your birthday hold for you? give me the juicy deets please. have you been to the heizer yet and how was it? have you ever been out to the desert to see his city btw? looks so alluring. i just posted scans on my very rarely used blog of the notebook i used when i was working on pgl, it’s drawings i did when i was first looking at photos and videos of benjamin and figuring out how to draw him, and some early shrine ideas: – thought you might get a kick out of it. i’ve also gotten my website in shape so i can put it on my MA application if you wanna peruse it:) it’s tomorrow i officially get to try to lift more than 2kg! wish me luck. oslo is filled with dogs in clothes which is the only really great thing about the winter here for me, it’s doggy-fashion season. hope paris threw you a party today xxxx k

  14. David Saä Estornell

    Eres uno de los hombres más buenos, generosos y dulces que he conocido en toda mi vida, para mí como Michael Jackson. Sólo que un de ellos no tenía contacto con la realidad y otro, tú, sí. Te deseo lo mejor para este nuevo año querido maestro. Cuando tú puedas y quieras, yo estaré siempre disponible para tomar un café, cerveza etc. vivimos en la misma ciudad. Tú eres la legenda, yo sólo un tipo con problemas de autoestima y tímido. Muchas, muchas felicidades querido Dennis.

  15. Steve Erickson

    I hope you’re having a great day, involving a Guided By Voices marathon interrupted by “Dancing Queen” and experimental techno, followed by nachos at the Hard Rock Cafe!

    There’s something about reviewing THE IMAGE BOOK that makes me feel like a cop, especially since I was restricted to 900 words. But I hope I did justice to it and acknowledged the limits of my response.

    Last night, I got the worst migraine of my life. Seriously, it felt like being hit in the back of my head with a hammer for hours on end, and while I woke up this morning feeling better, the headache lasted about 16 hours. I’m sure the current chilly weather had something to do with it, as well as my stress over my computer issues. I decided to put off going to the repair shop till the weekend, because it seems more important to try to rest and relax now.

  16. JM

    d – h b – j

  17. Jay

    Happy birthday Dennis!

    Here’s to another year of great music and literature. I hadn’t really dug into GBV until recently, cuz I was a bit intimidated by their discography. At the moment I’m meditatively looping Smothered in Hugs. The guitar riff is way too good.

    I hope you had a great birthday and hope there’s many many more to come. Also, tomorrow is my birthday, which I will take as an chance to make-believe that we share some cosmological connection expressed in indie music and books about murder. Take care, write long, here’s the biggest hugs I could possibly send. Happy birthday!

  18. _Black_Acrylic

    Happy Birthday Dennis! My FB greeting from last night applies here today too.

    Just now I watched Burden of Dreams on your Les Blank Day recommendation, and I enjoyed it a whole lot. The perfect Fitzcarraldo companion piece that bests the original in my eyes. You ever seen Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Inferno? That’s my other favourite film about the making of a film.

  19. Nik

    Happy Birthday Dennis!!

    This playlist will def be the soundtrack for the next few days for me. I got way into ‘under the bushes’ and ‘bee thousand’ over the summer. Can’t wait to check out these selections!
    Been getting writing done for the last week, which is really nice. Sort of realizing more recent stories aren’t working and finding out how to fix old stories. In philly for the week, which should be fun, going to see emperor x tonight. Have you heard of him?
    Have you heard back about the script at all? What are you waiting on right now?
    Hope your birthday is awesome dude! ❤️

  20. Bill

    Have an awesome birthday, Dennis! Thanks for the concert!

    I’m back from the mysterious orient. Not the most stress-free of trips, but I think everything worked out.

    I did catch this so-so Algorithmic Art exhibit. The best piece was a Toshio Iwai oldie from the 80s, sigh.

    I’m pretty excited about some upcoming project opportunities, and of course your PGL screening in Feb. I see it’s at IndieFest, which usually draws a good crowd. And at the venerable old Roxie, one of my favorite venues. I’d suggest the Bay area DLs to buy tickets ASAP, if they haven’t already. I have my ticket for Sunday! (Our premier sour beer festival is earlier that day, so I hope I won’t be too wiped out when the screening rolls around.)

    So what days are you in to San Francisco? Any other events planned?


  21. Chris Cochrane

    Happy Birthday Sir, thank-you for today’s and yesterday’s postings. Talk to you on Sunday xoxoxo

  22. Brendan

    Happy Birthday, D! Sending big love your way.


  23. Bill

    [Having some trouble posting replies; sorry if this shows up twice…]

    Hope you’re having an awesome birthday, and thanks for the concert!

    I’m back from the mysterious orient. Not the most stress-free trip, but I think things worked out.

    I did catch an Algorithmic Art exhibit. The best piece was a Toshio Iwai piece from the ’80s, sigh.

    Looking forward to the PGL screening in February. I see it’s at IndieFest, which usually gets pretty good turnout, at the venerable Roxie, one of my favorite venues. (I saw Egoyan’s first feature film there in ’88!) It’s not a huge room, so I’d suggest DLs to get tickets early. I’ll be there on Sunday. Our premier sour beer festival is earlier that day, so I hope I won’t be too wiped out before the screening.

    What’s your itinerary like for the trip?


  24. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Shouldn’t it be 66 songs? And 67 next year…and eventually 150…

    Thanks. I didn’t get any sleep last night and I won’t get any tonight, but I’ll get some Friday night! Yay!

    They’re calling for 2-4″ of snow here Saturday night through Sunday. That’ll be nice. I guess.

    So yes, what Bernard said. How much shit did you fuck up today?

  25. Bernard Welt

    Ah, but you put it so much more elegantly than I ever could. xo

  26. Cal Graves

    Happy birthday Dennis! hope it’s a good one
    sincerely cal

  27. tender prey

    Hey Dennis – hoping to sneak in a fast and heartfelt !!Happy Birthday!! before you post the PS…
    Joyous sonic fest – thank you!

  28. thomas

    Hi Dennis – happy happy birthday and happy GBV day. By some weird coincidence today the 2 (!!) GBV club shows in London, the first in over 15 years!, went on sale too. Are you coming over?! Gonna be awesome… some people have waited for years for this. I’m also hoping I can make it to the Cabinet gallery this evening before it closes, working from home until about 4 and then it’s about an hour to get there …. At last year’s Euroheedfest I sang ‘Redmen and their Wives’ during the live band karaoke, which is always a bit of a highlight in proceedings, and dedicated it to you, though I think the announcement got a bit lost in the general hilarious organised chaos of this family event 🙂 Take care, and have a great day! Will be at the ICA too…

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