Sunn O))) Hell-O)))-Ween
‘There’s a kind of bliss in the folds of “Hell-O)))-Ween”‘s distorted bass and tensile, wavering electric guitars– its thick, repetitive chord changes might be the steadily gaining footfalls of a giant whose friends have already left you beaten and bloodied. Appropriately, the song’s second half descends into droning death knells of tonal squall, a requiem for humanity. On its surface, “Hell-O)))-Ween” are riffs made miles long by sustain. But that length is like a timeline, or a trajectory from the simple fears of man’s formative years through the powerfully unsettling simplicity of two distorted guitars and an enormous bass cabinet. On White2, Sunn set their amps on “primeval.”‘ — Johnny Loftus
Azer, Mime of Darkness w/ Raven & Tara Going Under
‘Raven, Your Acid Bath Princess of the Darkness and her pal Tara are on a goth-lite freakout! In this early video that they made with their friend Azer, Mime of Darkness (whose father wouldn’t let him be on YouTube, but then didn’t care, so they posted it), we have a perfect introduction to our new “serious as death” friends. Azer, Mime of Darkness got caught going into the “prep mall” while they were being goth across the street at Hot Topic, causing his ousting. Death to false goth! Easy come, easy go. See ya Azer, Darkness!’ — Dangerous Minds
Andy Pratt Inside Me Wants Out
‘Andy Pratt’s self-titled album is a very quirky, idiosyncratic album that definitely establishes Pratt as a major force in the singer-songwriter arena. He also sounds very depressed as many of the song titles indicate (e.g. “Inside Me Wants Out,” “So Fine, (It’s Frightening)”). However, this doesn’t diminish the album’s power or the particular style that is very much Pratt’s own. “Inside Me Wants Out” is in the running as one of the most dismal songs ever recorded, and could seriously be used as a study tool for a psychology class — Sigmund Freud would have a field day with it.’ — collaged
Aphelion Door Frame
‘Cool stuff from this Washington state artist. Soundwise, think the love child of Dissecting Table and Navicon Torture Technologies (with a few stray sperm cells from Winterkalte), that came out completely malformed and mishapen. 10 brutal creations fueled by anger and pain, spewing forth a barrage of relentless sound layers combining dark, chaotic noise with walls of blasting percussion, screams, samples, and just plain bedlam.’ — Tesco
Coil The First Five Minutes After Death
‘Coil’s 1986 album Horse Rotorvator ends with “The First Five Minutes After Death”. An instrumental that sums up the album. Cold, Dramatic, and Hopeless. With blaring horns, screeches, and instrument work that sounds like well, the first few minutes after death. It’s like the last person in the apocalypse dying and looking on at all of the destruction before he moves on to the after life. The album could be too depressing for some. If you are considering suicide or are really down on your luck, I would suggest not listening to this. It is easily more sad than anything else I’ve heard.’ — Sputnik
Propergol Outburst
‘Crée au milieu des années 90, Propergol, projet unipersonnel Français, s’est imposé, après quelques CDR’s et plusieurs CD’s, comme l’une des meilleures formations apparues dans le domaine des musiques électroniques underground ces dernières années. Propergol tire son nom du carburant utilisé pour le fonctionnement d’engins spatiaux. A l’image de son appellation, Propergol est un brûlot, un concentré de solutions inflammables n’attendant qu’un allumeur pour y mettre le feu. Inutile d’ailleurs, car l’énergie dégagée par le groupe y suffit. Les morceaux les plus ambiants ne préfigurent jamais la paix ou la quiétude… Ils ne sont que le prélude d’une apocalypse à venir, le décollage d’un avion qui, tôt ou tard, s’écrasera.’ — TRP
Colin Newman I’ve Waited Ages
‘Though it doesn’t quite have the all-encompassing range of the connotative title, Colin Newman’s first solo record features the wildly imaginative streak that makes Wire’s first three records so endlessly exciting. In fact, A-Z was supposed to be his band’s fourth record, but their label saw things differently. A-Z‘s insular, cloistered nature gives the feel of a 3,000 piece puzzle with no jagged edges to be found — everything seems obtuse and ovular. That said, it takes some deep listening to get a grip on. It might not be a Wire record in name, but A-Z truly deserves to be held in the same regard as Pink Flag, Chairs Missing, and 154. It might be really warped and utterly confusing at times, but it’s riveting throughout. The CD version adds five tracks, most of them being very worthwhile.’ — collaged
Stalaggh Untitled
‘Stalaggh came into its futile existence around 2000, when members of the Dutch and Belgian black metal and ambient music scenes came together for the express purpose of making an album that would fill their listeners with despair. To help achieve that goal, they dispensed with the usual growling black metal singers and instead brought in mental patients. Apparently one of the members of the band works in an insane asylum and was able to get permission to work with some of the patients, under the guise of it being primal scream therapy. Allegedly, among the many “vocalists” the band has worked with in this way is a guy who was institutionalized for killing his mother by stabbing her 30 times.’ — collaged
Awsomemcmetcalf15 If I Die Young
‘i have another chanall its a65248’. — Awsomemcmetcalf15
Severed Heads Lower than the Grave
‘Severed Heads are one of the longest surviving bands to emerge from the Australian post-punk independent music scene. They began in Sydney in 1979, incorporating elements of ‘industrial’ noise-generation, tape cutting & looping and electronic sound synthesis. After several releases in that vein, Severed Heads began incorporating various popular music tropes, such as a consistent 4/4 rhythm, strong melodic lines, and resolving chord arrangements. This move was underscored by the incorporation of mimetic devices, such as drum machines. The result was a striking hybrid of the avant-garde, EBM and Synth-pop. After many line-up changes featuring Gary Bradbury and psychedelic guitarist Simon Knuckey, Severed Heads was the vehicle for composer Tom Ellard. On 4th February 2008 Tom Ellard announced the end of the “Severed Heads”. Severed Heads played very last live shows on the 16th and 17th December 2011.’ — collaged
The Tomb of Ellery Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me
‘This is our computer-controlled animated band that performs at our anual Halloween party. This year the boys sang “Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me” by Alice Cooper.’ — FresnoDoug
Atlas Sound Coffin Trick
‘Though it was Cox’s earliest musical incarnation, it wasn’t until 2008 that the first Atlas Sound album emerged, Let The Blind Lead Those Who See But Cannot Feel. The genesis of the record can be traced back to those sixth-grade musical experiments; a time when he discovered through reading a Beck interview that his family’s disused karaoke machine could be used as a rudimentary multi-tracking device. As Cox’s tirelessly updated blog attests, with its caverns of freely available covers, demos and mixtapes, such recording processes are central to his music, colouring the intimate feel of Atlas Sound in a manner more apparent than when writing under the guise of Deerhunter.’ — 4AD
Nico Das Lied der Deutschen
‘The most provocative and controversial song in Nico’s entire repertoire, “Das Lied Der Deutschen” was the historical German national anthem, adopted during the post-World War I Weimar regime in 1922, but better known for its associations with the subsequent National Socialist government. By 1974, the first two verses of the song, including the opening lyric “Deutschland Deutschland uber alles, uber alles in der welt ” (“Germany, Germany, above all others, above all others in the world”) had been outlawed in Germany for almost 30 years, and Nico knew, long before she recorded it, the effect it would have on listeners. What she did not expect, somewhat naïvely, was the depth of hatred that her actions would arouse. Her performance itself is stirring for all that. Her voice is simultaneously mocking and sincere, a combination which resolves itself into one of her most beautiful efforts ever.’ — collaged
Haus Arafna Lucifer
‘The name of the band is related to an euthanasia physician called F. Mennecke, but Mennecke’s philosophy is definitely not important for us, and we don’t even know his personal philosophy. He used to write regular letters to his wife. After a “selection” in the Bethel clinics for nervous diseases he wrote a letter that brought a special flair to the Arafna house and inspired us to name our band “Haus Arafna”. The letter is quoted in extracts in the cover of our Blut CD. He wrote about the dinner he had in the hotel and by the way how much occupants he killed that day. We are interested in irrational things in general, especially in any kind of horror that happened behind closed doors, leading to the conclusion that one might ask what’s happening inside some hidden or secret systems today. Apart from that, Haus Arafna is a pleasing name. We launched Haus Arafna, because we were full of energy and simply had to start off. There isn’t more to talk about…’ — HA
School of Rock Portland The Green Manalishi
‘For over 15 years, School of Rock has been teaching kids and adults to play music through unique performance-based programs. The School of Rock Portland school opened in 2006, and has performed over a 100 shows often joined by local bands such as The Thermals, Red Fang, Portugal. The Man, The Decemberists, Blitzen Trapper, and many more. School of Rock Portland recently put on a show of all Melvins songs. Check out these awesome kids!’ — SOR Portland
Death Grips Beware
‘“Beware” follows an unnamed protagonist as he abandons his humanity, giving in to the anger and frustration in his mind and becoming a sort of monster among men. The song explores several, admittedly dark, themes, including: sacrifice, satanism, violence, intolerance, greed, rage, witchcraft and magick, and suicide. The introduction notably samples from an interview with American criminal Charles Manson. The song also samples Up To The Beach by Janes Addiction and Dickie Burtons God Is Watching.’ — Rap Genius
Ululate Lunch-Carrion
‘Chinese Black Metal band Ululate was formed from the ashes of another Black Metal band, which Spectre was a part of. His first CD, We Are Going To Eat You, was released in 2003 through Dying Art Productions. Lyrical themes include horror and zombies. The second CD, YaZi, was named for the town the songs on the album arebased off of. The album also includes live songs from a gig in Wuhan 2003 was released through Dying Art Productions in 2004.’ — collaged
Rob Zombie Superbeast
‘Shriek the lips / Across a ragged tongue / Convulsing together / Sing violently / Move the jaw / Cry out loud / Bound up the dead / Triumphantly // The ragged, they come / And the ragged, they kill / You pray so hard on bloody knees / The ragged, they come / And the ragged, they kill / Down in the cool air, I can see // Hey, yeah, I’m the one that you wanted / Hey, yeah, I’m your superbeast / Hey, yeah, I’m the one that you wanted / Hey, yeah, I’m your superbeast’. — Rob Zombie
Jason Crumer Betrayal After Betrayal
‘Using powerfully clear electronics as a base for declarative noise bursts, Crumer manipulates the sounds with a resounding animosity. In the vein of past Hospital releases from Pedestrian Deposit and Air Conditioning, Crumer yields a mean streak and an array of silences over the course of the album. The theme here is personal relations with tracks like ‘Betrayal After Betrayal’ which has an almost conversational quality, both the screams and the muffles, the physicality. ‘Pissed Off Response’ is an actionist-influenced piece of torture. There’s nothing not painful here, especially the quiet — the peaks are almost a relief. Ottoman Black is a stern and unforgiving universe.’ — Volcanic Tongue
p.s. Hey. ** James, Hi. I don’t know Stanley Crawford’s work at all, so I don’t know if there are great similarities or not. I’ll take your Happy Tuesday and raise you a Happy Wednesday. ** Cal Graves, Hi, Cal. Welcome to here, and thank you for the love/hate, which makes total sense, and I’ll accept that gratefully. Is it possible to read your writing? I would like to, if so. And, yeah, if you feel like hanging out here anytime, that would be very cool, and it would be great and interesting to get to know you. Take care, and thank you again. ** Chilly Jay Chill, Thank you, man. The photographs were a wonder. Yikes about your computer, but, obviously, everything on it has been backed the shit up, right? I hope it clears and refills lickety-split and asap. I’m just feeling/typing my way back into the novel in a mind-to-hands-on way now, and my plan is to work concentratedly on it beginning maybe even today, but starting tomorrow at the latest. Yeah, whew, the scary problem re: the editing turned out to be a unfulfilled theoretical scare, but it was nerve-wracking there for a while. Onwards and inwards and outwards now. All is very good here, thank you! ** Thomas Moronic, Oh, man, sweet and gratitude central about the blog posts! I’m in need, and your curating and artistic overseeing skills are unparalleled, natch, so, yeah, thank you so much! ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Yep, the new Honore exists. It’s been in theaters here for a couple of weeks. It’s really something, even for him, and it’s gotten the best reviews he has had for a while, so, yeah. I hope it gets released in the States. ** Kier, K! I do get happy escort client emails sometimes. I also get quite a few emails from people asking me to put them in direct touch with the escorts and/or the slaves, but I don’t do that. Definitely not into being their pimps. And, most of the time, by the time the post launches, I don’t remember exactly where I found them anyway. Good, cool: Paris/Le Manoir date it is. Just tell me when is good whence when is figure-outable. Figureoutable isn’t a real word? It was hot here too. Even gross hot. I hope your foot has healed itself from the inside out. Today is packing day! That should be fun, but I kind of like packing for some weird reason. Definitely more than unpacking. And you leave tomorrow, or tonight? No doubt about that new cover and cuteness. Lemme see. Tuesday: well, mm, first, the potential big problem with the film/editing got resolved, which was a huge relief. Briefly, what happened that, while going through the footage to organize it to give to whatever person we’re about to hire to really organize it for us pre-editing, Zac discovered that the sound files for the second and third days of shooting of one particular scene were missing and that the sound guy for that scene had given us the sound file for the first day over and over. That scene has important, intricate sound that can’t be redone or faked without ruining everything, so it was potentially a complete disaster, but, luckily, he tracked down the machine on which the sound was recorded and, miraculously, its memory had not yet been wiped, so we were able to retrieve the sound files we needed. So that happened. I wrote some. Zac’s going away tomorrow to the States for three weeks, and I always give him plane treats, i.e. things to eat and play with on the plane, before he leaves for anywhere by air, so I traveled around Paris gathering things to give him, and that was fun, but it was really hot, like I said, so I wound up a sweaty mess. But at least everyone else around me was too. I saw a poster that announced that Kraftwerk are doing that big series of 3D concerts that they’ve doing at various spots around the world in Paris, and I got excited until I realized that it’s while I’ll be in Iceland, so, oh well, and I’ve seen Kraftwerk twice, so I guess it’s okay. I think everything else that happened was uninteresting par-for-the-course type stuff. So, okay, today you packed and then … left, prepared to leave? What happened? ** Steevee, Hi. Yeah, based on the bit I saw of ‘Goodbye to Language’, I thought it was really inspired and extraordinary. You’re so lucky to have gotten to see the whole thing not only in the theater but presumably with subtitles. Awesome! ** Misanthrope, You were Mr. Delete yesterday. Did you reveal things about yourself that you had second, third, and fourth thoughts about or something? ‘Mystery is interesting’: truer words hath ne’er been spoke. I don’t know, I don’t think Ocean’s being into guys would dissuade an attraction to him from women. It’s all a big fantasy attraction anyway. If he’s into guys, it would just make the fantasy even more exciting, right? I.e., ‘even though Frank was into guys, when he saw me, …. ‘. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. One day to go! It must be super intense where you are! ** Hyemin K, Hi. I’ve heard that about eating late, of course, but I’ve also read in seemingly knowledgeable contexts that the ‘eating late = unhealthy’ thing is a myth, that it started as something mothers said to their kids, and that it somehow got turned into official medical advice when it never was. Like … my grandmother insisted when I was a kid that, if I are carrots, it would make my hair curly. She meant that as positive thing, but the last thing in the world I wanted was curly hair, which might explain why I’ve never been a big fan of carrots. Anyway, as an extremely plain eater, your food sounds exciting to me. ** Sypha, Hi. Oh, then the company might actually have invented the term, huh. ** gucciCODYprada, Hey, man! You good or hopefully even great? Today is hopefully the last day when I am overly busy mopping up work on the film, and my plans is to restart reading (yours) and writing (mine) as of tomorrow at the latest, so it’s almost happening, man. What’s going on? Love, me. ** Rewritedept, Hi. I’ll try on my end, timewise. I don’t know, I’ve never done FaceTime. I’m not sure if I want to. Every time someone FaceTimes me, it feels like a wasp is flying in my face, and I immediately end the call. Mm, I don’t know about March, to be honest. It’s too early to say. I’ll have to give my answer to your question in raincheck form. My day wasn’t bad. See: my thing to Kier. Why butcher paper? I saw that signed setlist on my FB need. Very cool indeed. Wow, I’ll do my best to make my Wednesday live up to your sparkling theoretical rendition of it, man. Big challenge. I like challenges usually. ** Okay. So, your next Halloween post is a seasonal gig curated to give you the spooks. Dare you click those arrows and potentially get the bejeezus scared out of you? One wonders. Do what I just suggested or don’t, and I’ll see you tomorrow.
I'm doing well, despite having continually getting different illnesses. First it was a viral infection with little red bumps all over my skin, and I had to take so many pills. Then I was vomiting everything including water up for a day, before they iv'd me some anti vomiting stuff and sent me home with three liters of electrolyte enhanced water. Now I've got what appears to be a minor ear infection. But all is well. This is the bonafide third world experience, and luckily Amma runs one of the best hospitals in all of India, so I've got good treatment for just pennies.
I've been doing a good amount of writing, but without the computer it's hard. Hopefully I'll fix the my laptop in Europe and get back on full time trying to get down and dirty on the current work.
Still stressing on what I'm going to do with my life, but that's to be expected. Just gonna keep dreaming that I can full time make a living writing until the world tells me no. Who knows if even then I'll be able to stop though. Ah, but what's new? When's life not a mess in one respect or another? For now I'm anxious to see what comes of your reading. One day at a time. Fingers crossed.
Yay Halloween! And with lot's of stuff I haven't heard in years like Coil, Severed Heads, and Nico! How are you? I'm supposed to be writing something and am out of practice, so distracting myself by listening to all my vinyl from start to finish in alphabetical order… first had some Adult., Antony and the Johnsons, a quick stint through the B-52s yellow album, and Beat Happening next (confession: I skipped Antiflag and Antioch Arrow cuz I wasn't in the mood… does that make me a bad person?). Oh and I wrote a paragraph… not bad for a morning's work?
Hi Dennis! How's tricks? It's been a while. I've been in head-down working in the studio mode. It's going well, I think, though what do I know? How are you? I read you have finished shooting the film! – yay! Pleased with it, albeit in unedited form?
Reading-wise, I've been in Laszlo Krasznahorkai's world. Fuck, he is an INCREDIBLE writer – the cat's ass. 'Melancholy of Resistance" just blew me clean away. It's, like, Beckett-meets-Kafka standard, seriously. Just fucking WILD. " Satantango" and " Seiobo" just amazing, too. Have you read him? He collaborates with Bela Tarr too – the "Werckmeister Harmonies" comes from a chapter of the same name in "Melancholy….", about this guy who slowly boards himself into his house as fascism and dark carnivals surround him. It's complete genius stuff, experimental, black humour, slightly apocalyptic, with just whole passages of writing that make you go " How the fuck could anyone be this good just with a pen and a piece of paper?".
There's a great artist's book with illustrations by Max Neumann called "Animalinside", as well – just mindblowing.
Watched " Act of Killing" and " The L-shaped Room" this week, too, so bombarded with greatness from all sides.
Are you following the Scottish referendum? I've become a total politics junkie. It's a real nail-biter – I hope it's a Yes. My dad was Scottish, Mum English, he a Socialist, my Mum a Thatcherite asshole, so the debates feel personal in a weird way. The only bummer if it's a Yes is it probably condemns England to being a Tory fiefdom forever, not that the Scots should give a shit about that. And those of us living in England can always move, which millions will do if Cameron gets in again next Spring, trust me. Will you be able to watch the coverage early Friday morning? I'm pulling an all-nighter, coffee and whisky at the ready. Keep your fingers crossed – I'm guessing you're also " Declare Independence"?
Hey, BLACK ACRYLIC, if you read this, what's gonna happen tomorrow?! I just read a piece in "The Independent" about how Dundee is seen as the most definitely pro-independence city in Scotland and thought of you. What's your hunch? (Is there a reason for that, btw? – does Dundee have particularly radical traditions? Is there a clear geographical split between the Yes and No camps? – like, I'm assuming Glasgow is Yes, Edinburgh maybe No, is that right? Broadly speaking, obvs)Seems like every age-group apart from the over-60s is Yes, is that right? -Like the Baby Boomers haven't spoiled everything else, what with their houses and wealth and inheritances and ecological devastation and economic miracles, haha. Do you think the Undecided and ex-Labour voters and the 16-18 yr olds will swing Yes? Surely they will, right? And the fact that a lot of people who had disappeared from the Electoral Roll are now back on it must help Yes, doesn't it?
Must be a great atmosphere up there! If it's Yes the party will go on for weeks, won't it?
Despite the way the pro-unionist media are presenting it, there's tons of people "down here" hoping for a Yes. Cameron taking about being heartbroken is bullshit – if anything, there'll be millions of us that are jealous if it's Yes – you gotta chance to build something great, whereas England is just basically a giant toilet at the moment, paranoid, frustrated, and beaten, staring at phones with zombie eyes. Walking around London is like being in a billionaire's theme park now, and all across the South the TUC were right to say it's basically reverting to a kind of Downton Abbey-style society. Scotland could build something worth aspiring to! Like Burroughs said,
" Time to forget a dead Empire – build a living Republic!".
It will be Yes, won't it?
I've been meaning to explore Severed Heads for some time now.
I usually want to contribute to gig days, so, off of the top of my head, for Halloween buildup, howzabout some…
Andrew Liles
And Sigillum S
When Nico sang "Das Lied von der Deutsch" at the Whiskey back in 86 she was quite explicit about doing so in defiance of its Nazi associations. Punks in the front row began to "Seig Heil" and she stopped the show in order to school them that it was "a very old German song" co-opted by Hitler and she was singing it in order to return it to its pre-Nazi origins.
Hope the Honore comes here too, and hope Honore does himself. Thw French film office in L.A. always throws great parties. I met Emmanuelle Riva at the last big one they had.
Nice to hear the Godard is so good. he has made films with quotes before, most strikingly Nouvelle Vague (1991) with Alain Delon. Every single word of it was from a book or a movie. Film Socialisme quote movies directly using bits from Mediterranee, Adieu Bonaparte, Batleship Potempkin, The Battle of Marathon, and many others.
thank you for telling me the jean-luc godard film is GOODBYE TO LANGUAGE. I just googled it and it looks very interesting. I look forward to your review. Will your review be coming out soon?
I'll listen to these tunes on the bus ride to work. The ride takes about 20 mins so I should have enough time… maybe? I'm glad your sound man found the sound files.. The most interesting sound man I've ever met was John Travolta in 'Blow Out' … though of course I met him through Brian De Palma.
Much love to you Dennis!
Latest FaBlog: Kiss The Boots On The Ground!
@James–It'll be out next week. I'll post a link here.
I like that clip of those young goths miming "Going Under." And of course, that Coil song is ace.
Read Denis Johnson's "Jesus' Son" a few days ago, now I'm reading "Kindred" by Octavia Butler.
Hope you've been well man — my life out here's been swallowed a bit by trying to finagle all sorts of freelance or maybe even teaching-y occupations for next year so I can hopefully clear up a little stint to finally get back into writing stuff, or –as becomes the increasingly larger analogue–prostituting/selling the stuff i've already done. Glad to see the lead-up to Halloween — I'm assuming you've likely got some pretty extravagant plans?
Heading on down to BAM tonight to catch this finnegans wake oral-interpretation thing — should be pretty good. Did you ever swamp around in the Wake? Assuming it might be too bro-philosopher for ya, but I've always enjoyed wandering around in there and finding unexpected glimmers when possible…
Also have you been catching the new Ariel Pink / were you ever a fan? If you've only heard the newer polished stuff you should check out his album "Worn Copy" — really arcane, pop-fleshed out stuff that's a wonder it's been so swalloed by time.
in any case, hope you're well — looking forward to seeing what may leak from the more 'straight-forward' novel thing you're working on–
Hey Dennis,
Hope you are all well. It's been a period of change here recently. I finished my treatment for personality disorders back in August which was quite a system shock, I didn't mind too much the group therapy finishing, but the one-2-one's was pretty upsetting, and as, I guess, is expected some deep shit came out in the final sessions. So all I have left to do with that now is to have 4 appointments throughout the year. I feel like I've benefitted from it immensely, in some ways I'm a new person than the one who started 2 years ago, I'm defo a lot calmer as a person which I guess is always good.
On Tuesday, I had an appointment with my old (pre treatment) psychiatrist, which was a bit upsetting because when it comes to my psychotic symptoms, little has changed, if anything they've become more ingrained. It was good to see him again, and he's taken my case back on, so I'll be meeting with him every 8 weeks or so.
Other than that, all is good. Currently editing the latest novel whilst rewriting one I sent you before, the cover had the tree and the red bird on the cover. So keeping busy. 😀
Love and hugs,
This comment has been removed by the author.
Also, I've re-released my short story collection Transmissions for free from the following link:
Hope you have time to check it out.
hey denster! it's a combination of two of my favourite things! your gig days and halloween. i'm gonna listen to this on the train tomorrow. i have eight hours to kill so it should be enough. i showed my foot bruise at work and we discovered it looks like the danish flag! which is fitting because the girl who's been living on the farm this summer is from denmark. she's leaving friday so i had to say goodbye to her today, that was sad. i'll miss her. i'm all packed, leaving tomorrow around 5 in the morning. i hate unpacking. i'm glad your sound issue resolved itself, sounds like it was a close call. you get zac travel gifts? aw that's so nice, you're a good friend. today at work we put wooden poles in the ground, kind of hard work. then we put some steel wire around some raspberry bushes. nothing too exciting, but it was very hot out. hung out at the farm once work was over, met a super-cute dog that was a bit hyper. ate norwegian-style waffles. drank some coffee. now i'm going to bed early. how was wednesday? love
I'm glad that GOODBYE TO LANGUAGE has an American distributor and will return to New York for a theatrical run about a month after the New York Film Festival. I can't see it having much commercial potential – I think FILM SOCIALISME closed in 2 weeks, although it might have hung on a while at the IFC Center playing one screening a day in their smallest theater. It really demands to be seen in 3D, which is going to ruin its chances of finding an audience on video in the long run.
Death to false Goths!
Supercool Halloween mix. A lot of favourites in here today (Sunn O))),Coil,Atlas Sound,Nico etc). I might alter one of my guest posts actually,and give it a Halloween twist if that's cool?
Glad that you got the potential snag with the film fixed. And that you wrote some. How far into/what kind of stage/where are you etc with your novel? If you're able to say.
Yes, this Gig rocks in spooktacular style.
Referendum update: people have been calling today "Yesmas Eve" and the leaders have made their big end-of-campaign speeches tonight, while a YouGov/Sun poll earlier this evening has it No 52%, Yes 48%. What could be crucial is that the voting age has been reduced to 16, the younger demographic is the most likely to want change, and registration is at 97%. I think Yes can do it. We should know by 7am Friday but just in case you need to check, then this handy guide will keep you fully updated. Here's hoping it says "Aye" on Friday morning.
Some texts that ought to be of interest: The Anarchist's guide to the referendum is here, and this is an article by Jack Shenker on Slate that captures the mood quite nicely. What a time to be alive.
My Halloween tune of choice: Robert Armani – Ghost
hi dennis,
if you want you can read shitty poems i write here: (
http://ignisorso.tumblr.com/ ); i dont feel comfortable sharing some other stuff right now — if you ask nicely i might email you some SMILEY FACE.
This is a great list — I love it when people make lists. I've been meaning to listen to Coil for a while so this was as good of an excuse as any. have you heard Nurse With Wound? they're/he's kinda like Coil/Throbbing/Psychic-Tv but mush more ridiculous.
im really excited for your movie. it ' s probably too son to ask but how are you going to distribute it? is it going to be shown in (select) theaters? or online (w/ your permission)? Im happy to hear youre working on a book 2.
has anyone else seen any good movies lately?
i said alot didnt i? what-
it's been all doom/gloom to-day so the music was great thx again.
dont call me 'Little Boots' cal
Sypha, My friend loved Lambert on AI, and she still loves him. She thought he looked really good at that concert.
Dennis, Yes, all my secrets REVEALED! Nah, haha, I was linking to the tiny guy glitch from Madden 15, but my fucking href link wouldn't work. I checked the fucker a million times and I definitely had it right, but blogger wouldn't let link up, just spelled out the code. Fucking blogger, what am I gonna do with you?
Well, I think you -and steevee and Sypha- are right about Ocean. You know, Brian Molko once joked that saying he was bi was best way to get pussy. I think there's something to it. Girls, in general, don't care about that shit. Sexy is sexy to them.
I had a former co-worker who knew I was gay as a naked jaybird, but she still crushed on me. Even told me so. And offered to have sex if I ever "changed my mind" about the whole gay thing. That was kind of weird.
Me, see, I find a guy all attractive and cute and whatnot, but then I find out he's straight and then he suddenly loses that attractiveness for me. I mean, I'll still think he's good-looking, but he won't be in any fantasy from there on. Just how I roll. Though I guess it makes some things easier for me.
Although, I've known a lot of gay guys in the past who liked "turning" straight guys. Usually they'd get 'em drunk and suck 'em off or something. Of course, I was always like, um, they're probably not really that straight if they let you do that, even if they were drunk. But whatever. Different things turn on different people.
I have curly hair. That's no secret. You might not know it because I keep it so short. Otherwise, it's 'fro city. And totally fucking unmanageable. The bane of my existence. You were right to abandon those carrots.
@dennis i eat tons of carrots weird. i really like carrot juice and soup. kind of inexpensive and pretty color to drink. but i don't have curly hair. it was very curly when i was a kid, but it changed to almost straight when i became vegetarian. don't know how it's linked. curious. anyway sorry for this silly talk. I think eating late is kind of unhealthy, i repeated that lately, very ill today, kind of surprised that i can be ill with this amount of work, ha ha. will try to get up and work again after clicking some of these songs. re to attraction thing, i don't get attracted to someone in unmatching genders, i mean romantically. but i think you are very good looking, kind of amazing that a writer can be great looking like you.
I look forward to reading your review of Goodbye to Language next week. Thank you.
What did you think of Jesus' Son? I read it in 1993 when I was 23 and it really tore me up emotionally. It is a very powerful book, one of my favorites.
Dennis + Halloween coming to NYC – how exciting is that? I plan on being in Wash Sq Park on Halloween day if the weather's nice and you want to say hi (people always think it's my Halloween wizard costume, not realizing that I wear it all year round) – annual party that night in a nearby apartment, not very Halloweenish, but the musicians from the park come and play there + good food, if you want to join us. And I plan on joining George and James at your gig one night. Looking forward to it Dennis!
Oh, and finished the new Murakami…loved most of it, but found the last third unsatisfying, as if he had to hand it in quickly to his publisher or something. Maybe it was the translation, but I swear, there are the tritest sentences there, that would never be permitted by writers with less fame than he has. Most of it had a big effect on me though.
me too! re: curly hair. it's short now, but if you look at some of my old fb pics, you can see the fro in its full glory.
sweet playlist. for some reason, i expected 'rotting garden on tape' or the halloween EP for the atlas sound stuff, but the song you picked is really good too. granted, i have a soft spot for brad's work.
so how's the possibility of a chat shaping up? we could try it through some sort of text based thing, but i feel like an actual dialog would be easier to manage without a keyboard in the way.
didn't need the butcher paper. just needed a big piece of paper for a template. so i taped a bunch of printer paper together. i think it'll work.
i hope yr day lived up to being like an old thrasher tape. i'm sure kier asked you all about it, so i'll scroll up and check it out. mine was uneventful. told my dad that i'm not working. gotta go to the labor board and the welfare office and possibly to see my attorney tomorrow. busy shit. hope yrs is wondrous. talk soon.
oh just in case you are curious why I am almost pledged to work hard because I'm really interested to get decent or loving work done on retrieving some of poems including yours. of course you did not force it. but i just like it and it's why i live now. not just your work. last night i got back to rene char briefly and read "my future life is your face when you sleep" (ma vie future, c'est ton visage quand tu dors) its dimensions of thinking & loving is almost too much, so that's why I got ill, I suspect.