BuzztheFuzzify School
‘I love the sound of roundwounds clacking violently against the frets! FUCKING RAGE!!! Best part of playin music!’
Weatherwax Aneurysm
‘Weatherwax put heart and soul into every performance, at Witney’s Fat Lil’s along with music festivals and charity gigs across Oxfordshire and beyond. The band’s YouTube channel – Nirvanakiduk – has had nearly half a million views. Channel 4’s Alex Zane said: “Rock has a future, my friends, and they are called Weatherwax!”’
Jay Houck Territorial Pissing
‘Kurt Cobain was the John Lennon of the 90’s.’
Ukrainian Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit
‘Ukrainian 19 year-old guitarist Roman Bulakhov’s progressive rock/fusion Nirvana tribute band.’
Weird Suckers Breed
‘Un cover de la canción Breed de Nirvana por Weird Suckers.’
Dee Dee Ramone Negative Creep
‘Dee Dee Ramone, a former member of the well-known punk group The Ramones, covered the song “Negative Creep” on the 2001 Nirvana tribute Smells Like Bleach: A Punk Tribute to Nirvana.’
Nonsense Something in the Way
‘Something in the Way (In Version) by Nonsense. A cover of Nirvana’s Something in the Way. Nonsense is Shaun Kelly and Devin Edward. We are not the Nirvana tribute band Nonsense, we just have the same name. kind of a weird coincidence, as i only found out about them from uploading this video.’
Little Jimi Hendrix Polly
‘All u gotta do now is let him use his fingers on the frets and let his imagination go wild.’
We Made God Something in the Way
‘In february we had a rehearsal at a mexican restaurant. We decided to play around a bit and here is a song you might recognise. First take, not played it in a few years..’
fishenelmar On a Plain
‘This song, All Apologies and some others are tuned a half step down with drop D… also called drop C#. Try playing your guitar along in E flat and you’ll hear a disonance, then tune it half step down and the disonance will be gone. Or maybe you won’t be able to tell the difference, in that case go ask a more experimented musician to help you understand the difference.’
CN13 Polly
Антон Плоходько Smells Like Teen Spirit
‘Записывал с 1 раза. Гитара Schecter C-1 SGR, комбоусилитель Marshall Mg 50 CFX.’
Heaven Drain You
‘Scentless_Apprentice: You guys live in Germany? Mike Griffioen: No man Netherlands ;) Representation: He even has a Jagstang! TheX-RatedKiwi: fuck yeah this guy has it. Mike Griffioen: haha thank you ;) Berke Tufan: I wish you a better crowd to play, you deserve it. Angover102: why so fast? are you late for something? Noah Hendley: Wow amazing!!! Angela Garcia: ovaries explode. PunkFuckinRock: the cover of break on through sucked but damn… the vocalist really sounded like kurt and the whole cover was really amazing. well done guys. גרמן סיניצין: Presenting you, The Kurt Cobains! Tyrone Gotswagg: HEELLL YEAH. TheShittyGuitar: Nothing like Nirvana covers and bouncy castles! Kelsey Epic: i think i love you’
Mathieu Come As You Are
‘Mathieu plays a drum cover of Nirvana, Come as you are. Mathieu 9 years old (03/2011), Music by Nirvana Copyright EMI Publishing, on Roland TD12KX with snare PD125XS.’
Real Nirvana Heart Shaped Box
‘We are Real Nirvana…. a nirvana tribute band from the west midlands.’
minamiryusuke Blew
‘miyavi cover of nirvana by me. C# tuning. i don’t remeber this video have 4 years. sorry =Xx. i don’t have a tab sorry.’
The Toxic Muffin Smells Like Teen Spirit
‘Brooklyn kid rock band “THE TOXIC MUFFIN” performs during an outdoor Father’s Day Event in front of some of the proudest parents in Brooklyn.’
Exothermic Weirdo Rape Me
‘we are a grunge band from Florida called “Exothermic Weird” (originally called “Head in Hands” but didnt dig the name too much). Ryan-Rhythm guitar and Lead Vocals. Dylan-Lead guitar. Tristan-Bass.’
Strayed Old Age
‘Hey all.. This is… uhm… yeah… Me and my bass player Lee decided (randomly) to try and cover Old Age by Nirvana with… limited success… Anyways, this is completely unedited footage wise and completely live… apologies for the weird aspect ratio… I sincerely hope you enjoyed. :)’
Aftershock Breed
‘Kid rock band ages 11 to 13 at Suzy’s in Hermosa Beach on March 18, 2012. Jane on vocals, Evan on guitar, Sage on guitar, Ben on bass, and Justin on drums.’
Ambrož Pušnik You Know You’re Right
‘Še en cover… Tudi bobne sem sam posnel in kasneje dodal zvok. Na kakšen mestu bodo mogoče zveneli čudno, ker sem malček zajebal ritem kitare, ki sem jo posnel najprej in sem zato moral bobne prilagoditi kitari. Ampak nima veze…’
CoraYako Heart Shaped Box
‘Un cover de Nirvana. Disfruten, comenten y critiquen.’
Pangea In Bloom
‘Pangea- getting all KURT on a packed Halloween crowd!!!’
Austin Malone Messin around on guitar
‘Song I wrote & mixed in “about a girl” by nirvana.’
The Tomato Paste Brigade Polly
‘Dylan Berg and Evan Thomas bring the house down with their cover of Polly by Nirvana. Pardon the first 2-3min of gibberish.’
p.s. Hey. So, here’s the last nudge from me to those of you who are doing the Escort Self-Portrait Day thing. Please send me your entries by tomorrow morning in your time zone. Meaning, I guess, before noon tomorrow wherever you are. Thanks a lot! ** Bill, Hi, Bill. Thanks, and I hope Francis is glad and is okay with my humble attempt. I sent you an inspiring escort? Cool. Thank the wheel of chance operations. The Henke piece sounds super interesting in your description. He’ll be at IRCAM? I’ll definitely try to see that. I think the 11th is a non-filming day, so I think I probably can. I have seen/heart Tarik Barri’s work, or a little of it, and quite probably thanks to that sampler of yours. You’re back in Berlin. Are you getting all this rain, rain, rain we’re getting? ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. That’s an interestingly wending connection: head hair fetish to Ezra Miller. And why not? ** Jeffrey Coleman, Hi, Jeff! I have, I think, three locks of hair stored away in my LA pad. All from people I knew and wanted that particular souvenir from for reasons I don’t remember but were probably love-based or for amorous reasons. I am looking into CJ Bradbury Robinson. I was hoping for some extensive online excerpting or something, but it seems I might have to spring for the CD-rom eventually. I do know about Cabell McLean. He was a friend of a friend of mine who talked about him with great frequency. Have I read his writing? Hm, I’m not sure if I have. Maybe a sample or two. I will definitely pick up that book of his, that’s for sure. Thank you so much, Jeff! Rob Hardin, wow. He’s a Facebook friend so I see his occasional updates. You probably know he was a student of mine way back in the 80s when I briefly taught a writing workshop at St. Marks Poetry Project. I haven’t seen new writing by him in ages. New stuff by him would be a boon. ** Douglas Payne, Hi, Douglas, welcome, and thank you a lot for commenting. Yeah, I have some hair of an ex- or two, or of a hoped for pre-ex- maybe, I can’t remember. A well known and great experimental writer whom I know and who shall remain nameless just in case used to collect pubic hairs he found in public restrooms for a long time. I don’t know if he still does, but he had a sizable collection. He had this intricate, fascinating criteria for why certain pubes made the grade or not that I don’t remember. Cool, thanks, and do return whenever the mood strikes, please. ** Tosh Berman, Hi, Tosh. I remember when I was first going silver. And them it seemed like, boom, overnight or something, I was totally silver. How strange that is: the life-span of the hair root. Yeah, I mean is there anyone in the world who thinks McCartney or Jagger would have completely brown hair in their … what, 70s? I know it happens on rare occasions, but … Not to mention that the color of their is far more more reminiscent of the color of Nutella than of any brown hair realistically produced by the human head. ** Kier, Thanks, buddy! Ha ha, that is too bad. I mean that you can’t give those teeth to Satan. Teeth are like Satan doggie treats or something, I think I heard. You are so correct that it’s high, high time for you to have a website and for us to have a website filled with you and yours. That’s exciting! Link us up the very second it’s ready. Well, as close to the very second as your schedule allows, I mean. I haven’t seen ‘Only God Forgives’ yet. I do want to. My day was … uh, coffee with a friend, a lot of negotiating about film locations, none of them leading to success yet. Writing. Emails. Texting, phoning. Rain, lots of it. Oh, I went to get a chocolate or candy as a gift for someone from this legendary, really great Paris chocolatier called A l’Etoile d’Or run by this really eccentric older woman with long blonde pigtails and crazy energy, and when I got there, there was a sign saying she died and the place was boarded up. That was really sad. It was a great shop, and she was a total trip. I ended up going later on to another chocolatier and buying the same someone this cool confection that is a little box of chocolates designed and sculpted to look like a make-up kit with an edible, chocolate brush and everything. So those were the only colorful things I did. How was Wednesday? What was the highlight? ** Torn porter, Hi, T. Thanks, man. Yeah, the hair collecting thing is weird, right? Cool, I will be curious to hear your ‘Situation Rooms’ take. Oh, when you first go into the area where you will embark on the journey, you need to tell them that you want the English language version — if you do want it, I mean — because the whole game of the piece happens on an iPad that you carry around with you, and you’ll need to clearly understand what it tells you to do. For the first scene, we need a particular kind of apartment. Zac knows what kind of apartment he needs precisely. I haven’t seen the Bill Viola show because I really don’t like his work, but I’ll probably go at some point if I have nothing else to do just out of vague curiosity. The Self-Portrait thing involves people who read or comment here and who volunteered to create a fictional escort ad using a photo of a real escort that I sent to them. And, yeah, I think it’s too late to start now, sadly, ‘cos it’s due tomorrow morning and also because I ran out of escort photos. No big, though. Maybe I’ll do a slave one if the escort one turns out okay. Peace out, T. ** Aaron Mirkin, Hi, Aaron. Wow, what an incredibly interesting sounding documentary. You still happy with it? Is it seeable by the likes of me? I still haven’t watched that mash-up. I just drilled a mental note to do that today into my own head. Your work and Swans seems like the veritable match made in heaven. I did get some free time, thank you. An hour here and there. Thanks for the wish to help us. Yeah, you know more fully well than us by a long shot what a complicated thing filmmaking is, but we’re getting closer to being ready, and hopefully the last few outstanding confusions will demystify and get practical and accomplished in the next few days. So kind of you to offer to help. If there’s anything, I’ll let you know, and, yeah, thank you very much. What are you working on right now? ** Keaton, Hi, K. I think there is voice activated internet, isn’t there? Hm, maybe not. Weird. Yury might be able to hook you up with hair-styling if that desire sticks, but I think you have to go to school first and get a degree or something. Cotton candy blue hair-color is definitely a Pavlov’s dog kind of thing. Got your escort thing, thanks, pal. Did you write? ** Steevee, Hey. Well, nothing ever breaks down into clear categories, that’s for sure. A lot of people objectifying him as a sex object are also not in their teens. I had a brief intensive interest in the backlash and did some studying of it, and the number of people out there who went nuts with hatred for him who declared that he should be raped as punishment was quite high, possibly even more than 50%. The people in their teens who are objectifying him are just more open about it, and their objectifications tend to be a lot less sadistic, from what I’ve seen. I think you’re right, obviously, that his privileged position is irksome and fuel to people too. But, again, that’s not really about him personally. And the ‘deport him’ thing is just nationalist and ugly. Oh, yeah, the lawsuit brought by DSK, as he’s known over here, is big French news. French laws are much more rigid about what constitutes character defamation than American laws are. I don’t know where the suit will play out, but if it’s in France, he could win that one. ** Rewritedept, Hi. 50’s country stuff is pretty good, or can be, yeah. I think the great majority of the great girl group stuff happened in the early to mid-60s. I think they should add a definition to the word ‘reportedly’ in the next edition of the dictionary or whatever to the effect that it’s a word that should produce great skepticism. No, still no location yet. Now they’re saying hopefully by Friday. It had better be by Friday, that’s for sure. ** Misanthrope, Um, well, err, good for you re: how to employ Styles’ hair snippet in a practical way, although shoving hair up your butt sounds, I don’t know, less orgasmically helpful than mildly irritating, but what do I know? The Elvis and Biebz locks look like pubes? Uh, sure, buddy, whatever you say, ha ha. ** Robert-nyc, Hi, Robert! Me too. I had that reaction about a number of the locks. Like … Walt Whitman was a platinum blond?! I know what you mean. In some cases, and … let’s take James Dean as a random example, I mean … did someone snip that off his dead head or raid his barber’s floor? The sellers never seem to say how they got them. I would think that would be, I don’t know, an important issue? So glad you said ‘hello, how are you’? What’s going on? ** Sypha, Hi. I think maybe in the history of your and George’s imaginations, but, otherwise, I would think the day that Biebz isn’t referenced in some way on or inside this blog would be the historically important one. Ha ha, okay, that hair flip thing was pretty nice, okay, thank you. I think people are cool with plot holes when they’re inadvertently funny. Or when they’re in Japanese films and can be seen as having been based on ‘foreign’ mistakes or strategies a la the old ‘Godzilla’ movies. I haven’t seen the new ‘Godzilla’ yet, but, I mean, the humans don’t have to be boring in action movies. Boring human characters is not why those films work. And when there’s 160 million dollars available to get an interesting script and nuanced performances, I can see why boring characters would just be boring and why people might complain. But I haven’t the movie yet. ** Done. Let’s see … oh, 24 Nirvana covers. Some of them are kind of really great, albeit not for the reasons intended in certain cases, and having nothing to do with the value of the songs themselves, in many cases. And some of them make the songs shine. And some of the interpretations are awesome, and some of them are weird, and some of them are bad in a very interesting way, and so on. That’s my opinion. What’s yours? All hail Weatherwax, and I’ll see you tomorrow.
dennis, hey, guess I just missed you. thanks so much for checking out damien's stuff, that'll mean so much to him. also his 20th birthday (i know, me liking a younger guy for once, weird right?) is 2 weeks from thursday. ah 25 years old me dennis… if i don't have a novel by 30 i'm definitely giving up. not even a published novel, mind you. just a fucking manuscript!! urghhhh.
that's cool about your movie, so i guess it's like shortbus or nine songs or whatever (except way fucking better)? is it like a drama? are you gonna get an experimental director and stuff, is it gonna be like the devil probably? well at any rate, i hope i can have it on dvd/bluray/avi whatever someday.
hi dennis, that's sad about the chocolate lady. i think i once had a box that was made like a shaving kit, all in chocolate. it was neat. gonna give this day a whirl pretty soon. my website is pretty simple, i made it myself after all. now i'm just going through it looking for faults, which there are becoming fewer and fewer of. it's been pretty warm here, no rain for a while. i really like the rain, except when i'm working 'cause i'm outside all day and i hate wearing my rain gear. today is another big nothing so far, but tomorrow i'm gonna make some sigils.
I'm not a Kurt fan for say, but he for sure had that "it" quality. A great traditional songwriter. I remember working with a girl, who has no interest in pop culture, especially the music from the rock n' roll world, and she was very upset when he died. So yes, without a doubt, a born iconic figure.
I didn't know about that high percentage of Bieber rape fantasies. That is a weird way to express one's hatred for someone (but probably all too common.) I fear Miley Cyrus is receiving even worse stuff – hate mail along the lines of "you're a slut who's destroying our virginal daughters' purity so I'm going to rape you."
What inspired you to research the topic of the Bieber backlash?
I don't think I have that documentary uploaded anywhere, and unfortunately I was never very happy with it. The editor I was working with was a total pain and just didn't get it, and some of the shooting was quite rushed. The subject of the film is an interesting dude, Mysterion, he also works in burlesque and wrestling, go figure. He first got some fame because he carried around a fetus in a jar that he claimed to be his conjoined twin who died in childbirth. Of course it was fake but there were a good few years where people bought into it.
As for current projects, for the past month or so I've basically been working on other people's things. Either as a sound recordist or designer/mixer. It's been good. Next week I'm mixing a short about Richard Serra's piece Shift, which is in rural-ish Ontario, but is on land that has been bought by developers so now people can't go see it.
As for my own stuff, I'm trying to write 2 shorts, 1 which needs money because it has to have someone famous in it for it to make sense conceptually, so that won't happen until the fall/winter (at the earliest). And another that needs less money, that I want to do this summer. The cheaper one is about a boy coming to terms with his sexuality after he realizes that he was in love with his best friend who has just committed suicide. I'm kind of frustrated with the dialog in it, and I'm kind of torn between trying to have the actors improv the dialog or asking Lonely Christopher to spruce it up. I feel like I want to try the improv, since it really scares me. But I am worried that it will clash with a section of the movie that will be very staged (musical/dance sequence).
Also, let's not forget about this super odd Herbie Hancock cover of All Apologies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKUaZgcZp-0&feature;=kp
Louisiana sludge/doom band, Thou, have covered several Nirvana songs on their EPs, my favorite of which being this one: http://youtu.be/RXH2HrN1IBc
Latest FaBlog: Thoroughly Postmodern Freddy
this day is so good, I loved this – right now I'm listening to all these nirvana songs again
is there any new music you've been listening to a lot lately? I'm looking for some new music
I've been listening to the new Avey Tare album, the new Mac Miller mixtape, and a lot of Lifter Puller from the late 90s
have you seen the new mia video? I keep watching it over and over, I'm kind of hypnotized by it
take care Dennis, hope you're having a good morning
Nervana, almost as loaded an idea as Dave Grohl's bank account.
The thing I like the most about Nirvana + young ones is it screams of rape, or Rape Me if you will.
I didn't really get into Nirvana, I mean yeah, I listened to Unplugged and I really liked that live record. They introduced me to a punk feel I didn't know. I was into the Pistols, Germs, Ramones, and early Metallica and Danzig back then. Recently watched Last Days all the way through cos I'm a faker and never finish movies, and wow, it's a great movie. Read through Kurt's journals, sort of interesting. I actually love that Jagstang he designed. I miss the 90's, so many cool, obscure bands/tunes. There's playlists for 120 Minutes online. I remember the debut of Smells Like Teen Spirit, it was like, "Nevermind the Rock, here comes the pussy." If you ask me, it was skate punk. What do I know, Rock n' Roll! I will give these kids a listen. I always liked Hole myself, haha.
There's some voice stuff, I think Technocracy is awesome. As I think Weber said, "The future's a cage." No more school for me. I would love to rap with Yury about fashion, as it's something I don't understand, my idea of fashion would be to get skinny and wear a tee with a worn out neck or something Lol. I have this idea that pretty women should not be relegated to the doom of the little black dress. Can't wait to see his line. Love to Yury. Lol escort ads are challenging. I found one for one of my friends recently, it didn't say anything, but I was like, "Sold!" Haha, I thought about some things, I'm really inspired by a city-scape idea, and an idea derived of ceramics. I'm making an outline today.
Did Ukrainian Nirvana use Kurt's original vocal track? I'm dubious about the idea of prog/fusion Nirvana covers, but they had some cool dub vocal FX.
Dennis, I was sort of joking, but truth be told, I did think they both looked like pubes. I think Keats' locks were the prettiest.
My mom was in line somewhere once years ago, and she gets to talking to this guy. Somehow, Elvis comes up. The guy's like, I was in the army with him. My mom's like, wow. And then the guy pulls out a small pic of Elvis with his signature on it and tells my mom Elvis autographed it for him and she can keep it. She still has it. From the little bit of research I've done on the web, it looks very much like it may be the real deal. Of course, we'll probably never know.
Hmm, Nirvana. I always liked Pearl Jam better. I'll always like their "Black" better than anything Nirvana did. While all the kids in college were listening to Nirvana, I was listening to Suede. I do like some of their stuff and some of these are pretty good. I think my fave of Nirvana's is probably that live version of "All Apologies." It's pretty damned good.
holy shit! i just realised where wheaterwax got their band name! kurt was a janitor there.
i thought 'leader of the pack' came out in '59, but that was actually '64, so, yeah. the best girl group stuff was definitely early/mid-60's.
friday? will that delay shooting any? or, you guys were going to start shioting this weekend, if i remember correctly?
i watched 'royal tenenbaums' earlier with my sister and now she thinks kumar pallana is awesome. she didn't get RT at first, but i think by the end, she was with it.
i have to type up my contribtution for the SPD, so i will do that first thing when i get into the office tomorrow (meaning today, obviously, when you read this, as i'm just about to go to bed). noon deadline, yes?
hope thursday is the red ninja that decimates whatever boring may exist in yr life. talk soon.
Certainly, to regard the KJV simply as (fictional) literature is to do it (and Christianity) a disservice. But if Gove's proposal did succeed in getting people to see it a) as beautiful and b) as (historically) culturally important, that might be a good thing. Fundamentally, this is a debate about how God becomes manifest in the world. If, as traditionally thought, that is in part through beauty, discovering that the KJV is beautiful as well as a major historical contribution to Anglophone culture needn't be a bad thing.