The Body Hail To Thee, Everlasting Pain
‘Perhaps extreme music is the ideal method for sublimating an unfulfilled death drive: a fantasy of death’s fascinating potentiality that mediates our access to the truth of its nothingness, accreting in the process all the symbolism that attends our visions of mortality. It’s dark, fearful, rent by screams, discordant guitar, and pounding drums. More importantly, it lasts. Unlike death, which occurs in an instant, music unfolds through time, expanding this phantasmic death into an album-length experience, a succession of death moments, or better yet, a succession of moments that teach us to crave death. The Body’s music, here compounded by The Haxan Cloak’s Bobby Krlic, exemplifies this dual process of the suicide fantasy, evoking both the surrounding “craziness” and the terrifying march toward self-slaughter.’ — Tiny Mix Tapes
Amen Dunes w/ Elias Bender Ronnenfelt Green Eyes
‘Over the past few years Damon McMahon’s Amen Dunes project has been serving up loose and crackly, almost improvised psych-raga jams, but where McMahon’s pumped out “largely improvisational first-take affairs, recorded in a matter of weeks at most” in the past, he says his new album Love took him close to a year-and-a-half to put together. Everything’s rubber-banded up tight by the background violin. The whole deal softly, softly chugs along partly because of that little drum beat, the one that practically lopes while it loops. It’s all quarter note snare, kick on the “ands” of three and four. One slightly more relevant things you also oughta know is that Iceage’s Elias Bender Rønnenfelt is featured on the track “Green Eyes”, and, woah buddy, he even gets his duet on with McMahon.’ — Tiny Mix Tapes
Wanda Group Masculinity is a Wonderful Thing
‘Louis Johnstone’s Wanda Group project has been making a growing name for itself across the course of this year. With a quick-fire succession of cryptically titled records, accompanied with greyscale collage artwork built from images of fragmented rock, he’s established a particular aesthetic that’s both unique and tough to pin down. Certain elements coincide with the styles and ideals of musique concrete, or artists like Joseph Hammer, Atrax Morgue and the school of industrial/ experimental/ minimal cassettes that cropped up in the late 80s and early 90s. But throwing names to see what sticks seems a little at odds with the nourishing aspect at the heart of Wanda Group, a certain verisimilitude that sidesteps overt abstraction towards something more beautiful. His tracks are complex, intimate structures: webs of samples stripped of their original setting, closely examined, then messily smeared and reapplied into radically new shapes. The overall approach and final appearance is closer to papier-mache than any traditional style of production.’ — The Quietus
Max Richter Untitled Figures
‘Max Richter’s debut album Memoryhouse was originally recorded with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra in 2002 for the BBC’s Late Junction classical music label. A masterpiece in neoclassical composition, the album has languished in out-of-print obscurity since the dissolution of Late Junction as a label. Indeed, inquisitive listeners might now know Richter better for his earlier collaborations with electronic pioneers The Future Sound of London and Roni Size, as well as his elegiac score to Ari Folman’s 2008 animated documentary Waltz with Bashir. But Fat Cat Records has plucked Memoryhouse from the doldrums to introduce a new audience to Richter’s first major solo work, and give old fans an excuse to fall under its spell all over again. And what an intoxicating spell it is. A 65-minute journey through the beauty and tragedy of 20th century Europe, Memoryhouse is like an immaculately observed postcard journal, albeit one informed more by imagination than documentary accuracy.’ — BBC
Heterotic Rain
‘Throughout his 20-year career, Mike Paradinas has peppered his fruitful career (as μ-Ziq) with a handful of collaborations that have seen the Wimbledon producer work with heady artists like Marco Jerrentrup, Speedy J and Aphex Twin. With Heterotic, Paradinas has found a musical project that seems, sonically and personally, close to his heart. Recording with his wife, Lara Rix-Martin, the music of Heterotic is a tempered blend of spacey synthesizers, analog drum machine beats and mournful vocals, courtesy of French artist Vezelay, giving each track a haunted, uneasy feeling.’ — exclaim
Energy Gown Freedose
‘It was a bit prophetic that I was reading Ginsberg prior to my interview with local experimental quartet Energy Gown, whose philosophy of embracing the now and delving into the darker echelons of the human psyche recalls the inquisitive creativity of the 1950s and 60s. Energy Gown’s quest though isn’t to bring back the flower children of bygone eras but instead probe the codes and structures that make up the human body and creative impulses of their music and audience. Although only formed less than a year ago, the group has already self-released two tapes, performed at Chicago’s strongly curated Psych Fest and are releasing their first EP I Watch The Sun on March 23. Clearly the now is truly now.’ — IMPOSE
Nochexxx Aquaverse
‘Marshaling his battered MPC, teasing out warped grooves and punching in staggered beats that sit somewhere between vintage electro and techno – though often spiked through with pleasingly crunchy b-boy signifiers – Nochexxx tunes are idiosyncratic and heat-warped expressions of a sinister twitchy velocity. Indeed, it’s this very tension that gives Nochexxx tracks such personality; raw music that works the floor but exists on a rather different mental plane, with an oil haze cinematic undertone that’s often accentuated in his performances with distinct yellow and black visual accompaniment from Plastic Horse. This month sees the release of the Cambridge-based musician’s debut album Thrusters on Ramp Recordings. Featuring 11 tracks that solidify his vision of skewed homespun electronics, this is music in constant forward motion – a hallucinatory journey to the centre of the cactus, and an instantly recognisable audio world.’ — The Quietus
Whirling Hall Of Knives Volaré Symptomatic
‘A collaboration between Magnetize and The Last Sound, Whirling Hall Of Knives’ harsh smouldering circuits and eruptions of panicky white noise have a profoundly unsettling quality, a sense of gnawing paranoia but interspersed with moments of almost euphoric epiphany, as if in the grip of an unshakeable 4am psychosis a growing sense that the door will be kicked in at any second and the world outside will come pouring in. Psyche electronics of a particularly greasy and grime-flecked hue. A feast of swirling hypno-psych, blown out and buried in sheets of corrosive feedback with all manner of buzzing and swirling guitars blending into a pulsing, throbbing, hypnotic and mesmerizing noise-scape underpinned by a seriously wild and propulsive groove.’ — collaged
EMA Satellites
‘Production-wise, EMA has said she wanted her new album The Future’s Void to sound like Nine Inch Nails demos and – fair enough – this is what we hoped How to Destroy Angels would be, or what Zola Jesus might do next. That said, EMA draws on sci-fi visions of dystopia (hence names like ‘Neuromancer’, ‘Cthulhu’) rather than targeting Christianity, for a more astute criticism of the late-capitalist era. The raw, chaotic, noise-collages of her former band, Gowns, seem a long way away – but these elements are suspended to make humanity seem all the more precious. The music operates less as an end in itself and more as a counterpoint to the keening, whispering, screeching, gasping voice-as-expression-of-humanity: within the silicon maze, she suggests, there’s a ghost trying to get out. A crucial part of the EMA formula is the lullaby, nursery rhyme, or folksong updated. Her songs look back to that first moment in childhood when we realize we can be creative – that music can be democratic – and they look forward to a moment in our collective history when all the icons that have so much power over us in 2014 are just material for children’s songs.’ — Drowned in Sound
Pyrrhon The Architect Confesses
‘Pyrrhon’s oft-suffocating, teetering-towards-self-destruction din works because they are one confident, brash group of dudes. Guitarist Dylan DiLella deftly crosses brutality with riffs that can only be described as “zippery” and “alarm-esque.” Drummer Alex Cohen’s natural prog tendencies feed off of the chances to explode with some relentless blasting. Bassist Erik Malave moves in and out of the main motifs while showing no hesitance in going as bonkers as his bandmates. (Plus, that thick bass tone may be the greatest benefit of a fine Ryan Jones production and Colin Marston mastering.) Moore uses a variety of effects to enhance his many voices – a full range of maniacal growling, screaming, yelling, ranting, and preaching – while delivering an album’s worth of nuanced, intelligent lyrics.’ — Last Rites
Marching Church We Lose Them Through Our Hands
‘Elias Bender Rønnenfelt is probably best known for being the vocalist and guitarist of the excellent Danish post-punk band, Iceage, and probably second-best known for being the frontman for Vår (née War), the spooky electro Iceage side project. Now Rønnenfelt is releasing new music from his other musical outlet, Marching Church. The band’s new release, “Throughout The Borders,” is spooky minimal goth a la Death In June. For Marching Church, Rønnenfelt exercises a cold, dark, and dry sound, in debt to both early post-punk and dark-folk.’ — collaged
Gezan 『癲癇する大脳たち』PV
‘Gezan is a crazed Tokyo outfit that reconfigures the stylings of Anglo-American rock subgenres into their own delirious negation. The four-piece have been cultivating a homebound notoriety for a bonkers live set since their inception in 2009, garnering plaudits from some of the acts (Melt-Banana, Ruins, Acid Mothers Temple) whose faithful desecration of rock trademarks they’ve taken it upon themselves to extend into the second decade of the 21st century. More importantly, their accolades are fully justified by the pulverizing, anything-goes caprice of It Was Said to Be A Song, a debut LP that found a domestic release in 2012 and that begins its flight into barely contained insanity with the Babel of “Full Claw Lunar Surface.” Here, scathing guitar fireworks are pockmarked by non-sequiturs into feral tape manipulation and industrial rap, the high-pitched braying and fluid pendulations from 7/8 into 8/8 exuding a volatility that’s mouth-watering precisely to the extent that, like with so many great Japanese bands, it refuses to swear wholesale fealty to externally-imposed conventions and dictates of taste.’ — Tiny Mix Tapes
Brett Naucke Luau
‘If previous releases for Nihilist, Arbor and his own Catholic Tapes established Chicago’s Brett Naucke as one of the more accomplished practitioners in the American synth underground, Seed, his debut LP for Spectrum Spools, is a veritable career apex, brimming with sonic ingenuity, detail, and mastery over both instrument and musical form. It is hard to fathom due to the sheer diversity of sound and affectations of the eight individual pieces on the album, but Seed was recorded – almost impossibly – with the same synth patch, slightly modified for the unveiling of each track. This testifies to the intensity of Naucke’s macroscopic conceptual vision for Seed. Each track’s complex arc points towards a mind rooted in academic electronic processes, keenly trying to surprise and disarm by prying open new textures, rhythms and structures. But Naucke has struck a perfect balance that unites this avant-garde intuition with a compositional sophistication – bringing each unique molecule of sound into cohesive songs and further still into a supremely listenable and closed album that operates entirely on its own logic.’ — Editions Mego
Aleksi Perälä Dynamic Light Scattering
‘The music of Finnish electronic composer Aleksi Perälä’s uses Perälä and Grant Wilson-Claridge’s custom musical scale, the Colundi Sequence. Wilson-Claridge says of their invention: “Instead of dividing the keyboard into octaves with semitones, we have chosen specific frequencies to work around… The scale is 128 resonant frequencies chosen via experimentation and philosophy, each relating to a specific human bio-resonance, or psychology, traditional mysticism or belief, physics, astronomy, maths, chemistry.” “I’ve always felt somewhat frustrated or restricted with a standard keyboard,” says Perälä, “I started exploring different TET [equal temperament scales] in 2006.” Perälä’s music is both natural and electrical, with an emphasis on sine waves of different frequencies, amplitudes and phase to demonstrate Colundi Level 1 to the listener, whatever the shape of one’s ear and one’s ability to hear may be.’ — collaged
Cevdet Erek Room of Rhythms
‘Cevdet Erek’s (1974, Istanbul) work is characterised by a marked use of rhythm and site specificity. Erek combines video, sound and images, often in an attempt to alter the viewer’s perception and experience of a given space. The result functions as a hypothesis, probing the viewer’s instinctive logic and thus appealing to the senses. Interestingly, Erek manages to combine rational components such as references to architecture and linear time with instinctive impulses thereby levelling the gap between two supposedly opposing spheres. Part of an ongoing exploration, “Room of Rhythms 1″ is based on a conversation between Cevdet Erek and Duygu Demir that reflects on themes of sound, architecture, rhythm, measured time, dance music and site-specificity.’ — collaged
Puce Mary Ultimate Hypocrisy V
‘Puce Mary is the solo project of Copenhagen-based experimental musician Frederikke Hoffmeier. Closely affiliated with the punk scene that grew out of the danish capital and spawned labels like Posh Isolation and bands like Iceage, Vår and Lust for Youth, Hoffmeier has chosen a somewhat different path. As a solo project, Puce Mary is constantly evolving and never stays in the same place for very long. Where the early tapes and vinyls on danish label Posh Isolation have been minimal with a dark edge, Hoffmeier has recently showcased her diversity through live performances and collaborations. From the concrete sound-poetry of the collaboration vinyls with swedish noise champion Sewer Election to her latest livesets of rhythmic industrial and harsh power electronics, Puce Mary never ceases to push the boundaries of contemporary noise music.’ — collaged
Datashock Tod in der Saarvanne
‘Datashock is a ritualistic “neo-hippie-spook-folk” collective from Saarlouis, Germany. There is no constant lineup, as the group is joined by new members every now and then. Their music is defined almost entirely by psychedelic multidimensional live-improvisations stemming from 70ies krautrock influenced by contemporary electronic music and psychotic dronescapes. As a result we find complex layers of sultry muffled vibrations met by heavy waves of electronic sound experiments and strangely disfigured images. Here and there reality-distorting bits of whispers and cut-up voices are woven into the texture of these alien patterns of sound. Every step here is like nervously stumbling through the swampy ground of a jungle. Here every look is like a secret glimpse at a hidden ghost-train world.’ — nicknicknick
p.s. Hey. ** Armando, Hey! Yeah, really great to see you, man! A couple of people have told me that that ‘Captain America’ movie is fun. Huh, cool. I’ll probably end up watching it on a plane because I always seem to see blockbusters on planes partly because it’s really hard to find anyone in Paris who’s into seeing them in the theater. Ha ha, wow, I love Godard. Yikes about BlB. Um, the producer of the film I’m making with Zac is the producer of almost all of BlB’s films, so I’ll stay mum on that topic, ha ha again. ‘Gone’ is a book that’s a facsimile of this scrapbook I kept in the early 80s when I was developing the George Miles Cycle. Weird that they don’t ship to Mexico. I wonder why. Maybe if you write a note to them or something? The guy who’s publishing the book reads this blog so maybe he’ll pop in to say why that is. Shit, that was one intense shrink session. I’m sorry, man. I guess it’s good that Xanax was so friendly to you. I mean to see the silver lining and all that. Anyway, yeah, really swell to get to talk with you, my friend. Take care, and come back soon, if it suits you. Love and hugs back to you! ** Jeffrey Coleman, Hi, Jeff. Cool! I mean to see you! I’m good, thanks. That is a weird and most curious coincidence or something about the Ohle book. I have this odd belief or half-belief in fate and destiny and things like that, so I can buy that there’s something bigger than mere luck guiding that seeming happenstance. No, I don’t know about gnOme. A quick initial scroll through their books does indeed reveal how interesting they are. Thanks a lot! I’ll go scour the place in a bit. Everyone, d.l. Jeffrey Coleman tips you guys/me to a press called gnOme whose books look really interesting. I recommend that you follow Jeff’s lead and check them out. Yeah, great, you’re such a fount of interesting tips, man. I’ve found such terrific books and presses and music and stuff thanks exclusively to you. Take care. ** Bill, Hi, Bill. I hope the installation came together perfectly. Did it? What is it? Is Hamburg cool? I drove through there once on the way to Scandinavia but didn’t stop, and I couldn’t tell what the place was like or about. ** David Ehrenstein, I did read that about Ronet and Anna Karina, but it didn’t end up in the post for some reason. ‘Snowpiercer’, what is that? Wait, I’ll go find out when the p.s. is over (for me). Have a lovely weekend, sir. ** Empty Frame, Hi, man. I did a little check on that production of ‘The Notebook’. It looks quite promising, it’s true. Great in any case that that book is getting highlighted publicly ‘cos it’s so incredibly undervalued in a general way relative to its greatness. I’ll ask Gisele if her manager people know about Battersea Arts Centre. Yeah, the UK is really squeamish or something re: Gisele’s work. We get nibbles all the time, but nothing ever ends up happening. Maybe the new ventriloquism piece will get over there since it’s very verbal/text-oriented and the powers that be always say that the UK is all ‘we want lots and lots of talking on our stages’. If I can manage to get over for the Kristof thing, I’ll def. let you know. It’ll mostly depend on whether we’ll be shooting our film around then. Ha ha, actually that HODGKIN/ smashed piece doesn’t sound so bad in theory, but I trust your judgment implicitly. Cool that you’ll see TNP and WB. I haven’t seen either live yet. Cool, cool, cool. Ha ha, whoa: ‘DENNIS COOPER LACKS PERSPECTIVE’. I mean, sure, probably, but still. Of course now my mind is scurrying to figure out what I do that would have made her say that, which is not an unfun pursuit, I guess. Wow, trippy. I do know that there’s no place in the world where me and stuff are more actively and overtly disliked than England. Not sure why, though. But then Will Self’s old-fashioned blowhard literary antics are considered edgy and daring over there, so maybe that’s a clue. I just read this think-piece by WS this morning about how the literary novel has been killed by the internet that was so 20th century out-of-it. Anyway, blah blah, thanks for passing that quote along. Pretty funny. ** Steevee, Blb’s ‘Gerontophila’ has been kind of a success over here in France, or in Paris at least, so I’m guessing that’s why MK2 has come onboard for him? Great luck with the James Gray review. You know, I don’t believe I’ve seen any of his films, come to think of it. Would ‘The Immigrant’ be a good place to start? ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Ha ha, maybe I should quickly copyright that sentence. Actually, Cory Arcangel is all over that. I think I read that he’s doing some big installation work about it. No surprise, right? ** Schoolboyerrors, Ooh, getting the LA airport in there is a nice meta-touch. The wilds of England: how wild are they? Sounds sweet. Oh, historical fiction, right, sure, got it. Nicholson Baker is great, yeah. That dude can write a mean sentence, among his other many virtues. In addition to the sex novels, I have a great fondness for his earlier novel ‘Room Temperature’. The prose in that novel is crazy pristine. And I’ve always envied that title for some reason. My day? Almost all film stuff again. It’s gonna be mostly that way for a while. Uh, Zac and I met with the guy we’ve wanted badly to play one of the roles in the scene we’re shooting in a couple of weeks, and he said yes, so we’re very happy! We have to send the producers a photo of us for use on some flyer about our film that the producers plan to circulate at Cannes, so we went through the archive of photos of us together and found a couple of maybes but decided we should get a more formal one done, which we have to do today. More film stuff: emails, phone calls. Some work on the novel. A bit of walking around in the rain. A bit of reading. Nice day, but not a day so interesting to hear about, I think. I’ll expected to hear how you coped with the wilds today when society has you in its grip once again if not before. Have huge fun! ** Sypha, No, not a fan of ‘Black Swan’ at all. You played that ‘E.T.’ game? Cool. Yeah, it looks like a tear-your-hair-out frustrating mess of a thing. I’m sorry to hear about your household full of sickness, but there’s something kind of goth and haunted house-like about it in my imagination. It seems like it would make a cool premise for a stage play. Maybe I’ll suggest it to Gisele. But, all riffing aside, I am sorry for the suffering part of that otherwise aesthetically interesting situation. Cool that you’ve managed to get your short-story collection in order nonetheless. ‘All the way back to 2010’: that’s a funny phrase. ** Magick mike, Hey, Mike! Always a great and serious pleasure to have you here! What were doing in Santa Fe? Did you see Ken Baumann? Very best to you, sir! ** Misanthrope, Yeah, that’s so, so rough about Rewritedept’s friend. Heroin is a beast. Its grip is insanely tight and its lies are horribly convincing. I think I’m kind of kerazy and goofy in my real life, so maybe that’s why I don’t notice it. Never in my life have I heard of Luke Bryan, for very good reasons, it sounds like. I’m not even going to google him. I don’t want that pollution in my memory banks. Thanks for taking his bullet, man. Okay, that week you’re over there/here is the week we’ll be rehearsing and then shooting our film unless something goes terribly awry. But there’ll be days when we’re not shooting, so, as soon as our dates are locked down, and yours too, let’s sort it out. ** Rewritedept, Hi, man. Yeah, I can’t even imagine how hard that must be to process. I don’t even know if it’ll be possible to process. I think it’s probably something you’ll more just incorporate and then move on changed in some way. My day was good. I told Schoolboyerrors about it above. Man, hang in there and do and feel the very best you can this weekend, okay? Lots of love. ** Okay. This weekend I’ve put together a slightly extra-sized edition of the only semi-/cultishly liked gig posts I do on occasion featuring new music I’ve been listening to and liking lately, and you guys who want to hear and, in some cases, also see some awesome current sonic treats can have at it until Monday. Thank you. See you when the weekend is over.
That Brett Naucke number is lovely.
I got some nice vinyl lately. The soundtrack for Under The Skin by Mica Levi which is spare, eerie and atmospheric horror fare. It's effective for the film but also stands alone. Also the Want Need EP by Sandra Plays Electronics, an alias of Karl O'Connor aka Regis who's a key figure in the recent UK techno renaissance.
Much of yesterday was spent sourcing images for ART101, and every day I get more excited about this project. I told my mum I'm like James Incandenza with the original cartridge of Infinite Jest, ready to kill viewers through sheer entertainment. Don't want to get too far ahead of myself, haha. There's plenty of way to go yet.
Hey Dennis,
I'm a bit superstitious as well, while admitting that things like that book appearing might just be a coincidence, albeit a strange one.
It could be something in between just pure random chance, and whatever is on the extreme other side of the spectrum of belief about how the universe operates. For example: by making that blog post 6 years ago, and taking my small part in the spreading of "alt lit", which is growing to the point that some writers have been signed to major publishing houses, I've helped build a culture where writers like Ohle get more and more exposure, sell more books, and thus it becomes more statistically likely that someone might forget a copy of Motorman in their desk when moving on to another job. Particularly at an editing job, where people will tend to be more literate, and possibly savvy about more obscure literature (I imagine that a fair number of people going to college, or just out of college, for MFAs or other literary/writerly studies, might take high turnover editing jobs for money these days. The high turnover making it more likely to forget stuff in a desk). Also, given the experimental nature of the book, someone who bought it because they read a more accessible alt lit book on a major press, maybe got turned on to HTML Giant (or even your blog, and saw my post), might find it not quite to their liking, and decide to just leave it in their desk when gathering their stuff. And, I probably mentioned the blog post at the time to my brother, and he seems to have forgotten about me telling him, but that might have planted a subconscious seed that made him more likely to mention having found it.
Basically I'm saying I might have put myself in a place where coincidences like that are more likely to happen, and I may have contributed in a very teeny tiny way to the momentum that caused the cultural changes that made something like that significantly more likely to happen than, say, 10-15 years ago.
In short, I think I deserve to have the book. 🙂
Now it's just a matter of convincing my brother to give it to me after he reads it. I think my argument is pretty airtight.
"I've found such terrific books and presses and music and stuff thanks exclusively to you." Thanks man. Same the other way around. Probably moreso.
Take this Gig post for instance. Recently these have been about half stuff I know about, and half stuff I haven't, so I have some stuff to look up today. Out of this most recent batch, I know/like The Body, Max Richter, Wanda Group, WHOK, and Datashock. So, more unknowns than knowns today.
I've listened to pretty much all of Wanda Group's stuff, and recall it striking me as something that would be particularly up your alley. So, glad you were tipped off to him.
I remember listening to 'Devisions' by Whirling Hall of Knives, and finding it pretty much as badass as the band's name implies.
Out of today's unknowns, Gezan is the one that first jumps out at me as something I should hear. So, I'll go look them up.
Take care.
Latest FaBlog: "Publicly Gay!"
Hey DC,
How've you been? Another abrupt absence, I know. In my defense I've been reading and writing a lot. I should have a piece about global capitalism on The Billfold next week. I'll get you a link when it's up. How have you been? It sounds like your movie is proceeding apace! And this scrapbook! If I weren't going to NYC at the end of the month and saving my every penny, I'd be all over that thing. I know it's a long shot, but will you be New York 5/30 to June 3? If so, we should chill.
Have you ever read Bruce Wagner? I'd never heard of him until the other day when I somehow found a copy of DEAD STARS and starting reading a sample on my iPhone and suddenly found myself slackjawed. I don't know if it stays this interesting for six hundred pages, but right now it's just wildly crazy and cool and I'm loving it.
Hope things are well for you D. Bon weekend,
DC, man oh man do i love these "gig" posts. threw what i could download/find/add/subscribe to into my playlists and stuff. thanks. this marching church song is great – and it reminded me to google that singer from iceage, which was well worth it, thanks.
so i went to un regarde moderne today and chatted a little with the guy, cuz he asked me what i was looking for so i said edouard levé since you'd mentioned that, and he had "oeuvres" but that wasn't the one i wanted and i actually didnt/don't have any money today anyway, so i passed but we talked a little. i'm going back monday to buy that book (or so i told him) so i'll bring up the film then. he seemed pretty chipper today. i just about fell in love with him as a potential film subject when i walked up today and he was in his doorway smoking and kinda half-smiling at his whole little street thing. so yeah.
hope your film stuff is going well. it sounds like it is, anyway, from what i read in the rest of your p.s. and i hope we can meet up sometime this weekend or week.
two links for you –
one, the new 7 dwarves ride at walt disney world:
that's here
and two… damn, i forgot the second one i was going to send you. oh well, see you soon.
p.s. to DC/others: count me in for the "DENNIS COOPER LACKS PERSPECTIVE" tee-shirts
PT 1:
… Just listened to some Gezan.
They're utterly bonkers. Thanks for sharing, Dennis.
By the way, I don't think I mentioned this here before, but I saw Melt Banana live a few months ago. It was great. Just two people. The singer had some handheld 'advanced alien hardware' looking colorfully glowing device that played everything except the guitar, which was handled by a skinny guy wearing a surgical mask.
It was nuts. I don't remember seeing a crowd that pumped up at a concert in recent memory. It seemed like a riot could start at the back of that bar and spill out into the streets.
I kind of had to restrain myself from freaking out as well.
All because of this petite lady and skinny guy.
I think that's when I finally 'got' moshing.
Also, this reminds me of news I haven't passed on to you yet. Do you remember the guy I've mentioned here before, who was my best friend at a certain time, and I had several significant psychedelic experiences with? The guy who disappeared suddenly, and I hadn't talked to in years, and I was wondering if he was dead?
He's very much alive, and I went to the Melt Banana show with him.
It's kind of a long story, but I ran into him after not seeing him for years, at a Swans concert in Denver, about a year and a half ago.
It's another one of those strange coincidences. After the show, I was going to leave the venue with the stream of other people exiting, then at the door I thought to get another drink before leaving, so I doubled back and tried to push my way to the bar against the flow of the crowd. There were too many people for that to work, so I ended up shunted off into a small area next to a vending machine, waiting for the crowd to disperse. I glanced over at the other person also standing in that little area, and it was him, looking at me wide eyed, and kind of rocking his head or nodding in a strange way. I had a dizzy feeling of unreality for a few seconds, like coming down from nitrous oxide back into my surroundings, or something…
PT 2:
…Anyway, we went to a local dive bar and caught up for a few hours. He told me about moving to Japan for awhile, and other things that happened in the interim. The thing about why we were out of touch for years has remained a kind of unspoken understanding. I think we both need to be away from each other for awhile.
After that, he disappeared again for about half a year, and then called me out of the blue, telling me he moved back here. Since then we've been meeting up occasionally.
He did actually almost die during the time I didn't hear from him. He overdosed on something, and went into a coma. He was found in bed, blue faced, the next morning. It's a thing where if he was discovered and taken to the hospital just a few minutes later than he was, he might have died, or at least had serious brain damage.
His brain seems fine now, though. He cleaned up after that incident, and concentrated on getting a college degree. He has a decent white collar job now.
A few years ago, I shared a (deleted shortly after) story here about a night where I had a number of mildly strange, but cumulatively unnerving experiences while out on my bike, culminating in seeing a person walk by me out on the bike path near my neighborhood, his face frozen and silent, bathed in the ghostly blue-green light of his phone, and for a second he looked like the spitting image of my vanished friend, and I got chills.
Part of me can't help but wonder how closely that experience happened to the time he was actually near death.
Another odd thing, was that on the journey to the Swans concert where I ran into him, things kept happening that impeded my way, and in the back of my mind, it almost felt like something was keeping me from getting to the concert, in case I ran into him there. Like, I got disoriented on the train down to the area, and I was convinced I was going in the opposite direction that I wanted to go in, so I got off at a station, and asked people which way I wanted to go. Even though they kept insisting I wanted to go the way I had been going, it seemed like all the signs and directions in the station had been reversed, switched to the other sides, telling me I needed to go the opposite direction that people were telling me. I spent awhile wandering around in a daze, not knowing where I was or what to believe. Eventually I got on a train which ended up going back to the station I initially came from, then realized my error, and headed back in the other direction.
Also, the bike I had with me kept jamming up. I couldn't make out what was wrong, and both times ended up fixing it by slamming it against something in frustration.
Other weird little things blocking my way occurred as well.
All that just made me more determined to get to the show, though. By the time I was finally approaching the theatre, and could hear the drone and thudding rhythm of the Swans starting their set from blocks away, I was laughing maniacally at fate's failed attempts to stop me from getting there.
Unfortunately, I missed Xiu Xiu opening the show.
In the end, it's probably best I was able to get there, since it cleared up the mystery of what happened to my friend, and now we're back in touch, and he has a car and a will to go see good bands live, so I'm getting out more.
It's probably also more healthy to have a flesh and blood reminder that he's just a human being, and not a supernatural entity haunting me from beyond death. Though, maybe he's both.
So there's a bit of an update on things.
By the way, one thing he said while we were catching up after the Swans show at a rather seedy dive bar, that stuck with me, was something like "you have to be careful in these kinds of places. There are sometimes portals hidden in the shadows that collect in the corners, and if you trip over and fall into them, you can end up falling out into a place like this on the other side of the world."
Does Will Self like your work, just out of curiosity? He made Bret Easton Ellis a character in his novel WALKING TO HOLLYWOOD, which seemed like an excuse to lift ideas from GLAMORAMA.
I'd recommend starting with James Gray's TWO LOVERS, which feels like his most personal and least cinephiliac film. I like all his films, but the first three are very derivative of '70s American cinema, especially THE GODFATHER. However, I think THE IMMIGRANT is probably his best film.
Dennis — beautiful music day, especially Cevdet Erek Room of Rhythms. Thank you.
This past week, I started working on a post for here, on Fourier and Barthes. As for the post on Derrida Memoirs of the Blind, I plan to finalize it sometime in summer, as it works for my revision schedule and about that time, I expect to gather more information about it. This weekend & Monday, I try to finish up the post on F&B;, staying in library days and nights, so will send it to you via your email and notify that here for a reminder. Apologies for any delay, as always. Major reason for the delay is only a physical health issue of mine because I can't use my arms more than 2 hours for a day, at regular frequency, but I went through an intense meditation session, so I think I can manage alerted working mode for several months with no acute pain perceptions. So the post will go. It's a portion of my on-going work, only in a different form, so no worries, please.
I will admit to liking the two Self books I've read. Misa recommended him to me, naturally, ha ha.
Dennis, things are so bad at home it's gotten to the point where I'm actually looking forward to going to work. At least that way I'm guaranteed a few hours of being around mostly healthy people, with no sounds of coughing and nose-blowing and throat-clearing. Though tonight kind of sucked because I'm losing my voice, from all the coughing I'm doing myself.
I really should do a new day for you soon, it's been awhile since my last one. Maybe once I've sent the 2nd collection to RS and am feeling better I'll do something.
Hahaha… I could totally use a "Dennis Cooper lacks perspective" shirt too!
Hamburg is not a hotbed of edgy cultural activity like Berlin, but there are some excellent improvisers and composers, and interesting stuff going on here. I just did some stuff at this festival, will be going to a couple more gigs before I leave. The Kunsthalle has some good shows, and some parts of the building are pretty interesting. There's a nice waterfront area, which is always fine with me.
rtyghey d, i found some internet and some downtime so i thought i'd stop by. i'm gonna listen to this day once i get home, i'm looking forward to it. it's really nice here, there are lambs everywhere. oh and i think i found my spirit-tree, if there is such a thing. it's full of white flowers except the crown which is totally dead. i took some photos, i'll show you when i get them developed. i wasn't here for your and zac's scandinavian tour, unfortunately! i'm sad i missed that. did you go to tusenfryd outside of oslo? they have a nice wooden roller coaster. and tivoli in the middle of copenhagen? i love tivoli. i took these photos there a few years back.
we have an amusement park nearby stavanger too, it's pretty shit, but i took this photo there on a (very mellow) ride with a great view. hope your weekend was excellent.
oh and i'm in for a dennis cooper lacks perspective tee!
oops, got some word verification jumble in the beginning of my comment there…
Hey, Dennis! Unfortunately I have few chances to comment on your blog these days, but wanted to thank you for the Wanda Group link, something/someone that should be on my radar but was not. I believe that I told you that I had a piece of Christophe Honore's novel L'infamille translated, and I performed it with a bunch of my own monologues in Chicago several months ago with much success; you helped to catalyze this through your encouragement, so thanks. (Christophe watched this piece and thanked me, to my delight.) And there is one piece of information that I would love you to pass on to Stephen O'Malley if you get a chance: My friend just ran the Vancouver Marathon in under three hours today…He was the only person wearing a Sunn O))) shirt! Pictures forthcoming.
Of course, now I want a "Dennis Cooper IS Perspective" T-shirt. ;P Just to be different.
Dennis, Yeah, I guess I'm an old fucking fogey or something, but I just don't get the drug craze, especially with the harder drugs (and even with things like weed, which I never responded to and thought sucked balls, what a boring, stupid drug). Even with the two I liked, alcohol and LSD, I got to a point one day with each where I was like, "If I continue to do this, this'll be all I'll ever be, and it's gonna fuck me up big time."
I don't know, I guess it's the universal fear and insecurity and hopelessness. Like I said, I don't know.
Yeah, today's country music sucks azz. It's basically b-side filler rock music. With a southern accent. Poor Hank's rolling in his grave. Or maybe not. I don't know, I'd like to think he is.
My dates are set: May 25th till June 1st. I'm in the UK. When you have a free day, I'll jet over via Eurostar in the morning and leave under cover of night. I just hope they let this thing I've got you into the country. It won't stop growling.
Joe M. will be making a day/night trip to London some time during then, and that's pretty much based around when I'll be there. So yeah, as soon as you know, let me know, and shit will be set in stone.
I'm halfway finished typing up my new story. Thought it would take an hour. It took over two to do half of it. And it's not even long. Pretty short, actually.
pretty cool weekend. saw mastodon and gojira last night at house of blues. good show, but i don't really like the HOB. the room's just laid out rather poorly. got a cool mastodon shirt. posted a pic on fb if you saw it.
wasn't on my computer all weekend, but i will peep this weekend's post tomorrow from the office.
how were yr two days? mellow, busy or otherwise?
just wanted to say 'hey.' talk soon.
hello, how have you been lately? I keep meaning to comment with more regularity I tend to stay silent. I had a weird day yesterday, helping this woman carry someone else's bleeding dog down one of the paths that leads to the observatory. I feel so crazed making juice all the time too, the attitude some people have to their juice/smoothie things is kinda freaky. I think I'm sorta behind but one of the last times I saw your status you were tripping to Antarctica. How was that? Are there places to hang out there? I just imagine some dizzying cross of Captain Nemo and the mountains of madness. ever try maca? the root of the Aztec gods they say. Gives me a weird boost, not sure what's up but my dreams keep getting weighed down with terrifying versions of the Powerpuff girls. Has Frank told you about You and the Night at all? I'll try to stay attentive. Peace, my friend.