The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Galerie Dennis Cooper presents … Snow Globalists






Ryan Gornall








Masyn Machien


Anthony Gormley


Thomas Doyle




Neil Conley





Phillip Toledando


Orson Welles




Westland Universal


Jean Paul Gaultier


Martin Margiela


unknown (edible)


We Love Cards Ltd.


Louise Devin





Artisan du chocolat


Paige Russell’s snowglobe cocktail




Walt Disney






Snoap Globes


JA-JA Architects


Hideyuki Nakayama


Louis Vuitton




Julia Landsiedl





The Mill


Karl Stiefvater


Nadine is Here




Jason Huff


Tara Lapinski


Walter Martin & Paloma Munoz


Nir Hod






Peleg Design


Ges Gesch




Dan Abramson


Sean Michael Ragan


Simply Nailogical


Puzzled Inc.


Brad Maltby





p.s. Hey. ** Maya, Hi. Hard to choose, so yeah. I hope you’re doing super great. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Luckily the baby birds’ parents seem to be mostly on the parenting job. I don’t watch cooking shows that often, but, when I do, I get pretty riveted. Same with Antiques Roadshow and its equivalents. Feels very adult or something to like such things, which I don’t like, but hey. I do occasionally boil water for pasta, does that count as cooking? In the US, supermarkets have these machines where you can pour loose change and get them converted to bills, but not in France, grr. It’s hard not to want love to make you buy that creepy ceramic tree, but, okay, he’s stopping you or trying his best to. Love making me not have accidentally bashed my foot against something when I got up to pee in the middle of last night, ouch, G. ** _Black_Acrylic, If you like his art, I think you’ll like his writing. Equally dreamy. ** Kettering, Good morning to you. We’ve been getting fed bullshit by this dude for four years now, and it still shocks me. Thank you for the kind words. I think, yes, resilience is in my being’s arsenal. Uh, my go-to is to immediately problem solve in situations like this one and trust that finding the way forward is just a matter of ingenuity and diligence, and that pretty much always works. Nice pile of books. I’m looking at my pile right now. They look nice. Paint! Paint what with what, pray tell? Luck from me you have. Nice mannequin find, obviously. I saw a swivelling desk chair waiting for the garbage guys yesterday, but I assessed that it’s too tall for my desk and let it meet its fate. Your comment was certainly neither dull or long in the bad sense. ** Misanthrope, How did it go? It’s nice to have some unlit fireworks in your closet on those days when nothing else seems interesting. ** David Ehrenstein, Oh, David, I’m so incredibly and unspeakably sorry to hear that. Bill was such a lovely, wondrous person, and I enjoyed so much spending time with you guys. Oh, I’m so sad to hear that. I can’t begin to imagine how hard that must be for you. I send you tremendous love and strength. I’m so sorry, David. ** Darbznoodlez 🧸🌹, Hi. I still have my N64 somewhere. That’s as old as my playing goes. No, that threesome offer sounds terrible and grisly. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making light of it. What is this Pepsi cola addict book? Wow, that’s quite a bye there. Untoppable for sure. Yikes! And thanks! Bye from inside the snow globe sometimes referred to as my brain. ** Jamie, Welcome to the Brainardhead contingent. There’s a sweet book of Brainard Nancy art, but I think it’s o.o.p. and very expensive. R-Patz is never, ever great, in my opinion. I actually really like finding a weird, particular voice and making myself write in it when I can. That’s how I wrote ‘The Marbled Swarm’, but it took me fucking forever to invent the voice in the first place. Great, now create the proof that proves me right, dude. My day was alright. Saw an amusing reading and some friends and this and that. Oh, I’m trying to put together a short book of short fiction things that I’ve written over the past ten or so years — odd pieces, experiments, pieces of novels that didn’t end up in the intended novels, etc. But they need a lot of revising and polishing, and I’m not yet sure if I can sufficiently do that to a sufficient number of them to warrant a small book. It’s supposed to fairly hot (33 degrees) today and tomorrow and then sink back to okay-ville here. Survivable, I’m imagining. Head lice, Jesus. Love making the very painful toes I smashed — see: my love to Dominik — cease giving me a slight limp when I walk love, me. ** Nasir, Sorry to tether you, or, well, things could be worse? I know I’ve liked what I’ve heard by Dismemberment Plan, but I can’t remember them/it very well. To be rectified. Ha ha, very lyrical. Yeah, Brainardhead is a little too close to Braindead, I fear. I am capable of taking orders from someone worthy of issuing them, and you certainly qualify, so yes, sir, right away, sir. I’m an anarchist, so giving orders is not in my lexicon, but, uh, I order you to stay hydrated today, uh, but only if you want to. ** chas, Hi! Cheers to you! Sorry to have coaxed personal information out of you, although, actually, not sorry. I do dislike that even though I’ve been living in France for, like, 16 years people can tell I’m not French before I even open my mouth. Dan sounds cool. Congrats to you both. Love is good, duh. I’m an anarchist, so no eye-rolling necessary in my company. High five. I know that song, That’s a nice favorite song. I think mine is ‘To My Beloved Martha’ by Tobin Sprout. Maybe. Anyway, I’m happy to have something of a picture of you to employ imaginatively as we go forward together. You ever come to Paris? It’s nice here. A little too hot at the moment, but … Butts can be great drugs, I agree. I hope your day makes complete and utter sense, and nonsense too. Any highlights? ** Cody Goodnight, Hi, Cody. I’m … let me see .. okay other than my foot hurting and the overly hot temperature. Favorite Sabbath song … hm, that’s hard. Maybe ‘Hand of Doom’? Joel Schumacher is/was a terrible director, imo. Your day was huge compared to mine. I just worked on shit and saw a fun enough reading at a bookstore and came across some friends and made blog posts. Today a great old friend of mine is in Paris, so it’ll be better. I hope your day and night roil. ** Bill, Brainard is a joy amongst joys. Oh, no, bad timing. No Quimbys especially! Thanks about the film/funding. Me too, man, me too. xo. ** Mark, I remember seeing Starlog magazine on newsstands, but I don’t think I ever picked it up and cracked it. I think I thought it was a Stark Trek-specific thing. I would have grabbed it, had I known. I don’t know Rick Barton. That’s a score. I’ll endeavour to get familiarity with his work quickly under my belt. Thank you! What’s your weekend looking like? ** A, You have guessed correctly. I think sort of vaguely resting on rare occasion is enough for me. Not that I’m even good at that. Enjoy your friend. I’m seeing a very longtime visiting pal today. I think Xavier Dolan is a wildly over-estimated narcissistic blowhard, so … yawn. Ha ha, Bret says that and yet just yesterday I read that he’s writing the entire upcoming TV series based on ‘The Shards’, and he doesn’t need the money, let’s face it. Publication will be fun and confusing and disappointing and occasionally exhilarating for completely unexpected reasons. ** Okay. I haven’t done a snow globe-centric post on the blog for, gosh, years, and I just decided it was high time. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    I’ve never watched Antiques Roadshow, but I’m familiar with the concept, and I think it’s in the same category as cooking shows, yes. Definitely not the type of stuff I’m usually after/into either, but… you know. Guilty pleasures and all that. (Or… no. No. I hate that phrase so much.)

    Yes! Boiling water for pasta counts as cooking, no question, haha!

    For real? I’ve never seen a machine like that in my life! In Hungary, you have to go to a bank or a post office with your change, and they’ll convert them to bills for you. Very tedious. I have no idea how this works in Austria, but I’m used to just spending my loose change here and there after a while.

    Well… love and I both failed. I bought the tangerine tree. And it’s not ceramic! It’s stone. Very ugly. I’m in absolute love, haha.

    Ouch! Your poor foot. I hope it’s nothing too serious?

    Love buying you the snow globe of your choice from above – which one would you like? (It’s very hard to choose, but I think I’d go for the castle with the bats.) Od.

  2. T. J.

    Thanks for yesterday’s Brainard post. I actually drunk bought that book last night. I actually really like the audio recordings you shared. Some writers are just not good at reading at loud (and some writing is really not meant to be read out loud). For instance, excluding a video I saw of her reading that piece where she introduces herself as Erica Jong that’s amusing, I really do not enjoy listening to Kathy Acker read her stuff.
    Hope the film editing is going well. Excited to see it and hope you’re well.

  3. Misanthrope

    Dennis, It went as well as possible. But…hahaha…she thought they were going to put her under or twilight her but they didn’t. Just numbed her up. Oh, well. But she got through it. She’s just in pain and miserable now but she’s recovering all right and will be fine in a couple days or so. I think she’ll be glad she got it done. Thanks again for the well wishes.

    I like snow globes but I always feel like there isn’t enough snow in most of them. I do feel bad for that little boy who’s stuck in one, though.

    Regular weekend here. Nothing big happening. I hope yours is great.

  4. alcyon

    I started reading your books and, like you, I live in Paris. I haven’t visited many countries yet, but I think it is a particularly wonderful city for the variety and multiplicity of its bookshops (perhaps the best in the world?!… what do you think?) I bought my first book by you at the San Francisco Book Co. near the Odéon theater (a first edition of Jerk!) Even though you buy a lot of your English-language books on the Internet (cf. your reply in another post of this blog), what are your favorite Parisian bookshops? More generally, I am curious about “your Paris”: your favorite arrondissements, museums, galleries and monuments. Last but not least: do you think that the places where you live – like Paris – influence your art (which, from what I’ve read, seems focused on memory and fantasy, so in a way on what is detached from the present place and time)? Or not at all?

  5. alcyon

    I recently started reading your books and, like you, I live in Paris. I haven’t visited many countries yet, but I think Paris is a particularly wonderful city for the variety and multiplicity of its bookshops (perhaps the best in the world?!… what do you think?) I bought my first book by you in the San Francisco Book Co. near the Odéon theater. Even though you buy most of your books on the Internet (as you explained in a recent post), what are your favorite Parisian bookstores? In general, I am curious about “your Paris”: your favorite arrondissements, museums, galleries and monuments. Last but not least: do you think that the places where you live – like Paris – influence your art (which, from what I’ve read, seems to focus on memory and fantasy, so in a way on what is detached from the present place and moment)? Or not at all…?

  6. Steve Erickson

    I’m really sorry to read about Bill Reed’s death. Anything I could say seems rather inadequate.

    Will you have a chance to take your mind off the film’s problems this weekend, or are they too pressing?

    I’m recording a podcast about South African music today. It should go up on YouTube soon, so I’ll post the link then.

    The new Beverly Glenn-Copeland album is amazing. I can hear Nina Simone, Tim Buckley and late Scott Walker in it, but his voice and combination of influences, especially the mix of classical music and African and African-American styles, are really unique. At 79, it sounds like he’s put his entire life experience into it. I also like the new Lil Uzi Vert (they really embrace hip-hop as electronic music, with a playful approach to their vocals and production) and Ricardo Dias Gomes albums.

  7. _Black_Acrylic

    Good on LV and Chanel for introducing snow globes to the luxury goods market.

    Today I took Mum to Franco’s, that really good Italian cafe round the corner from my flat. We treated ourselves to mini pizzas (capers and chilis as topping for me) with black coffee and also some ice cream for dessert. I was wearing my Italo disco T-shirt, so very much living the dream.

  8. Kyler

    Hi Dennis – sent you an email asking for your address. My new books have arrived – and I want to send you one. Please look for the email or tell me here if you prefer. Thanks bud!

    • Kyler

      or send in a FB message?

  9. A

    Yeah, I knew it! Enjoy your friend. Xavier has always been a narcissistic megalomanic, and his simulacrum has always made me been off-put by even engaging with the work. Maybe, I’m missing out. I’ve never seen any of it. Oh, dude, he DEF needs the money and all the money he can get!!! And a lot about the HBO show is lies… I like the new fellow travellers with the novel, like your boy Troy Weaver has been a massive support this week. So, I guess it’s all happening in an organic manner. Enjoy your Saturday.

  10. Kettering

    David Ehrenstein–
    So, so sorry, sir, to hear that you’ve lost your Love– We don’t know each other, but I can only imagine the pain you must be going through right now (it looks like you and Bill were together forever– my god–) Really, I am so sorry that you’re facing this. Please take care– k.

  11. Mark

    Barton’s work is a real find. Ironically, I missed the show in NYC and yet most of his work, 757 drawings, are in the Library Special Collection of UCLA. I’m not aware of any exhibitions that have been done on the west coast. This weekend José and I are hoping to finish our DC zine. Sunday I’m going to a brunch organized by poet Steven Reigns He’s a good friend and has organized a bunch of queer writers to get together to just chat, not to read or look at work. I’m excited. If you are curious about my writing, this is my first chapbook I’ve also been published many times in this journal Have things calmed down in Paris? What are you up to this weekend?

  12. Bill

    Some fine globes today, Dennis. A few had me scratching my head at the concept.

    Have you heard the new Swans double CD? I thought it was rather boring, except for the 43-minute piece. (Now anyone who knows me might expect me to complain that it could be shorter…)

    Sorry to hear about Bill, David.


  13. chas

    Dennis! Alas, the last time I was in Paris was over 20 years ago now, on a high-school trip. Disneyland, the Louvre, Notre Dame and a boat ride down the Seine, over two days. I remember getting no sleep and being told off for gambling in the hotel room, ha! It was memorable, but it would be cool to return someday and experience it properly. I would like to go and sit outside the sort of coffee shop that probably doesn’t exist anymore, the sort that reading Sartre and Camus and ‘Giovanni’s Room’ brings to mind, and I’d sit and smoke a cigarette and drink a black coffee that’s too bitter but I’d force it down anyway and think about the nauseating pain and beauty of existence. At least until Dan finishes his chocolat chaud and says, come ON let’s go do something FUN!

    I’m not surprised that you’re still sussed as a foreigner. In my experience, Americans carry themselves in a way that says, the world is my oyster. Whereas the French have their own special brand of too cool for school. Or perhaps that’s just the ones I’ve met.

    Today’s highlight was domestic and mundane: coming home from work to a cuddle and a cup of tea. I’m coming down with a cold, so it was extra needed. It’s not too bad, but with all this nose-wiping I’m going to look like a festive reindeer soon. I listened to ‘ … Beloved Martha’ for the first time while writing this and my first impression was: those guitars have a melancholy to them, which sounds pleasing to my ears. Thanks for sharing. Have yourself un bon weekend!

  14. Cody Goodnight

    Hi Dennis.
    How are you? I’m doing ok-ish. What a lovely collection of snow globes you’ve curated today. The Orson Welles one is a classic. I really like the Gaultier and Vuitton ones. I’m terribly sorry about your foot, Dennis. I hope the pain heals soon. It’s really hot where I am as well. Last night, the sky was filled with lightning and it took forever for it to rain. I really don’t think highly of summer. Hand of Doom is a great song. I don’t know many Sabbath songs I don’t like honestly. Only seen Falling Down and Schumacher’s adaptation of Phantom of the Opera. As a big fan of that musical, I hate it. I hope you enjoyed your meeting with your friend, and I hope your days become exciting. Today I’m going to watch What Ever Happened to Baby Jane with friends. I also rewatched a film called Love is the Devil, which is about Francis Bacon and his abusive love life. It’s really great. Daniel Craig is naked in it. Also listened to a lot of Bauhaus, Christian Death, Diamanda Galás and The Birthday Party. Hope you have a great day/night!

  15. Nasir

    Made sure to get my two liters of water to appease you, Dennis! I probably should be doing that everyday, though.

    Lovely snow globes! I found one hidden in some desk in my parents’ house. It features: Two chibi type characters, facing each other, both leaning in for a kiss but not quite touching, very sweet.

    How was your day? Hopefully productive. I think I have an idea on what my next fiction piece is gonna be, I just need to do a ton of research and really sink my teeth into that whole thing. Sounds daunting but it’s part of the fun, I mean you’d probably know more than I do.

    If you have the time today, listen to ‘Ice Of Boston’ by Dismemberment Plan, that’s the song I find myself listening to the most. Sorry for rambling but maybe it’s within my right since you’ve installed a chip in my brain that wakes me up to show me snow globes or escorts/slaves. Kidding, love you.

  16. Darbznoodlez 🐋🐳

    I saw the word death and I don’t want to be nosy so I hope that whatever it was the person gets better and im really sorry about that. Death is terrrible.

    Oh this feels so weird now but I promise I’ll try to make this really quick!
    Oh don’t apologize btw I didn’t know u were joking! I’m bad at understanding jokes, which is weird, since I have such a dry sense of humor. But listen. things are going to change forever hopefully by the end of this month. Big plans. I’m terrified of hitchhiking. Weird since me and my mom used to do it alot when she was homeless. There was this girl in the 70s who hitch hiked and got both her arms hacked off. That’s out of the question. Plan tickets might work idk yet. I have time . I might be gone a bit because I have a really big plan.
    I read about this Trans girl who jumped from a balcony and became paralyzed because she felt so hopeless. I think its fucking tragic that that’s what it took for her voice to be heard. I spend countless times trying to explain to my mom what it means but she cant even understand the difference between gender and sexuality. When I think I get to her she’s sending me fucking Ben shapiro videos and other shit of people who regret transitioning. She thinks its a though that came from nowhere and not harbored for years. I cant do it anymore. The whole section 1557 is kind of bullshit because where I like the whole “Gender-affirming care” is “Not addressed” so idk if its all possible to get it covered. I guess its better then “Not provided”
    Not like I can save up for it. its her decision.
    Cant even get an actual good therapist to talk about the fucked up thoughts that come with it because most likely she’ll put me with some Christian based one that will tell me that I’m “just confused”
    Of course I’m confused.

    I’ll miss my cat and my friends. That’s all I can say. But being here will kill me and have to leave. I don’t care how dramatic that sounds.

    But yes im sorry well u dont have to like reply to all that its just I don’t think my friends will get where im coming from and I cant keep it inside because it hurts. My cats I strangely will miss the most i think. I wish you could meet Frankie!! All my friends love her because she’s so ugly and ugly cats give the most love!
    Omg!! Imagine this, entertain this funny thought I’m having for a moment!
    Imagine I sent her overseas in a box (her fat would cushion her) and u met her and you’d find her charming because she’s always hungry and rubbing against knees and she’s so warm and cozy to sleep with and her ugly llittle snaggle teeth and goopy eyes make her so goofy. When she comes back she’s speaking French and chewing baguettes.
    Oh gosh I wrote an entire essay! Love from a sortve manageable hell?

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