The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Galerie Dennis Cooper presents … Longer Lasting, a taxidermy show

Nikola Dzafo The Rabbit Museum (2017)


Iris Schieferstein








Gunther von Hagen The Badgermin (2012)




Mark Dion Concrete Jungle (Mammalia) (1993)


Michel Hallard


Polly Morgan










E.V. Day




Nicholas Galanin Inert (2009)




James Prosek Flying Fox with Lady’s Slippers


Timberline Taxidermy






Yang Maoyuan







Untitled (2010)


Untitled (2008)


Ferenc Mere








Ferry van Tongeren & Jaap Sinke Untitled (2015)


Takeshi Yamad Sea Rabbit (2006)


Claire Third Roadkill Cat Handbag (2016)






Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs Camera (2013)






Szollosi Geza

Inflatable (2008)


Inflatable (2008)


Inflatable (2008)


Unknown Homemade pencil case


Scott Bibus









Teeters’ Studio


Kyle Montgomery








Marsha Field


Maarten Kolk & Guus Kusters



Brew Dog The ‘End of History’ Collection (2010)




Pascal Bernier

Farm Set Lambs (1997)


Farm Set Piglets (1999)

Farm Set Calves (1997)




Lisa Black



Pim Palsgraaf














Kohei Nawa

PixCell-Red Deer (2012)


PixCell-Tiger (2012)


Simon Wilson #taxidermy #filmproduction #filmprops #cow #fisting (2019)


Unknown Mummified Goat Kid


Katy O’Brian Taxidermy Monster Deer Butt with Opossum Teeth


Dylan Ekern


Brook Weston








p.s. Hey. ** Dominik, Hi!!! You’re in the cool zone too. So invigorating, no? Thanks, I’m about to go re-dig into the film full-ish time in a couple of hours. Yeah, but I’ve been in France for, god, heading on two decades, so my paltry French is, well, pathetic, frankly. Love going back in time and turning newly dead Heath Ledger into a taxidermy display object for a weird friend of mine G. ** Dee Kilroy, Dear Deestructor- You know, I weirdly never saw ‘L’Inconnu du Lac’ for no reason Isn’t that weird? Maybe show your bf ‘Cruising’ or ‘Looking for Mr. Goodbar’? I’m always in my own mental world when I walk around. People used to cruise me, and I had no idea. From the looks on their faces, I thought they were suspicious of me or something like that. Our swelter seems to be a dead duck at long last. You’re in that nicely named hurricane’s path? You been through them before? Eeek? ** _Black_Acrylic, My 90s R&B knowledge is quite limited, it’s true. Oh, no. Easily righted sonic problems at least, I sure hope? ** Jack Skelley, Jazzy-Jack. Wow, Blake was right. Maybe we can rent a little fog machine and project your Zoom onto it like in, what’s it called, Fantasma? That Disneyland thing? I’m heading into a week of film editing. My idea of fun. Seriously. ** David Ehrenstein, Et voila! ** Corey Heiferman, Thanks, pal. That’s very interesting, about the no ‘never’ in Hebrew. Huh. French has things like that too, but I can’t remember any at the moment. I hate how French genders everything. I love French, but that just seems fascist or something. Not to mention very out of date. Thank you for that pigeon knowledge. That’s fascinating. I have pigeons living by my windows, and I’ve become big fans of them. And yes about the experimental film. Hm …. ** Charalampos, One of our film’s producer is totally obsessed with Brandy. I made a kind of mean joke about her once in his presence, and he almost burst into tears. We will be deep into editing starting in about two hours from this very moment. Thank you, buddy. A big dollop of cool breeze from almost chilly Paris. ** Cody Goodnight, Hi, Cody. No problem. ‘Conker’s Bad Fur Day’ is in my top five favorite ever video games. It was more than a bit of an influence on my novel ‘God Jr.’. I watched that documentary about Jodorowsky’s attempt to make ‘Dune’ last night. It was good, very interesting. My week has just been catching up before going full-time into film editing again today. Max your day and nighttime completely out. ** Montse, Yay! It’s so nice, right? The cool and even cold. It’s like spacialized champagne or something. Oh, okay, I’ll try The Armed’s earlier stuff then. It was the first of them that I heard. I did think it was interesting though. Ginormous hugs to you!!! ** Steve Erickson, Hi. I’m pretty sure I did a ‘Never’-like post about ‘No’, but I need to check to make sure. Thank you muchly about the post’s build. I’ll look for Civeyrac’s films. I don’t think I’ve seen any of them? Uh, no, other than publishers asking me to give my books a push of some sort on social media, that’s it. But I think my publishers have figured out that my books are never going to ‘cross over’. I suspect that if we get distribution for the new film, Zac and I will force ourselves to haunt those sites a bit since it has at least more chance to ‘cross over’ than my books, I think? ** Misanthrope, I say ‘never’ occasionally. Paris deserves a week, but, yeah, money, coordination … do your best. Aw, thanks for telling me that. I think Franzen is way over as a viral literary guy. Or I never see anyone talk about him anymore. Gratitude for small favors. ** D-D-D-Darby ✌🍑, Nice. I want to change my name to Dennis✌🍑. So sorry about that insane heat. Scary. Ixnay on the turtleneck suggestion then. It is seriously weird how people, me included, tend to think of doctors the way religious people think of pastors or priests or whatever. Stay tough, my pal. Oh, the candle, I was just trying to be clever on the run. Yeah, like a magic ritual to transfer my inches. Nothing too complex. You didn’t write too much. You never do. No advance, unnecessary worries about that. I hope today serves you an immense freebie dessert. ** John Newton, Oh, sure, understood, yeah. Cocaine is a dumb drug, but I liked it. It made me feel perky. My short crystal meth phase was part of my research my Gorge Miles Cycle books. It made me feel psychotic, which was very useful in helping me figure some things out that I wanted to write. I never got addicted to it. I loved Ecstacy, but I didn’t take it all that often. I never had any downer after effects. I’ve eaten grape leaves with rice and lemon juice, yes. Yum. I grew up eating Mexican food, and that’s still my go-to. I will never own any abode, I don’t think. I’ve always rented, and that’s enough for me. Yury is from Russia. I think Ru Paul’s and Drag Race’s success is a great thing. I just grew up with a more subversive kind of drag, Vaginal Davis and Ethel Eichelberger and Divine and artists like that, and I personally prefer the more experimental sorts of, well, everything. ** ellie, Hi! How great to see you! I’ve wondering how you were doing. I’m okay. Sweet that you missed this place. Vice versa. I’ll see if I can find out what that TV show is. Huh, interesting. Things are getting there with the film. We’re getting close. How are you? What’s new with you, if you don’t mind passing things along? ** Right. I suppose it’s strange that a near-lifelong vegetarian would curate a taxidermy show, but … I’m weird, what can I say. See you tomorrow.



  1. Dominik


    Yes, finally! Invigorating is the perfect word! I actually wore a sweater this morning – god, haha!

    Fingers as tightly crossed as physically possible!

    Well… baby steps, right? Or maybe love will feel really nice sometime soon and make us masters of French and German for real.

    I’d expected some freaky love when I saw the theme of today’s post, but I did not see this coming, haha. But okay. Yeah. Poor Heath. I share my birthday with him.

    I really like some of the above pieces and am generally into taxidermy, but I’m also haunted by the thought of animals being killed specifically to be turned into sick artworks. So, just to be sure that isn’t the case with your gift, love giving you the roadkill cat handbag, Od.

  2. Misanthrope

    Big D, I’m gonna try and do everything I can to get us over there for as long as I can. We’ll see. It’ll be spectacular however it works out.

    I’m sure I’ve told you, but my only experience with Franzen was picking up a copy of The Corrections in a bookstore, flipping to a random page, and reading. I was just like, um, yeah, no, not for me. He seems quite surly at times too. I mean, Oprah picks my book, I’m sucking it up and going on her show and being pretty damn nice, hahaha. But that’s just me.

    So so busy at work still. Eep.

    Oh, and David’s going back to the gym. Trying to lose all that weight he gained back. We’ll see how it works out.

  3. Dee Kilroy

    (on the morning scroll)

    (reaches #5 down, “unknown”)

    That’s Sebastian the fox from ‘Meet The Feebles’!!!

    • Dee Kilroy

      Dear Den–

      Got Sig into ‘Cruising’ last year, while I was recovering from my skull fracture. Point of fact, he pulled it out of my collection by accident! I think because I’d bundled all my discs into box collections f/ certain directors. He was curious about Friedkin’s ‘To Live & Die In L.A.’ (Wang Chung’s soundtrack was the last S/T I ever bought on cassette!)

      But yeah, ‘Cruising’ had real impact. He dug the greasy smoky aura of sleaze & the maddening ambiguities of the adaptation. It’s my understanding that the source novel is miserably homophobic but Friedkin really, really worked to take things in a better direction. It STILL holds up. A special place in my heart for that era of N.Y. Delany waxes nostalgic over. A foreign land I can only vacation in via film.

      (Did ‘Boys In The Band’ earlier this year and oy, *there* is a script that’s aged like milk.)

      You should definitely hit ‘Stranger By The Lake’. There’s some sustained takes in near-absolute dark that rank alongside the slow retinal burn(s) at the conclusion of ‘Skinamarink’. For me, that is. Also pretty & real men in equal measure, plus unsimulated sex. Couldn’t have asked for more. Unless it was for the lead actors to do the fucking instead of pro stunt cocks. But I respect their decision to subcontract that stuff…

      Y’know, I’ve never seen the film adaption of ‘Frisk’. Have heard it isn’t a candle to your story. Are any of Verow’s films worth watching? Just read the synopsis for ‘Vacationland’ and it sounds bog standard.

      Oh, are we in the the path of hurricane vidalia? I hadn’t been fretting over the flying onion much. Suppose I should, living in deep woods as we do now. I’m just glad our trees are getting watered again. 🙂 The heat makes all our local butterflies happy but w/ my bicycle in the shop commuting is a misery. Pack two bottles of water in my bag every time.

      Yesterday was a fine day for scripting in parks & getting caught in storms. Hoping you kids are inching toward some breakthroughs for funding. I’ll light Sig’s luck candle for ya’ll.

      He’s put ‘Safe’ on his to-read list, two or three books down, by the bye. Wondering how he’ll like it. And which one he’ll go to after that.


  4. David Ehrenstein

    MRS> BATES,?A>

  5. _Black_Acrylic

    Having taxidermy showcased in today’s Galerie show is a definite good idea. Most of the more interesting/weirder stuff is that filed under “Unknown,” no surprise there.

    Staying with the animal theme, my buddy from Chicago’s wife has recently published a book about horse racing. Kathryn Scanlan – Kick the Latch Has just been ordered and I’m looking forward to it a great deal.

  6. Cody Goodnight

    Hi Dennis.
    How are you? Im ok. Taxidermy used to scare me as a child. I couldn’t help but feel nervous seeing dead animal heads stare me down in public areas. Lovely references to Švankmajer’s Alice and Peter Jackson’s Meet the Feebles! Ah j love Conker’s Bad Fur Day as well. It’s just ever so charmingly disgusting and funny. Didn’t know that about God Jr. That’s really cool! I’ve seen that documentary before. It’s very good, and I also wish I could have seen Jodorowsky’s vision come into fruition, despite my complicated feelings towards his work. Good luck with film editing, Dennis. Plans for today are to watch a Takeshi Kitano film and find an album to listen to. Hope you have a good one, Dennis!

  7. Nick.

    Hi! Omg I think I love this new go to bed early schedule its so fun. Also this post is nuts love everything about it! Hum I guess we are vibing since we’re so well rested and what not its kind of perfect! I just got a glimpse of Fire Island from everyones like social media posting and it looked more boring than a club to me which Is wild I’m sure cause I’m totally over clubbing too or at least this summer is trickling down id say and its all getting kinda boring! no real updates just well rested and sorta bored ttyl!

  8. Charalampos

    I would prob cry too if you did Brandy joke in front of me because when I started doing walks around the Athens neighbourhood to push myself to create I was listening to her music and felt so inspired tons of one liners I use now tons came to me… The relentless nature of some melodies helped me creatively

    We go tomorrow in Athens with my mom and my dog Ireli to pick up things we left and tons of boxes with tons of books that contain also your books I can’t wait to have them near me again tbh to read…
    Hopefully when we comeback a day after I can start preparing my France move…

    If I can jump in to previous users comment Frisk film has little to nothing to do with the novel imo but the best thing about it it’s the soundtrack which I used to listen to this Lyon museum I told you about doing repeated walks I liked that soundtrack for long time and actually the entire thing is good. Can you believe I can recall some sentences from Frisk like I read yesterday

    You know I want to write some good poems to put in the book I told you about… but one can’t order these things as they come naturally… I just need some killer poems and it’s ready I believe there is something to it

    I feel the sky slowly opening…

    You guys must be deep into editing, good vibes from Crete

  9. Darby🐿

    AHHH! Oh my God stop I’m in taxidermy heaven ahhh. Your feeding my taxidermy addixtion haha. Btw I think I know the sites you got these from. I’ve seen quite a bit of these oh my God and the orange cat handbag is a CLASSIC. Ive never seen the stretched ball taxidermies of the cows etc but omg im adding them to my taxidermy file!
    I dont remember if I mentioned just how interested I am in making art from taxidermized animals. Ahh! Wait! Are those automata taxidermies? Now I really feel like going on a roadtrip to the nearby country to pick up dead rabbits and make a wind-up doll.
    Btw if u ever do a part 2 I have a couple really funny taxidermy pics of the pope as a mouse and some Walter Potter stuff like mice and tea time. Also the creepy taxidermy is just as cool as the cute ones.
    I want to taxidermy my cats and then make them into pillow pets when they die. My mom doesnt really like that but OH WELL.

  10. Mark Stephens

    Hey D. Just saying hello. J sends her love. As do I. Hopefully see you next time you’re around. It’s been too long for our liking.

  11. Steve Erickson

    I heard one of RuPaul’s early singles on WFMU a few weeks ago, and it was good punk-influenced house music. I didn’t know he’d released anything before “Supermodel.”

    Sally Rooney has become the new Franzen.

  12. John Newton

    Hi Dennis, I took one of my vegetarian or now vegan friends to see an art exhibit here in Philadelphia where people donated their bodies for art. My friend loved it. Would you do this with your body after death? There are taxidermy artists here but I rarely go into the city as it is out of control and dangerous here.

    Did your bipolar or manic depressive friend ever go into psychosis? If so what happened? I know several people who are bipolar and when they go into psychosis from not being on meds, they get paranoid and it is very scary.

    How long was your meth use/abuse for? How were you lucky enough to not get addicted or was it like what used to be called crank, black beauties, and not crystal/ice/shards? I never used it. Low doses of the Dexedrine and later Adderall were enough. What did Ecstasy do to you when you took it? I never took it as I saw friends have addiction to it, bad experiences and get suicidal the next day after taking it, or get pills that had meth in them.

    Which small presses are the best to publish with or submit writing to? Or does it not really matter?

    I am super tired and going to bed goodnight.

    • John Newton

      P.S.- I never liked the whole game of cruising either. Like you I get lost in my thoughts or I was cruised in 1,000s of different places and ways and it is kind of annoying. The worst was in adult bookstores or porn stores, malls near a public toilet, and gyms in the locker room. It was stress city as you mentioned before. I wasn’t supposed to be in porn stores but this was in the 1990s before the internet and I would buy magazines and VHS tapes for myself and friends, pay and immediately leave.

      I had always read and was told by my parents and homosexual family friends that you could easily get arrested just for being there or talking to the wrong person, and I was not an adult.

      Drag and drag queens used to be experimental but I never went super crazy for it or them.

      The taxidermy pics I liked the most were the biker squirrel in a bar, the goat bagpipe-it reminds me of this the bondage mouse spreadeagle, the lynx or bobcat with the beaver it “killed”, the fox or kit with the hookah, the raccoons, and the Collie dog.

      How do you find Mexican food in Paris or do you just make it? I miss the real Mexican food I had when I lived in Albuquerque but I just cook it here or try to sort of improvise. I took a Mexican friend to a Mexican restaurant here and she saw the rice, enchiladas, and quesadilla I ordered and she just said ‘This place is cheap! Don’t ever eat there again!’ she just ordered a Nescafe coffee and seltzer water, ate not even five free tortilla chips and I just paid for her liquid ‘meal’ as she drove there, no it was not a date.

      Why do you view doctors the same way some Roman Catholics view priests? I grew up with relatives and neighbors who worked in medicine, doing autopsies and in labs like my mother, or actual medical doctors. To me they are regular people. I hope you are in excellent health. I have a friend that his mother is a doctor, she is definitely a type A personality and my friend said “If she gets angry at you, it means that she likes and cares about you.” I made a vegetarian fritatta for dinner and gave her a small portion.

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