The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Galerie Dennis Cooper presents … Kiddie Matinee

Sam Jinks
Bruce Conner
Duane Hanson
Jonathan Hobin
Bill Henson
The Kid
Kara Walker
Brandon Lattu
Laurie Lipton
Lucy Glendinning
Yves Scherer
Steven Shearer
Christophe Avella-Bagur
Slater Bradley
Adel Abdessemed
Jorge Pineda
Charles Ray
Gehard Demetz
Marc Quinn
Loretta Lux
Polina Verbytska
Rozdroża Wolności
Willy Verginer
Nina Levy
Oliver Laric
Biljana Djurdjevic
Gregor Gaida
Patricia Piccinini
Li Wei
Aura Rosenberg
Jarmo Mäkilä
Bradley Rubenstein
Roland Persson


Sam Jinks

‘Time Machine’ (2012)

‘Untitled (Boy)’ (2013)

‘Untitled’ (2012)


Bruce Conner

‘Child’ (1959)


Duane Hanson

‘Child with Puzzle’ (1978)


Jonathan Hobin

‘GOT HIM!’ (2013)

‘Cry Baby’ (2015)

‘A Boo Grave’ (2010)


Bill Henson


The Kid

‘Until the Quiet Comes’ (2013)


Kara Walker

‘African Boy Attendant Curio (Bananas)’ (2014)


Brandon Lattu

‘Boy with Image of Payphone’ (2016)

‘Not Human’ (video stills, 2015)


Laurie Lipton


Lucy Glendinning


Yves Scherer

‘Boy for Sale’ (2018)


Steven Shearer

‘The Mauve Fauve’ (2007–2015)


Christophe Avella-Bagur


Slater Bradley

‘My Doppelganger as Ian Curtis in a Sad Pose’ (2001)


Adel Abdessemed

‘Mon Enfant’ (2014)

‘Cri’ (2012)


Jorge Pineda

‘Mentiras’ (2006)

‘Me voy: Norte’ (2005)


Charles Ray

‘Boy’ (1992)

‘Shoe Tie’ (2013)


Gehard Demetz

‘Stones in my Pocket’ (2013)

‘Mom’s Hands and Daddy’s Nose’ (2013)

‘Mother’s Darling’ (2014)


Marc Quinn

‘Planet’ (2013)


Loretta Lux



‘Boy Soldier (3D printed version)’ (2015)


Polina Verbytska

‘Boy with Birthmark’ (2016)

‘Cleft lip boy’ (2016)

‘Redhead girl’ (2016)


Rozdroza Wolnosci

‘Erection’ (2009)


Willy Verginer

‘Untitled’ (2016)


Nina Levy

‘Boy with Feast’ (2011)

‘Toss’ (2006)

‘Drop’ (2006)


Oliver Laric

‘Sleeping Shepherd Boy’ (2016)


Biljana Djurdjevic

‘Paradise Lost’ (2005)

‘Living in Oblivion’ (2006)


Gregor Gaida

‘Atta Boys’ (2014)


Patricia Piccinini

‘Library, 8.45pm’ (2011)

‘Alley, 11.15am’ (2011)

‘Bedroom, 10.30pm’ (2011)


Lí Wei

‘Thank God’ (2012)



‘Body History No.1’ (2017)

‘Body History No.3’ (2017)


Aura Rosenberg


Jarmo Mäkilä

‘Untitled’ (2013)


Bradley Rubenstein

‘Untitled (Girl with Puppy Dog Eyes)’ (1996)



‘Shimmering Heat Haze’ (2009)

‘The Day Is Getting Long’ (2009)

‘You Girls’ (2007)

‘I know her secret’ (2007)

‘It hurts when it hits bare skin’ (2007)

‘Look at how much we raised!’ (2007)



My Pretty Bourgeois Friend Pao Pao (2019)

My Pretty Bourgeois Friend Justin (2020)

‘My Pretty Bourgeois Friend Si Yang’ (2019)


Roland Persson

‘The Sleeping Boy’ (2014)




p.s. Hey. ** Probably, male, Hi. I just wrote back to you. Hm, I can’t think of a sentence or paragraph of mine that I especially like. I would need to think about it. My favorite non-book length things I’ve written are the last section of ‘God Jr.’ that’s set in the video game and a short fiction piece called ‘The Ash Gray Proclamation’ that’s in my book ‘Ugly Man’. Thank you for asking. I’ll try to think of sentences and paragraphs. I vote for vote for the skillful sentence that also has emotional power. It’s hard, but not impossible. ‘Room Temperature’ is about a family that builds a haunted house attraction, i.e. a homemade walk-through haunted house, in their home and about what happens while they do. It was inspired by my and Zac’s huge love for haunted house attractions, which I’ve had almost all my life. Take care today. ** Charalampos, ‘Murmur of the Heart’ and ‘Lacombe, Lucien’ are both very good in my memory. The audio-only novel is derived from the failed ARTE TV series project, yes. Paris is having some kind of miracle happen because the summer here has been very mild so far. It’s very strange since everywhere else in Europe seems to be being brutally baked. We’ll see if it lasts. Thank you about ‘MLT’. Uh, I don’t know, I think I was pretty happy when I finished writing it. It’s one of my favorites of my novels. Love from pleasant Paris, and I wish I could airdrop you our summer. ** T. J., Hi! Oh, is ‘Murmur of the Heart’ funny? That’s interesting. I don’t remember that about it, but it’s been years and years. Huh. I should restore my Michael Lonsdale Day. What a guy. Actually, one of the big reasons I’m excited to make the audio-only novel is because I haven’t found anything in that general form, including radio plays, that’s interesting enough. Okay, maybe by Beckett. There are great experimental audio works using language, but nothing I’ve heard that uses narrative complicatedly and well apart from Robert Ashley’s ‘operas’. So, I’m bereft of suggestions just like you are. Cool, thanks! ** Mark, Hi, Mark. Wow, no, I knew nothing about Brookledge until you hooked me up with that article. I’m going to definitely go the next time I’m in LA. That’s nuts, great, thank you! I’ll send you the link to the ‘Jerk’ film today. I hear tell that Ron’s a wiz with his hands. You’ll have to confirm that. Big Monday! ** Cody Goodnight, Hi, Cody. I’m fine, I’m pretty sure. Red velvet rules, I agree. When I was younger I was obsessed with wedding cake, but now it just takes like eating mouthfuls of sugar to me. I haven’t seen ‘Green Snake’, but I like Tsui Hark, so I’ll check it out, thanks. Ha ha, your friends recovering from Solondz’s ‘Happiness’. Nice. Excellent start to your week, my friend. ** Charlie (formerly chas), Hi, Charlie. Charlie’s good, very friendly. Giving the escorts a hug and a balanced, nutritious meal probably wouldn’t cost you all that much. Hm, incubus sounds kind of nice. Maybe I’ll start in that realm. Big Important Project! Yay! It sounds extremely promising, and I highly encourage to proceed apace with it. Apart from a couple of poetry workshops back in college, I’ve never taken a creative writing class in my life, so don’t let that stop you. It can be a great benefit maybe even. I think I even 99.9% understand, if I maybe so bold. Yes, encouragement galore, and share whatever of the process that you’d like to if that keeps you going. I’m hoping today is the day I finally go to the Paris summer fun fair and eat soft serve ice cream, and that’ll be pretty Zen, if it happens. How about a transcendent day for you! ** Gray_Gary, Hey! Whoa, long time no type indeed. How are you? Thanks about the fairy tale bit. Yeah, so what’s been going on with you if you feel inclined to report? ** Bill, Yes, I think the escort texts were relatively modest in length this month, no? Do I know Victor LaValle? I … don’t think so. Tell me if I should. ** _Black_Acrylic, Yes, RIP Jane Birkin. So sad. What a lovely, lovely figure and seemingly great person she was. Really sad. ** syree, Hi. Oh, wow, thank you for crossing over into the new abode. It’s so cool to see you again. Have you been hanging in there in an exciting or doable way? Thanks about ‘I Wished’. It was a pretty wrenching book to write. Writing or thinking about George is the hardest thing for me, so I naturally I decided to force myself to do that and see what happened. Anyway, thank you, I’m so happy it got to you. A ton of new books? I mean, yeah, bring it on. ** Steve Erickson, I do think that was the first Andrew Tate reference I’ve come across in my escort searches, yes. Ouch and double ouch. A real week of weeks you’ve got going on there, man. So sorry. Stay tough. ** Okay. I decided to make you a show in my galerie today. See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    What a perfect post to come back to! Thank you!

    How have you been these past few days? Is it absolutely, incredibly hot over there too? It is here, but it didn’t take anything away from my time with my mom. We visited a lot of bookstores (I’m in love with the Viennese Shakespeare & Co.) and explored the “MuseumQuartier” when the weather was mostly agreeable and had long and deep conversations at home when it was unbearable outside. So, I’d say we found a nice balance. I’m so happy she could spend these couple of days here. Poor Prater is STILL on our to-visit list, though, because my mom didn’t bring the camera she wants to use there this time.

    Is Bastille Day like the 4th of July in the US?

    Love gifting you the Bill Henson piece of your choice from above, Od.

  2. Bill

    A lot of lovely pieces today, Dennis. I love that Bruce Conner of course. Did the big retrospective a few years ago get to Paris? I think I’ve seen some of Nina Levy’s work on your blog. The Roland Persson is also very fine.

    Victor LaValle is probably the prominent Black horror writer these days. I find him quite uneven, though I loved “Up from Slavery”. I doubt he’s your thing.


  3. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Hahaha, we meat lovers…hehe. That was funny.

    I got a pork chop the other night when I went out with my bff. ‘Twas salty as fuck. Everything was salty as fuck. I like salt, but my God. Quite expensive place too. Hmm.

    Man, I haven’t seen Bill Henson’s name in a long time. Strangely, I’ve seen Will McBride’s a bit over the last month or so. Hmm.

    Lots of Hmms today. 😀

  4. _Black_Acrylic

    Seems quite a classical/realist direction for the gallery post to be swinging into with this new one. All still compelling, naturally. Especially like those weirdo Japanese-style graphics from the mysterious Mr.

  5. Cody Goodnight

    Hi Dennis.
    How are you? I’m doing fine. Thank you for this post. Red velvet is delicious. I had a red velvet cheesecake for my birthday one time. It was delicious. Wedding cake is really good, though I haven’t had it in a long time. What are your favorite foods, Dennis? I really like pizza, lasagna, cheese quesadillas, pancakes and tiramisu. Green Snake is so much fun, although it’s the only Tsui Hark film I’ve seen. Which ones have you seen? Happiness is a darkly comedic masterpiece. Well last night I showed some friends Sleepaway Camp. It’s one of my favorite horror films, despite it being problematic at times. My friends and I quote it all the time. Tonight I’m going to watch two Little Mermaid adaptations. One is animated, one is Czech. I really like Czech fairy tale adaptations. Have a great day or night!

  6. Charlie

    Dennis, hi. Thanks man, that means a lot to me. I’m stretching my arms out wide to illustrate just how much!

    I love how the French say my name. That sensual ‘sh’ sound at the start. Some years ago, after a night out, I was enjoying a spliff in a quiet spot before retiring to the hotel. This friendly young guy appeared and asked if we could share, so naturally I obliged. Life had brought him from Algeria to Marseille and then on to Manchester, where he was sharing a room with a friend. This wasn’t so long after the attack at Charlie Hebdo, and when I told him my name he jumped up and shook my hand so enthusiastically, like I was the literal embodiment. “En France, this is a good name,” he said.

    Do your Parisian friends pronounce your name in the French style? As in, what’s that bendy thing in your leg? Ice cream at the fun fair! Sounds divine. I hope you made it a reality.

  7. trees

    Great post today— some really evocative work. Curious about whatever happened to PaintingWholesaleChina!

    All’s well here— sort of intentionally mired myself in reviews and other similar writing work for the next few months, which should make things interesting. Hope the film is coming along!

    lots of love,

  8. Darbz 🐘🎪

    Lol ok so the last point with escorts the name is something I feel like I would say ironically since im obsessed with germanic history lol.
    This post is…. But Laurie Lipton is an amazing artist actually really like the stuff she makes. Especially the mid-life crisis screaming baby.
    OH NO PLEASE DONT BRING UP DARBY CRASH!! You’ll awaken my dormant obsession with everything about him!! Oh no, well since you brought him up, so causally too which always shocks me, like, “Oh yeah I knew that guy. No big deal.” haha what was he like? Is it true his death was overshadowed by John Lennon? So I was told.
    Today was sad if I think about since I had to take a prn which calms uncontrollable moods so I ended sleeping for a long long time but if something good did come from today it would be that when I woke up a looked up this therapist/doctor nearby who trains in DBT aswell…get this! Transgender healthcare woooah!! I always cringe when I have to bring up being trans where I go I wish being a guy was intrinsically built into me but I guess I just have to learn. I think theres promise there though I feel like im going to explode if I dont have anyone to talk to. You knw what sucks? I have to get my mom to sign the papers since I’m stuck in this conservatorship and I hope that she wont pull out if she knows he’s (puts on a very professional accent) “World Professional Association for Transgender Health ”

    I went to the mall with a friend to “buy” something for my other friends birthday. I parenthesis buy because, get this, I didnt know my friend was a master Klepto and I just ended up getting my other friend a cool studded choker for free. They also got me a cool necklace. They said, “Yeah, I got this cool discount” and then motioned me their hands lol!
    also, fuck Hot topic and all those other places. I went in there and the fashion imo is so dead. Another side note, when I read Closer so long ago it feels, when you wrote about the punk with the padlock chain belt I thought that was so cool at the time which was funny.

    Funny that you wrote writing with docs. I rarely like to write without pen but the other day I got really bad and wrote this Doc titled “Reasons to live” and I’m still working on it because I didnt think there would be so many reasons haha. Crazy!
    I’m going to see how much more writing I can get done before the day ends!
    Goodbye from inside the stitched up panda plushie that I had to cut open to steal some cotton from and put into my ragdolls since I didn’t have any!

  9. Steve Erickson

    My doctor says that I sprained my ankle two weeks ago. I’m supposed to soak it in warm water with epson salts once a day for the next two week and start taking an anti-inflammatory drug. The pain is right on my ankle, which makes walking rough.

    My review of the Dream Syndicate box set is out now:

    Is that supposed to be a sleep paralysis demon in “Bedroom, 10: 30 PM”?

  10. Gray_gary

    just vibing [as the kids say. unsure.]. lately ive been reading several books at once to make up new narratives that trap ghosts, that choose to orbit around me. nothing dark or anything, i just didn’t realize how haunted EVERYONE is. really tho, things have been great. been taking a break from walking around and looking at shit. on that note ive been enjoying looking at the walls of my home. light dances in my living rooms, its tight. anywho! hows yr head n what not? wanna send some ghosts my way? im getting kind of bored.

    – Gary

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