The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Car Show

Kendell Geers Monument to the unknown anarchist, 2007
‘It’s a burned car, burning during the exhibition, turned over on a pedestal covered with bottle shards.’


Charles Ray Unpainted Sculpture, 1997
‘If ghosts existed, would they haunt the actual substance of a place or object? Or would the object’s topology, geometry, or shape be enough to hold the ghost? Unpainted Sculpture began as an investigation into the nature of a haunting. I studied many automobiles that were involved in fatal collisions. Eventually I chose a car that I felt held the presence of its dead driver.’ — Charles Ray


Stéphane Dufour WIDE911, 2023


Edward Kienholz Five Car Stud, 1969–1972
‘In this horrifying life-size tableau, four automobiles and a pickup truck are arranged on a dirt floor in a dark room with their headlights illuminating a shocking scene: a group of white men exacting their gruesome “punishment” on an African American man whom they have discovered drinking with a white woman. Commenting on the work and its theme of racial oppression, Kienholz said at the time, “If six to one is unfair odds in my tableau, then 170 million to 20 million is sure as hell unfair odds in my country.” Although our society increasingly considers itself postracial, Five Car Stud is a harsh reminder of a shameful part of our history whose traces still linger. It was seen only in Germany in 1972 and has since remained in storage in Japan for almost forty years.’


Fumiaki Aono Tsunami Wreckage, 2014
‘Eight years ago today, a massive earthquake and tsunami struck the Tohoku region of Japan. The artist Fumiaki Aono was living in Sendai at the time and luckily his own home was sparred but other areas received significant damage. Post-disaster, Aono continued to create art but using objects collected from the wreckage.’


Richard Prince Elvis, 2014
steel, plywood, bondo


Damian Ortega Cosmic Thing, 2002
Volkswagen Beetle 1983, stainless steel wire, acrylic


Nina Beier Automobile, 2017
Remote control vehicles and human hair


Nari Ward Peace Keeper, 1995/2020
Hearse, grease, mufflers, feathers, galvanized metal fence posts and barrier cloth


Pen Hung-Chih RMB 15,000,000, 2009


Ivan Puig Hasta Las Narices, 2004
‘I believe the literal translation is “to be up to the nostrils” in other words “to be fed up with”.’


Roman Signer Engpass at Aussendienst, 2000
‘Signer had a car slam in between two converging, wedge-shaped walls of concrete, its arrested energy now petrified as sculpture.’


Erwin Wurm Trap of the Truth, 2023


Michelle Lopez Boy, 1999


Jannick Deslauriers Sentence, breath and shroud, 2018
aluminium mesh, tulle, silk, tread


Sylvie Fleury Skin Crime (Givenchy 318), 1997
enamel paint on compressed Fiat car


Sergio Romagnolo BIG FUSCA, 2003
Molded plastic


Dirk Skreber Untitled (Crash 1), 2011
‘It was fun to do, awesome and super-intense,” says Skreber. “If you pass an accident and see a car like this, it’s occupied by tragic thoughts for the people that would be involved, and you might see blood. This work gives you an opportunity to see the things like in a dream. It’s clean and polished and abstract.”’


Ed Ruscha Miracle, 1975
‘Ed Ruscha’s 1975 short film Miracle centers on a day in the life of a slovenly mechanic who becomes obsessed with fixing the faulty carburetor on a red Ford Mustang. Actress and singer Michelle Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas plays his love interest.’


Wu Wei Typhon, 2020
Metal, paper


Wim Delvoye Untitled (Maserati), 2012
Embossed aluminum


William Burge Untitled, 2007
modified 1968 Volkswagen Beetle


Jonathan Schipper Slow Motion Car Crash, 2012
‘A car crash that lasts the duration of a month. The car is slowly colliding with the wall at 7mm per hour.’


Robert Reynolds Spirit Car, 2006
steel wire, cellophane tape


Jasleen Kaur Alter Altar, 2023
‘A Glasgow-born artist who covered a red sports car with a giant ornamental doily mat is among the nominees for the 2024 Turner Prize.’


William Eggleston Untitled (Back of Black Car in Green Vines), 1965


Shawn Shepherd MEDIUM SIZED SMALL CAR #6, 2020
Recycled Street Signage


Jimmie Durham Still Life with Spirit and Xitle, 2007
‘Nearly 2,000 years ago, the Mexican volcano Xitle, or “spirit,” erupted and destroyed the ancient city of Cuicuilco. To create the seemingly impulsive sculpture, Durham quarried a 9-ton boulder of red basalt from the archaeological site and used a crane to drop it onto the roof of a 1992 Chrysler Spirit. As a finishing touch, he graffitied the stone with a smug, cartoon-like face.’


Thomas Hirschhorn Spinoza Car, 2012
‘The work “Spinoza-Car” is the work of a fan. It is the work of a fan of the philosopher Spinoza – this fan is me. I decided to do a customized car, as thousands of people do out of love, commitment and admiration – not for Spinoza, not for a philosopher – but for a football-club, a rock star or other objects. Beside the fact of using a car – because I love cars – what links me to any other fan is not the shared object of love but the act of love, what I share is the commitment and admiration. A car is a universal form, it is also what I call a ’Megaform’. A ‘Megaform’ is a form which possesses proprieties beyond a specific function, a ‘Megaform’ is form as such.’


BGL Perdu dans la nature (La Voiture), 1998


Robert Frank Covered Car, Long Beach, California, 1956
‘Car shrouded in fancy expensive designed tarpolian to keep soots of no-soot Malibu from falling on new simonize job as owner who is two-dollar-an-hour carpenter snoozes in house with wife, and TV, all under palm trees for nothing, in the cemeterial California night.’


Jitish Kallat Collidonthus, 2007
‘A life-size model of a car that is constructed with bones (made from resin). The sculpture is influenced by the burnt out remains of cars seen on the streets of India.’


Julian Opie You are driving a Volvo, 1996
Plywood and paint


Jason Rhoades Fucking Picabia Cars/Picabia Car with Ejection Seat (1997/2000)
Mixed media


Chris Burden Deadman, 1972
‘At 8 p.m. I lay down on La Cienega Boulevard and was covered completely with a canvas tarpaulin. Two fifteen-minute flares were placed near me to alert cars. Just before the flares extinguished, a police car arrived. I was arrested and booked for causing a false emergency to be reported. Trial took place in Beverly Hills. After three days of deliberation, the jury failed to reach a decision, and the judge dismissed the case.’


Lí Wei Fairy Tale, 2020
‘An installation of six meticulously detailed life-size mannequins of 7-year-olds created by the artist. They sit in toy cars equipped with temperature sensors, which allow them to navigate around obstacles.’


Chris Labrooy Untitled, 2022
Mixed media


Jean-Robert Alcindor La maturité, 2022
‘Jean-Robert Alcindor is a renowned self taught painter who lives in Le Bouscat, France. He is a psychoanalyst by day and a compulsive painter in the evening/night.’


Kori Newkirk Modified Cadillac (Prototype #2), 1997
‘a silhouette of a late 1970s or early 1980s Cadillac made by applying hair pomade and black pigment directly to the gallery wall’


Karyn Olivier Car Cover and Export Shoes, 2018
car cover, approx. 2,400 used/expired shoes (that would ordinarily be shipped to developing countries), and support materials


Wolf Vostell Concrete Traffic, 1970
‘On January 16, 1970, a crowd gathered at a parking lot on the corner of Ontario and St. Clair to watch MCA staff entomb a 1957 Cadillac Deville in 16 tons of concrete. With very general directions left by the artist, Wolf Vostell, MCA staff prepared for the pour by wrapping the car in rebar and steel mesh and building a plywood mold in advance. On the day of the pour, they towed the car to the lot and assembled the mold around the car. Then a cement mixer pulled up, and staff evenly distributed the cement over the car. Six days later, the concrete had set, and staff removed the mold revealing Concrete Traffic. For five months the sculpture remained parked in the lot surrounded by cars and everyday traffic until it was hoisted onto the bed of a truck and transported down the Dan Ryan Expressway to its new home outside of Midway Studios on the University of Chicago campus, where it remained for 40 years.’


Justin Favela Lowrider Pinata, 2014
‘Favela’s piñata version translates the hard, slick, macho qualities of the lowrider into another well-known symbol of Mexican-American culture with more delicate, blocky, and convivial qualities.’


Richard Wilson Hot-Dog Roll, 2006
Mixed media




p.s. Hey. ** Uday, Hi. I like Noe’s films, especially ‘Enter the Void’, but that one is a snooze. 48! No, seriously? How … We’re getting up to 36 here today, and I’m in hell even at that temp. Survive, man. Nice about the Duras collection, obviously. Yes, David has been kind of the anointing king or maybe queen of this place for decades. ** _Black_Acrylic, ‘Phoenix’ is good. So, how is your talent spending its PV vacation? Look at you in Paris looking so appropriate to the context! Hm, no, no crowd noise up the street yesterday. Maybe it depends on which way the wind’s blowing. ** David Ehrenstein, I’m glad you like Petzold. Hm, I think ‘Palermo or Wolfsburg’ might be my favorite Shroeter too. What were the odds? ** nat, Nice. Me too, obviously. I’m happy your dom liked ‘Trou Francais’. That one seems to be slipping by. So, he’s so not cute that you preferred a whipping? I’m sorry on both fronts, if so. The documentaries about Black Metal always show lots of Black Metalized looking guys moping around in Oslo. Murders do have their writerly charms. Curious, that. Wait, just a flu, okay, never mind, assuming your dom is to be trusted, which I assume he is. NYRB tends to do a pretty good job on their translations, but, it’s true, sometimes things are even livelier when rendered in dated diction. ** Steve, I hope somehow the trip ends up being a pleasant surprise. Yes, in fact, I have a gig coming up here on Friday. Stay tough, physically and -minded. ** Don Waters, Hi, pal. I’m a huge sucker for the new. Or new books, music, films, art. New world itself … I sometimes I just have to accept that as inevitable. I read so, so few books published by the big five. I’m dying to read the new Joy Williams book, of course, but, generally, it seems like a needle in a haystack proposition. I find that unsuccessful scrolling thing true when I’m looking for fiction films mostly. And then I end up watching a documentary very often because the chances of a documentary not wasting my time are much higher. Info over art, I guess. I’m obviously happy that Portlandians are plucking ‘Flunker’ off the shelf. And that shelf especially. Thanks, buddy. ** Joseph, Wow, yes, that was a classic animal rescue you instigated right there. Except you seemingly didn’t get him checked up at a vet and give him a bath, but those are the sequences I fast forward through. They’re like the ‘love interest’ scenes in disaster movies. I don’t think I know Gordon Massman, no, but I will of course head off in search of him once today’s blog is history (for me). ** Måns BT, Hi, Måns! Welcome back! Thank for the introduction. It’s great to get to start to know you. The things you love sound a lot like the things I love. Do you live in Stockholm, or … ? Zac Farley and I showed our last film in a film series in Stockholm called FilmForm — do you know it? — and it was a great experience. That’s awesome about you and Christina Lindberg. That cinema where you work sounds really cool. Anything you can say about ‘Papaya’? Yeah, making films is amazing, but, oh my goodness, hard work. Wait’ll you make your first feature. Yikes, it’s a lot to deal with. I think my favorite Petzolds are ‘Transit’ and ‘Yella’. Thank you again. I look forward to more, and best of luck with your week ahead. What’s it seeming like so far? ** Dominik, Hi!!! The controversy around the Opening Ceremony is a lot more interesting than the ceremony was. It edits out the endless shots of athletes waving at the camera from the roofs of boats, and that’s what 90% of the ceremony was. Thanks to love for uploading me. Enjoy your time with brother with excellent musical tastes and your father with hopefully excellent musical tastes. Love doesn’t like this song but it’s very appropriate today, G. ** jay, Hi. Happy you got snagged by him. ‘I basically have to aestheticise sex/sexuality in order to not freak out’: I can relate to that, no surprise whatsoever. I think Jack probably saw your thank you, but I will just in case. The ‘submissive top’ thing is always really hard for me to picture in practice. I should write it as a way to figure it out or invent it, I guess. ** Lucas, Your new collages are so great! I’m especially in love with the one in middle for some reason. Major kudos, pal! We’re going up to 36 here today, oh my god, I’m scared. You don’t need to write anything longer than a handful of pages. That’s plenty. Yes, yes, you can send it to me, and I’ll try to make myself be swift in reading it. I’m very curious. Thanks, and stay cool somehow, unlike me where there is no ‘somehow’ available for today at least. ** Bill, I can see you liking ‘Phoenix’. Good: the mildness. Thanks for the viewing tips and the opposite of tips. I think I’m going to watch the Syd Barrett documentary today if my sweat doesn’t blind me. ** Huckleberry Shelf, Hi, Huckleberry! It’s great to see you! Yeah, with every really good movie based on a really good novel, it’s always heavily reinvented. Just literalising the prose visually is always a mistake, not to mention an inherently doomed enterprise, in my experience. Thanks a lot about ‘The Marbled Swarm’. That’s my favorite of my novels, so I’m thrilled it stood out to you. How’s everything with you? Amazing, I hope. I would ask if you’re writing, but I’m sure you are. The Games aren’t such a drag so far. It’s kind of like a giant, widespread public sculpture exhibition has taken over Paris. Well, and a lot of sporty people too. Enjoy everything! xo, Dennis. ** Harper, Pessoa knew his shit, that’s for sure. I saw a therapist for a couple of years in the mid-90s because some of my obsessions were derailing me. It actually really helped a lot, but I never figured out why because we just had conversations, and I didn’t she was all that smart or insightful. I guess it was just about having someone you can talk with about deep stuff where you feel confident that they won’t get bored of your shit or something. Strange. ‘Jealousy’, interesting, yeah, it’s great. A friend of mine is reading ‘The Voyeur’ right now and says it’s changing his life. R-G was really big for writing, as I’ve said, and for reasons not unlike the reasons you mention. All the luck in the world with the blood test results. So, how did it go? ** Deisel Clementine, Hi. I remember ‘Boyz’. I think I was interviewed for it at some point. Huh. So, are you percolating some idea to write something in the Agony Aunt genre then? It does sound fruitful. Being misshapen can be a plus. Who wants to stay the same shape forever, you know? People pay a lot of money to misshape themselves, although I suppose mostly to just misshape their surfaces, it’s true. You were on a roll today. It was a pleasure. ** Thomas H, Hi. I don’t see how a drone show could one-up a fireworks display, but I haven’t laid eyes on one, like I said. I think I’ll go watch one at Paris Disneyland. They probably max out the form if anyone does. But I feel like their dryness is just always going to be a drawback. An AI face vs. real face kind of thing. I put the Olympics on TV yesterday, and, yeah, it had a weirdly upper yet spacey effect. Thanks, and the ultra-same about your week even if your previous weeks were perfectly acceptable. ** Justin D, Yeah, check ’em out. My ear had just better keep working on itself, or there’ll be hell to pay. Hell being a doctor visit. My extreme pleasure and gratitude on the mixtape. Seriously, it gave me a heave-ho. Oh, the podcast is Wake Island. It’s one of my very favorite lit/authors podcast, and it was fun to do it. I’ll give a shout when it’s public. In a couple of weeks maybe? Best day to you! ** Okay. I’m thinking that you probably never expected to see a car show on my blog, but maybe I’m wrong. See you tomorrow.


  1. Måns BT

    Hey Dennis!

    Yeah, I live in Stockholm, and somehow I didn’t know about FilmForm or that ‘Permanent Green Light’ (great movie by the way) was ever shown in Sweden! I looked it up and the screening was actually held at the cinema that I work at, Zita Folkets Bio, although I didn’t work there back then! How did I miss this!? I hope you can get your upcoming film screened there too, I can pass on the word to my bosses if you want me to! I’m sure they’d be very interested.

    Yeah, Papaya! It’s been a pretty rocky production, and it’s very amateurish, but it’s fun and I think it’ll be a decent attempt at the very least. It’s about three characters mainly, a shoe salesman who lives with his mother, a young girl who notices some kind of change in the world that nobody else is noticing, and an old friend to the shoe salesman, who hears strange sounds coming from his house and his backyard.

    I’ll start out with those Petzold movies then, thanks!

    My weeks great so far, currently in Spain and I’ve been doing a lot of reading. Finished Wrong and No Longer Human yesterday and I’m about halfway through The 120 Days and Smothered in Hugs! How’s your week as of yet?

  2. jay

    Oh, these are so cool, I don’t know if you’ve seen Chavis Marmol’s Tesla artwork, but that feels sort of in the spirit of this. That and the finale of Holy Motors by Carax, with all the cars singing to one another.

    Actually, probably my favourite car-related thing might be this Cybertruck thing Tesla makes, and just how bizarre the safety features are. Like, if the battery explodes, the car doors all securely lock, to stop people from getting to the passangers if they’re attacked. But like, obviously 98% of the time the battery just explodes without anyone around to attack or help the passengers, so they just slowly burn to death, in order to protect them from some perceived attacker.

    Haha, OK, I’m glad you have the same sexual hangup, I think it’s pretty common. I often have to imagine there’s a pornographer recording, or something like that, otherwise I might go a little blank.

    Yeah, about the “sub top” thing – I think it’s just the equivalent to a “power bottom”, those two go together, from what I’ve heard.

  3. Thomas H

    Hi Dennis,

    My last weeks (month(s)) have been pretty dreadful, aside from some lovely highlights, so I also hope for that. It’s 4.15am as I write this, and I just spent two hours watching live olympics stuff because a big mosquito woke me up. It feels like I’ve lost July. Un(der)employment has got me really down a lot, I suppose. I’ve managed some applications, at least. Perhaps things will pick up for us both; I hope so.

    One small excitement is getting a cool guest on my podcast, Michael Lutz from the Ranged Touch podcast network. He was a hoot to record with!

    Thank you for all the cars. There are some really fun and strange ideas in there. The toy monster trucks with the child mannequins are particularly weird, and I love the “slow motion car crash”. Surprised not to see Kustom Kar Kommandos on that list, that one’s a klassic!

    Enjoy your Tuesday~

  4. _Black_Acrylic

    Never seen that Charles Ray sculpture in person, but from pics I remember thinking it was the greatest artwork ever.

    Now that Play Therapy v2.0 is on its holidays, I will be ploughing on with the House of Mirth. Aside from the reading I may even get started on some writing later in the week.

    Last night I watched Saucy! billed as “Secrets of the British Sex Comedy”, a new documentary about that very niche industry of the 60s and 70s. Very much related to the saucy seaside postcard industry. However at least those things had some artistic merit. Just brought home how repressed GB was at that time, and to an extent still is, kind of a depressing experience. The French have always done these things better.

  5. Charalampos

    It is funny that you mention Joy Williams and haystack in the same sentence as when I think about her books and I have not read them yet I get the image of a haystack which is super poetic even when filmed boring. I get this image when I think of some poetry books or novels or books of authors even some of your books where poetry seeps through like image of hay blown by wind. When I did my book it was a thing I thought about a lot so if you read it or see the cover and you get the image hay blown by wind I did good job. I am sorry if does not make sense :'(

    Speaking of Palermo film which is one of the many Werner goodies, I wonder if info exists on the actor Antonio Orlando. He was in a bunch of Schroeter films and Salo too. I think he died after Magdalena did after the film The rose king but I am curious to know more. Maybe @David Ehrenstein knows? I am sure he does

    Hi from Crete

  6. David Ehrenstein

    J’adore Keinholz. Five Car Stud is a mini masterpiece. I also love Ed Ruscha. I met him once at a reception for somethignor other in which he was accompanied by Toni Basil.

    I’d be very surprised if “Palermo oder Wolsburg” WASN’T your fave Werner Schroeter.

  7. David Ehrenstein

    Antonia Christina Basilotta

    • Charalampos

      I am playing the Donna Summer song Breakaway after from her legendary album Another place & time

  8. David Ehrenstein


  9. Deisel Clementine

    ((  )) when I re-read the last bullet-pointed response I gave, I found the numbers read too aggressive – please, instead, accept these holes ((  )) – (“like a photo I saw of a bullethole”(“hooks for the future” (“sites of unresolved plexivity” (ect.))))

    ((  )) rejected notes for donut holes: holes are baptised in oil – incompatible with us (water baptisim (water of the womb?)) – egg yolks emulsify – (can you emulsify the water of yourself with the oil of a hole ?) – had a big tub of crisco brought home by my friend who worked in the sex shop – we don’t really have it in supermarkets here

    ((  )) i think that’s probably as much as i’ll ever write about agony aunts tbh – in “Castrato’s Aria” there’s a bit about a kid writing emails for his future-self to figure out (decipher (diagnose)) – i don’t think it verges into epistolary form though – actually its maybe a-epistolary the way i conclude that section – during covid, i wrote a few letters to a soon-to-be lover – i can read back his responses but i have to re-piece-together the memory of my half – which i find funny – i dunno if the epistolary gets me that worked up – ekphrasis form is teasing me though – i want to try ekphrasis-as-form/structure maybe – sometime

    ((  )) yeah – i mean – misshaping already i guess – inside and out – bodyhacking endochrine system: estradiol valerate – if i were doing it legally i’d be paying for bottles of alcohol estrogel to rub on my body – if i were doing it illegally i’d be injecting estradiol suspended in oil into pockets of fat – subcutaneous – baptised in fat

    ((  )) (Fat washing infuses the flavours of various fats to add new flavour profiles. You can fat-wash drinks with duck fat, bacon fat, and fat from oils, butter, and more. The process involves cooking the fat you want to use, collecting it, and chilling it with the alcohol so it freezes and can be removed.)

    ((  )) excuse my butting into submissive top discussion, but: i think to imagine a submissive top the best is to imagine being fucked by a dog – which is to say, to imagine being fucked by a dog is to imagine a submissive top: (herm springer collar (wrists ducttaped to biceps (they have muzzles for XL Bullys that fit human heads))) – which is to say, physical aggression is only dominant when you pretend it is. Animal hole-hungry twitching flails an angry muscle into empty space (in leiu of a hole). Which is to say, “Holes are ontologically parasitic.” Which is to say, tops aren’t that dominant, when you think about it for longer than a minute. In less than a minute, you can explain to the meat in the herm-springer collar that a hole is surrounded by flesh. That empty spaces wont satisfy. And, if you feel the need, that holes are baptised in oil. But he already knows these things. (That’s why he’s wearing the collar).

    • David Ehrenstein


      The Five Countertenors

      • Deisel Clementine

        Top comment on video: “Nothing can be more cool to sing those high notes in denim and sneakers!”

        I’m awfully fond of the high male singers – androgens pump the larynx up like a balloon, but one can raise it to a certain position with practice – it takes a while to identify the muscle and manipulate it – takes longer for the body to pretend its not supposed to sit there – muscle mis-memorising the space around the hole of the throat. I’m sure thats not how these singers do it – that’s just what i’ve been told.

        Are you much of an opera buff ?

  10. Bill

    Love the unknown anarchist piece, of course.

    I was at ZKM when this was up:

    Just started Eugene Lim’s Fog and Car. Very different from his other books that I’ve read.

    How was the Barrett doc?


  11. Uday

    Ok so it’s not as hot because it rained but 45+ temperatures are not uncommon in this part of the world, which is insane because it is SO densely populated. Thanks for today’s post. Everybody always seems to be obsessed with cars and I find them very boring so I’m always looking for ways to look at them differently and this helps. It was not wholly unexpected considering we had car crash day here not too long ago. I’m rereading Elizabeth Hardwick’s review of Virginia Woolf where amongst her very funny boredom with the whole Bloomsbury group interest phenomenon she takes some time out to chastise Thomas Hardy on the lack of kindness in his punctuation:
    ‘But this is wrong. “Get it” in this case is not on the level of Mrs. Jordan’s “have” quoted above. Even a second of an impoverished mother’s pursuit of gin cannot be put on the page in that way. It accomplishes only a stylistic diminishment of the possibility of pain, of real feeling.’
    Important stuff, in my opinion. And not an easy thing to be convinced of as a reader. Ok I’m going to go talk to my dad, who has accompanied me on this trip and whom I adore. It’s nice that my parents are open enough and let me be enough to the point where I can be crazy about them. It would be cool if they “got” me but then again I think everybody my age thinks nobody gets us and of course everybody has seen people like us a million times before and gets us totally. Maybe. Either which way, I’ll get them there by wearing them down with incessant letters. Wishing you beautiful bedspreads. Do you make your bed?

  12. Lucas

    hi! oh, again, I’m so glad you loved them! fun fact: the room in the background of the collage you especially loved is from a screencap of george perec’s & bernard queysanne’s “the man who sleeps” movie. I saw it recently and I really loved it. jesus, 36 is awful, I hope you’re ok!!! I managed today too since I stayed home most of the time but I’m going to that roni horn thing tomorrow in the middle of the day and it’s going to be 31 degrees. so I hope I make it. I sent you an email with the story; I think I like it considering it’s one of the first times I actually make myself finish writing something I find initially interesting.

  13. Misanthrope

    Big D, I knew that was a joke, hahaha. Woman at work I’ve been friends with for a long time calls me a cradle robber. She said it’s about the age difference and not Alex personally. He’s quite mature, more mature than I am, frankly, and a real peach. I think you’d like him a lot.

    He’s 21 today! Eek. Might be too old for me now. Hahaha. My joke there.

    I loved that Underground House 2 day. You know I love that shit. I’d really like to see the one they built under the White House after 9/11. Five stories down. An elevator. Can live there for months if not years after a blast. It’d be fun to tour.

    Hope you’re feeling better finally.

    Saw Deadpool and Wolverine with Alex, my friend DR, and that woman I mentioned above re: the cradle robber joke. It was a lot of fun.

  14. Joseph

    Thankfully there was zero call for giving that raccoon a bath. I’m fairly adept at dealing with creature, wild and domestic, most of the time but bathing a racoon invites chaos for which I’m practically and theoretically unequipped.

    Massman’s poems are a formative influence for me. I’m happy you weren’t familiar with him since now you get to find him if you want. It seems he’s largely stepped away from writing altogether and focuses on painting now, and the paintings are wild and lovely, but I miss those poems.

    This post his close to home. been dealing with car problems of varying degree since Friday.
    I’m going to seek out more Jean-Robert Alcindor immediately.

  15. Joseph

    p.s. to my p.s. to the p.s. I’m pretty sure the banner to the blog is Oliver from Ni no Kuni? Is that right? A few weeks ago, I was gifted Wrath of The White Witch and started it, I only play like one game a year but when I do there has to be a tremendous amount to do in it and I have to do it all before I can start anything else. I think this one will stick. I could be wrong but had to ask.

  16. Jeff J

    Hey Dennis – Great car show. The Charles Ray (of course) and Ortega’s Cosmic Thing immediately grabbed my mind, but lots here to like. Nice Petzold post as well. There are some early films by him I still need to see, but I’ve enjoyed everything from his later work.

    When we talk, remind me to tell you about the new Joy Williams novella ‘The Godmother’ that came out last year as limited edition. Really good.

    Did the new Harmony Korine ever make it to Paris? I saw it a few months back. I know he’s got another on the way.

  17. Harper

    Hiii. I can see why R-G’s books can be life-changers. It can be refreshing to have no emotional declaration or confession in a book, and he does all these things with plot (and it’s absence) that university professors tell you not to do (in my experience, anyway). His precision and frequent repetition in ‘Jealousy’ is also kind of hypnotic, almost cinematic.

    Miserably hot day today, I wouldn’t be able to be in my room if I didn’t have an electric fan. Bad day for losing blood but luckily had it done in the morning before it heated up. It was weird. I had it done in a department store by a nurse and I mailed off my box of blood to the people who are testing it. They’ll get the results back to me quickly apparently. It didn’t hurt so much this time. Last time I was dehydrated and the guy doing it kept prodding me repeatedly because he couldn’t find my vein, but before I left today I made sure to down copious amounts of coffee and water.
    Luckily it’s supposed to be cooler the rest of the week so I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for then.

    I finally began watching ‘Out 1’. I watched the first part this evening. Très Bien! But then again, I’m not sure what I’m in for yet. I’m wondering how much of the theatre group stuff is improvised. A lot of those scenes seemed like single long takes. Hopefully I continue it tomorrow and don’t forget to go on (Like I frequently do with tv shows and stuff like this, it took me years to get through ‘Twin Peaks’, and I love that show).

    I don’t know how to drive and pride myself on that. Hopefully I never will and / or will never need to. I remember being thrown out of a cycling course when I was ten because I had a freak out when we were all cycling down a hill, so the idea of driving vehicles in general is a disconcerting idea to me.

  18. Justin D

    Hey, Dennis! Love the Burden and Schipper pieces. Wake Island, yeah, I remember listening to the episode you did for ‘I Wished’ after reading it. Nice. Hopefully you managed to stay cool today. 🫠

  19. Huckleberry Shelf

    Hey Dennis,

    Things are amazing, especially now that I’ve learned from your response to a different comment that there’s a new Joy Williams book. Found out yesterday that James Nulick has a new one coming, so that’s two exciting 2024 books to read in one week. I am writing, not quite as much as I’d like to, but that’s only because life is otherwise busy and exciting. I’m trying to feel less guilty by reading a lot, which I think is a sort of natural ebb and flow. I’m definitely finding some good ideas or something, we’ll see.

    I just watched Blonde Death, have you seen it/read any James Robert Baker? Really fun movie, got me super interested in checking his work out, so raw and weird and beautifully written. I’ll probably pick up one of his novels soon. If you have read him, what would you reccomend?

    Thank you for the crazy cars.


    • Huckleberry Shelf

      thought i’d managed to edit slightly before this posted, but in fact just posted twice. my bad!

  20. Huckleberry Shelf

    Hey Dennis,

    Things are amazing, especially now that I’ve learned from your response to a different comment that there’s a new Joy Williams book. Found out yesterday that James Nulick has a new one coming, so that’s two 2024 books to get excited for in one week. I am writing, not quite as much as I’d like to, but that’s only because life is otherwise busy and exciting. I’m trying to feel less guilty by reading a lot, which I think is a sort of natural ebb and flow. I’m definitely finding some good ideas or something, we’ll see.

    I just watched Blonde Death, have you seen it/read any James Robert Baker? Really fun movie, got me super interested in checking his work out, so raw and weird and beautifully written. I’ll probably pick up one of his novels soon. If you have read him, what would you reccomend?

    Thank you for the crazy cars.


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