The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Amazing for their age





‘Sweet Child o’ Mine’




‘Comfortably Numb’


‘Misery Business’


‘You Shook Me All Night Long’




‘Take the Power Back’


‘Crazy Train’


‘And Now’


‘Game Changer’


‘Ace of Spades’


‘Back In Black’


‘Smoke on the Water’


‘Enter Sandman’






‘Highway to Hell’


‘Black Dog’


‘Buck Rogers’




‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’



p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, I figured you would know his work, and yes on your assessment indeed! ** Bill, Hi. Yeah, true about those resemblances, but his films are also pretty different/unique, bigger. Indolent, ha ha. I see, thank you for backgrounding your approach. Anyway, it seems very cool. ** Dominik, Hi, Dominik! The London event: I had thought it was a thing where no one (but the curator) would know what the film was until it started and I would be secretly told just beforehand and then have to spontaneously improvise an introduction. But, no, as I found out only about 30 minutes before, even I wouldn’t know what the film was, so I was expected to just stand up there and figure out a way to entertain everyone totally on my own. It was very stressful. So I just blathered about what I’ve been doing lately as charmingly as I could and then walked off. Then the film(s) were shown, and that was it. It was three short films the curator found on the internet. The first was a thing where two very old guys in Berlin tried to have S&M sex in their apartment. The second was an iPhone thing of two younger guys having sex and then a lot of walking around, nature, blah blah. The last one was a meandering documentary about people living in a slum in Rio de Janeiro. None of them were very interesting to me, I hate to say. Okay, another week. Well, it sounds promising, and, obviously, the doctor’s coolness is awesome to hear about. Uh, hm, yeah, about the workshop. It’s cool you’re doing it or trying it. I guess it’ll depend on how open the more conventional writers are to a more experimental or personal kind of writing. Can you tell yet? I mean, it could be very good for them to realise that one can write very good work without being such a tight rules-follower. Anyway, that’s curious. Let me know what happens. No, not sure when we’ll hear about the funding. I have to ask our producer. This week: a few friends are visiting Paris, so I’ll get to see them. I have to go back to do yet more work on the fucking TV script, and A LOT of work, and I’m exhausted and angry about that, but I’ll have to do that starting this week. A mixed bag of a week. How was yours, my pal? Big love right back at ya! ** rigby, Whoa, Rigby! So, so, so nice to see you, old friend! The Friday event … it was odd, and it would’ve been cool to see you, but, really, you didn’t miss much at all. I described the three films to Dominick up above. The first two were, I guess, supposed to be connected to what I do — S&M, guys fucking, …. I don’t know. I didn’t feel connected to them. I just improvised a bunch of spontaneous blah blah talk before they started. Nothing memorable, trust me. That place, Close-Up Cinema, is really cool. I would definitely go see films there if I lived in London. Yeah, I used to go to raves a lot in the early 90s, most of them in So. Cal, and the southwest, and they were frequently in the desert, the mountains, forests, etc. They were amazing. I miss those days. Well, I played the recorder, not the flute. Yeah, I used to go camping and hiking out in nature reasonably often, often the desert, usually doing drugs. Never saw a mountain lion. Did see lots of snakes. While on acid too. Pretty fucking weird. And you? Were you ever a nature boy? Pray tell. Man, really good to see you! I hope gloriousness and your day are enmeshed, man. Love, me. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Glad the films interested you. Sure, I can see a Jarman connection, but Bene’s are more wedded to big spectacle things, based on classic plays and novels and things, But yeah. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. That era of thew RS is also very present on the US-only comp album ‘Flowers’, most of which is from the same era, and it’s a great album too. I hope your knees are treating you better today. Ouch. Curious to read your review of the Varda. I haven’t seen it yet. Everyone, Steve has weighed in on the last, swan-song film (VARDA BY AGNES) by the great Agnes Varda here. Why not go gobble it up? ** Okay. I don’t think today’s post needs much more of an intro than it gives to itself. See you tomorrow.


  1. _Black_Acrylic

    I briefly attempted guitar lessons in my youth, but was distinctly un-amazing at it. Always found DJing a more natural fit, what with other people making the actual music. A better deal for everyone that way.

    Just made a start on Barney Farmer – Coketown and it’s really good. He’s the author of Drunken Baker, and the new book is illustrated by Lee Healey of that great Viz cartoon strip. BF compered the opening of Mark Leckey – O’ Magic Power of Bleakness at Tate Britain, which I think you might have caught at the weekend. What was the show like?

  2. David Ehrenstein

    Nice review Steve. It’s very minor Varda that I found slightly annoying in that she skips over so much about her life and Jacques’ . She makes no mention of “Les Creatures”(1966) — a major flop that I adore. But it made me want to look at “Lion’s Love” again. And Again.

    The ultimate “Amazing For His Age” is Van Dyke Parks who was declared a musical prodigy by the time he could was and sent off to study with Percy Granger –before teaming up with Grace Kelly</A. and later Brian Wilson. As he says “I’m History”

  3. 11:11 Press

    Hey, Dennis, could we send you an e-copy of our winter release, Little Hollywood by Jinnwoo. It’s set to release on January 20, 2020 (Blue Monday aka the most depressing day of the year). It’s a collection of scripts and paper doll actors and we’re really proud of it. Thank you for your time and all you do! <3 11:11 Press

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