The blog of author Dennis Cooper

‘Ain’t said no to nothing or no one yet’: DC’s select international male escorts for the month of September 2016 [NSFW]


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yahwhateveridk, 19

I want to make money this way.

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Top only
Kissing Consent
Fucking More top
Oral Bottom
Dirty Yes
Fisting No entry
S&M; Yes
Client age Users between 18 and 44
Rate hour 150 Euros
Rate night 350 Euros




godhermeschrist, 19

I am 19 years old
I satisfactory????????????

Guestbook of godhermeschrist

johanni – 18.Jun.2016
I only speak for miself but it’s because you Cock is Weird.

godhermeschrist – 16.Jun.2016
Thanks for all your patronage everyone 🙂 I just have a sincere question- It says I am mostly top, so why does everyone want me to bottom?

PopperKoenig – 14.Jun.2016
Just had the pleasure with him.
My God his ass the good and how he is to sit tomorrow, I have to think it over.

Anonymous – 02.May.2016
Fucked this hot pig few dozen times.

johanni – 28.Apr.2016
A very great Slut. It is amazing fucking this Boy .
I fuck him very very often and give my Cum into this beautiful Slut.

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position More top
Kissing Yes
Fucking More top
Oral Versatile
Dirty Yes
Fisting Active
S&M; Yes
Fetish Leather, Boots
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 250 Euros



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Gay_and_gorgeous, 20

Young escort whose ass has an irresistible charm, I am now at university.
My favorite areas include cognitive sciences and especially neuropsychology.
I am as passionate about my ass as my partners, I feel its irresistible force since a very young age and still now undimmed by its lifelong companionship and availability.
I have forged an emotional complicity with my ass, an almost parental relationship, and strangers’ hunger to use it is highly stressful to me.
This stress has forged and defined my sexual appetite.
I can explain this phenomena in scientific terms if you like.
I also like art (antique as contemporary), history and travel.

Dicksize XL, Cut
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
Fucking More bottom
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Passive
S&M; Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Underwear
Client age Users younger than 50
Rate hour 150 Euros
Rate night 500 Euros



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Guriee, 19

I am currently very lonely .
When I am not escort I make mosaics .

Dicksize L, Cut
Position More bottom
Kissing No
Fucking No bottom
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No entry
S&M; No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Dollars
Rate night 200 Dollars



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PsychoticKevin, 21
New York City

i am plauged with multiple mental disorders..l………….i want you?

Guestbook of PychoticKevin

Anonymous – 15.May.2015
yeh thats not his foto& he’s very unbalanced& insane but once you slam him its hard to tell the difference

Bleibcoolbln – 17.Apr.2015
He is a fake ..the picture is over 10 years old …….

10000% a fake pig !!

personally reported Admin … you fake sonofabitch !!

Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No entry
Fucking Versatile
Oral Bottom
Dirty No
Fisting Active
S&M; No entry
Fetish Underwear, Uniform, Formal dress
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 50 Dollars
Rate night 200 Dollars



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YoungCute18, 18

I’m boy who want be sissy boy with sugar daddy or mommy.
I want be traveling prostitute. My dream to became rich and also pornstar or celebrity like a Kardashian or have very rich wife or husband…
I don’t want to say much because empty barrel make the loudest noise.

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M; Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Rubber, Underwear, Boots, Lycra, Uniform, Drag
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 1000 Euros



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_nowhere_, 23

No Talk shit.
I Need Money.
I wanna Fuck Bare my Ass Now.

Guestbook of _nowhere_

Opiumbdx33 – 27.Jun.2016
Nothings stopping you (except your M dick).

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M; Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 75 Euros
Rate night ask



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Dicksize XL, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active / passive
S&M; Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Rubber, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Boots, Lycra, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Drag, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 120 Pounds
Rate night 800 Pounds



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Maycon2016, 20

New to this hopefully it’s not like Grindr

Guestbook of Maycon2016

FAKECHECKER01 – 07.Jul.2016

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral Versatile
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M; No entry
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skater, Rubber, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Boots, Lycra, Uniform, Formal dress, Techno & Raver, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Drag, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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IanWarholX, 18

I’m Ian, here I am, a very young boy, a young student, so young! I like to think I’m great! (Oh, I’m bottom and I do cater full time so… 24/7 of my greatness!)

I am a fashionista artist, a musician (of many styles.. currently making my first post-punk/post-industrial album), a youtuber (vlogs, games, porn, fashion, etc.) and a general amazement. I do have a few other talents, but that’s something you can pay me for, no?

See you!!!!! Ian

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty No entry
Fisting No
S&M; No
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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Looser, 18

I’m cheap cuz I’m a fuckin’ looser. I don’t know why your on my profile cuz I’m a fuckin looser.

Guestbook of Looser

fetish-visitor31 – 03.Jul.2016
At the risk of putting your self-esteem into even more of a tailspin, it’s spelled “loser.”

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing No
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No
Fisting No
S&M; Yes
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 85 Pounds
Rate night ask



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The_Ass_That_Never_Gives_Up, 20

It’s hard to say what I’m like because I’m so complicated. Though I’m so negative I know that with much determination I shall succeed, and I do want do everything expansively. I can say I have a sexual power that must be used creatively or I may become depressive. To ward off that outcome, I have gone professional. Hi. I’m a sexually hyper person. My instincts for what men desire about me are unusually strong. Besides possessing a commanding sexual prowess, I may also be genuinely psychic.

Regardless of whether I personally dig you or not, I’ll always be available if you need to fuck. Don’t ever feel like you have to masturbate through whatever you’re fantasizing on your own. There’s people whose self-esteem and kicks depend on getting you hard, and I’m one of them. I love your erections maniacally, and I’m a busybody for them. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this very superficial representation of myself. Hope to fuck with you someday. If you want to know about me in a bit more profoundness, I’m open to offers.

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing No entry
Fucking Bottom only
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M; Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Sportsgear, Skins & Punks, Formal dress, Sneakers & Socks, Jeans, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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beddable, 24

Dutch, midnight twenties.
If you like something hot near you.
I’d like to keep my identity a secret so if we could set things up so that you never see my face (I have a mask) that would be fantastic.
Maybe you can fuck me also.

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active
S&M; Soft SM only
Fetish Underwear, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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soldierintrouble, 24

I usually only do this shit for free with guys I actually like but both my parents just died and I need help to pay for their funerals so now I’m doing it with whoever offers cash whether I like you or not. Ain’t said no to nothing or no one yet.

Dicksize XL, Cut
Position No entry
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M; Yes
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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Fatta97, 18

Cute, boyish 18 year old escort obsessed with feeling avant-garde and happily willing to fulfill your every concept in a mesmerizing night of unimaginable experimentation.

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty Yes
Fisting No
S&M; Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night 300 Euros



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Wife, 18

have you ever tried a teen taste ? if No then here I am , horny ass location on a boy waiting for you. you will like to have more every time. i like a man ass lover like to play with my ass and eat it. it is a teen taste.

i am 18 years old , how old are you? I am still virgin from behind and some want to fuck me. i do not know if it hurts but maybe. i think I want to bloyjop ufffff. and make a best video recording. there is 2 hour parking outside.

Dicksize M, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
Fucking No entry
Oral Passive
Dirty No
Fisting No entry
S&M; No entry
Fetish Underwear
Client age Users over 35
Rate hour 500 Euros
Rate night 500 Euros



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Xx_br0ken_glass_xX, 18

I’m Jack or the Evil Dark Overlord of very Dark Darkness. Another skinny twerpy Emo whore. Broke as fuckballs so please fuck the fuck out of me. I’ve been selling it to local gays into Emo boys but there weren’t many to start with and they’re pretty much over me so I decided to go mainstream and start to get a bit more recognition.

Guestbook of Xx_br0ken_glass_xX

only-sex12 – 08.Jul.2016
I have enjoyed each minute in his butt! He took off his clothes and I was Not sure about his butt, BUT after a few minutes in his butt it was perfect!

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
Fucking More bottom
Oral Versatile
Dirty Yes
Fisting Active / passive
S&M; Yes
Fetish Leather, Skater, Rubber, Underwear, Skins & Punks, Lycra, Sneakers & Socks, Drag
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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Loveispoison, 19
San Fernando

Worthless creatures have to submit.

There is only one rule in a wretched life and that is not my usual.

1. Rule no Live have only to obey nothing else.

Let me fuck your brains out!!!!!!!

I WANT TO FUCK YOU, dont be afraid.

Guestbook of Loveispoison

Anonymous – 11.May.2016
rape me! i am only born to please your monster boy cock. i am an inferior old slut only born to pleeeeease you. RAAAAPE me!

Anonymous – 08.May.2016
like to die on his cock

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Top only
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M; No entry
Client age Users between 18 and 70
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask




Ricky_the_Pirate Wolf, 20

I can’t seem to stay away from this stupid fucking site. Not new here. – I’m an escort. – I’m a escort (unprofessional) of 5 years, 10 of gay. – I’m short, which kind of makes it hard when all guys are into are tall twinks. – I’m a furry. If you don’t like it, fuck off. Yes, I wear a collar and tail around almost everywhere. – I’ve been hurt way too many fucking times in the past, so if you have any funny fucking plans to screw me over, don’t bother writing to me. – I don’t say it (except now) but I’m doing this looking for a dad who’ll “fall in love” and take me away from here (Fargo) and away from myself. – I’ve had depression since little and been in and out of the mental ward 17 times on attempted suicide. I won’t talk about that or let you but it definitely shows up. – If you don’t “fall in love” and just wanna fuck, let’s fuck. Yours truly, – Ricky the Pirate Wolf

Guestbook of Ricky_the_Pirate Wolf

Ricky_the_Pirate Wolf – 21.Apr.2016
hell no!!!!!!! no one will love me!!!

Nobody – 21.Apr.2016
If you keep looking that good, you’ll easily find someone who’ll love you.

Ricky_the_Pirate Wolf – 15.Apr.2016
i just want someone to hold me… someone to love me… someone to tell me i love you everyday for the rest of my life because… he does..

my life is so deppressive i suffer so much …

Xx_hot75 – 14.Apr.2016
If I was in Fargo I’d fuck you so hard they’d feel an earthquake here in California.

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M; No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 20 Dollars
Rate night ask



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parisa20ans, 20

Hello this is my story 1 year ago I decided to try escorting, one day a guy offered me a lot of money for a weekend of sex, he did give me the money before the weekend, except that after the weekend this thief who fucked me so much in those days I didn’t sleep recovered the money before I could get it, I stopped escort in fear since then, now I am ready to retry the experiments but with conditions:

I wish before all meeting at least half of the payment is mine through MANDATE CASH URGENT.

Once the money is receive we will see (thank you to the people who think this is a rip off to shut up saying that I am useless if I know I am!)

Overnight stay will be from 9 PM to 6 AM which will include maximum of 4 cum shots and will cost 500. A day meeting will be of 6 hours which will include maximum of 4 cum shots and will cost 400. For each added cum shot- 100.

Meeting must be done at at least 3 star hotels. I have a huge collection of porn I can bring.

I am with a lot of anxiety, depression. I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. So please keep that in consideration before talking personal with me.

Otherwise I’m passive, I am very cute and I horny frequently get!

Scenario etc. I’m your man

Dicksize S, Cut
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
Fucking Bottom only
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Passive
S&M; Soft SM only
Fetish Leather, Rubber, Underwear, Lycra, Uniform, Formal dress, Drag
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour No entry
Rate night 500 Euros





Skater, tattoo artist, versatile, not looking for long term cause I have cancer stage 2 and am dieing

Dicksize L, Cut
Position Versatile
Kissing No entry
Fucking Versatile
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M; No entry
lient age No restrictions
Rate hour 80 Pounds
Rate night 200 Pounds



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Anonymous1994, 22

A saudi boy wants to live the freedom

Dicksize No entry, Cut
Position No entry
Kissing No entry
Fucking No entry
Oral No entry
Dirty No entry
Fisting No entry
S&M; No entry
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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skankme, 20

I like indie music and art.
I like lady gaga,Lana del Rey,marina &the; diamonds,Florence+the machine,st.vincent
And so on.they are brilliant and genius.

Guestbook of skankme

RE_MASSIMO – 26.Jun.2016
An arrow refined in the heart of the earth, the heart of the earth your heart, it’s only love.The my kingdom in the universe PLANET EARTH

marine18_93 – 24.Jun.2016
Best ass on earth

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active/Passive
S&M; Soft SM only
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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Glutenfree, 22

I lovely, cheerful and very careful boy. I’m probably the nicest guy in the word. And certainly I very beautiful and remarkable. I love a mobile way of life, I like lie on the back, on the stomach. Metal is life, I have an obsession with pizzah. I like, when to me give gifts, do compliments. And I’m completely agents drugs.

Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty Yes
Fisting Active / passive
S&M; Yes
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Dollars
Rate night 600 Dollars



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SewageTank, 19

Boy toilet swallows shit, piss, cum, puke, snot, gob and more. Be creative!!! Everything will be promptly consumed. Available for 1-on-1 or as the toilet at your next gay party; put me in a steel drum naked with a toilet seat on top & let your guest enjoy themselves! I don’t have to be a toilet because I’m a lost soul, I’m a toilet because I love it. Ultimately looking for a rich boyfriend who can fall in love a “Living Sewage Tank”. He would have unlimited power to make me into your vision of the perfect toilet. Once that happens, he would be free to ink “MY TOILET” on my forehead.

Dicksize M, Uncut
Position No entry
Kissing Yes
Fucking No entry
Oral Top
Dirty Yes
Fisting Passive
S&M; Yes
Fetish Scat
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 80 Euros
Rate night 400 Euros



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YourBae, 22

i used to be straight, until a night in ontario 4 years back, i need to be a prostitute wih another gay man, to totally discover myself, i have been jacking off way too much.

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active / passive
S&M; No
Fetish Skater
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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DeuxMinets, 19

Hello, we are two gay twinks, a passive of 18, blond shoulder-length hair, 1m80, 65kg thin, and an active 19 year old, short brown hair, 1m82 for 69kg, thin also. With both of us you get brown eyes.

I am the active and the passive is my boyfriend. He is cute, sexy body and great to fuck, but I am bored with him. It is his idea to invite men to fuck him to make me jealous so I want him again. It will not work but I do not mind.

You fuck him or we fuck him, he suck you, you suck him, you rim him, no kisses. Nothing with me, no touching, no nothing. Do not think you change my mind. You don’t know me, you don’t want to know me, i don’t even know myself.

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting No
S&M; Soft SM only
Fetish Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Uniform, Formal dress, Jeans, Worker
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 250 Euros
Rate night 750 Euros



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Rudik, 19

Good-looking real, kind, slightly on edge Ukrainian boy wants to meet man for really hot meetings. I live in Kyiv, in Ukraine but I can come to any country without any problem. Let’s take our chance somewhere else. Life is so short, especially mine unless …

I love my country, I love Ukraine very much but… Unfortunately Ukraine is – HELL for gay people. It is so dangerous to be gay in Ukraine. Unfortunately our Ukrainian people are mad and angry for all gaypeople. I must live in “secret” here. I must be carefull about myself and I wrote other location in my profile.

I do not want to meet any bad people from Ukraine and to get any extra problems from them. I hope you understand me, my life, like me and all my situation here is sexy to you or something.

Dicksize L, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
Fucking No entry
Oral Versatile
Dirty WS only
Fisting Active / passive
S&M Soft SM only
Fetish Uniform, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour ask
Rate night ask



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xl-christian, 19

Had a wonderful even perfect night….had really great great pleasure serving you…that’s why I love this job….I believe that once in lifetime we fuck our soulmate for sure.. All we need is to identify him..and you were mine P.S : I CHARGE FOR MY SERVICES…

Dicksize XL, Uncut
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
Fucking Versatile
Oral Versatile
Dirty No
Fisting Active
S&M; Soft SM only
Fetish Sportsgear, Skater, Underwear, Uniform, Jeans
Client age No restrictions
Rate hour 100 Euros
Rate night ask



p.s. Hey. So I’m away now, obviously, and indisposed for the time being. Before I get to the upcoming string of posts rescued from my murdered blog, here’s your monthly installment of notable escorts. Enjoy, thanks.


  1. Ferdinand

    Youth is wasted on the young isn’t it 😉

    I discovered this band HTRK last night, Rowland S Howard plays on their debut album “Marry me tonight” and also co-produced it. I’m a little bit in love with it.

  2. steevee

    I’m always taken aback by the guys who want to use hustling to cure their psychological problems. Good luck, but I don’t think it works like that.

  3. Damien Ark

    Anonymous – 08.May.2016
    like to die on his cock

  4. Bill

    Thanks for leaving this charming and talented lot before taking off, Dennis. I always try to be supportive of those who are “obsessed with feeling avant- garde”. And some of those guests!

    Not much to report here; the new Michael Seidlinger is intriguing so far.


  5. Bear

    Hi Dennis!

    I’m finally settled in back in New York, sorry to see you’re off right now but I’m excited to hear about the project when you get back, and huge congratulations to you! Happy to see your hard work paying off.

    Congratulations Thomas on the review! I’m not sure I’ll have a chance to read the book, but I love the idea of the conversation in the bar after the character rejects the drunk man…I’ve seen similar events occur on a regular basis in each of the bars I’ve worked behind in the city over the last four years.

    Also, I’m a day late, but the fake food blog was incredible. Has anyone else here spent time in Japan? I lived in Hiroshima for two years and it never even occurred to me that so much work would have to go into the replicas…the crazy thing is that they are literally everywhere, from super busy sit down places in the city to family owned three or four seat restaurants way out in the countryside.

  6. gray gary

    I love these boys! hehe I feel like I’d be a bad patron. I’d just hire these people just to talk to them. like Ricky_the_Pirate Wolf. I’ve always wanted to know a furry.

  7. Daniel

    The profile of PRETTYSKATER_BOY got me bad… With just few words, he made me empathize with him a lot, like I started crying… like I want to hug him right now and tell him to be strong. I know it sounds silly, but… you know… some things just happen.

  8. cetelem prestamos sin aval

    Hi DC!Great review! I was deciding between the Garmin FR10 an the Nike+ GPS, but your review sealed the deal for me!2 questions though, the watch doesnt come with a charging unit, just a USB cable. Can I use the iPhone charger to charge it? And I noticed that the charging ports are openly visible at the back, would sweat and water affect them? Well since they’re waterproof but the tiny metal plates are all showing! Thanks again!

  9. Anonymous

    Com acordo junto a os fabricantes compadecimento SlimLife, por achar-se determinado
    artigo alimentício alor vai agir sim, com tal intensidade
    a fim de perder calorias tal como a fim de
    desintoxicar corpo, menos dispor que os componentes assistentes no SlimLife
    faz através de que ele amém certo dos melhores emagrecedores compaixão instante.;u=4197

  10. biển số xe

    First of all I would like to say excellent blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you do not mind.
    I was interested to know how you center yourself and
    clear your mind before writing. I have had difficulty clearing my
    mind in getting my thoughts out there. I do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are
    wasted just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or tips?

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