The blog of author Dennis Cooper

The Godlike Genius of Videographer William Powers, Day 1: The Spirit Halloween 2013 Tours


williampower is a channel about all sorts of series and fun like williampower reality spirit halloween tours laser battels monster hunts spongbob vids gaming vids extreme crazy person vids and mostley halloween updates so comment like and subscribe to williampower like me on facebook follow me on google


Aug 17, 2013

My pumpkin nester from spirit Halloween

Aug 25, 2013

My zombie girl on swing from spirit Halloween

Aug 25, 2013

Look what I got today at spirits

Aug 25, 2013

My Halloween room day 1

Aug 29, 2013

Aug 29, 2013

Aug 29, 2013

50 subscribers

Aug 31, 2013

My brand new high voltage box activating death row

Sep 1, 2013

Setting up my haunted yard

Spirit not open yet

100 subscribers


p.s. Hey. ** les mots dans le nom, Hi and good morning to you! Oh, gosh, thank you so much! Days would be wonderful, but don’t stress or burden yourself with them. But, yes, that would great, if it’s nice and doable. Have a lovely day there. ** Nb, Whoa, N! Sweetness itself to see you, man! And thank you re: the quotes. Ah, NYC. How many times have you been to that tea place so far? How have you been? If there’s any chance and time for a catch up on your end, and not to be greedy, but that would be very swell. Lots of love. ** David Ehrenstein, Thank you, sir. ** Etc etc etc, Very nice, apt (yes) Gaddis quote, and one I hadn’t seen before. Thank you, man. ** Kyler, Hi, Kyler! Oh, gee, thank you, that’s very kind of you, my friend. My morning has been consequently made too, tit for tat-style. ** Bill, Thanks a lot, Bill. Wow, how was that Spector film? I can’t remember what I read about it. Oh, wait, great performances, gotcha. That’s okay about the flaking. You’ve been busy with your own work, which is so the most important thing. I mean, yeah, if you want to make posts, I mean, sure, that would be mega. Tsai Ming-Liang first, sure, sure, sure. Thanks! ** L@rstonovich, Hey, Larsty! ‘Tude is weird. I think I’ve become slightly immune or oblivious to it because, you know, the French ‘tude is a subtle, pervasive thing. Ambient or something. That’s a sweet PKD, obviously. ‘The Magic Mountain’ is a sublime beast. Thanks about the scrapbook page, man. Oh, right, that Miller book. It’s kind of a rush. I’m actually not a huge fan of Miller’s fiction, but I think I like his non-fiction stuff pretty well. Kind of the same for me with guys like Mailer and Vidal and, uh, Martin Amis. Be out with the grace and joy of which only you are capable. ** Rewritedept, Cool, thanks. I’ll hope that the novel masters your expectations by proxy. I don’t know ‘Kids Like You and Me’, but I’ll go discover what it is. I don’t think it’s pretentious to name your band after something big. I named my first novel after that Joy Division album. Newness is good, right? So, new name follows suit, I guess, right? Why not? We bought the first buche yesterday. We being Zac and me. Not the one we were originally wanting, for logistical and time reasons, but a good one. And we had to transport it around Paris in a taxi lest it lose its vaunted look. And then we ate a chunk of it last night. We being Zac, Kiddiepunk, Oscar B, and me. It went down well. I took photos. Maybe I’ll post one or two at some point. Talk soon, yeah. ** Tomkendall, Hi, Tom! So great to see you! How are you? What’s going on? Etc., etc.? Thanks a ton about the scrapbook page. That means a whole bunch. Yeah, catch me up when thou have a chance please. ** Chilly Jay Chill, Hi, Jeff. Thank you a lot about the scrapbook page. The quotes by me are from my notes and experiments in the novel’s margins/ surroundings. I’m not sure if they’ll end up in the novel itself. Maybe. It depends on whether a particular structural idea I have pans out on the page or not. Ugh about your illness, and I hope it’s taking its leave today. But that’s great about the props for ‘MC’ I feel the novel has been received really well, no? It feels like it from here very happily. Another book club, wow. So curious. How did this one go? How is your new novel progressing? ** _Black_Acrylic, Thanks, Ben. If that’s the Sade biography I read, and I think it is, it’s very good. Cool that the conversation with the STV guy went so well, Link me up to his thing please. Wish I could be there for the last YnY launch. I hope the sadness that will undoubtedly pervade it will be of the beautiful kind. ** Torn porter, Aw, thanks, yeah, no, that makes sense, and that’s kind of you to say. Due to my extreme fascination with Disneyland growing up, I think I can’t see the world without a lot of Disney filtering, and there’s hardly a novel I’ve written that doesn’t reference him/his thing in some way. So, yeah. Looking forward to your AI thing big time. ** Steevee, That sounds stressful, yes. Did it finally go up? ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. A letter, yeah, that makes sense. Is that a way around the patient/doctor confidence deal? It’s kind of a beautiful idea that the written word is the secret passage. Disturbing? Ha ha, you joke. Or I don’t know disturbing when I make it anymore maybe. Your mind is multitudes central, buddy. Ah, you know me and my upbeat life thing, so I think life is a fucking joy, at least these days. I looked like a blob when I was 7. One would need to have very strange tastes to think I looked my best at 7. Hm, I suppose I must have known people who tried too hard to be cool, but, you know, that doesn’t ring a bell, which is weird, I guess. But I have no problem at all with so-called hipsters. I only have a problem with people lumping a big bunch of people together under that reductive tag. So, I don’t know. ** Bill Porter, Hi, Bill. ‘Treating them the way teenagers treat their parents at restaurants’: ha ha, that’s really great, that’s vivid. You should use that in something. Or, I mean in something other than a comment. Thank you so much for your reaction to the scrapbook page. That was so rewarding. Yeah, you got a bunch of what I was trying to do very clearly and lucidly. Your words single-handedly made me glad I did that. And, yeah, thank you about my sentences and the circularity and so on. Really, it’s pretty joyous that you see and appreciate that. Thank you so much! You rule! Have a splendid day! ** End. My pal Zac gets credit for introducing me to the videos of today’s post’s star. I think that young fella up there has the most lovely sensibility and way with the camera and way with himself. An avant-garde star in the making, I say. Anyway, check it out. See you tomorrow.


  1. les mots dans le nom

    May I share a new card for you here? dennis2 — it won't be in your mail. I find French postal service unreliable. May I use it for my interior decoration? It looks pretty alone. –Days will go. No worries. A part of it is my work. I mind a little of secret readers from my universities, but it's also a lie. They are not in my mind, anyway. Result of not paying attention to what lousiness they would create is sometimes a nuisance and a loss of time, though. Anyway.

  2. DavidEhrenstein

    Here's the NYT obit for Louis. 78 sounds about right. I'd forgotten that he was in The Ballad of the Sad Café which I saw on Broadway, and Oh Dad Poor Dad which I saw Off.

  3. Jack

    Ray williampowers! Sign him up or sign me up. I'm i-phoning xmas tree lots and they're looking more than seasonal. williampowers might find a way to populate the lots with weaklings. JK

  4. Martin Bladh

    Dear Dennis,

    Hope everything is good with you.
    Would you please look into the questions I sent you and the scrapbook file? It would be great if we could finish this thing before the New Year.
    By the way I had a launch for my book DES (about Dennis Nilsen) in London last week and your friend Shane Levene was an important part of the whole evening. Please have a look:;=a.10151822582933461.1073741846.717218460&type;=1&theater;

    Take Care,

  5. steevee

    No, the review still isn't up. I called the editor and got his voice-mail. I E-mailed him and haven't heard back. I checked my "sent mail' folder to make sure I sent it to him last week, and I did. I don't know what's going on.

  6. steevee

    Here's my list of my top 10 albums of the year:
    1. Anna von Hausswolff-CEREMONY
    2. David Bowie-THE NEXT DAY
    3. Danny Brown-OLD
    4. Body/Head-COMING APART
    5. DJ Rashad-DOUBLE CUP
    6. Lorde-PURE HEROINE
    8. Dean Blunt-THE REDEEMER
    9. Boards of Canada-TOMORROW'S HARVEST
    10. Neko Case-THE WORSE I GET…

    I figure the Dylan collection qualifies as a new release, since not a single song on it has been released before in the same form. It also feels "new" to me in that it got me to reevaluate a portion of his career I'd never paid much attention to.

  7. rewritedept


    i had to take my sister to a halloween store to get her costume this year, which has always seemed like such a copout to me. i'm a homemade costume kid, even though i'm pretty terrible at it. but while we were there, i saw this unicorn mask that was basically life size (assuming, of course, that a unicorn is horse-sized, which may or may not be the case, as i've never actually seen a unicorn), and i told my sister that i'm going to buy one and then at night when she's sleeping i'm going to sneak into the room in the mask and a suit and just stand over her bed until she wakes up terrified. she didn't like the idea very much. i think i just won't tell her when i buy the mask.

    waiting on a big order from matador, but i should have included in it a copy of the lee ranaldo and the dust album, which is pretty fucking amazing. you give it any time yet? it's crazy because listening to it, it makes me think that lee was the best melody/hook writer in sonic youth, and i don't know if i can live in a world where lee wasn't the beat poet weirdo of SY. not that his songs aren't awesome, because, uh duh. have you ever listened to 'mote?' that might be my favorite SY song ever. and also, not that he can't be the hookmaster and also a beat poet weirdo. i get the feeling, listening to this new album, that he's probably started smoking a lot of weed again since SY split, although i guess that assumes the lee ranaldo ever didn't smoke a lot of weed, and i'm not so sure of that.

    tl;dr version: ignore the pitchfork review and give a spin to that lee ranaldo/dust album if you haven't yet. it's super good.

    also great recent release is the future of the left record 'how to stop yr brain in an accident.' were you ever a fan of mclusky? that band blew my mind in a couple wild ways.

    i'm sure you already found out, but 'kids like you and me' is the black lips' middle east tour doc. i need to get netflix hooked up at my house so i can watch 'helvetica' and probably 'jiro dreams of sushi,' because i'm a nerd and i only like to watch documentaries and 'SLC punk' and terry gilliam movies now.

    yeah, but it's cooler to name a book after a great record than the other way 'round. i'm still thinking new band name might be a nice way to go, though. we shall see, i suppose.

    made more candy this morning, so now my house smells like kif. at the office now. have a lot of stuff to work out for this order so i can make it correct. talk soon.


  8. Mark Gluth

    Hey Dennis, re: yesterday…I'm just totally blown away. Whatever it is that you are formulating…

    Yes! on the Rhys inclusions. She's a goddess, right? I use a tiny quote of hers in my new book, and the second chapter is heavily influenced by her.

    Take Care,

  9. _Black_Acrylic

    Woah. William Powers is my new favourite artist, someone with a genuinely unique vision. Thanks so much for showcasing his work. I've subscribed.

    The STV Yuck 'n Yum article is now online and can be viewed here.

  10. DavidEhrenstein

    Dennis check your e-mail!

  11. Chilly Jay Chill

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. steevee

    I pitched a review of Errol Morris' THE UNKNOWN KNOWN, which I'm seeing on the 19th, to a publication today. The editor told me "It's so bad it doesn't deserve a review!" I don't think Morris is at his best when treating political subjects, but I hope I like it more than the editor.

  13. Misanthrope

    Dennis, Man, I thought that was my nephew in the first vid at first glance. Sheesh.

    I think I was toothless, little, curly-haired fuck at 7. Nothing to write home about.

    Thank you, that was nice of you to say.

    Well, I'm not sure about patient/doctor thing, so erred on the side of the doc essentially "overhearing" something. I told my mom about it tonight, and she wasn't upset that I did it. She was probably…touched? That would be a first for her, hahaha.

    Oh, yeah, no, I wasn't talking about hipsters or any group of people. I just saw one person in particular on the web the other night -you wouldn't know him- who was just trying so fucking hard to be "cool" and "transgressive" and "different" and etc. that he was actually just turning everybody off with his shtick. Just bugged me a bit, that's all. I actually felt a little bad for him.

  14. Keaton

    Twink; an attractive young boy (18-25) that is smallish and youthful looking like a boy in his early teens. synonyms: Shorty – Keaton's Dictionary

    I note your use of the word *inside* and am lost. As for the insides of twinks, I would think mentally, I would define it as a naivety/sluttiness, as for the inside of the twink body, a tautness, or usedness.

    Haha, I think of Blake Butler's Twitter quote, "If you weren't in Guns n' Roses, fuck you." LOL

    Haven't checked out Old Skull yet, though I'm exited about them. I'm having some trouble hiding here with the corpse of Adrian Brody. I like your quotes about making a mark, I've tried to learn to be careful in everything I do, not as to be holy, but rather to be exacting. The scrapbooks for the new novel are very promising. Dug into Celine last night, just what I needed at this hour, a critical yet clever pessimism. I think I will write a winter story this weekend. I am inspired by a boy I know. Just finished listening to Bret Easton Ellis' interview with Marilyn Manson.

    "Yes, my son."
    "Bless me father for I have sinned."
    "Keaton, is that you?"
    "Are you covered in blood and chewing on human flesh?"
    "Wanna make out?"
    "Yeah, ok."

  15. statictick

    William Powers: Excellent take on my fave holiday, man.

    Dennis: Yo. I've been reading the posts and enjoying everything. I just haven't wanted to depress the blog. But here goes.

    I had epileptic episodes that smashed my right eye to shreds. I could not see. The 'episodes 'are getting more and more extreme.

    In better news, I think I'm in love with David Blunk. You may know him. He definitely knows you. He's been asking Ian for a promised copy of the DENNIS cd. I said I'd copy it. No dice.

    The really cool thing is that David seems to know my peeps. We went to the Odd Hours new vid premier last Friday. Everyone says we are perfect. Hope that[s true It might be too soon after Jack died. But….love is what it is.

    I hope everyone is well.


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