‘The topic of preteen rebellion usually triggers some kind of emotional response. It can ignite fear in the hearts of parents who have children on the brink of adolescence; it can prompt both defensiveness and despair in the hearts of parents struggling through the preteen years; and it can inspire a sigh of relief for parents who now have adult children. Whether your preteen is opposing your authority or God’s, rebellion is never easy to deal with.
‘Youth specialist Tim Sanford encourages parents to realize that children always do things for reasons. He explains that many times parents don’t know the real reason behind a teen’s behavior. He says, “God didn’t make us random beings, so our behavior (even rebellious behavior) is stemming from a reason. It’s important to get to the ‘itch’ (core reason) behind the ‘scratch’ (outward behavior or attitude).” Whether dealing with basic issues such as respect or complex issues such as at-risk behavior, parents sometimes struggle to understand the difference between healthy preteen autonomy and blatant preteen rebellion. What looks like rebellion may actually be a preteen’s natural “itch” for greater independence.
‘Your preteen is separating from you and gravitating toward his or her peer group. This process is normal, natural and necessary. Fight it and you’ll lose. The solution is to work with it as well as you can — by understanding what’s yours to control and what isn’t.
‘The realization that your preteen is “in the process of moving away from you” carries with it a blend of panic and relief. There’s panic in feeling a loss of control, and there’s relief in knowing that your preteen is in healthy pursuit of an independent adult life. Recognize that you’re not alone in your struggles as a parent during this process, and be open to seeking outside support or counsel. Focus on finding what hurt motivates the rebellion in your preteen, then commit to prayer and forgiveness as the first steps in restoration.’ — Pam Woody
Children Medieval Band We are the Robots
‘After two of our videos went viral on youtube (sometimes in April 2012), a lot of people wanted to find out more about this group. An article has been submitted to wikipedia a while ago, but got rejected… Also mass-media has been very quiet about this young band – and this proves something – completely oblivious to important events like, for instance, the great performance of these kids in front of 10,000, when opening for the Rammstein concert in Denver, Colorado. The main goals of our activity are: to promote the medieval music as an alternative in music education, to have a good influence and encourage kids to choose good music as opposed to most of the mainstream, to learn and promote the “good rock” – sincere, rebel, strong and heart-felt – as opposed to “evil-rock” and “frivolous-rock” (drugs-sex & rr, ‘shake-butt’ and ‘aspartame’ mainstream pollution). The line-up: Stefan (11 yo) – voice, guitar, violin, recorder, keyboard, etc… and his two sisters: Olga (9 yo) – keyboard, voice, violin, recorder, and Cornelia (7 yo) – drum, harp, voice’ — CMB
‘Vocalist William is 10. He has two dogs and loves lobster! When he isn’t singing or listening to ROCK music, he enjoys strategy games like Chess & Cards, as well as making humorous comic strips & staying active with Tai Kwon Do! His favorite singers are Bono and Robert Plant & his favorite band is U2. Guitarist Jeremy, 10, loves noodles & spending time with his new puppy! When he isn’t SHREDDING or watching music videos, he’s surfing or hosting Youth Texas Hold ‘Em Tournaments. Jeremy plays year round sports, including Football and Baseball. Eddie Van Halen is his favorite guitar player, and he’s actually seen Van Halen LIVE!! Drummer Max is 10. He loves BACON, THE OAKLAND A’S & his crazy cat named “Target.” When he’s not behind his kit or listening to music, he’s making funny movies, writing stories or drawing! Max also enjoys skating all around town with his brothers or buddies & leading his baseball team to victory! His favorite drummer is Jon Bonham.’ — WJM
Sjövik Childrens Orchestra Knasmusik
‘At a children’s orchestra camp at beautiful Sjövik near Göteborg, Sweden, I did a “contemporary” project with these wonderful young musicians. Every day we tried out playing their instruments according to simple instructions such as “your favourite note”, “a note you hate”, “favourite melody”, “short pitch-less sound”, etc. This is an interesting way to create complex musical textures, with a tradition from the experimental music of the 1950s and 60s. For the concert ending the four-day camp, we put the different ideas and sections together, and called it Knasmusik (meaning something like “wacky music” in Swedish). The children have played their instruments for about a year or two, and are 9-12 years old, with some teachers and older students helping out.’ — Palle Dahlstedt
Apollo 3 Diabolisch
‘Apollo 3 is a rock-trio formed 2006 when they were nine years old in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Their class teacher became aware of this and established contact with the music producer Niko Raft. Their debut album, “Apollo 3” was published in 2009 by the major label Sony Music Entertainment and contains the song Superhelden (“Superhero”) that was used as the theme song of the movie Vorstadtkrokodile. At the time of publication, the band members were 12 years old (Henry) and 13 years old (Marvin and Dario).’ — last.fm
Rondas New Stars Universo
‘A partir del año 1998 se replantea la tuna convirtiéndola en RONDA´S BAND SHOW a cargo del Músico Wilson Suárez introduciendo al grupo variedad de instrumentos de percusión mayor y menor, interpretando melodías de la época acompañadas con su piano. Posteriormente en el año 2002, con el apoyo y entusiasmo de toda la comunidad educativa, se introduce al grupo instrumentos armónicos como guitarra, bajo, pianos, instrumentos de percusión mayor como batería, timbales, congas, trabajo vocal, los cuales acompañados de una pista, interpretaban los temas del momento, bajo la dirección del Músico Rolando Lemus, con el apoyo del Músico Jorge del Castillo, Coreografías y Percusión Menor a cargo de Antonio Díaz. Ya en el año 2008 y motivados por la curiosidad, el deseo de mejorar y entendiendo que la música exige una labor especializada, el Jardín Infantil “ La Ronda “ adecua sus instalaciones, optimiza sus elementos de trabajo y amplía su grupo de docentes bajo la dirección del Maestro en Música Javier Llamosa, Educación Vocal a cargo de Luz Karime Guerra, con el Apoyo Instrumental Manuel Vargas, y con la colaboración en percusión menor y coreografías por parte de Antonio Díaz, lo que conlleva a perfeccionar procesos y resultados, reflejados en interpretaciones audaces y completamente en vivo, y el proyecto musical cambia su nombre a RONDA´S NEW STARS.’ — jardininfantillaronda.edu.co
Chaotic Five Crazy Train
‘Chaotic Five is billed as Hawaii’s “youngest classic rock group” and for good reason. All of the songs they sing predate their own existence by at least 15 to 20 years, many songs much older. Chaotic Five consists of five school aged kids less than 15 years old each. The group is fronted by female lead singers Chloe Salacup with lead guitarist Kalliyan Davis filling in from time to time. Rounding out the group are drummer Ethan Salacup, bass guitarist Caramon Ramos and Raistlin Ramos on keyboards and rhythm guitar. The classic rock repertoire include covers of Queen, Judas Priest, Bon Jovi, Journey, Metallica, Blondie, Heart and more. The female singers give the songs a slightly different twist with all of the instrumentation, original and authentic to the way we remember the songs from the records.’ — macprohawaii
Steklovata Korablik
‘Steklovata (Russian: Стекловата – glass wool) is a boy band composed mainly by Russian singers and Arthur Denis Belkin Eremeev. The producer of the band’s Sergei Kuznechov, which in 1999 led Denis Griffin, until then thirteen years old, his new project. Soon after completion, the band took Eremeev. The group released two albums and has participated in music festivals in Russia , without achieving much success, partly due to lack of sponsors. In 2002, the band topped the charts of Russian Radio Estonia . Later, the music videos were posted on YouTube , as of humor. Perhaps the best known hit is the Steklovata “Nowiy God.” The lyrics in another language and melody made this simple video – four guys singing the song in lively rhythm – known. The low quality of the video production and poorly-made vocalists became therefore the video bizarre.’ — collaged
Weatherwax Aneurysm
‘Weatherwax is a three-piece grunge band bringing back the raw Seattle-sound of the 90s with original lyrics and music. They have a global following with fans as far as Mexico, Indonesia and the US, and have been asked to play at international events. Weatherwax has appeared on Channel 4’s Alex Zane Pops Out after playing at Alex James’s Harvest festival. Mr Zane himself said: “Rock has a future, my friends, and they are called Weatherwax!” Outside WSOR, Weatherwax has supported tribute bands Nervana (Nirvana tribute) and Faux Fighters (Foo Fighters tribute) at top music venue Fat Lil’s; performed at the Glastalleigh Festival; played at charity gigs; and has been hired as house band for celebration events. The band’s YouTube channel has had nearly half a million views.’ — World School of Rock
Hotsauceman2 Untitled
‘Kids experimental music.’ –– hsm2
Hysteria Man in the Mask
‘Hysteria are an extremely talented 5 piece rock band with a difference – they are aged between 10 and 13 years old! Hysteria are Josh Tozer (Guitar & Vocals) aged 13, Maisie Shaw (Drums) aged 13, Zach Cornish (Keyboard & Vocals) aged 12, Ben Cornish (Lead Guitar) aged 11 and Kian Tozer (Bass) aged 10. They have known each other all of their lives as their parents are all good friends and their Dads’ also play in a band together so are a massive support to them. Initially formed for a surprise Halloween party in 2010, the band has progressed to playing many gigs over the last two years including local music venues including The Jolly Farmer, The Spinning Wheel and The Lord Nelson and festivals such as Kingskerswell Summer Moon Festival, Teignmouth Carnival, Fishstock and one of the largest festivals in our area “Lemonfest”.’ — Hysteria
Osmosis Liquid Tension Experiment
‘- Victor Moreno: Drums & Percussion. – Carlos Suarez: Drums, Percussion & Xylophone. – Jose Jacome: Guitar. – Jorge Villamizar: Guitar. – Miguel Rodriguez (Guitar Teacher): Bass. – Javier Llamosa (Drum Teacher & Band Leader): Keyboards & General Coordination.’ — jawllamos
The Mini Band Enter Sandman
‘A rock band aged 9 to 12, from Berkshire UK. They have received worldwide media attention, including from the BBC, ITV and Sky. They also received a video response from Metallica praising them, and spent time with Dream Theater at Wembley Arena. They got through to the grand final of Britain’s biggest music contest ‘Live and Unsigned’ playing at the O2 in London after beating over 10,000 acts! Their videos have had over 20 million views on You Tube. They have endorsements with Pure Tone Music, Daisy Rock Guitars, Storey Guitars, Hiwatt Amplification, Spaun Drums, Scymtek Cymbals, Los Cabos drumsticks, Wampler FX, DigiTech and Elixir Strings.’ — theminiband
Little Phatty Witches and Vampires
‘Little Phatty is a project of Think Jar Collective, a website that explores what creativity and innovation is and how people and organizations can enhance it. We provide opportunities through our content and events for people to practice the essence of creativity which is to connect and bash together seemingly disparate ideas, to see what novel creative action emerges.’ — TJC
Ryan “SpYke” Watson Rotten
‘He’s already being called the Justin Bieber of punk but if you ask 12 year old Ryan Watson he’ll say “that’s cool I guess but I like Greenday, Good Charlotte, Sum41, Ozzy, Metallica… I hope they say I’m like them one day but I get it, I’m 12 and Justin has a pretty cool career. I wouldn’t mind that.” Ryan was born in Westminster, MD, a suburb 45 minutes outside of Baltimore City. He started playing drums on anything possible before he could walk. By age 3 he was singing and playing melodies on the piano like “bah bah black sheep”. For his 6th birthday his parents, Todd and Pam, bought him Rock Band and he became obsessed, beating the entire game on every level in a month. “This brought on an obsession for him to learn how play the real version of every instrument in the game”, Pam recalls. “His uncle, who has since passed away from cancer, gave him his 1st guitar which he learned on and still plays to this day. He started playing full songs in a few months and we quickly learned that this wasn’t just a hobby and he was actually pretty good.”‘ — spykenation.com
Still Pending Argus
‘Still Pending was formed by a group of classmates in the fall of 2005. During a performance at a school’s assembly, having not yet decided on a name for the group, the band was introduced by a student who stated, “the band’s name is still pending.” During a short discussion amongst the band members after their performance, they spontaneously decided to call the band Still Pending. Shortly thereafter, the band got its first break as the on-stage band in the Oregon Children’s Theatre rock musical production, Alexander, Who is Not, Not, Not, Not, Not, Not Going to Move. In September 2006, the band released its first EP-length CD entitled, Innocent Days. The CD is made up entirely of original material and was recorded by themselves. On the CD, the band showcases its typical punk pop style. All three musicians take part in crafting the music.’ — Wiki
Atoms Teen The Golden Death
‘the golden death – experimental music piece i made for videos i took from the movie “the bridge”.’ — Atoms Teen
The Grizzlys Wake Me Up
‘The Grizzlys are a kid garage band who are from the greater St. Cloud area. They were formed in 2010 and have been playing for parties, events, and other get-togethers ever since. The Grizzlys cover various artists, and even have a couple originals.’ — The Grizzlys
The Suckshits! Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
‘It is of me and my friends at school we had to do a song for music class it is weird!!! SUBSCRIBE please and hopefully i make more like this and like.’ — tUwHakAiTi bLaAH
Чернила Для 5-го Класса Золотой укол
‘Группа «Чернила для 5-го класса» была организована в Оренбурге осенью 1992 года и стала третьим (после «Ласкового мая» и «Мамы») подростковым музыкальным проектом композитора Сергея Кузнецова. Первоначально в состав группы вошли двенадцатилетний солист Игорь Веряскин, гитарист Юра Прибылов, клавишник Лёша Касимов, барабанщик Дима Ярмолюк, звукорежиссёр Олег Андреев, костюмер Елена Дроздова, постановщик света Сергей Дядюн, пиротехник Геннадий Андриевских и сам Сергей Кузнецов — автор всех песен, исполнявшихся коллективом. Запись первой песни — «Возвращение» — состоялась 24 марта 1993 года, а 4 апреля группа впервые вышла на сцену концертного зала и приняла участие в телемарафоне в помощь детям-сиротам, транслировавшемся в прямом эфире Оренбургского телевидения. В том же 1993 году был (неофициально) выпущен первый альбом группы — «Побег», начались гастроли. С 1997 года группа, по предложению администратора Сергея Лысова, работала в Москве, однако из-за «некоммерческой» направленности проект не получил достаточной материальной поддержки для того, чтобы оставаться в столице.’ — http://vk.com/chernila_5
The Accidentalz Birthday Show
‘The Accidentalz is a Kid Rock & Roll Band based in Los Angeles that includes Orion – 12 (lead singer), Matthew – 12 (lead guitar), August – 11 (drums), Seabass -11 (Bass) Our Mentor and Musical Director is Devin -16’ — Jason Askinosie
p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hooray, the Robbe-Grillet box set is finally coming out! It’s been in-process and promised for a decade at least. Of course I’ll be super interested to read your review. Great! His final novel is finally being published this year too, courtesy of the great Dalkey Archive. As per your question, hm. Bondage in itself is not a staple of my fantasy life. I guess it would depend on who was the bound captive, and why he was bound by the binder, and what were the binder’s motivation and intentions, and whether he was willing, and why/why not he was willing, and other details like that. ** Zach, Hey there, Zach! Welcome back, man. It’s great to see you! Why did you medium quit the internet, and why have you happily returned? Obviously, it would be great to have you around, if that idea feels good to you. ** Steevee, 4MASTERMANIAC’s come-on was one of the most suspiciously devised and written ones I’ve seen lately, yes, I agree. Very cool about the Isaac Florentine interview! ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. I’m glad the Generator opening was big fun. Everyone, why not go look at photos of the Generator Project’s Members Show, which opened last night in the Scottish hometown of our own _B_A aka creative wunderkind Ben Robinson, who has a work of his own in the show, whose visual evidence he and I hope you will peer at? Thanks a bunch for the behind the scenes explanation for your piece. That’s really interesting, and its vibes were kind of already there even without your IDing them. And I will go catch up on Sophiel Aurora. What a name change. What’s up with that? Or maybe the interview explains. Lovely weekend, man. ** Rewritedept, Hi. I’d be really surprised if he could still scream like that. His Jehu voice was one of the most self-destructive to the throat voices ever, to its great credit. Your mix is on board for today. The blog calendar is basically okay up until the 11th. It’s the immediately post-return period that’s going to be the killer. If you have guest-posts and don’t mind if they don’t appear for about a month, I would ever so grateful to have them. Oh, by the way, your very fine Mark Linkous post will launch here on Saturday, the 8th. Huge gratitude for it. I hope your weekend will be easily as wonderful as the one you wished for me, and I’ll be doing my best to illustrate that wish. ** Kyler, Hi. So, today is your birthday? Happy birthday! Everyone, today is Kyler’s birthday! Wish or at least think him up a great one! Oh, gosh, you were in a very sweet mood, thank you, and please take much appreciation from me for your presence and existence too. Love back, in other words. Eat a bite of cake or of cake-like substance for me. ** Bill, Hi. I know, I’m tempted to take him on as a slave just for the comedic possibilities. ‘The Act of Killing’ is intense, right? Great, stress-free, sublimity-producing weekend to you. ** Sypha, I believe you. Those bosses sound positively hideous. Heck, even Donkey Kong is a demonic force to me when he’s in boss mode. I think bosses should offer players two options. One would be a complicated, puzzle-like conceptual thing to figure out, and the other would be to try to defeat them physically. I think that would only make all games better for everyone. ** MyNeighbour JohnTurtorro, Hi, pal. Gash was good, or his text was, which I guess makes him good since he thought it up. Yeah, the new novel goes well and steadily. The hardest novels of mine to make work and finish have been, yes, ‘Period’, which practically killed me to get right. Getting that finished and fulfilling its structural obligations was nightmarish. And ‘The Marbled Swarm’, which, even though it maybe doesn’t seem so on the surface, is the most incredibly complicated novel I’ve ever written, and the only novel of mine that I think is wholly successful. Its insides are like meticulously organized frozen explosion or something. Anyway, yeah, thank you a lot for wondering and asking. I found some new music I like. I’ve made an ‘of late’ gig post out of it, so you’ll see what I found here soon. You have the weekend to end all weekends, okay? ** Okay. ‘Nuff said. I’ve got a gig for you this weekend featuring the varied sonic stylings of a whole bunch of alternately talented or ambitious or clueless or sympathetic pre-teens and very early teens. It’s chockfull of reasons to attend. I hope you will enjoy it. I will see you on Monday.
And a little child shall lead them INTO PERDITION!!!!
I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but I've always felt Roussel was the chief influence on — hence its formal complexity.
I was referring above to The Marbled Swarm
no opinion/interest about little kids/parenting, but little phatty looks/sounds very nice — yesterday gash is a nice name, could not find a right time to comment — bought your Weaklings(XL) eventually after selling many little things of mine, very excited, books are best gifts for myself, always. Strange, if it does not sell well as it's a poetry book, as for me, books to buy out of pleasure is genred as poetry, lit/art criticism and art catalogues and nothing else…
Hey Dennis,
just wanted to stop by and say hello, that i hope all's well. i was a bit confused by your response regarding sigils and guide and whatnot. did you mean, that you didn't think there was mention of it in there, or that people don't typically talk about it? i dunno. either way, it was very exciting to live in that world again. currently reading perec and i'm sort of angry with myself for not doing it sooner. reminds me a lot of taipei in a lot of ways (species of spaces).. or robbe-grillet/kitchell's slow slidings.. these fantastic little portraits of minute details and whatever. i also finally got my hands on a copy of that novel gadsby, that never employs the letter E, as well as perec's a void, that does the same. excited to read them this semester. as far as big reads this year i intend to tackle lowry's under the volcano along with markson's book about it, and whenever 300,000,000 comes out i could not be more excited. alright, that's all for now. hope you're doing well man. how has the release of the weaklings been thus far? how are you?
all the best
Latest FaBlog: “Once I Was a Schlepper, Now I’m Glennzilla”
these curious posts & child bands just make me sad that Bieber's under the gun out here for drunken drag racing. also did you hear about him getting escorted out of the brazilian brothel under a sheet? and writing at the anne frank house that he wished anne frank could've been a 'belieber'? somewhat that feels the phantom twin to the post — curious to hear your 'beliebing' thoughts, should you have any. was telling my girlfriend last night about you trying to write at some points 'like a bloody valentine song,' or through similar musical filters, and how I kinda want to do the same for rap. to my knowledge hasn't really been done, I don't think?
in any more, many good tidings, and may bieber be with you,
Hi Dennis – Great post today! So exciting that you are going to Antarctica….
Things here have been a bit strange and transitional, trying to deal with some personal issues, cutting back on the substance abuse (drinking mostly) and experimenting with anti-depressants/therapy. The day of my first counseling session I also had a critique with a visiting artist at school… I showed her 'Sleep Tantrum Loop' and she seemed to feel that I was using my work to self-medicate. She felt that the children in the video were not just sleepwalkers but exorcising some serious emotional trauma. I suppose I opened the door to this kind of dialogue by telling her I had a strong emotional connection to the content I choose to work with, and that this piece related to sleep/anxiety related experiences I had as a child… Anyway, it was a very interesting and heavy fifteen minute conversation and has led to some heavy thinking on my part…
Rene Ricard R.I.P.
Dennis! Slaves! Sorry for being a couple of days late!
IHATELOVE – Writing your name meant something. The hits and the fucks. Feels like a rhythm.
fuckmywhatever – Sometimes these things really remind me of people and it freaks me out. I can’t work out if it’s just the photo though … I don’t usually pay attention to the pictures and mainly just stick to the text, but the … and maybe because he looks a little like you I’m matching up the words to the way I imagined you would think … I’d better leave this one.
4MASTERMANIAC – Sometimes the people writing these things aren’t able to project properly – booming voice or not.
whatno – This guy knows how to edit.
4anything – Oh god, I thought it was strange that I hadn’t found one which made me feel sad yet – here we go.
247meatheadboy – Haha – I guess even masters have to go to work!
LittleBlondeSlut – There’s a weird unevenness to his sentence so I’ve done my best in using the same amount of syllables as him.
EmoValet – He’s almost looking for a traditional old fashioned family set-up? Or maybe that stuff is lost on me.
patheticloser – Some publisher should release this as a 200 page novel and just have that one line on the middle page. I’d buy it.
6packobject – “you will be willing to kiss till your lips fall apart.”
SubAlex93 – I’m thinking that there are more numbers in the names than usual this month, but then I’m thinking that there are usually a lot of numbers and then I’m thinking maybe there are more numbers at the start of the names or something and it’s making me think is there a code or a clue in the numbers? The line in this one that jumps out at me is “There is no realism with it.” That’s powerful.
gettinlaiduntilIdie – Well this took a sudden turn, didn’t it?
boy4cum – The ending of this one is really crazy and well written. Fucked me up a little bit.
Marti – I guess the interesting thing in this one is how the person writing it has tried to write in the style of what they think a working class “scally/chav” (his words not mine) would talk like. Obviously it feels like he’s totally failed at that, but then there’s something interesting and compelling about the failure.
specifically – Feels like a half thought on the street that has evolved and fruited into a full blown fetish – is that how it happens with people? Is that how it happens with me?
gash – Feel like I really need to know more about the behind the scenes on this one.
boydev-toy – Oh, Jesus.
Hey Dennis – sorry those texts are later than usual. Cool selection of teen bands today – I found the mini Kurt Cobain's impression of the real Kurt Cobain particularly and weirdly compelling/interesting.
You asked the other day if I'd ever think about visiting China with my boyfriend. Yeah, we spoke a little about it – I'd definitely like to try and do that at some point in the future. He's been sending me lots of photos from his trip, mainly family related things – lots of meals and get togethers for Chinese New Year – but some other cool stuff, beautiful views of different things.
I'm really saddened by Philip Seymour Hoffman's death, especially since initial reports suggest that he succumbed to a heroin overdose. I knew he'd had substance abuse problems but thought they were long behind him.
Very sad. I met him several times. Lovely man, brilliant actor.
Meanwhile. . .
Latest FaBlog: Bad Thing Going
Wow. Hotsauceman2, of course.
I looked up the Russian band. According to google translate, it's Ink for 5th class, hmm. They have a "costume designer"; I suppose she is to blame for the white pants.
Very sad about Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Dennis, Oh, I know about frostbite. Very serious shit. I've seen the horror stories, even for people who were properly prepared. But I think you'll be all right.
A friend of mine was just telling me this week that she's been to Greenland -and wants to go back this year- and just loved it. Said it was great time at a great place. She's big on Iceland too.
The Chuck E. Cheese's was fun. Yeah, it's a madhouse of little kids, but the one here is in a new location with all new games and rides and all that, and the kids seemed to have a really good time. It was fun seeing my friend. We picked up right where we left off.
Today is Super Bowl Sunday. I'm sure you'll be watching, hahaha. Actually, I really kind of hate the SB of all football games. So over-commercialized, so many commercials, even more start and stop than your regular football game. But I hope the Seahawks win. 😀
Rene Ricard, RIP.
Very sad news about Phillip Seymour Hoffman as well. Recently rewatched The Master and was deeply impressed by his performance.
New Beginners day, Dennis. Catching up with the Slaves reminded me that I forgot to tell you how much I loved The Weaklings. The Boys2brelocated section reminded me of many of the slaves and escorts posts. Seems like a rich vein that could be expanded into its own book. And as much as I enjoyed The Dream Police, these newer poems felt like a measurable advance and refinement. The way the entire book was structured was ingenious too, the echoes and themes playing off one another. Did you spent a lot of time organizing it? Was anything written specifically for structural reasons?
Reading over some recent comments, I was excited to see that the new novel might be part of a fresh cycle. Is there anything you can say about your early thinking about that? No pressure, but incredibly curious and excited.
*Nice* Beginners day.
Mega great little gig, Dennis! Reminds me of my former self, but never could sing.
Oh, just wanted to let you know, the post from Marc and I is taking a bit longer, but onto it…
I can't remember if I've praised the new Against Me! album here before, but I'm listening to it now. I've never quite cared for them in the past – their major label albums struck me as a cross between Green Day and the Foo Fighters – but their new album is rawer and closer to vintage '77 punk. As I'm sure you know, their singer has transitioned into living as a woman over the past few years, and she sings about this experience in several songs. Musically, TRANSGENDER DYSPHORIA BLUES doesn't strike any new ground, but the overall effect is something new for punk: no one has sung frankly and powerfully about being transgender this way outside some obscure corners of the queercore scene.
new video up, 888
this weekend was mostly internet free, so i wasn't able to check any if these out. will have to wait for the morning.
i get a whole weekend to hip everyone to sparklehorse/linkous? sweet! you're so generous. i'll do my best to get as many as i can over during vacation time, as i will be writing a lot anyway in preparation for sending 'hey ma…' to the printers' (finally).
my weekend was ok. today was a lot of fun and friday i sold a like $9000 deal. so that was cool. how was yrs?
talk soon. love and assorted mushiness.
also. philip seymour hoffman being dead made my whole day start on a low note. one of my favorite current-ish actors.