* Read John Waters’ answers
** Find my answers down below
Last book I bought:
Book I’m reading:
Total number of books I own:
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Last Film I saw:
Last DVD I bought:
Total number of films I own:
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Stereo or iPod:
Last CD or song I bought:
Song currently playing:
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
Favorite bottle of wine:
Favorite charity:
Favorite vacation:
Favorite vice:
Five people whom I’d like to see answer this survey:
** (1) Harmony Korine & Christopher Wool Pass the Bitch Chicken
(2) James McCourt Now Voyagers
(3) A wild guess since they’re halfway across the world: +/-800
(4) Ron Koertge The Father Poems; Alice Notley How Spring Comes; Joe Brainard New Work; James Tate Absences; Kenward Elmslie Girl Machine
(5) Eric Rohmer Perceval le Gallois
(6) Terence Malick The New World
(7) Not counting porn, around 30
(8) Hollis Frampton Magellan Cycle; John Waters Serial Mom; Maya Deren Ritual in Transfigured Time; Bas Jan Ader I’m too Sad to Tell You; Jean-Luc Godard Pierrot le Fou
(9) In Paris, iPod; in LA, stereo
(10) Atlas Sound Let The Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel
(11) Burial ‘Shell of Light’
(12) David Ackles ‘Montana Song’; Tim Buckley ‘Pleasant Street’; Spirit ‘Aren’t You Glad’; Randy Newman ‘The World Isn’t Fair’; Gram Parsons ‘1000 Dollar Wedding’
(13) French and white, probably a Chardonay
(14) Restos du Coeur
(15) roadtrip (Utah, Arizona, New Mexico)
(16) Russian gay porn
(17) Terrence Malick; Jean-Baptiste Maunier; Robert Pollard; Shelley Duvall; Pierre Guyotat
Somewhat gratuitous photo of the French actor Jean-Baptiste Maunier because I thought the post could use an illustration, and because I figured most of you wouldn’t know who he is, and so you’d know why I care what he thinks, and … well … err, ahem.
p.s. Hey. Are you guys game to play this q&a; game that Variety played with John Waters? I hope so. I’ll be looking in to see if you were game or not sometime today, I think. No pressure, though.
Hi…thank you for the blog; interesting reading. Thought I should point out that your "gratuitous" photograph of Jean-Baptiste Maunier, lovely as it is, is in fact a picture of Alex Pettyfer. Equally lovely.
[email protected]
Oh cool – I remember this day! Ok here goes …
Last book I bought:
Is It My Body? Selected Texts by Kim Gordon
Book I'm reading:
As above. Also reading La Boutique Obscure by Georges Perec.
Total number of books I own:
Honestly, I have no idea. Seems like a lot.
Five books that mean a lot to me:
I should probably say that this would be different depending on the day that you asked me. I get weirdly stressed out trying to make lists like this … So, off the top of my head …
Lust by Jelinek Elfriede
Imperial Bedrooms by Bret Easton Ellis
Malady of Death by Marguerite Duras
Index by Peter Sotos.
All of DC’s stuff.
Last Film I saw:
My boyfriend and I went to see the new Robocop remake last night.
Last DVD I bought:
I think the last one I got for myself was Morrissey 25 Live.
Total number of films I own:
Again, not sure. Less than books.
Five films that mean a lot to me:
See my spiel about books and apply it here. Off the top of my head…
Love Liza
Inland Empire
Enter the Void
Trash Humpers
Stereo or iPod:
Stereo inside, iPod outside.
Last CD or song I bought:
Angel Guts: Red Classroom by Xiu Xiu.
Song currently playing:
I just turned on my iPod to have a look at the last song that I listened to yesterday and it was El Naco by Xiu Xiu, from the album mentioned above.
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
See my spiel about books and apply it here. Off the top of my head…
Speedway by Morrissey.
No Friend OH! by Xiu Xiu.
Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill.
Happy Days by Jim O’Rourke.
Dear God I Hate Myself by Xiu Xiu.
Favorite bottle of wine:
I like non-alcoholic white wine.
Favorite charity:
Anything to do with kids, usually.
Favorite vacation:
Favorite vice:
Smoking. Sex.
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Morrissey, Kim Gordon, Kiddiepunk, Jamie Stewart, Kathleen Hanna.
I just went up and looked at my answers from five years ago – interesting to see the things that have changed and things that have remained the same. Kinda weird.
Hope you're having a great time, Dennis.
Thomas xx
Hey Dennis, hope things are wonderful (ahem) in Patagonia.
Very intriguing list, Thomas!
Some answers:
Last book I bought: Best of Milligan/McCarthy
Book I'm reading: Felisberto Hernandez's Piano Stories
Total number of books I own: umm, 1000+?
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Brian Evenson, Altmann's Tongue
Dennis Cooper, Frisk
Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities
Samuel Delany, Motion of Light in Water
William Burroughs, Wild Boys
Last Film I saw: a mediocre Korean horror movie, but the most excellent one before that was Kim Ki-duk's Time
Last DVD I bought: umm
Total number of films I own: 50?
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Street of Crocodiles
Harold and Maude
Salivation Army
John Carpenter's The Thing
Stereo or iPod: stereo at home, iPod when traveling
Last CD or song I bought:
John Butcher, Common Objects
Song currently playing:
Ernst Karel, Heard Laboratories (field recordings)
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
Tuxedomoon, Desire
Magazine, Song from under the floorboards
Bill Dixon, Silences for Jack Moore
Annette Peacock, The feeling's free
Gang of 4, Damaged goods
Favorite bottle of wine: umm
Favorite charity: Doctors without Borders
Favorite vacation: fun urban environment with lots going on, like Berlin
Favorite vice: too many to list
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Brian Evenson, Brothers Quay (is that one or two?), Annette Peacock, George Lewis (the trombonist and composer), Ben Whishaw.
Last book I bought: 'Switch Hitters' Edited by Carol Queen and Lawrence Schimel. It's a book of lesbians writing gay male erotica and gay men writing lesbian erotica.
Book I'm reading: 'American Gods' by Neil Gaiman
Total number of books I own: 300ish
Five books that mean a lot to me:
'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde
'My Gender Workbook' by Kate Bornstein
'Horror Hospital Unplugged' by a certain Dennis Cooper and Keith Mayerson
'Forever Delayed: Photographs of the Manic Street Preachers' by Mitch Ikeda
'Final Fantasy VIII Official Strategy Guide' by David Cassady (this might seem like a weird choice but it's my favorite video game and I poured over this repeatedly in my youth, so it does mean a lot)
Last Film I saw: According to my Rate Your Music (/Film) profile, I watched the movie adaptation of 'Frisk' on Christmas of 2012. Well.
Last DVD I bought: 'That Man: Peter Berlin'
Total number of films I own: 20-ish
Five films that mean a lot to me: 'My Neighbor Totoro'…I can't come up with 4 more, so evidently I need to watch more movies.
Stereo or iPod: iPod, until I get a better stereo set-up.
Last CD or song I bought: Black Tape for a Blue Girl 'Remnants of a Deeper Purity'
Song currently playing: Echo and the Bunnymen – "Turquoise Days"
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
The Libertines – "What a Waster"
Blur – "There's No Other Way"
Pictureplane – "Black Nails"
The Fall – "Cruiser's Creek"
Nico – "My Heart is Empty"
Favorite bottle of wine: Haven't tried wine, yet.
Favorite charity: Lots of gender and sexuality-related non-profits I like to support in San Francisco, partial to the Center for Sex and Culture cause I work there.
Favorite vacation: Coming to San Francisco and going to Japan Town as a kid.
Favorite vice: TWINKS.
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey: Honestly, other readers of this blog!
Hi, Dennis. Haven't visited for a long time, but this looked like fun…
word! this is like the glory days of myspace bulletins.
Last book I bought: mesmerism in india by james esdaile
Book I'm reading: battle royale manga vol 2
Total number of books I own: er… i’ve given a lot away to friends… in my possession 234 but more then 400
Five books that mean a lot to me: the myth of sisyphus by albert camus. the mechanics of homosexual intercourse by (um) lonely christopher. the secret teachings of all ages by manly p hall. the high life by jean-pierre martinet
Last Film I saw: 80 blocks from tiffany's
Last DVD I bought: 80 block from tiffany's
Total number of films I own: around 52… downloaded on the other hand… um… none. id never do a thing like that
Five films that mean a lot to me: the devil, possibly. to the wonder. the grave of the fireflies (anime), colorful (anime), rebecca
Stereo or iPod: stereo
Last CD or song I bought: CD: the art of leos janacek
Song currently playing: le sacre du printemps by stravinsky
Five songs that mean a lot to me: in a landscape, john cage. laissez-faire, david ackles. aspenglow, john denver. lakes of canada, the innocence mission. i'm coming to the garden…no sound, no memory, merzbow
Favorite bottle of wine: don’t drink liquor or wine
Favorite charity: me. i accept donations. whatever amount.
Favorite vacation: a strange trip me and an friend took to Lawrence KC. most of it i don’t remember. we were wasted on opium.. so i guess the true answer to that question is the opium we got in Lawrence KC. it was some damned good shit
Favorite vice: lsd
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey: gandhi, cathi unsworth, kanye west, some guy from grolwr i don’t know the name of, the dead boy at the start of the marbled swarm.
Last book I bought:
Elizabeth Young – Pandora's Handbag
Book I'm reading:
Curzio Malaparte – The Skin
Total number of books I own:
Probably circa 100, not that I'm getting up to count them.
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Lewis Carroll – Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Mary Shelley – Frankenstein
Comte de Lautréamont – Maldoror
Peter Sotos – Comfort and Critique
Dennis Cooper – The Marbled Swarm
Last Film I saw:
Party Monster: The Shockumentary
Last DVD I bought:
Never too Young to Rock, for a friend's Christmas present
Total number of films I own:
About 40
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Bresson – The Trial of Joan of Arc
Chytilová – Daisies
Kelley – Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstruction #1 (A Domestic Scene)
Korine – Spring Breakers
Stereo or iPod:
Stereo, all day long.
Last CD or song I bought:
Visonia et Dopplereffekt – Die Reisen 12"
Song currently playing:
A DJ mix by Traxx on my iPod: Live at Honey Soundsystem 8-4-2013
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
Nico – Julius Caesar (Memento Hodie)
Serge Gainsbourg – Marilu
Soft Cell – Say Hello, Wave Goodbye
Sylvester – Rock The Box
Whitehouse – Just Like A Cunt
Favorite bottle of wine:
Favorite charity:
The MS Society
Favorite vacation:
Favorite vice:
Liquorice Allsorts
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Kenneth Anger
William Bennett
Peter Sotos
Lucy McKenzie
Rachel Maclean
*Edit: Now that I've got up, there's at least 200 books here.
Last book I bought:
The Marbled Swarm
Book I'm reading:
Repetition – Robbe-Grillet
Total number of books I own:
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Nova Express
Les Gommes
Scorch Atlas
Last Film I saw:
Don't remember
Last DVD I bought:
Inland Empire
Total number of films I own:
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Mulholland Drive
Lost Highway
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Shining
Stereo or iPod:
Neither – TV music stations
Last CD or song I bought:
Motorhead – Aftershock
Song currently playing:
Love In A Trashcan – The Raveonettes
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
Phantom Limb – AIC
Shot In The Dark – Ozzy
You Don't Have To Mean It – Rolling Stones
Lover I Don't Have To Love – Bright Eyes
Favorite bottle of wine:
Don't drink
Favorite charity:
Favorite vacation:
Western Europe
Favorite vice:
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Glen Benton
George Fisher
Emery Lane
Francis Bean Cobain
Kristin Welchez
Hello Dennis!!
How are you doing? I hope you're having fun and everything goes well and more. Are you going to visit the Torres del Paine (in Chile), a friend of mine was there last year and I think it's great. Take care!
Let's see…
Last book I bought:
'The School of Flesh' by Yukio Mishima
Book I'm reading:
'The Seven Madmen' by Roberto Arlt
Total number of books I own:
I have no idea, not too many, 200? 300? I don't know
Five books that mean a lot to me:
'Ultramarine' by Malcolm Lowry
'Closer' by Dennis Cooper
'On the Road' by Jack Kerouac
'Tales' by Edgar Allan Poe
Last Film I saw:
Hmm… The Lone Ranger, I think.
Last DVD I bought:
A long time ago but I think it was The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Total number of films I own:
Five films that mean a lot to me:
'Stand by Me', Rob Reiner
'The Wall', Alan Parker
'Léolo', Jean-Claude Lauzon
'Benny and Joon', Jeremiah S. Chechik
'My Own Private Idaho', Gus Van Sant
Stereo or iPod:
Last CD or song I bought:
'Un giro inesperado', Lapido
Song currently playing:
'It's a Wonderful Life' by Sparklehorse (–Rewritedept, if you're reading this, thank you for your post about Mark Linkous, I've been listening to his music for a lot of days and it's great!)
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
Any one by Syd Barret
'El ultimo mohicano' by Polanski y el ardor
Any one by El Ángel y los volcánicos
'En la calle' by 091
'Túnel de lavado' by Chucho
Favorite charity:
Favorite vacation:
Favorite vice:
The sad songs
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Alan Moore, Fernando Vallejo, Terrence Malick, Mark Oliver Everett, a friend.
Hey Dennis!
Damn that boy is so pretty…
Hope you've been doing swell!! Things have been great out here in the LA. The LA Art Book Fair was so much fun. They had a queer zines exhibit so I got to see all these amazing old queer zines. Really wish I could have read through some of them…
I'm on break at work eating a salad and some taquitos and thought I would tackle these questions for fun 🙂
Obviously I could write 15 paragraphs since we haven't talked in so long, but i'll keep it short for now!
Last book I bought: A Certain Kind of Light by Thomas Moore (finally!) and New Queer Cinema: The Director's Cut by B. Ruby Rich
Book I'm reading: The above plus I just got The Disaster Room: My Life Inside The Room
Total number of books I own: Me personally – 100 or so. But add Luke into the mix and we're talking 300-400 or so probably
Five books that mean a lot to me: pass on this one for now… obviously your books would be one of these though 🙂
Last Film I saw: House of the Devil – I liked parts of it… overall I thought it was weak though :/
Last DVD I bought: Mortal Kombat on blu-ray!!!!
Total number of films I own: 125+
Five films that mean a lot to me: Salo (Passolini), Nowhere (Araki), Suspiria (Argento), Neverending Story (Petersen), and i'll have to get back to you on the 5th…
Stereo or iPod: these days stereo (i have a fear of using headphones these days for some reason)
Last CD or song I bought: HELL III
Song currently playing: nada
Five songs that mean a lot to me: pass
Favorite bottle of wine: spanish rioja! I know that's not very specific…
Favorite charity: any queer film festival
Favorite vacation: Japan / Peru
Favorite vice: marijuana & porn! they go great together as well 🙂
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey: all my dc's friends!! 🙂
Last book I bought:
Not Before Sundow by Johanna Sinisalo
Book I'm reading:
Mira Corpora – Jeff Jackson
Total number of books I own:
Five books that mean a lot to me:
All the George Myles Cycle – DC (we'll pretend this is 1 book)
Invisible Cities – Italo Calvino
Autobiography of Red – Anne Carson
Mechanics of Homosexual Intercourse – Lonely Christopher
Last Film I saw:
Rufus (a Canadian vampire film with a cute British lead, that was not a very good film)
Last DVD I bought:
Avant Garde 2 – Experimental Cinema – 1928–1954
Total number of films I own:
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Mulholland Drive – David Lynch
Syndromes and a Century – Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Dead Man – Jim Jarmusch
Sans Soleil – Chris Marker
Elephant – Gus Van Sant
Stereo or iPod:
Ipod plugged into big speakers
Last CD or song I bought:
I am the Last of All the Field that Fell a Channel – Current 93
Song currently playing:
New Life Immigration – Xiu Xiu (working on a music video for it)
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
The Sound – Swans
Sleep Has His house (Live)- Current 93
I Luv The Valley, Oh! – Xiu Xiu
Going Up – Coil
Disintegration Loops – William Basinski
Favorite bottle of wine:
Don't drink.
Favorite charity:
Not sure, I need to do more research.
Favorite vacation:
Favorite vice:
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Jamie Stewart, David Lynch, Gus Van Sant, David Tibet, Michael Gira
Hey D-
Last book I bought: The Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin
Book I'm reading: Ice by Anna Kavan, An Episode In The Life of a Landscape Painter by Aira, The Arcades Project
Total number of books I own: No clue.
Five books that mean a lot to me: The Recognitions, Infinite Jest, Finnegans Wake, Catcher In The Rye, Tropic of Cancer
Last Film I saw: The Counselor
Last DVD I bought: And Everything Is Going Fine (Spalding Grey Documentary)
Total number of films I own: 15?
Five films that mean a lot to me: Slacker, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Once Upon A Time In The West, Wonder Boys, American Movie
Stereo or iPod: Both
Last CD or song I bought: Foxygen -We Are The 21st Century of Ambassadors of Peace and Magic (LP)
Song currently playing: N/A
Five songs that mean a lot to me: Jesus is Waiting – Al Green, Jesus Gonna Be There – Tom Waits, I Am A Cinematographer – Palace, The Emerald – Thin Lizzy, Million Dollars – Thinking Fellers Union Local 282
Favorite bottle of wine: Any/All
Favorite charity: Mercy Corps
Favorite vacation: Next One (Ireland or Japan)
Favorite vice: Booze
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey: N/A
I love these stress-inducing list type things. Here goes:
Last book I bought:
SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas
Book I'm reading:
24/7 by Jonathan Crary
Total number of books I own:
480, more or less
Five books that mean a lot to me:
The Rainbow Stories by William T. Vollmann
Haunted Houses by Larry Kettelkamp
The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald
The Collected Stories by Franz Kafka
Safe by Dennis Cooper
Last Film I saw:
Last DVD I bought:
Mulholland Drive
Total number of films I own:
35 – 40 give or take
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Waking Life
The Shining (1980)
The Long Day Closes
Stereo or iPod:
Turntable (Vestax Handytrax)
Last CD or song I bought:
Local Business by Titus Andronicus
Song currently playing:
Still Life With Hot Deuce On Silver Platter
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
Still Life With Hot Deuce On Silver Platter by Titus Andronicus
Expensive Shit by Fela Kuti
Shock the Monkey by Peter Gabriel
Thanks for Chicago Mr. James by Scott Walker
Unravel by Bjork
Favorite bottle of wine:
I don't drink
Favorite charity:
Favorite vacation:
Northern California
Favorite vice:
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Franz Kafka, Patrick Stickles, W.G. Sebald, Miles Davis, Thom Yorke
I love you Dennis!
Dennis, Hope your trip is going as smashingly as it seems it is (or should be). Me, I got rear-ended while sitting at a stoplight last Friday. Cracked my bumper but didn't crack me. Otherwise, same old shit.
Last book I bought: Bleeding Edge, Thomas Pynchon
Book I'm reading: How Late It Was, How Late
Total number of books I own: 400-500?
Five books that mean a lot to me:
The Magic Mountain, Cock & Bull, Brothers Karamazov, Ulysses, God Jr. (or Try)
Last Film I saw: Ladies in Lavender
Last DVD I bought: One Direction, can't remember the name of it
Total number of films I own: 30?
Five films that mean a lot to me: My Own Private Idaho, The Mudge Boy, Thumbsucker, This Boy's Life, Freddy Got Fingered
Stereo or iPod: Stereo (or PC)
Last CD or song I bought: Lose All Memory, by Bauer
Song currently playing: "Time to Pretend," by MGMT
Five songs that mean a lot to me: Oh, fuck, too hard. How about bands? Suede, Doors, Pistols, Joy Division, Pulp
Favorite bottle of wine: Wine tastes like shit. Or worse, fermented grapes.
Favorite charity: Poor kids' charities (yeah, I've given to some before)
Favorite vacation: London/Paris
Favorite vice: Cigarettes and Porn
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey: Harry Styles, Neil Tennant, Brett Anderson (though he kind of does it on his site from time to time), LeBron James, Derek McCormack
Last book I bought: Tales of Hoffmann (illustrated by Richard Lindner)
Book I'm reading: Stanzas in meditation by Gertrude Stein
Total number of books I own: 800ish in this city, 1000+ in a different city
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Crystal Lithium by James Schuyler
Last poems by Paul Celan
Sade Fourier Loyola by Roland Barthes
Step Not Beyond by Maurice Blanchot
Jerk by Dennis Cooper
Last Film I saw: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (I mean, not the first time watch)
Last DVD I bought: ?
Total number of films I own:
less than 30 DVDs
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Mononoke Hime by Miyazaki Hayao
The Bakery Girl of Monceau by Eric Rohmer
Edward Scissorhands by Tim Burton
Mouchette by Robert Bresson
The Bow by Kim Ki-Duk
Stereo or iPod:??
Last CD or song I bought:
Glenn Gould Plays Haydn: 6 Late Piano Sonatas
Song currently playing: No
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
Can't decide but a lot by Bach and Ravel
Favorite bottle of wine:
sauvignon blanc from California
(not a particular vinery, any sauvignon blanc that gets my attention at the moment)
Favorite charity: Recycling company of plastic bottles
Favorite vacation: Home
Favorite vice: Fashion interest, so much and, book collecting/reading
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey: John Ashbery, Richard Howard, Michel Butor, Yves Bonnefoy, Philippe Jaccottet
Last book I bought:
Swimming Underground by Mary Woronov
Book I'm reading:
Natural Enemies by Julius Horwitz
My Life So Far by Jane Fonda
Total number of books I own:
around 500
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Crime And Punishment – Dostoievski
Mort à Credit – L.F. Céline
Tropic Of Capricorn – Henry Miller
Héliogabale – Antonin Artaud
Les Choses – Georges Perec
Last Film I saw:
Frances Ha (hated it !)
Last DVD I bought:
Jeune et Jolie – François Ozon
Total number of films I own:
maybe 1000
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Satyricon – Federico Fellini
The Damned – Luchino Visconti
Chelsea Girls – Andy Warhol
Female Trouble – John Waters
Un Chant d'Amour – Jean Genet
Stereo or iPod:
Stereo inside, iPod outside.
Last CD or song I bought:
Blood Drums by Cavern Of Anti-Matter
Song currently playing:
What Goes on – The Velvet Underground
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
I'll Be Your Mirror – The Velvet Underground
52 Girls – The B-52's
The Robots – Kraftwerk
Fleisch – Electrocute
Walk On By – Dionne Warwick
Favorite bottle of wine:
Favorite charity:
Favorite vacation:
Greece or Morocco or South America
Favorite vice:
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Marilyn Monroe, Dirk Bogarde, my cat Bonnie, my cat Mimi, Virginie Despentes
Last book I bought:
Swimming Underground by Mary Woronov
Book I'm reading:
Natural Enemies by Julius Horwitz
My Life So Far by Jane Fonda
Total number of books I own:
around 500
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Crime And Punishment – Dostoievski
Mort à Credit – L.F. Céline
Tropic Of Capricorn – Henry Miller
Héliogabale – Antonin Artaud
Les Choses – Georges Perec
Last Film I saw:
Frances Ha (hated it !)
Last DVD I bought:
Jeune et Jolie – François Ozon
Total number of films I own:
maybe 1000
Five films that mean a lot to me:
Satyricon – Federico Fellini
The Damned – Luchino Visconti
Chelsea Girls – Andy Warhol
Female Trouble – John Waters
Un Chant d'Amour – Jean Genet
Stereo or iPod:
Stereo inside, iPod outside.
Last CD or song I bought:
Blood Drums by Cavern Of Anti-Matter
Song currently playing:
What Goes on – The Velvet Underground
Five songs that mean a lot to me:
I'll Be Your Mirror – The Velvet Underground
52 Girls – The B-52's
The Robots – Kraftwerk
Fleisch – Electrocute
Walk On By – Dionne Warwick
Favorite bottle of wine:
Favorite charity:
Favorite vacation:
Greece or Morocco or South America
Favorite vice:
Five people whom I'd like to see answer this survey:
Marilyn Monroe, Dirk Bogarde, my cat Bonnie, my cat Mimi, Harmony Korine