The blog of author Dennis Cooper

DC’s ostensibly favorite animated props for Halloween season 2022 *

* (Halloween countdown post #2)


Zombie Severed Head Hi Striker $4,995.00
Players test their strength by getting (3) attempts to Ring the Bell with the decapitated Zombie’s severed head. Once the player strikes the target, the Zombie’s body thrashes and jerks while his severed head races toward the bell. This game provides a quick and simple side attraction with minimal upkeep.



Grizzly Bear Ripping Victim in Half $9,995.00
Giant animated Grizzly Bear violently rips a human victim in two.



Circus Popcorn Clown $870
Startle your Halloween visitors with the Circus Popcorn Clown. This animatronic decoration looks like a regular circus popcorn machine – until an evil clown pops out with a frightening roar!



Haunted Shovel DIY
The motor is mounted to a piece of plywood and is connected to a 12V DC battery. The final prototype has the motor and closed inside of a wooden box and that’s just to protect it from getting hit or bumped in your display and to also keep people from getting hurt while the axle is rotating. Overall, this animatronics project is fairly straightforward. You don’t need any programming or code. Connect your wiper motor to a battery, attach the metal arm to the shovel, and you’ll have yourself a pretty awesome Haunted Shovel Halloween display.



3 Head Dropper $1930
3 Heads hanging from chains wait above patrons heads, then 3 heads drop down from 9′ to 6′ to come face to face with patrons. Comes with 3 heads, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. Plug & Play! Designed to easily mount on top of your wall. Foot print for rig is 10″ d x 17″ w x 39″ h. Rig bracket mounts/ slides down on top of maze wall. Audio package option includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect.



Poupée Kenny Kreepy $289
kenny is a kreepy kid ed. He is toddler size and is bends and poses and lets out ear piercing screeches. expertly sculpted and painted.



Victorian Haunted Mansion Price on demand
Full size animated haunted house attraction



Dark Puppet Theatre €10,165.65
A life size marionette dances playfully for the crowd. Almost two realistic for comfort, you start to realize something; this disturbed doll is actually real flesh and bones, possessed by some demonic spell. He disappears behind a blast of fog and suddenly your mood becomes tense. Just when you’re wondering if it’s all part of the show, he lunges forward with a blood-curdling shriek.



Cotton Candice $229.00
Round and round she goes; where she stops, no body knows! Cotton Candice’s love of sweet treats has caught her in a sticky situation that is spinning out of control! With her hands held high and vibrant carnival music playing, she Screams in Terror as a small motor twirls her around. Three activation options include, Steady-On, Infra-red Sensor, or Step-Here Pad. There is also a Volume Control so you can adjust to your surroundings.



Mr. Creepy DIY
Upgrading the grave grabber animated / motorized / animatronic Halloween prop. Shows a how to make or how I made my grave grabber motorized / animated. The new electronic diy controller, animatronics and sound system (including a how to or how I made the sounds using Windows XP). Grave crawler how two.



Evil Child Cabinet $2937
Evil child jumps down out of cabinet to the floor right next to your legs while swinging cleaver and then jumps back into the cabinet. Comes with Character, Cabinet, Pneumatics, Programed controller and Motion sensor. PLUG & PLAY! Foot print: Cabinet 24″x36″x63″ tall. Rig extending out of the back 24″. Audio package option includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect.



Swine is Served $4,770.68
A large silver covered dish sits atop a fancy rolling butler’s cart, when the lid flips back and an enormous screaming bloody pig thrashes to life from an opening under the dish. Pig character has various lunging, neck, head, jaw movements as well as air blast from mouth.



The Widow $299
Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman! When she caught her cheating husband with her sister on October 30, it gave a whole new definition to mischief night. Let’s just say dragging two bodies from the bedroom to the local lake can put a crick in anyone’s neck – that plus tripping on the roots of a Cyprus tree and tumbling down the muddy hill and breaking your neck. So now, when anyone in town hears a twig snap, they jump in fear that The Widow and her broken neck are there to take them to a watery grave.



Kicking Legs DIY
This prop has lasted the last three years and ran around 4 hours a night for the 3 months total. Every time we think about retiring him people ask about him. It has been placed under a lawn mower with blinking puck lights to simulate spinning blades and speakers of a guy yelling “help me,” to being pulled into a freshly dug grave in which we really dug a huge hole in the front yard, to being pulled into a glowing coffin with a skeleton inside. He is built with an aluminum frame bolted to an enclosed box constructed of 3/4″ Plywood. His moving parts consist of aluminum flat stock, steel tubing swing arm bolted to a 4 X 4 wood block. All metal parts are bolted with nylock nuts and greased ball joint fittings, jaw turnbuckles, heavy duty wiper motor powered by a LED lighting transformer.



Lava Demon $270.00
Unleash a burning evil this Halloween — the Lava Demon! This animatronic demon features a head and hands lit like magma, a devil’s tail, and goat hooves and horns. When activated, the demon turns side to side and warns passersby of the eternal suffering that awaits them. Hook the demon up to a fog machine, and he releases fog through his horns.



The Slammer €3,832.95
This poor soul has been possessed by a malevolent demon. The most experienced priests in the land have tried to perform an exorcism, but so far, none of their attempts have been successful. Fighting against her inner evil, this tortured woman is now known only as The Slammer. Her life consists of nothing more than violent convulsions followed by brief moments of peace, and then another painful round of thrashing. Can she be saved? Or should she be put out of her misery? You’ll appreciate the hand detailing on her face, realistic hair, and lifelike movement.



Demon Slayer $9,995.00
Towering over 14′ tall, adorned with armored shoulder plates and a pair of ornate horns, the DemonSlayer makes a dramatic statement. Animated character features upper torso rotation, independent upper and lower arm movements, head and neck and of course functioning jaw movements synched to his enormous roar.



The Psycho Thrasher €5,832.75
Unable to control his violent outbursts, the Psycho has committed a host of serious offenses, including assaults, mutilations, torture, and remorseless murder. Captured by a brave deputy, this menacing madman will not respond to any known treatment. Now, he’s chained to the floor in an underfunded and derelict asylum where he’s routinely abused by heartless nurses and other inmates. Of course, all this just makes the killer more and more angry. What do you supposed will happen if his chains give way?



Rabid Girl €3,321.89
Rabid Shock is a Shocktronic is perfect for haunts and attractions that need a great scare. This rabid woman shock is savage and will have your guest screaming at the top of their lungs! Part actor and part animatronic, it’s a Shocktronic! The animatronic arms and head, move, swing and flail, convincing people its just an animatronic until the actor in costume bursts from the prop to scare them! Includes animatronic, costume, and Sound. Requires AC Power, Air Compressor and Actor.



Fright Fridge $3,795.00
Unsuspecting fridge flies open as full sized corpse leaps from within, reaching and thrashing for your patrons.



Animated Floating Broom $71.60
Sound-activated to move on its own. Bumps into objects, turns another way. Plays music & clips of wicked laughter. Authentic bristles & crooked handle.



Wake up Dead $489.00
Wake Up Dead is a bloody Frightronic, all electric, animated haunt prop. This hand painted and blooded prop is crafted at Distortions Unlimited and built to last. Just plug her in and she shakes. Wake Up Dead appears to be gasping for air as she shakes under a blood soaked sheet.



Lurking Drowned Bride $972.00
The Drowned Bride doesn’t do a lot. But she doesn’t really need to. The creepy zombie animatronic simply sways back and forth as she stares into your soul with her cold, dark lifeless eyes. I was really drawn the bride and it wasn’t because she was scary. In a way, I kind of felt sorry for her. Something really awful happened to this young lady and I couldn’t stop looking at her. Now don’t get me wrong, in the right setting and with the right light scheme I believe the Drowned Bride could be downright terrifying. That’s the beauty of the prop. You can make the setting and use your imagine on how to use her.



Frothy Snowman $ 3,800.00
Frothy Snowman is one pissed off Snowman w 4 arms ready to grab and strangle anyone who wishes him a Merry Christmas. Bah Humbug! Standing 5 feet tall. But don’t let that make you think he can’t handle himself. Cast in foam w red cast resin eyes, with leds built in. Lower arms and jaw are animated. Arms grab and mouth bites and talks smack to customers. Arms are removable for shipping and storage. You just have to get the nuts tight so the arms don’t fall. We treat all our products with a clear rubber like coating so these are outdoor weather resistant. 4 channel controller pack included along with a regulator, 3 solenoid valves to run the cylinders etc…



Hitchhiking Ghost $184.99
This is a custom one-off prop I am building for a customer. When he is done, he will be the “Traveler” Ghost. We are building the mechanism and the prop will be finished by our customer. The mechanism was built using some custom machined as well as hand made parts.



Split Pete $ 2,000.00
Gore Galore’s Split Pete Animation is one helluva guy, he will be laughing then all of a sudden bite you in half. and then munch on your intestines with a smile on his monstrous face. What a jerk! It comes from within. Animated Body and munching torso monster.



Standing Torture Maniac $520.95
This crazed inmate is not having the best time – watch as they thrash about and twist back and forth in maniacal terror! The sparking lights and screaming sounds will shock your guests who dare to visit your haunted asylum.



Animated Bug Blender £44.95
Not quite the same kind of protein smoothie you make at home. Guest will get a surprise when they activate this blender. Dimensions: 6″ x 7″ x 14″. Requires 3 AA batteries (not included). Warning: features strobing lights and terrifying sounds! Shocking surprise inside….



Cool Jerk €3,008.05
Cool to the touch and still twitching. This creepy product is sure to disturb. Foam filled latex with sturdy metal armature, thrashes organically. Operated with included switch or optional timer, motion sensor or pressure pad. Requires AC power and 100 psi air compressor.Approx. 48″ long x 20″ wide x 12″ deep.



Kicking Hangman DIY
Unbelievable! The most realistic movement and probably the best dressing you’ve seen on a kicker. Disturbing yet amazing!



Tree Shaker $269.99
Pneumatic mech designed to shake artificial trees or bushes like some sort of creature is rustling around in the woods. Trees included.



Programmable Stranger Things Light Wall Costume DIY
The costume uses an Adafruit LED strand, Arduino Nano, Bluetooth receiver, battery and other components to allow the shirt to be wearable and accept different messages and light patterns. The instructions are sent from a Bluetooth terminal on my phone over a serial connection to the Arduino Nano. Some cobbled together Arduino code runs the whole thing.



Kids Horde $3,738.00
Mob shoots out 4′ while kid with severed arm raises up 12″, 3 heads move and arms lift with multiple movements. omes with Rig, Character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. Plug & Play! Foot print needed for Characters and Rig 48″ d x 49″ w x 38″ h. Audio package includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect.



Chair Screamer $295
A possessed drug addict or Metal Head or old woman (it’s hard to tell) sits in a chair, waiting to strike. Suddenly, whoever it is looks up and twists its head from side to side, stands up, reaches its evil grip towards you and lunges seven feet forward! Comes with Character, Chair, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play).



Butcher Table $4343
Butcher is chopping off victim’s leg with swinging cleaver. Butcher then stands and turns. You can run but you can’t hide! Butcher leans over victim on table when suddenly victim sits up screaming while Butcher is chopping off victim’s leg with swinging cleaver. Butcher then stands and turns to audience swinging cleaver, turning left to right while lunging forward. You can run but you can’t hide! FULL PACKAGE: Comes with Both Characters, Table, Pneumatics, Powered Speakers, Digital Sound, Programed controller and motion sensor.



Toddler Terror: Fruit Loop $123.19
Fruit Loop just ate his breakfast and now he has to go potty! OOPS! TOO LATE! Each toddler stands about 3 ft tall and is packed with detail. Upping the gross factor, Fruit Loop piddles a rancid smelling piss-like liquid on your guests as they walk by!



Automatic Halloween Candy Dispenser DIY
This year my Halloween project is the Automatic Halloween Candy Dispenser® triggered by TextforTreat®, CallforTreat® (powered by Twilio)and @TweetforTreat® technologies. When trick-or-treaters show up at my house they can text, call, or tweet a code displayed on an LCD screen to get their Halloween candy. They can also push the Big Red button. Once the candy request is made a few “special” effects are triggered by X10 modules. A low laying fog machine is activated and lights turn on while the candy shoots down from my front deck on the second floor.




p.s. RIP Jean-Luc Godard, greatest living genius, at the height of his powers, a loss to art so big it’s incalculable. ** T, Me too, man, me too. Except for the required part. From my guro trawling, yes, I have seen a lot of self-described Furries there, and their guro contributions are especially wack. If you ever get back into investigating guro, this is actually a better resource, I think. I hope you saw Damien Ark’s reply to your comment. Here’s to a non-slogged-through day for you. And, you know, for me too. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Yeah, I love Jim Carroll’s voice. Thank you about the money. It’s murder, but hopefully survivable murder. Two day wedding ceremony?! Uh, … but you sound strangely okay with that. Wow. They really, really want everyone to be really, really into them getting married. Thank you and your love for the laptop fixing wish. It’s still functioning, but we’ll see for how long. Zac has Covid right now for the third (!) time, so love would be awesome if he did a presto-change-o number on that situation, G. ** Misanthrope, I never realised that ears could sweat until I started wearing those headphones for radio interviews. At a certain point, after having several close friends and one boyfriend become serious heroin addicts, and a couple of them die, I decided I can’t be close with heroin addicts because it’s too depressing and it kicks off my ‘caretaker’ aspect. But when an addict is your family and lives under the same roof as you and won’t change course, I don’t know what you do, man. It really pains my heart to hear that. ** David Ehrenstein, Yes, the world feels significantly dumber to me now. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. Happy you listened. And chose Benjamin’s awesome story to boot. It’s interesting to be on social media and discover more about who people are based on their public reactions to things like the Queen dying. Well, interesting might be pushing it. Telling, I guess. ** Tosh Berman, Joe Brainard’s voice always seemed to me like exactly what you would imagine he spoke like. I’m, of course, keeping way up with the unveiling of your faves list. In fact, I saw part 3 upon awakening today. Everyone, Tosh Berman is rolling out his all-time favorite albums on his substack, and here’s part 2, but there’s already a part 3, so find that as well.‘ Thanks for striking my fancy, sir. ** Damien Ark, Hi, D. I have heard of Feral Dove unless I’m hallucinating. I’ll get Alexandrine’s book to start with. Oh, right, I know of it because they’re who put out that Josiah Morgan book. Everyone, The great Damien Ark’s new novel will be published in this very, upcoming October by the press Feral Dove, which is a pretty sweet press based on their deliveries thus far. Damien’s book isn’t announced on the site yet, but bookmark that link and keep your eyes peeled, why don’t you? Definitely understood about your weirdness about promoting, but, dude, do all of us a favor by doing some promotion as you see fit. Remember that getting your book known is for our sake, not just yours. Excited! ** Travis (fka Cal), Hi. Very happy you’re trying to get more writing and art done, naturally. Project hopping can work, but, yeah, you have to try to be judicious. Oh, mm, I mean if you just want to read one of the cycle book, my personal favorite is ‘Guide’. Obviously, if someone wants to read them all, starting with ‘Closer’ and going forward chronologically is the way to go. Thanks for wanting to dip in, man. ** John Christopher, Thank you really much, John! ** Steve Erickson, I looked into Sato, and I’m definitely going to do a Day about him at some point upcoming. I’ll see what all I can find. ** Robert, Hey, Robert. No, I did not know about that Faulkner thing. Wow. Everyone, Robert alerts us to the site Faulkner at Virginia where you can hear audio files of Faulkner himself reading and talking about lit. Pretty great. I have never listened to an audio book, and I can’t imagine ever doing so, although never say never and all of that. ** x, Thank you very much, x! Everyone, blog visitor ‘x’ links us to a pretty great looking and very imaginative spotify playlist of spoken word stuff by an astounding array of speakers from Jenny Hval to Nick Cave to Robert Frost to Youth Code and way beyond. It looks like an absolute must, and it’s called ‘Spoken Words -> Sparkling Talker’, and it’s here. Really generous of you, thank you again, and take care. ** Okay. My blog’s second Halloween entry is my annual theoretical best-of amongst animated props available to buy or handmake or view this year. Enjoy, thanks. See you tomorrow.


  1. Travis (fka Cal)

    Ooooh nice, I do love some janky robots. That bear one is a hoot to watch. I’m trying to keep myself limited to only three projects to be working on a once rn but who knows lol. I’ve already read the whole cycle–I’ve read all your novels except the latest cuz I haven’t had book buying money lately. Just been inna rereading mood and wondered which of the Cycle you looked back on fondly. A lot of Frisk lives in my head rent free. Such a wonderfully dark tale.

  2. T

    It’s been so long since I went to a haunted house… probably a decade now. And it was a crappy one at an amusement park that’s been the same since the 80s. Definitely nothing like this.

    Ohh, Reddit. I didn’t realise Reddit had stuff like this on there. I’ve avoided Reddit like the plague because of its past political climate. But, yes, bookmarked, I think I’m ready to fall down this rabbit hole again. Today was good albeit unproductive (just played video games all day). Tomorrow will indeed be productive, holding myself to that here.
    I saw Dominik’s reply and sent one back, thanks to him again for that. Oh, and addendum about the vore thing I wrote there, it came to me as a shower thought. I guess vore is likely about power/control. Perhaps that mystery is solved now.

    P.S. Dennis, I was curious—since you’re a Swans fan, have you ever read The Consumer by Michael Gira?

  3. Dominik


    On a scale of one to 10, I’m definitely at one when it comes to how much I want to go to the two-day wedding. But the bachelorette party kind of put it into perspective, so it sounds… almost bearable. I’m not sure I’ll still think so when I’m actually there, haha.

    What the hell… I hope love helps Zac out immediately! Is he feeling really unwell?

    Love not giving a crap about money and buying you a prop from today’s collection – which one is your heart’s desire? Od.

  4. _Black_Acrylic

    I’d say Poupee Kenny Kreepy represents some pretty solid value for money here. Some interesting sculptural quality is going on.

    Here at East Leeds Recovery Hub there are many elderly residents who are viewing the Queen’s death aftermath constantly on TV. It really is all there for them, with the BBC schedules providing 24 hour coverage. Seems awfully morbid but I dunno, maybe it’s a generational thing?

  5. Sypha

    H’mm, some of these are a bit too gory for my liking. Guess I’m a bit old-fashioned, when it comes to Halloween props I like the old standards, the bats and spiders and black cats skulls… most of those you can get at any convenience store for like $5 or less. :p

    At Barnes & Noble we’ve already begun setting up our Halloween promotions: in the kids section, in gift, plus end caps for horror novels and mangas. One thing that bugs me though is we never play Halloween music in the store anymore. It used to be years ago during the month of October we’d be sent a CD containing a Halloween playlist for our background music (one year we got to actually start it in September) and whoever put it together did a really good job finding almost any Halloween/Monster/Vaguely spooky song imaginable (complete with creepy sound effects in-between songs). I miss that…

  6. Billy

    I’ve been thinking of your Halloween posts because at work they have these awful felt smiling pumpkins and Mexican derived skulls for sale and so feeble next to the haunted houses you like. We really don’t do it properly in this country. I see from the comments your movie is moving along- congratulations! Xxx

  7. Billy

    Incidentally, I just found out Godard died from your blog. British media is… otherwise engaged.

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