The blog of author Dennis Cooper

69 chandeliers

Terence Koh


David Hammons


David Hammons


David Hammons


Petah Coyne


Petah Coyne


Petah Coyne


Fred Wilson


Fred Wilson


Fred Wilson


Fred Wilson


Nam June Paik


Nam June Paik


Nam June Paik


Yayoi Kusama


Danh Vo


Danh Vo


Danh Vo


Sirous Namazi




Andrea Bowers


Christian and Jade Smoke


Chris Burden


Jason Rhoades


Jason Rhoades


Jason Rhoades


Tim Hawkinson


Hans van Bentem


Hans van Bentem


Grant Wood


Kathleen Ryan


Jodie Carey


Kirsten Hassenfeld


Ran Hwang


Francisco Rocha


Barnaby Barford




Giuseppe Licari


Giuseppe Licari


Hilden & Diaz


Rafael Lozano-Hemmer


Ai Weiwei


Ai Weiwei


Robert Longo


Gerrit Rietveld


Gerrit Rietveld


Lee Bul


Lee Bul


Lee Bul


Lee Bul


Phillip David Stearns


Kayode Ojo


Taku Saito


Josiah McElheny


Nick Sayers


Nick Sayers


Ingo Maurer


Warren Muller


Paola Pivi


Jorge Pardo


Jorge Pardo


Jorge Pardo


Mat Collishaw


Hannah Levy


Pipilotti Rist


JeeMin Kim


Tim Walker


Ilya & Emilia Kabakov




p.s. Hey. ** Earl Jackson, Hi, Earl! I thought about ‘Guitar Wolf’, but then I thought it might be more Punk than Metal. Probably should’ve been in there, though, you’re right. So great to see you! ** David, Sometimes I think I could eat only mashed potatoes for the rest of my life. And then I wake up, ha ha. Cool, I love Alice Cooper. Oh, blah, on that serial killer network conspiracy theory garbage. Your teeth x-ray looks better than my teeth x-ray. Congrats. ** Maria, Isabella, Camila, Malaria, Gabriela, Feather in your cap(s)! ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. ‘Decline 2’ is very fun. Doubt your mom would like it, though, depending on the shade of her sense of humor. So sorry about the Leeds team, urgh. ** David Ehrenstein, We over here are mightily aware of the war, you bet. Yes, I remember that Taylor tried to mooch in on you and Bill. So maybe his boner wasn’t a genius. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Oh, I can’t compete with your eraser dust collecting. That’s fantastic! Makes me want to write a novel about an eraser dust collector. That would be a challenge. My collector-itis is really boring by comparison. As a kid I collected coins and stamps and monogrammed matchbooks from restaurants and hotels and stuff. Then I collected every book published by Grove Press for a while. I was obsessed with Todd Rundgren for some reason in the early 70s, and I collected all kinds of extremely rare acetates and stuff, and I really should sell that stuff eventually. I used to collect everything Robert Pollard did, which was full-time job, but since I moved over here it’s become too difficult, so I gave up, although I still collect maybe 70% of what he does. Pretty boring history there. My late friend the writer Kevin Killian used to collect pubic hairs he found in public bathrooms. I wonder whatever happened to that collection. Ha ha, your love of yesterday was very enterprising! Worth a trip to Amsterdam for sure. Love buying my Todd Rundgren collection for a million Euros, G. ** Misanthrope, Sometimes I almost wish I had a crush on Timothee Chalamet. Seems like it’d be very mild fun. Any less annoyed today? ** l@rst, I wish I’d seen ‘Dungeonmaster’ before I was old enough to have taste. Weird, I just read an article about the singer of W*A*S*P, whats’s-his-name. Blackie Lawless? Is that it? Kind of a serious jerk. What a nice dad you had there. Awww. ** Steve Erickson, I saw Cecil Taylor a handful of times. Unbelievable! No, I barely knew there even was a Metal Horror genre until I made that post of out curiosity. I’ve seen extremely few of them. I think a ‘best of’ reel/video is the most I could go for with a few exceptions. I do think I need to track down ‘Hairmetal Shotgun Zombie Massacre: The Movie’ though. ** Brandon, Hi, Brandon. I’m really happy you liked our films. ‘PGL’ is one of my favorite things I’ve ever made. Hm, okay, on the ‘indie’ side of things and completely off the top of my head and mostly older stuff, maybe try Pinback ‘self-titled’ (1999), Xiu Xiu (maybe either ‘A Promise’ or ‘Dear God, I Hate Myself’), Vår ‘No One Dances Quite Like My Brothers’, Sebadoh ‘III’, Colin Newman ‘A-Z’, Destroyer ‘Your Blues’. Those spring to mind, and I’ll think more re: the gloomy-gothier side of things. What are you up to this weekend? ** Barry, Hi, Barry! Yes, I’m going to do my ultra-best to see your film at Le Clef on Sunday. I really hope I can. Wonderful that it’s showing at Le Clef. That place is a total and utter gem. Thanks! ** Shane, I might offer him my throat, if you’re asking me. I assume you would in a flash? ** Brendan, Awesomeness! Yeah, me too, man. Word when it’s scheduled. ** Bill, Hm, ‘Hellbender’, interesting. I’ll hunt it. The reviews there intrigued me further. Shudder? Okay, never tied to use that before. I will, thanks, buddy. ** Corey Heiferman, Hi, Seemingly, although they still continue to make them. The appeal of Horror and Metal will never die. Glad you’re feeling better and almost out of the house. And sweet about the poem solicitation. Always best to reconcile if poss., especially when it’s just a fond farewell maybe. My weekend? Mm, seeing friends, checking out a cool seeming bookstore I’ve never visited, hopefully seeing Barry’s film (see: above), Zac and I have an idea to do a ‘radio play’/audio book, so I’m going to think about that, write, eat, hope for the unexpected. You? ** Right. I thought you might enjoy looking at a bunch chandeliers today. Was I wrong? See you tomorrow.


  1. Corey Heiferman

    Timely post given my move. I like the dangerous temptation of the basketball hoop chandeliers. I thought Grant Wood was just a painter, didn’t know he did decorative objects too, interesting.

    I’m inheriting good lighting on the roof (hanging incandescents at the perfect yellow color and brightness level — the kind where you can see the glowing filament) and lackluster lighting inside. I have a thing for incandescent light. In the main room I’ll probably put in new overhead lighting and at least a desk lamp, maybe a floor lamp too. The bedroom has fluorescents in ugly fixtures. I’m not sure I’ll replace those because I won’t need much light in there — there’s only room for a bed, closet, and small dresser. I think it might be enough to invest in some mood lighting that doesn’t require me to switch out fixtures.

    Enjoy the bookstore. I hope it wildly exceeds your expectations. I just need to wait out the virus at this point, catch up on reading and writing that I neglected while manically searching for an apartment.

  2. David

    My Nan told me when I was a very young boy if Hitler had won the war I would have been a lampshade or a bar of soap…. to say things like that back then to a mere 7 year old, was considered normal… she also used to pull this stunt… and say “here give me your hand…” and you sometimes got ‘ten pence’ and other times she would fart on it…. we loved her….. If Liberace had won his war no doubt we would all be chandeliers, or perhaps he’d be chained to one and we would all be screwing him senseless… for coin of course…

    ‘Cattle to the glow’ arrived yesterday…. and I watched it all… I thought it was brilliant!! each story was great… you remember the scene in the simpsons Halloween episode when Ned Flanders screams on seeing the purple drapes, well that was me on spotting the picture of Adam Lanza on the wall in story 1…. it was such a perfect touch…. hope you are both still keeping with that element you and Zac… sure you are… it was like a firework going off in amidst the story sending a rush through the narrative’s veins in all directions… I do that also… with a very sincere heart most of the time… that story of course was brilliant moving and hilarious… the guy played dead perfectly…. and was very convincing… I’ve played dead also…. perhaps a little too convincingly at times…. and I’ve also thought about ‘fucking nothing’ from time to time as well…

    The poet/teller performer being raped as he performed was perfect… a fantastic idea…

    The story in the tent was spot on!! absolutely loved the mask… that so easily could have gone wrong… and yet it didn’t… found myself giggling through out…

    I couldn’t fault any of the acting…. well done for whomever acquired

    in it’s entirety it exceeded my expectations…. well done both! x

    ‘me on spotting Adam Lanza’

    • Maria, Isabella, Camila, Malaria, Gabriela

      Maria, Isabella, Camila, Malaria, Gabriela sees you have nothing to worry for…
      you died a very long time ago,
      Although, can still die again,

      Much pain can be felt in the afterworld

      So look after teeth

      Many thanks

  3. Maria, Isabella, Camila, Malaria, Gabriela

    Oh Coops!
    I am dying from seeing this wonderful a chandeliers!!!
    So many! and so fantastic!
    Thank you this is brightening up my day!
    I wish to have a mansion with 69 rooms for each!

    I go

  4. Misanthrope

    Dennis, I’m wondering how many films have death by chandelier. Either falling from a huge one or having a huge one fall on someone.

    I’m a little less annoyed, hahaha. I’m feeling all right, fingers crossed and hoping I didn’t just jinx myself.

    I’m going to dinner with a friend tonight. Haven’t seen her since her daughter’s birthday at the end of January. That’s a long time for us. Should be a’ight.

    Ha! Well, you know, I’m a fan of Timothee because I think he’s a really good actor and, on top of that, he seems like a swell guy. I’ve seen/watched/read a bunch of his interviews, and he’s very bright and seems really nice. I’ve seen, too, a lot of things where people have met him and they all say he was very kind and gracious. (Same goes for Harry Styles too.) And yes, I do think he’s cute too, but there are tons of cute(r) actors running around Hollywood and I don’t like them.

    He goes to Paris enough, you should become friends with him. 😀

    Hoping you have a good weekend. I’m planning on having a good one myself. Just jinxed, right? Hahaha. Gah! Nah, things’ll work out.

  5. Jack Skelley

    Dennissss! Thanx for good chandeliers. I’ll post 1 or 2 on my IG. (The art gods have long blessed Naim June Paik). Also for the the zombie hair metal before that. Cheers to yooo & all DCBlog commenters including moodily amusing Maria, Isabella, Camilla, Malaria, Gabriela! Yesterday I gulped David Trinidad’s new memoir which includes “The Gang” going to see Sparks at The Whiskey. More books this weekend. Hope you have a Parisian weekend supreme!!

  6. _Black_Acrylic

    Some ingenious reinventions of the chandelier here today.

    Here’s wishing you a great weekend! We’re all off out for an Italian meal this evening. Away from WW3 and the ongoing Leeds United implosion, it should be just what we need.

  7. Dominik


    You know, I don’t find any of your collections boring at all. Quite the contrary, actually. I’d exchange my (late) eraser dust collection for your Grove Press collection any day, in a fucking heartbeat, haha. And I’d definitely be interested in the Todd Rundgren and Robert Pollard ones as well. Even if they aren’t pubic hairs from public bathrooms, hell, haha. That’s a freaky one. Exhibition worthy.

    Even though you’re pretty rich now that love bought your Todd Rundgren collection, love still offers to buy you the chandelier of your choice from today’s collection – which one will it be? (Most of them are incredibly ugly, haha. But I think I’d go for a David Hammons one.) Od.

  8. ryan / angusraze

    Dennis! Yes, my favourite films right now hmmmm, I did watch Onibaba recently which i enjoyed and additionally Cannibal Holocaust, any other film i’ve watched recently is probably some muscle jock adjacent porno or whatever, today was weird, the Russia thing is kind of wacky, I dont know, i realise alot of the world sabre rattles, that western nations love war, but it just feels cruel for people in the middle, the average russian or ukranian caught up in the middle of these large rottweiler superpowers – the west as a collective group and post soviet russia – just going at it, it’s weird, I feel very tense and I hope things don’t get worse, you have lived to see more conflicts than I have, the Bosnian war etc etc, how have you dealt with it? With Nihlism? With information? I myself am a insufferable Bottom Bolshevik so I read Lenin. cry and fawn over men that fight bears, I know Lenin would be proud of me….

    much love


  9. T

    Hey Dennis. Unusually for your gallery posts, I’ve actually seen some of them in person (the Ai Weiwei pieces), and I really like Lee Bul’s work, but in my rankings they were pretty definitively outdone today by some great chandeliers. How goes things with you? I’m staying with my cousins in Lyon at the moment, and even though there is no chandelier in the room where I sleep and am currently writing this, there is a bunch of dead flowers tied to the ceiling which granted do not emit light, but if you squinted hard enough they kind of look like a mini chandelier. Hope your weekend is like a pizza upon which you add only your favourite toppings, xT

  10. Steve Erickson

    I had a video call with my doctor this morning and got a prescription for cough medicine. That has helped, but I feel worse today than I have since last weekend – massive brain fog and hot/cold flashes, compounded by my level of anxiety. I’m actually on hold with his office now. I don’t think this is an emergency in the sense that I need to run off to the ER, but I’d like to talk to a doctor about it.

    • Steve Erickson

      PS: I did consult with a doctor, and while I still feel crappy, the situation does not seem to be an emergency. (“Two steps forward, one step back” can be a pattern with COVID.) I was really panicking when I wrote that first post.

  11. Brandon

    Hey Dennis, Loved perusing through these, I think I like Jodie Carey, Giuseppe Licari, Jorge Pardo and Hannah Levy the most, they make me want to look more in detail at them. I’ll make sure to give your recs a listen soon, I like Xiu Xiu and I know one or two Sebadoh songs. I just got back from seeing Women in Love, I’ve been on a Glenda Jackson kick from the start of the year (obsessed with The Music Lovers currently) and so when I saw it was playing I had to go. There’s a Pasolini double feature tomorrow night but I also might do something else I’m not sure yet. I have to work on Sunday but I’m trying not to think about that till it happens. How about you, anything fun or new? Talk more later.

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