The blog of author Dennis Cooper

387,618 twinkling lights




p.s. Hey. ** David, Hi. Thank you for the coins-related levity. If only levity was a currency like bitcoin. Thank you too for the poem. It looks good. I’ll read it again and with due closeness once my stress level isn’t interstellar. (My utilities are starting to get cut off, and I’m no small bit of a mess at the moment.) ** _Black_Acrylic, Indeed about his TG book. Thank you for the fill-in about the pill. That sounds great and promising. Amazing what tiny compressed edible dots can do these days. I hope your class went greatly lastly night. It sounds your stomach was fully sorted no matter what. ** Dominik, Hi!!!! Yes, my days of swallowing whatever drug that promised enlightenment of any kind are long gone. I’d probably jut meltdown nowadays. Sad. Briefly, the bank account thing is only getting worse, and there’s no movement, and I could be sitting in a non-heated, powerless, internet-less apartment any minute now, so ‘prayers’ that something/anything can be done today, although it’s looking doubtful. Scary shit. Thank you for the commiseration and beautifully targeted love. Love making everything in the world free of change, G. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Everyone, Mr. Ehrenstein’s legendary FaBlog turns its attention on that bad actor Kyle Rittenhouse here. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. Thanks. Yes, it’s truly horrible. I can’t do anything from here, and my accountant is having no luck so far, and things are pretty dire at the moment. Yes, it’s a big mistake on their part, but they seem to not be giving a shit about correcting the mistake. Shades of the Google vs. blog debacle of a few years ago, but worse. Happy that things are finally feeling good where you are. Same here, although every other country in Europe is having a Covid surge, so I fear France’s recovery may be thwarted any time now. ** T, Hi, T. Nice to see you, bud. Awesome that the blog has had your best interests so firmly in mind of late. Thanks! Thanks too for your wish re: my seriously fucked situation. It’s a beaut of excellent thought and literary construction. If I could grant wishes, yours world be at the head of the queue. How are you? How’s stuff? What’s going on? I hope your Friday conducts you like an orchestra. xo. ** Bill, Yes, very sad about Sylvere. What a guy. And thanks about my truly shitty situation. I put together an upcoming galerie show of d’Agata stuff yesterday, and it looks really good, and thank you so much for the impetus. Happiest ever Friday! ** Right. Tons of non-twinkling twinkling lights for you today for some reason. Gawk? Assuming I still have internet tomorrow, I will see you then.


  1. _Black_Acrylic

    These twinkling lights are illuminating today’s grey Leeds landscape outside, rather nicely as it turns out. Last night’s writing class was good, hard work in that the flash fiction requires more on-the-spot tasks but it was still fun.

    Oh no re your bank travails! Here’s sending positive, problem-solving vibes your way. On the off-chance your internet is still working… the new episode of Play Therapy is online here via Tak Tent Radio! Ben ‘Jack Your Body’ Robinson serves up Italo and Jamaican Dancehall with some jacking Dutch Acid on the side.

  2. David

    That sounds fucked up Dennis… glad I didn’t write that poem now called ‘Dennis Cooper’s Tax….. man!!!’ I started to but the computer stopped me right there….. also I might have ended up saying something very out of order on your behalf….

    I didn’t realise things were that bad for you…

    ‘It is raining here… the stinging nettles have wilted…. no sun… no light… heaven has been jilted….’

    I’m going to see Heaven 17 this evening… remember they did that track ‘Temptation’…

    If someone offered me a few hundred pounds to use their mouth as a toilet Dennis I think I’d take them up on that offer… I don’t have that much money myself… and the price of first class train tickets has gone up… that’s all I was saying in the previous message… or wasn’t saying……?

    Ahhh. … the sun has just come out…. thanks for the lights in this post…. hope the awful situation gets sorted.. have all my fingers and wires crossed for you x

    • Verity Pawloski

      David your language is just terrible I have to say that it truly is! although I think you should write a poem about Dennis’ T.A.X people write it for Dennis the money grabbing pieces of **** and please do not hold back!

  3. Dominik


    Dennis, I’m so sorry this shit’s happening to you. It must be fucking scary and maddening. Are there any (hopefully positive) developments?

    Thank you for your love! And for today’s festive post as well. For some closet romantic reason, I really like fairy lights. Love simply turning into your bank account, full of money, of course, never to be touched again by another soul but you, Od.

  4. David Ehrenstein

    “Twinkle Twikle Little Bat,
    How I woder where you’re at
    Upabve the world so high,
    Like a Tea-Tray in the sky”

    Latest FaBlog: Burn Baby Burn !

  5. Misanthrope

    Dennis, TWINKling! 😉

    Hahaha, my true evil. You know, there’s this slight part of me that wonders if I’ll ever be dragged into an office and hit with, “Well, Georgie, you’re friends with an anarchist in London named Rigby and another who’s a writer of transgressive books in Paris and another who is…” You know what I mean? Eek.

    There’s gotta be a reason I get dragged out of line on both sides of the pond every time I travel.

    I think my answer would be, “Yes, and I’m more dangerous than all of em put together fuckers!” and then pull out my flamethrower.

    David ended up okay at work. I think. They let him come in. Of course, he was late by about 5 or 10 minutes the next day and was suddenly off the schedule until this coming Sunday.

    The dead kidney is fine. The good one, as expected, has enlarged to overcompensate. So everything’s normal. My doc is retiring soon and I’ll have new and much younger and quite cute doc next year this time. I might have to put the moves on him. 😀

    I saw The French Dispatch yesterday and really enjoyed it. One friend who went with me is mostly a big budget blockbuster fan but she really liked it too. It was really funny, and Mr. Chalamet was really good and funny in it. But all the actors were. Just a fun watch.

    I’ll be going to my friend’s rescheduled bonfire tomorrow night. Young Elio will be there along with all the usual suspects. I don’t know, maybe I’m old, but I kinda like sitting around a big fire in the cold and smoking copious amounts of cigs.

    I hope your weekend is great.

  6. Steve Erickson

    I hope you were able to make progress on the financial situation. Can you get in touch with your ISP, electricity provider, etc. and pay by credit card for a month, or try to explain the emergency?

    i saw one of this year’s worst films, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s tick, tick…BOOM!, today. No surprise, but Miranda and Jonathan Larsen are a pair made in hell. The film’s also really technically shoddy in ways that suggest post-production till the eve of release.

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