p.s. Hey. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi Ben. Yeah, it’s a good track, right? The other UCC Harlo stuff is quite good too. ** David Ehrenstein, Sign of the times that every minor celebrity in the world’s birthdays are viral HBD occasions on Facebook these days but I didn’t see a soul mark Olivier’s occasion. ** Steve Erickson, Hi, Steve. I’m very happy you found exciting things in the gig. Thanks for saying so. Eek. Hoping your hard drive gets its shit together. ** Sypha, Hi. Ha ha, yeah, but Cherbourg ain’t New York, trust me. Well, there are certain sites and magazines that cover music in my area of interest, so their leads help a lot. I’m always pleased to see Wire getting props. I’m going to go give a spin to ‘A Bell is a Cup’ today. I haven’t listened to that one in yonks. ** Allrighty. Even just looking at unusable video game puzzles excites me. Obviously. See you tomorrow.
Last night I dreamed about Richard Rouilard. I almost never retain my dreams but there was Richard (who died of AIDS in 1994) talking to me about something. Can’t recall what.
I was never crazy about puzzles in video games… often felt that they bogged down the flow of the game (unless it was a puzzle game itself, in which case it would be the raison d’etre). Having said that, a few years ago I played DISHONORED 2, and there’s a logic puzzle in that game where, if you solve it, you can skip an entire stage. You know, one of those “which six people are sitting in which chairs and what object do they have on them” kind of puzzle (to make it tricky, the game randomizes the question each time you play, so you can’t just look the answer up on Gamefaqs or whatever). Amazingly, despite the fact I suck at logic puzzles, I was able to figure it out, though it took me an hour and a lot of scrap paper to do so, ha ha. Some of my online friends were impressed!
I ended up listening to PINK FLAG and CHAIRS MISSING on my Walkman last night during my nightly reading session. PINK FLAG I ended up remembering: it’s funny, you can go years without listening to an album, then hear the first few notes of a song and instantly remember how it goes. I used to listen to PINK FLAG a fair bit back in the day, and while I like it I wasn’t crazy about how short some of the songs were… like some just end just as they’re getting interesting. Despite owning CHAIRS MISSING for years I think last night was the first time I ever listened to it the whole way through… I liked it. Guess I’ll do 154 tonight… don’t think I’ve ever even listened to one song off that one (again, despite owning a copy of the CD for years).
Dunno if you’re aware of this but there’s a pair of National Enquirer theme parks opening up in the US very soon. Whether or not you’re a fan of the popular supermarket tabloid, that must still be major news.
Dennis, Puzzles and figuring shit out are the best parts of videogames.
Thanks for the rundown on CROWD. I’m liking what I hear. I think Rigby will really like it. So that’s on the list of things to do. LPS and Kayla will like it too, especially the latter, as she’s into that type of music. (She’s a big EDM fan and goes to a lot of those concerts.)
Oh, so I picked her up from Reagan National Tuesday night. She and her friends went to a musical festival in Alabama -some really big one they have there every year- that featured one of her faves, Cardi B.
Yeah, ol’ Taco Bell. He’s working on getting that job. He said, “You have to start somewhere.” I said, “Yeah” and cried a little inside. Okay, I didn’t cry inside, but I’m thinking, “Why do you keep making things so difficult for yourself?”
Oh, well.
Btw, I’m reading Ian McEwan’s Sweet Tooth. It’s actually really good. I do like most of his stuff. He’s got an economy of writing that’s really deceptive and subtle, and I like that.
I get constant notices that my laptop’s hard drive is running out of space. I need to look into my options, but music takes up 75+% of that space and iTunes puts strict control over what you download from it, so you can’t delete it.
Have you seen DIAMANTINO, which opens in New York tomorrow? I’m planning to see it Sunday.
Have you ever played WarioWare? I think you’d love it!