The blog of author Dennis Cooper

154 butts




p.s. Hey. ** Dominik, Hey, Dominik! Having spent the vast majority of my weekend deleting files and foreseeing that this entire week will be eaten up by the same mind-deadening activity, I would have to say I agree with you. Ha ha, and ugh. Hopefully that’ll solve the problem because, otherwise, I’m at a loss. And, yes, the attempted hacking or whatever the hell it is continues nonstop at the same high speed 24/7. The blog is not exactly in the peak of its life cycle right now, let’s say. Thanks for the docuseries title. I’ll see if I can hunt it down somewhere. Interview told me it’ll be in their summer issue whenever that arrives. What?! (About the non-payment) I sure hope that’s been sorted out now. I will admit I have been wishing this deleting marathon had happened back in the day when I was doing a lot of speed. It’s the perfect speed activity. So thank you from my dreams. Love building a secret passage connecting your apartment to mine with a hyperloop transportation system so we could zoom back and forth and have a coffee and blab fest in each other’s cities whenever we want, G. ** David Ehrenstein, I met Paul Morrissey briefly once and he just glared at me like I assume he does with virtually everyone. There wasn’t a peep of evidence of ‘New from Nowhere’ online anywhere, which is obviously why it wasn’t included. Thank you very much for sharing your Morrissey-related wisdom and knowledge, as always. ** Misanthrope, Interesting fantasy about your death situation. If I was a psychiatrist … I don’t think I’ve ever imagined what my death will be like. It just seems unfathomable. Well, good news, I guess, that your mom’s in the clear so far, but, yeah, it doesn’t sound like much of a relief either. Urgh. Hope your taxes weren’t too, err, taxing. Kayla’s a big Runaways fan? Cool. My favorite Runaways song is ‘Alright You Guys’. What’s hers? ** Jack Skelley, I coined that phrase? Cool, I feel snooty. Hooray about the Expat acceptance! Yes! Do you know when it’ll pop up, or, I guess, pop out? I missed your memes. I just labored over this problem child of a blog all of Easter. And watched ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’, which is dumbass as hell but fun. And ate a bunny. Chocolate. Dark. New week, dude! What’s the plan? ** Bill, Hi, B. Thanks for the bandcamp tips. I don’t know either of those, and I want to! Oh, ‘The Inner Scar’, yeah, it’s very cool, very then and as opposed to being very now in a good way. It’s something. It earns its keep. It has an effect. I would certainly spring for a viewing if I were you. ** Paul Curran, Hi, Paul. Oh, man, such a drag among drags: deleting files all day everyday. But whatever. The anthology comes out in the fall? Isn’t that right? I can’t remember. I guess you’re at a cabin by a lake. Sounds beyond dreamy. Not as dreamy as driving or training to Nintendoland, mind you. Big love. ** Chris Kelso, Hi, C. Thanks, man. I don’t know what a Ayrshire accent sounds like, but I will study it closely. James is mercurial, that’s for sure. Or that’s a polite way to put it, ha ha. I would love to go back to Scotland, and a pint sounds great even though I don’t like beer all that much. I don’t think I know ‘They Look Like People’, no. Huh. It might just be on this ‘illegal’ site I use that has a ton of horror on it, I’ll go check. Thanks a whole lot for the tip. ** Steve Erickson, I think his films are pretty solidly excellent up through ‘Blood for Dracula’, and then he got mostly lost, IMO. Brix and Mark were at Disneyland on the day the guy got beheaded on the Matterhorn?! Or maybe it was some other Matterhorn-caused death. Wow. Got to get that book of hers. ** Jeff J, Hi, Jeff. Me too, on the troubles being over, but it’s going to be an inescapable combo of painful and boring until they are, unfortunately. Yes, so shocking and terrible about Gian. Do people know what happened? I guessed a heart attack? Anyway, a huge loss. What a great press. I never met him, but we exchanged emails, and he seemed great. Yeah, really sad. Do you know what will happen with Tyrant now? For me, there’s a gradual but definite fall off after ‘Blood for Dracula’, which I think was the last of his films that had the ‘Andy Warhol presents’ preface, even though I don’t think Warhol had much of anything to do with his films starting with ‘Flesh’. Among the later ones, ‘Forty Deuce’ is kind of interesting, as I recall. Take care, bud. ** Okay. Today … well, what can I say that the post hasn’t already said? See you tomorrow.


  1. Dominik


    Probably needless to say, but today’s post is quite welcome, haha.

    Well… this sounds depressing. I was naively hoping that at least the hacking has stopped by now but nope, not even that, it looks like. May the Force be with you, Dennis; that seems like the only thing one can wish for at this point.

    Thank fuck, the thesis payment situation got resolved in a couple of days, so everything’s all right now. I did get a solid heart attack when I first saw my paycheck, though, haha. I should actually work today, now that we’re talking about this, but… I got a book called “Last Call” (it’s a new one, written by Elon Green) from Anita yesterday, and I’m a lot more tempted to start that than proofreading personal statements…

    Okay, I’m all for this love; it’d be AMAZING! Love borrowing one of the above anime boys’ (yellow towel, jackhammer) refined technique to punish whoever dreamed up the blog’s never-ending problems, Od.

  2. Ian

    Hey Dennis. Thanks for this post. It’s perfect. Butts butts butts. I’m in heaven.

  3. David Ehrenstein

    But Me No Butts! The mostbeautiful of them all: Peter Hill Beard in “Hallelujah the Hills”

  4. Sheree Rose

    I love your butts! But what about “100 Reasons“,my video with Bob Flanagan and Mike Kelley?

  5. Misanthrope

    Dennis, I just knew that one of these would be in here when I saw the post on FB. The one from behind with the guy wiggling ass, cock, and balls. That’s a kinda famous one, you know? 😀

    Still kinda freaks me out when I see a guy twerking. Have no idea why but it does.

    Yeah, so it’s just waiting another week or so to find out if my mom’s kidneys and bladder show up all right, like the pancreas has. Still don’t know what’s bugging her so much physically in her stomach. Ugh.

    I’ll have to ask Kayla that. I’ll tell her yours and see what she thinks.

    Yah, the taxes went swimmingly. I’m single and don’t own a home and have no dependents, so it’s pretty cut and dry.

  6. Jack Skelley

    DizzyDen – Thanks for this & for everything! Unpopular take: Ass implants are hawt. (Depending….) ETA of EXPAT: not the print edition, therefore likely soon. More newz that make Jack happy: “Dennis Wilson and Charlie Manson” is at the printer. I would watch that Godzilla/Kong. What say you on comic Eric Andre? He has new pranked movie, “Bad Trip,” that does not achieve Jackass or Borat “quality.” I may check out that Brix book, if only for the Matterhorn beheading. This week’s forecast? A series of Ws & Ls leading to Saturday, which I’m confident will land in the Win column!! Get ready to dump Gatorade. But first, have this 5 mg pot gummy…

  7. David Ehrenstein

    Yummy Stuff Goin On

  8. Brendan

    Welcome back, Dennis! That’s a lot of butts.

    Got my second Vax shot this weekend. I feel great. LA seems to be headed in a good direction. Maybe even concerts happening this summer. And dare I say perhaps a visit to Dodger Stadium? I’m hearing bad things about Paris, though.

    A funny thing happened with my photo project the other day, and of course I documented it photographically. Sending to you today. It’s of no consequence but I like it. Maybe that’s why I like it. Love, B

  9. T

    Hello Dennis!

    Today…well…no thoughts, just pleasure! I dunno if anyone’s done research into the asmr properties of gifs but watching those cheeks jiggle was all kinds of hypnotic and entrancing… Especially liked the ones with tails/tongues/faces as appendages, made me think of a image from a novel “Chubz” by Huw Lemmey/Spitzenprodukte, which I like a lot, where the protagonist imagines his own asshole as this uncontrollable flesh-eating entity consuming his lovers from the face down. That would be a gif I’d love to see!

    Sending you strength for the file-deleting, hoping there might be some shortcut, you’d think that after all these years of computer development there might be some kind of less arduous way of working through it…

    Anyway, here’s hoping, T 😉

  10. Brian

    Hey, Dennis,

    What a lovely Monday tribute to that sacred temple of Venus, as Sade would likely put it. Great kick-off to the week. You had asked about transferring: I guess the idea excites me a little, if it’s a good school. Although I’m perfectly happy where I am now, it’s a wonderful (and affordable) institution. Honestly, I’m having difficulty getting excited about anything lately. And the idea of moving out scares me more than anything else, but it’s the sort of fear I really have to get over. So overall I’d say I’m more stressed than excited. But that’s the way with most things lately. I read “Story of the Eye” over the weekend and had a blast. I thought it was surprisingly funny. Much more playful than I was expecting. And the structure is so compelling and strange. I find it kind of impenetrable in a way, but it intrigues me; I expect I’ll reread it many times. The edition I read came with essays by Sontag and Barthes that were also really interesting. So great stuff all around. I don’t know if you’d find “The Incest Diary” worthwhile. It fascinates me mostly as a document of sexual abuse, on a sort of formal level as well as just (obviously) the events it recounts. And the debate about it is very telling to me. But it might not fall within your own interests. “Omori” is pretty great. Getting through quarantine at all deserves an award, no? So maybe that’s your Switch. My weekend was kind of dreary but I did receive a wonderful Easter gift: a BluRay of “Funeral Parade of Roses”. I’ve never seen it. Terribly excited. Saving it for Friday probably. In the interval, it’s a busy week, I have a lot of writing to do. How does yours look? May it be the best. Hats off to you, Dennis.

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