The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Halloween countdown post #11: Gig #28 * : Light Monster, Rob Zombie, Stalaggh/Gulaggh, Sebadoh, Frost Like Ashes, Sundance/Newbridge, The Scary Bitches, Deadbolt, Colin Newman, Christian Trance, Tom Waits, Jimmy Cross, Sunn0)))

* curated by Max Windst, implemented by DC




Light Monster ‘Song’
‘This “Light Monster” sparks the brand new class of element called “Light Elements”, at this moment, there are no cross-breeding for light monsters to produce other light monsters but could it be possible in the future? Only time will tell but this light monster is truly amazing. If you want to breed this light element monster then know that it is extremely similar to the Shadow Monster. In fact, you may even find yourself getting the light monster while getting the Shadow Monster.’ — collaged

Rob Zombie ‘Superbeast’, live
‘Rob Zombie’s solo debut album, Hellbilly Deluxe: 13 Tales Of Cadaverous Cavorting Inside The Spookshow International, was released on August 25, 1998. Hellbilly Deluxe was heavily influenced by classic horror films, with numerous songs on the album containing samples and quotes from some of Zombie’s favorite horror films. Three singles were released in total from the album; “Dragula”, “Living Dead Girl”, and “Superbeast”. All three songs had critical and commercial success, with all three peaking inside the Top 40 of the Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in the United States.’ — collaged

Stalaggh/Gulaggh ‘Vorkuta’
‘No one really knows who they are but they allegedly use the screams of mental patients in their recordings. If that sounds like the set-up to a horror movie you wouldn’t be far off, the two albums by Stalaggh and Gulaggh are two of the most terrifying and disturbing recordings ever released, even if they barely qualify as actual “music.” If the tape from The Ring had a soundtrack, it would be these records.’ — COED

Sebadoh ‘As the World Dies, the Eyes of God Grow Bigger’
‘Descended from Emerson, into this life / Falling, falling, falling into my seventh life / My father rode a motorcycle naked in the rain / Mother, a flower girl, blonde and 18 / Three long days in the Colorado jail / Seven months pregnant, on the western trail / She met El in San Francisco, so it goes / (She met El in San Francisco, yeah so it goes) / Elwyn was out of his head, speed up his nose / Mother met a second man, by chance / She remembered from a hometown high school dance / The night they got to fighting, man’s arms, they let me fall / My head hit the concrete floor, I didn’t move at all / My mom hysterical, thinking I was dead / She ran into the street, scared out of her head / I watched the stars in the heavens for a while / Then I came around for good, but not with a smile / Moved home to the valley where the hippies conspire / Even my grandma loved to get high.’ — Eric Gaffney

watch here

Frost Like Ashes ‘Amazing Grace’, live
‘Frost Like Ashes is a Christian black metal band that formed in Kansas City, Missouri in 2001. Their lyrics have achieved attention for their harsh output, providing a Biblical point of view for the regular, cruel themes of black metal music. Their live act incorporates a reversal of stereotypical black-metal images—for example, spitting in and tearing up a Satanic Bible and smashing a goat-skull adorned pentagram with a sword. The band are currently working on an album entitled Gods of the Great Whore that will be a concept album based on a book the vocalist Azahel is writing.’ — collaged

John Given ‘Spooky Walk’
‘I dont remember it sounding like this when I was in Preschool….how weird is that….Why the fuck do they do this to kids? I can’t find the original track ANYWHERE…. It’s getting frustrating. I want to get the original track to show to my son. Hello. Can you post a video with just the audio of this song? I can’t find it anywhere and want to do it with my dance kids! Can you post it with just the music ????? PLEASE’. — youtube

The Scary Bitches ‘Werewolfe’
‘The Scary Bitches are the most up front, in your face, arse kicking vampyre band on the planet. The name for the band came from a poem by a middle aged American poet who was called a Scary Bitch by some young men in Central Park, New York, just because of her age. She wrote a poem about it, and Alma and DEADri heard it on Radio 4. They have been called Deathrock, Batcave, Goth, Post Punk, and a lot of things that can’t be repeated. They just call themselves the Scary Bitches. Three women against the World.’ — collaged

Deadbolt ‘One Day I Will Kill You’
‘Deadbolt is a rock band from San Diego, California, U.S.A.. They describe themselves as “The Scariest Band in the World.” The band often features two bass players, who are called “The Wall of Thunder.” Deadbolt’s music combines surf rock, goth, psychobilly and blues sound with unusual and offbeat lyrics, a style the band dubbed “voodoobilly.” The band is known for its use of power tools during their live sets, and it is customary to be showered with sparks of red-hot metal during their live shows.’ — collaged

Colin Newman ‘Life on Deck’
‘I’m living a life on deck with no hands to help me / It’s getting rather fruity up here / And I rather fancy the sea is getting an upper hand / Not mind we jolly jack tars / I’m in disgrace / The cat sat on the carpet / I just lay here like a lump / You’ll never guess, I had this dream / It wasn’t very likely / They’re not what they used to be.’ — Colin Newman

Christian ‘Trance Ascendancy’
‘I am into trance music, very much so. May be too much at times, lol, but I am practicing setting time aside for things, for example spending time with God. I believe that trance is a beautiful genre! More so the melodic side of it, which is my favorite. It can only put me in a good mood, and while listening to it, positive things are running through my mind. At times it calms me down, gets me in a better mood, and inspires me to no end. It really makes me think how AMAZING and wonderful God is when I listen to some beautiful melodic trance, and look at all the things God created. I mean nature is beautiful, and I am amazed by it every day. How mighty is our God?! WOW! He is one creative person, let me tell you that.’ — bobotamas

Tom Waits ‘God’s Away on Business’
‘Jimmy Durante as a jaded, syphilitic Pangloss.’ — Tom Lawrence

Jimmy Cross ‘I Want My Baby Back’
‘”I Want My Baby Back” was originally issued on the Tollie label and reached #92 on the Billboard Hot 100 in February 1965. In 1977 British BBC radio DJ Kenny Everett named “I Want My Baby Back” #1 in the “Bottom 30” after a public vote, and it won the title of: “The World’s Worst Record”. Cross went on to record “The Ballad of James Bong” (Tollie), “Hey Little Girl” (Red Bird) and “Super-Duper Man” (Red Bird). He died of a heart attack at the age of 39 in Hollywood. He is buried at Forest Lawn, California.’ — collaged

Sunn0))) ‘Black Wedding,’ live in Predikherenkerk
‘SUNN 0))) specialiseert zich nu precies 10 jaar in uitgerekte drones, opgebouwd uit zware gitaar- en basfeedback. Dat vieren ze met enkele Europese concerten in de Shoshin/Grimmrobes tournee waarin ze uitsluitend materiaal van hun debuut spelen. Op het podium: oprichters Stephen O’Malley en Greg Anderson en een heleboel versterkers. Geen gasten, geen vocals, geen keyboards. Welkom op deze hypnotiserende, donkere trip. De locatie –een kerk- vormt de ideale setting.’ — Stuk


p.s. Hey. Today a devoted, so-far silent reader of this blog named Max Windst has curated a Halloween concert for us. It’s pretty sweet too. Click it into being, please, and maybe try to lure Mr. Windst in here with your reactions, if you feel like it. Thank you very much, Max! ** L@rstonovich, Hey, buster! That was an interesting, intense comment. Urgency out? Still just interesting if a little less intense. Hi-test epiphinies … call me crazy, but I like the sound of that. I love you too, big L. ** Misanthrope, I think it would be that you need to save the heaven out of some money. I didn’t think you’d abandoned it, actually. How about dem apples? New blog … I’m seriously on its possible side, duh. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi, D. I haven’t read Halperin’s book, but I’ve read a decent amount about it, and, yes, as you say, his take on/notion of gayness is very foreign to me. And when I was a teen, gay but into doing acid and reading/ watching experimental stuff and enjoying the comfortable mix of straight and gay friends I had, and interested in our common ground, and when that notion of gayness was pretty current and prevailing, it was especially confusing and off-putting. Not to say his point isn’t interesting. It just has no bearing on me. I mean, I can barely tell a show tune from a shoe horn, ha ha. ** Grant Scicluna, That’s all so awesome, man. That’s a hell of a prize. I can only imagine that your imagination has no shortage of great ideas. If you want to bat your ideas around or anything, I’d be way into swinging my bat at them. Oh, I keep meaning to ask you: You have such an interesting last name that I’ve never seen/heard before. Does it have an interesting story or background? ** Sypha, Gotcha on the cute thing. Well, James, obviously I would very honored and thrilled to have any post you want to make. Your posts are living legends. Thank you a lot for wanting to. ** Cobaltfram, Hi, John. Yeah, I’m definitely not a fan of Paul Auster. It’s not a rough addiction. It’s kind of nice. I kind of like that the power is entirely in their court. And being an anxiously awaiting fan has a decent rush. I haven’t read the Didion memoirs yet. I especially want to read the most recent one. Friends in the know say it’s the best of the two. Yuck about that water bug. That seems like such a Texas story to me. I’m totally fucked if I don’t get caffeine within about a half hour of waking up. I get so anxious about that, I sometimes travel with a coffee maker in my suitcase. Did the day get smooth? Kind of had to, right? ** Kiddiepunk, Hey, stranger! How’s the film shaping up? ** Morgan, Hey, Morgan! Wow, this is a really nice surprise! Welcome the hell back, man! Gosh, don’t feel sheepish. There’s been a welcome home party waiting/hiding behind the couch this whole time. Yep, Blake Butler is the man. I’m hugely into his work. So, Ithaca is okay? Must be really a big change after Florida. I would love to read your new writings and catch up in any way you’re up for. Really good to see you, man! ** Hyrule Dungeon, Hey, J. Do you mean Rosa Menkman? If so, I only know a little, and I’ve been very intrigued, so, yeah, if you feel like making a post, I’d be way, way into it. Oh, and you being here reminds me … Everyone, just a heads up and reminder that this coming weekend there’ll be a Writers Workshop event here on the blog featuring the textual stylings of Hyrule Dungeon, so get ready for that, and you’ll see it on Saturday. ** Thomas Moronic, Hey, T! It was a giant hit, man! Thank you so, so much! Oh, I find it almost impossible to look at art at art fairs, and Frieze made it no easier. It just feels like looking at art souvenirs or at gallerists showing off who they show. So, what stood out, hm … the Mike Kuchar installation. The Ryan Trecartin stuff at Andrea Rosen, especially the sculpture. Everything in the greengrassi space was great. I don’t know. Mostly, it was a blur and kind of irritating if interesting for me. Sucks that I missed you guys. My phone was dead the whole time.  We were there on Sunday too, but arrived at about 3 pm or so, by which time I think you guys had probably left. Anyway, one more giant thanks, man. ** 5STRINGS, Muscle tone is cool. I was just sort of parodying myself there, mostly. I’m kind of okay with breeding. When I see kids in Paris, I think, Yes! New French people! I’m not so into Belgium. Nothing drastic, but, I don’t know. I think the French/Flemish population division and mutual dislike makes the place weird. Good artists there, though. ** MANCY, Hi, man! ** Lee, Hey. The marathon was kind of nice. A lot of boring, blah lecturing, but some sweet stuff. Dominique Gonzales Foerster was awesome, as is she personally. Great to see Gavin Bryars, etc. Frieze was predictably as you can easily imagine. I’ll be in LA until November 21st then back here. December is pretty free for me. So that area of time should work. Skype, sure, and … I think late morning Sat, would work, although I’ll need to get the p.s, out of the way, and it’s hard to know how long that will take. By noon, I should almost for sure be free. ** Steevee, Fantastic! Can’t wait! Everyone, the big-brained and whip smart Steevee has a new article on the great French filmmaker Leos Carax including interview stuff and re: his unmissable new film ‘Holy Motors’, and definitely go over and read it. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Ha ha, wow, I just heard a little of ‘Born to Be Alive’. It’s weird, but that song freaks me out. Something traumatic must have been to me while it was playing or something. Anyway, I made it back, phew. I think your costume sounds like a pretty guaranteed prize winner, if they’re doling them out. ** Un Cœur Blanc, Hi! Yeah, I don’t know at all, but ‘TtO’ feels so … well, you said heavy, and I think that’s a good way to put it, compared to all of his other works that I just don’t trust that translation, but it could be a original textual issue. And, yeah, the book looks/ feels wrong, I agree. Lines, yes, please, of course, thank you! More love, me. ** Jebus, Hi! I don’t know how the real world works either, or the real musical outreaching world, but I definitely think the New White Light work should get out there. Hm. I’ll put some in a post, which isn’t a lot, but something. Social networking site presence? Yeah, you bet, I would love and do crave that possible guest post, sure, if you really don’t mind. Very kind of you. ** James, Hi. Oh, I just told Cobaltfram, but, briefly, a friend accidentally struck on the top of my head with an axe. I was 11. Long story. Split my head wide open of course. He and my other friends ran away and left me lying there. Kind of awful of them. I came to, blood volcanoing everywhere, reached up, felt my brain, freaked out, ran to my front door — it was in our front yard — and I was rushed to the hospital, and they saved me, but I was fucked up and out of school for a long time. Love, me. ** Tosh, Thanks on behalf of TM, and I’m getting back at you. ** Postitbreakup, Thank you, for being a friend. My life has much suckage right now too. The straight edge thing isn’t brave, really. It just feels better. Your butt looks like a broken jpeg? I’ve seen worse, ha ha. ** Schlix, Hi, Uli! Sorry to hear about the drowning, man. Fingers crossed for an immediate low tide. Always lovely to see you, my friend. ** Okay. You have a concert made especially for you by a secret admirer of yours. Incentive? See you tomorrow.


  1. Misanthrope

    Dennis, So here's what I've come up with so far for my Harry poem. It's the first bit on there. I'm not ready to abandon it just yet, so there might be some changes on the way.

    Ha! I think I'll start using "heaven" in that context instead of "hell" and everyone'll be like, "Huh?" And I'll just grin and shake my head.

    My niece asked me a couple weeks ago, "Why don't you write stuff that normal people would like and not just Dennis Cooper people?" See? You have "people!" 😀

  2. lee

    yeah, those things are usually like a ponderous double album that could have been boiled down to an awesome e.p. nice to know that while i missed the highlights, at least that's all i missed.

    whoever this silent mr mr is, he knows how to pick a good sebadoh song – there's other stuff in here i want to come back to, but for now, i have to head out – but thanks for the gig dude.

    dennis, i have my weekly phone call with the 'rents on sat morning around 11ish (your noon, non?), so if you're around post-noon/p.s., then that should work for both of us. i thiiink i've given you my skype add before, but i'll email it now just to be safe.

    talk to you then if not before xx

  3. DavidEhrenstein

    Lovely stuff today.I've used "God's way on Businss" frequenly on my FaBlog. And flatout adore Tom Waits.

    The show tune/ shoe horn anaogy s a good one. (Though I know you enjoed my Sondheim Day.)

    There are any number of contextual differences. But tie that bind revolve around the difference sexuality constitutes in a hostile society. Needess to say it's getting less hostile in may repects.But a gulf remains.

    Needless to say it's a gulf I'm happy to swim in.

  4. cobaltfram

    Anything with Tom Waits is good to me.

    Dennis: Geez, your axe story continues to freak me out. Feeling your brain? All your friends running away? Jesus fucking Christ

    So, I have to ask about Auster: what don't you like about him? He was one of my first encounters with fiction that wasn't 100% traditional, so I remember digging the first three books he did. Is it something personal, or do you just not dig how he works?

    The water bugs are actually a pretty big problem in this apartment. I used to wait and wait for the landlady to send the exterminators she promised, and now I just lay down those little traps for them and try to keep the population under control by myself. The fuckers still skuttle everywhere though: my coffee maker, for instance. Your dedication to coffee is completely understandable; in DC, I scouted available coffee places in every new hotel.

    I went to the library and scored a bunch of the books on my list that I've needed to read/research, including the two Didions. I read Styron's very brief "Darkness Visible" last night, and started "Magical Thinking," and planning for "Blue Nights" afterwards. Also snagged "Slouching Toward Bethlehem" because I really do like her prose; she's like a sculptor.

    So, you see, the funny thing about your addiction to the young writers and mine to the old: who's going to be more bereft when they start dying out?


  5. Tosh

    Paul Auster is a real touch and go for me. I loved his early fiction, but he's a guy who I think writes way too much – or put it in another way, he puts out too many novels. Some can do this, but I think Auster's quality goes up and mostly for the past ten or so years, has been down. He's always readable, but he is also a very cliche' writer of sorts. And there are certain aspects I do like – that is location of his tales all take place (at least at this time) in Brooklyn. But there are some of his novels (mostly the later ones) that don't work for me at all. I couldn't finish them. Even on a plane trip! And he's really huge in France, right?

  6. Wolf

    TOM WAITS! God's away, huh? Well, i guess you should know, Tom, seeing as you're Him!

    Duuude, duuude, dude… What a motherfucker Blogger is. So it did erase me, hunh? I am _not_ impressed.
    I have a bit of internet right now, so let's jump on the occasion, i don't know when i'll get disconnected (it's, uh, "complicated").
    So, what was i saying in that ghost comment?
    I've only been here for two weeks but it feels like ages. I'm in a kind of disconnected phase typical when i move somewhere radically different, where basically i adapt pretty much right away to new routines/rhythms/place and completely override the memories of the last place i was, so that it feels like someone else entirely, in some long-forgotten past life, was in Brighton working in that Cafe, walking to work and the gym every morning and ate tofu everyday.
    I'm not missing any of it, apart maybe from the tofu, more on that later.
    After a while, once i'm truly settled and, i'll reconnect the shut-down part of my brain where all the "previous" is stored, and i'll be able to feel less of a stranger to myself. It sounds very weird but i've gone through those motions so many times, i pretty much know the drill now. Only downside is, sometimes i'll just stare into space and have no grasp of my identity, and find it very hard to connect to the present, and the past will be a blur, and i'll feel myself losing the plot from a distance. But, again, nothing new, and in the end the detachment saves my ass, as, well, basically, nothing matters, so it's almost like a meditative state.
    AAAnyway. That's where i'm at psychically.
    I'm working with young horses, with what is commonly called Natural Horsemanship- basically some psycho-physiological programming, that obeys some general equine behavioral patterns but also varies according to a lot of factors (age of the horse aka mental &cognitive; maturity, individual character, situation, stage of learning etc..). It's obviously very interesting, and, well, you don't have to think about it in such existential terms as i do, but hey, haha, you know me! So obviously to me it's like the ultimate deconstructive/analytical mindfuck, especially since yo have to break down your own behaviour, mostly body language, if you're gonna communicate efficiently. What's sweet is that it ties in pretty nicely with my current Semiotics interest, especially biosemiotics, and i'm reading up a lot on that latter beast right now. It's good stuff, man. Kindof my dream field, really: right bang on that humanities-philosophy-psychology vs science-biology-neurology line.
    Apart from that, well, the landscape is gorgeous, the weather sucks but, well, i don't mind that much, and the food is, ahem, problematic. Their diet is horrifying, and they eat very little, but i'm cooking myself lentils and stuff, so i'm ok-ish.
    Ok, well, that's it for now… I'll hopefully have web access throughout the end of the week and week-end, so i'll be around if i can.
    How was London? Did the talk go just fine? How are you? Light at the end of the tunnel? Give yourself a hug for me ( i guess that means slap grab your left shoulderblade with your right hand and the other way around and squeeze…? Haha)
    Mucho Love XXX

  7. Hyrule Dungeon

    Thomas Moronic, In case you're looking, how bout this one?

    Dennis, Yes thats who I meant. She's really into exploring the glitch.

    Oh man, so I'm in my last year of school and my whole life is being consumed by working on this thesis project, I wish I could show ya but it wont be ready until april or so. Still, it's very scifi-ish and surprise…its about video games and the annihilation and rebirth of vision.

    Hey, I'm reading the Number and the Siren right now, it's really good and revelatory in the way that I never understood just how much I had previously failed to understand symbolist poetry. Have you read much Mallarme? I know how you like the french.

  8. steevee

    I love the description of Frost LIke Ashes' live show, although the clip is too blown-out (and not, I think, intentionally) for me to tell much about their music. Corpsepaint for Jesus!

  9. _Black_Acrylic

    I would literally kill to play this scary rare intense acid record at next week's fancy dress party: Halloween House

  10. steevee

    I'm really sorry to hear today about the death of Japanese director Koji Wakamatsu. At age 76, he was hit by a taxi, and died of his injuries in the hospital. Extremely prolific, he made at least two films that premiered at festivals this year. I've only seen 4 of his films, and I was underwhelmed by 2 of them. But I think UNITED RED ARMY – an epic, punishing portrait of the self-destruction of the Japanese New Left – will stand as a masterpiece. There are several box sets of his late '60s and early '70s work (softcore porn infused with radical politics, from what I've seen) available in France, and I hope his passing may lead to a touring retrospective and the release of such box sets in the U.S.

  11. jebus

    Hi Dennis. Cools. I just emailed you the "guest post" thing about Hagerty, Royal Trux, etc. Use it if you want, and thanks! Enjoyed that Stalaggh/Gulaggh clip above – never heard of it, intense.

  12. Bollo

    Hi Dennis

    long ass day of dublin -> cork -> dublin on a bus, but my piece is up and looking good (i think) some teaser pics lurking on facebook.

    read x2 xTx collections and some Frank Hinton all of which were great, if theres any other digital chap/ebooks you have remembered that i should peruse that would be amazing.

    new death grips!!! got some funny looks when people spied that album cover on the bus.

    any poop of to Belfast for 2 nights the back to Cork

  13. Schlix

    Thanks Dennis! I am hoping for that low tide but I should not complain. I have chosen that path and now I have go through and try to be as cool as possible. Even in stressful situations you can learn a lot about yourself.

    Very good mix today. I liked most of it.

    GYBE! is back after 10 years with a new album and it sounds good what I heard on their stream. How about you and Godspeed? Do you like their stuff?

  14. Starlon H

    Hey Dennis,

    When ever I think of really scary music I always think of dark ambient artist like Nurse with Wound. When I was in high school was slowly discovering music and when I heard Nurse with Wound I had no clue what was going on. Sunn 0))) is pretty scary too. I think I was really high one day and I had my music player on shuffle and Sunn 0)))came on and I was absolutely frightened.

    Regarding Miranda July from my previous post, I like her films a lot. Both the Future and You Me and Everyone We Know were both really great movies (though You Me and Everyone We Know has some pretty bad acting) I thought they were really enduring films, especially the Future. I am excited to read her stories since they are coming in the mail along with some other books as my birthday present (It is actually today) well yesterday). I got most of the books now. They are Nova Express, The Soft Machine and Cities of the Red Night by Burroughs. In Memorium to Identify by Kathy Acker (my first Acker) Dhalgen by Samuel R. Delany. Three Novels: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable by Samuel Beckett and Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller.

    What do you think I should read first?

  15. Un Cœur Blanc

    Hi Dennis, a beautiful day here again. But I don't have a real internet, so unable to listen to it for now, but will take a break from my selfish workaholic life, this Friday evening, and will deeply appreciate every song. I think, I love Halloween now. I do.
    Today was another wonderful day. An iluminary, Artaudian M KITCHELL inspired me, to understand there are two kinds, only, of evils, that I have to deal with. One is in a bedroom. The other is from a white book. To other things, I say NO. It seems like, your life has been a little rough. Hope it eases soon, and you will continue to scare me with your intensity. Love, again, h

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