
The blog of author Dennis Cooper

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Raymond Pettibon Day *

* (restored)


‘There are two types of people at a typical Raymond Pettibon opening. One type is drawn to the epigrams and discomfiting punch lines buried in Pettibon’s seemingly blithe drawings and paintings — serious folks who like to be seriously poked in the eye by art. Then there are the cheerier souls who come to see another beach bum play with cartoons. Both were out in force at the Regen Projects gallery last Saturday for Pettibon’s new show. A mix of the grave and the merry sipped glasses of cheap white gallery wine and walked in slow circles around Regen’s big atrial room, some glowering, some smiling at Pettibon’s waves, trains and baseball players, which were pinned to the walls as though they’d just been torn from his sketchpad (his preferred style of presentation).

‘Pettibon loomed in the corner, looking as if he’d just been torn from something himself. Judging from his dirty white Jamaica tourist T-shirt, stained plaid-patterned trousers and sooty slip-on Vans, it might have been art or possibly something refuse-related. Despite being a walking antithesis of the L.A. gallery scene, the diffident Pettibon has assumed rock star status on that scene. Fans come to his shows wearing Pettibon T-shirts. They carry his books around. They vie for his bygone-feeling lithographs like archivists fighting over early Beatles LPs. And though possibly the least self-promotional artist in this or any city, Pettibon has lately become a sensation in the art world at large.

‘He had a one-man show at the Whitney Museum of American Art last year and a spread in the New York Times Magazine. At the moment, he’s in Venice (Italy) scribbling on commission in a palazzo. After that he’ll be drawing something on the wall of a library in the Hague. At Regen, well-wishers unacquainted with his stoical manner approached Pettibon and tried to talk to him as he stood against the wall, circumspect as an Easter Island maoi. “Huh,” he said to one man, with a halting nod, in answer to the man’s enthusiastic drawn out point.

‘A woman who’d just stepped out of a Porsche on the street, wearing a black T-shirt that read “Dior Addict” in large white letters, approached Pettibon with a crazed look on her face and a monograph of his perched in her hands like a votive offering. “Hi, Raymond, I love your work and I want — ” she began. Pettibon averted his eyes. As she talked, he drew a big wave in her book — he likes drawing waves, and surfers, though in his vision water often has an minatory aboriginal look — and signed it “Lovingly, Raymond Pettibon.” The Dior addict left the gallery beaming and went outside to show off the book. Someone remarked on his intimate wording. “Maybe I’ll give him my underwear,” she said, joking, though one got the idea she might have already done so.

‘In person, there’s nothing phenomenal about Pettibon (except perhaps his height). He looks at once younger and older than his 48 years, wears his hair like an abandoned seaweed farm and rides the bus to and from his mother’s house in Hermosa Beach, where he grew up. It’s a gorgeous contradictory L.A. picture, like Gumby watching copulation or a nude dance scene in Abu Ghraib (both images in the show). Pettibon winces at compliments, even when they come from friends. Yet women now talk about giving him their underwear. “He doesn’t have a lot of will to be a great artist — he just a great artist,” Shaun Kaley Regen, his gallerist, said. “I don’t think things have changed very much for him. He seems like the same person I knew 15 years ago.”

‘In public, Regen looks after Pettibon in a warm, maternal way. After the show she held a large dinner party for him in the back garden of the restaurant Dominicks. About 60 collectors and curators, along with a few hipster hangers-on, stood around eating prosciutto and risotto balls. Pettibon hovered dutifully by the bar, drinking a bottled beer. Everything seemed OK. Suddenly, two women in string-strap tops took ahold of him and insisted that he stand between them for a picture. They leaned in and put their arms around him. He crossed his arms nervously and a surprised frown took over his face.

‘Somewhat inconveniently for Pettibon, whose real name is Raymond Ginn (his father used to call him petit bon, little good one; his brother is Greg Ginn of Black Flag fame), he’s a native son of L.A., so many Angelenos feel obliged to form an attachment to him. That the members of the Dior addict wing of his fan base often own his art doesn’t help. “I have about 18 Pettibons,” one collector said, as though he were discussing ties or skateboards.

‘Meanwhile, Pettibon endures the social demands of his work, sometimes even gamely breaking the hermetic seal. In the corner of Regen Projects, before leaving for the dinner, a crowd had gathered around him as he stood against a door and squiggled little curios on invitations and odd scraps of paper. There was a wave. There was a tree. A woman nearly as tall as Pettibon, with a very small dog in her arms, elbowed through. “This is Stinky,” she announced. Pettibon drew a dog. “What kind of dog is it, Raymond?” he was asked. “I don’t know,” Pettibon said with a sigh. “You’ve seen one dog, you’ve seen them all.”‘ — LA Times



Artists Talk: Raymond Pettibon

Raymond Pettibon’s video ‘Sir Drone’ (excerpt)

Raymond Pettibon’s ‘THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING: WEATHERMAN ’69’ (excerpt)

Raymond Pettibon Super Session Live at Bogart’s

Raymond Pettibon lecture & performance at Beyond Baroque

Raymond Pettibon & Mike Watt / Riverside Art Museum

Raymond Pettibon: The Punk Years, 1978-1986 x Blood Beach

Lee Ranaldo on Raymond Pettibon

Raymond Pettibon & Keiji Haino – Sofiensaale, Berlin



Raymond Pettibon Website
Raymond Pettibon @ Twitter
Raymond Pettibon @ David Zwirner
Raymond Pettibon interviewed @ Interview
Raymond Pettibon interviewed @ Bomb
Raymond Pettibon book @ Phaidon
‘Raymond Pettibon – The Game of Words and Pics’
Raymond Pettibon @ Discogs
‘Raymond Pettibon’s High Line Billboard’
Raymond Pettibon’s videos @ Electronic Arts Intermix
‘Raymond Pettibon: Return to Disorder and Disfiguration’
Raymond Pettibon’s studio’
‘The Pettibon Story
‘What Remains To Be Said’
‘Album Covers by Raymond Pettibon’




from The Believer


Believer: Books have also had a big influence on your art, and you’ve said that sometimes it’s not just a matter of editing the lines you put in but that the lines themselves become your context. Can you explain?

Raymond Pettibon: I think that was in reference to my drawings where the lines are actually cut out from the text and put in, although it doesn’t have to be. The distinction is hardly there. There are instances where lines in my work are borrowed or stolen from sources, mainly from books, or they become my own versions. A lot of the writing is my own, too. But if someone were to take each drawing and trace it back to its source, most of them could be traced back to a book or a text.

BLVR: You’ve also said that while you’re working the drawing seems like a chore and what you like best is the writing. Has that always been the case?

RP: Yeah, definitely. I think I always enjoy the writing more. If you saw every show or every book I’ve been in—and this is coming from someone who’s considered to have produced a gratuitous amount of work—you would see what I mean. But drawing is also one of my favorite things to do.

BLVR: Do you start a picture with drawing or with writing?

RP: There’s no set formula. Though I guess nowadays I tend to start with the drawing. At first, for some years, I didn’t at all. It was always the idea that came first, and the idea had the visual concept to it, and that’s when I came in and did the drawing. Now it’s a combination of the two.

BLVR: Who are some of your literary influences?

RP: If I was going to do any favors for someone who’s interested in the extent of my borrowing, I’d say, and this doesn’t necessarily mean these are my favorite writers, but Henry James would be the most obvious, both his fiction and letters. Also, right now I’ve been reading Emily Dickinson’s letters, though I don’t think I’ve borrowed anything from her poetry. Not yet anyway. Thomas Browne, too, and Ruskin. I borrow from noir, but that’s mostly visual. Mickey Spillane is an interesting writer in a way. His directness. Come to think of it, he started in comics, which figures. Again, I don’t mean that in a bad way. He was just so over-the-top and black and white with no shades in between. Today he could be writing for Commentary or Public Interest. But visually, noir was a big influence on me and still is.

There was a period when I was getting a lot of my images from television. And this might be disappointing to my fans, like, now the visual universe is phony, too, but I had this video recorder for a long time that took still images from television. They lasted five seconds, and I would take images from Peter Gunn and noir films of the thirties, forties, and fifties. If you look at TV in that way it’s almost always a shot of talking heads. The only interesting visual compositions are of some kind of violence, with guns and fists and bodies. It’s always one extreme or another. So it was less because I had some abiding interest in violence or gangsters, and more because that was what was visually interesting. And you could say that about any of my imagery, really. There’s not much of an emotional involvement or commitment to it. And that’s really saying something, because it’s those couple of years back then, with that recorder on my TV, that I’ll be paying for for the rest of my life. Once things hit the critical discourse they stay there and they replicate like viruses until they take over the artist. Seriously. Some artists go with that and become what they’ve been made to be. Some fight it and retool and redefine themselves. I don’t consciously do either. But that’s still going to be the first thing people think about me, whether they’ve actually seen the work or not. That’s not a major complaint. But it’s like with the punk thing: yes, I think it was very important in music, and I was there and all that, but now I’m going to be the punk artist for the rest of my life. Which is kind of amusing, and a comment on the press and the critics.

BLVR: People seem to like categorizing you.

RP: Yeah. It’s funny, because there isn’t such a thing as a close reading in the art world anymore. There used to be. There was a time when there would be a close reading of a painting or a sculpture to an almost parodic or ridiculous extent, but not anymore. I don’t mean to sound dismissive of the press, or to give you some anticritic diatribe. For the most part I think the level of writing in art is very high.

BLVR: But is it fair to say that noirish themes—depraved sexuality, violence, self-loathing, booze-addled women—run through your art?

RP: Well, yeah, there’s that interpretation. But as I said, that really has more to do with the formulaic qualities, the compositions, in noir. Personally, I don’t like violence and blood. I turn my head at anything like that. The thing is, there can be more interest in that sort of thing for me, and for many people, in works of art. Just the action of it, the violence inferred, tends to get a certain reaction that’s more interesting. On the other hand, I’m not Pollyannaish about it. I’m for opening the prisons.

BLVR: Do you think of your art as overtly sinister or morbid, or does it have more to do with hope and redemption? I don’t mean that in a biblical way.

RP: I don’t know if it goes that far in either direction, really, or begins or even ends there. I believe in redemption, sure, as much as we have it on earth. For the record, I don’t believe in any spiritual redemption. But my work is much more complicated than redemption or no redemption. I do feel it’s dangerous, both on a personal and a political level, to be anything other than forgiving. The stakes are just too high nowadays. I don’t want to express violence or anger or hate in my art. I want to express forgiveness. That’s the nature of my art in general. It’s expressing love and compassion, the kinds of things that don’t make sense in any other context other than emotive expression.

BLVR: Some of your drawings—and I’m thinking of works like the one of the pistol with the caption “My bout with depression lasted five chambers,” or of the old woman with the words “My mother was a monster who ate children”—have a sinister quality, or maybe it’s just dark humor. In any case, there’s this disjuncture between the drawings and the text that adds a lot of humor.

RP: That’s true for the most part. Usually it’s because the image and the text are at such a complete disjuncture from each other, or unrelated, almost random, so that one has nothing whatsoever to do with the other. But I don’t know how much I can say that’s conscious on my part. I’ve never been good at planning or directing my work towards specific things. Also, these sorts of things tend to get internalized to the point where they become second nature. It’s a technique for setting up conflict and resolution, perhaps, but I’m not filling in punch lines, like with cartoons. Eisenstein’s stuff was all about that clash of images, with montages and snippets of this and that. But that can become trite if it’s taken too far.

BLVR: Some of your drawings are much more “accomplished”—for lack of a better word—than others. Is that a stylistic thing related to the content of your drawings? Do you deliberately under-draw sometimes?

RP: No, I don’t think I usually do. Unless, maybe occasionally, if it’s for a certain affect in an individual drawing. I don’t know how often that occurs, but not often. But otherwise, no, I don’t try to under-draw. You might be thinking of earlier drawings. Some of my work can impress you as being from another person altogether. And in a sense it is. I have a tendency to think that some of my early work is better than anyone could have expected from me then, or even now. I think, if anything, for a while now my work is getting way too—I don’t know, it’s losing some of the best things that drawing has to offer, which is its easy facility and its ability to depict things with a few strokes of the brush without laboring over it and trying this and that, scraping, painting over. It’s not getting better. To its detriment, in fact, it’s losing something. And sometimes I sort of wish I could get back to the earlier drawing. But I don’t think that’s possible. It’s possible to try, but I think it would end up looking the way an artist’s work inevitably looks when he goes back to children’s drawings.

BLVR: Why do you think that is?

RP: I don’t know. I don’t know what it’s telling me. I’m missing the message.

BLVR: Do you think your creative process is becoming more deliberate as you get older?

RP: I don’t know. You can become too close to it while you’re doing it to have that remove from critical acuity. It’s like when I go out on the dance floor and the whole floor clears and everyone’s watching. I don’t know how I’m doing. I guess good. Maybe not. I’m joking, but what I’m saying is, it’s the same effect.

BLVR: So it’s about your audience’s response?

RP: Yeah, it’s about response, and the reaction shots before and after. But I’m pretty much on my own as far as audience goes, because my community of fans—I’m not sure if it even properly exists.





























































p.s. Hey. ** JM, Hey, J. Happy to hear that about you and your partner. If you sense sincerity and honesty in that grouping of guys, it’s probably true. Because I’m continually searching for candidates and making future posts, who’s who in which post gets kind of mixed up in my head by the time the posts appear. I’m a firm believer that you should write whatever is burning to be written, and if projects get laid aside in the process, that’s that. I’ve only ever worked that way. I’m just excited to read this new poetic work if it continues to interest you to the completion point. France is de-messing, at least on the COVID front, at least for right now, but there’s a very large outcry/protests against this fascist new surveillance law that Macron is trying to pass. And, this being France, the largesse of the protests has made the government promise to reconsider the law. The people vs. government relationship has a long history of being relatively healthy here. Enjoy the Woolf. My favorite of hers is ‘Mrs. Dalloway’. I think friendship love is the best manifestation of that emotional warhorse. And generalising terminology is bullshit anyway. Great to see you! ** Bzzt, Hey! I’m doing pretty good, thanks. France is on the upswing on the pandemic front, at least for the time being. Stores just reopened last week. I was lucky enough to publish two of Derek’s books back in my Little House on the Bowery series. Oh, man, I’m sorry you’re going through such a rough time emotionally. If dwelling is your way of sorting through your grief, yeah, you have to do that. The thing is to always be looking for a way out and a way to fully reconnect with the present. Grief is an intense drug/state, and I think it’s easy to get overprotective of it. But, yeah, do what you need to do, and others around you need to understand and respect that you’re on your own with that. Excellent about the new story! And I’m glad to hear you’re prioritising your fiction, i.e. letting yourself work on the deeper/higher level. Or that’s how I view it. I hope your heart eases soon and smoothly, my friend. ** David Ehrenstein, I have yet to see COVID fetishising and the lust for COVID pozzing amongst the slave/master set, but it seems inevitable. ** G, HI, G! I know, not bad, right? That sentence. How are you? Is everything going really well, I hope? ** Misanthrope, Like minds, eh? Cool. More pain, newer pain? Dude, something’s amiss. You’ll see 50, but that’s too young to be hobbling. Somebody better fix your shit pronto. So facilitate that. Aw, I just read somewhere that Panchito’s finally closed. So sad. I can’t believe it stayed open as long as it did, but I loved that mediocre place. ** _Black_Acrylic, I think you might be right about that. About the lockdown-influenced creativity. Huh. There’s a new David Keenan novel? That’s passed me by for some reason. So thanks for the scoop, pal. ** Steve Erickson, Yeah, it was kind of the S&M equivalent of ‘Who’s on Third’. I think I did allow some erect penises to appear in that post, which I had been avoiding doing for a few months. Can’t keep a rebellious blogger down, I guess. ** Bill, I have noticed that there have been an increasing number of supposedly straight identifying escorts and slaves putting themselves on offer lately, and I’ve been thinking the lockdown’s downtime = self-contemplation has either outed them to themselves or made them so bored that even getting fucked by a dude sounds exciting. Yeah, I too don’t really think shopping is a big COVID culprit except maybe for the people who work at the shops. At least in France, shop employees are pretty high up on the ‘get the vaccine first’ list, just after frontline medical workers and really old folks. I know the name Ithell Colquhoun, but that’s it. Thanks, Bill. I’ll go try to figure him out for real. ** Brian O’Connell, Hi, Brian. It’s not a month unless a bunch of witty, depressing, scarifying slaves are waiting at the exit. That’s my opinion, apparently. Mm, my favourite Bergman is ‘Hour of the Wolf’. But I’m a real fan of his in general. Especially the earlier ones in the ‘Persona’ period. My friend the musician Stephen O’Malley is right now staying on the island where Bergman lived and filmed a number of his movies. It’s a residency of some kind, I think. I don’t think I’ve ever done a Bergman Day, which is so weird too realise. Okay, on it. Favorite video games? Like, of all time? If so, let’s see … First, your brother should know I’m a diehard Nintendo guy. So, totally off the top of my head and sticking to console games (rather than computer-based games), I would say (in no order) ‘Conker’s Bad Fur Day’, ‘Zelda: Windwaker,’ ‘Zelda: Ocarina of Time’, ‘Banjo Kazooie’, ‘Eternal Darkness’, ‘Resident Evil 4’, ‘Pikmin 2’, ‘Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door’, … I’d better stop or I’ll just keep going. What are your brother’s faves? Yes, happy start to December! ** Okay. I thought I would restore this post about the great Raymond Pettibon that I made some many odd years ago. Enjoy, one hopes. See you tomorrow.

“Young guy looking to get mummified, starved and waterboarded for being gay. Yes I’m into old men. I have a thing for germans.”


PlsBreakMeIBegYouToBreakMe, 19
Hello everyone. my name is vomit. Even though i am straight and only attracted to females, i have, at this point in my pathetic existence, realized that i can be good at something for the first time in life by providing pleasure for extreme sadists, by being a no-limits meat for the most extreme of activities like permanent damage and mutilation. i am working on having no opinions, no thoughts. i will simply show up–period. Then you can toss what’s left of me out like a piece of garbage without guilt, consequences or limits.


PlsBreakMeIBegYouToBreakMe (Owner) – Nov 13, 2020
i’m 19 but i’m not an idiot.

michaeldom01 – Nov. 13, 2020
Sorry to disappoint you vomit but I am a proponent master of honest dynamics. What I mean by this is I, personally, am only interested in pushing a sub’s limits in a positive, beneficial manner. Most of what you would benefit from me are: less neurotic, more extroverted, more conscientious, less rejection-sensitive.

PlsBreakMeIBegYouToBreakMe (Owner) – Nov 13, 2020
i have found that men who hate me enjoy their time with me the most.



oksureyeah, 21
I love big fat perverse unscrupulous juicy dick to suck on. Want a gay relationship and someone to meet up with so I can suck on their cock. I also want their phone numbers so I can call them and meet up regularly to suck their cocks. Be taller I like that shit.


oksureyeah (Owner) – Nov 8, 2020
I am hoping to find a gay who can accommodate possibly with a small single spare room.
This paragraph I must point out he needs a very big horny cock.
The picture is of me taken when I used to have a GF but now I just stay with her and sleep on my own single bed.
She has moved on and is fully aware that I’m gay, but we remain good friends. I have moved away 3 times but she lets me back to stay until I can find another gay to suck.
You have nothing to loose other than to find out if you’re who I can suck.

suddenlyhappend – Nov 4, 2020
not all that hot and overly enthusiastic



Tommy, 22
hi everyone, i am a straight guy who likes amputee fetish and cast fetish. I currently like to have my right leg cast, although I’m actually looking for someone who can operate on me to have my right leg amputated in the groin. If anyone knows who practices these operations in Italy or abroad, but still in Europe, contact me.


Tommy (Owner) – Nov 25, 2020
I’m UGLY. Disclaimer. But i can wear a mask or bag.

Tommy (Owner) – Nov 25, 2020
I’m 99% sure i’m sane.



🦌, 18
Looking to move in right away. I don’t drive, crashing at my parents apartment at the moment, please be able to pick me up quickly, I just need ten minutes to pack my shit. Contientious rational atheist here not into religion. I want to be monogamous and get anally ruined at least twice a day. I have limits but But don’t know what they are cause I want more.


🦌 (Owner) – Nov 9, 2020
Further self-discoveries (thank you!):
-You don’t have to shower, I’ll clean you.
-If you want me to dress as a girl, and also if you want to change me through medical operations into a real girl, I am ready for it.
-Being fed shit is the most intimate and love making act one can do.
-I love you all❤

Jah45 – Nov 6, 2020
I know we are all into some messed up dumbasses on here.. but he is a quinntessential idiot.

🦌 (Owner) – Nov 3, 2020
Fun fact: 🦌 “Bambi” was a nickname given to me by a group of 🇩🇪 German sadists who kidnapped and raped me while I was backpacking with my parents across the 🇺🇲 United States over 10 years ago.

🦌 (Owner) – Nov 2, 2020
I have recently discovered about myself (thanks to some of you):
-I love to be locked up for extended periods of time and not know how much time has passed or what day it is.
-I am really into torture and would consider myself a huge masochist.
-I now consider myself straight but I suppose my true sexuality is slave.



ifuckedmywholelifeup, 19
Young boy wants to join the skinhead subculture. Looking foor a dad type skinhead that wants to make a perfect skinhead out of me – if he has survived the pandemic! Nothing short of murder is too crazy!



ifuckedmywholelifeup (Owner) – Nov 11, 2020
Fuck it, who wants to meet up and 🌿 and netflix?

rapist321 – Nov 7, 2020
If you ever get bored of porn
and you want to kidnap this boy
and take him home and tie him up
and film people raping him
there’s nothing stopping you

analysis – Nov 1, 2020
3 skin lads and i gang banged him last night until he farted a lot of large emounts of thick loads of warm gooey hot cum out his gaped open gay asshole

ifuckedmywholelifeup (Owner) – Oct 29, 2020
I’m not homeless, I have an intense stressful job. Need counseling, yes really, I know what I need. Apparently I am a total nightmare to work with, and am not liked.

ItsmeBigBoss – Oct 29, 2020
Smokes cigarettes and weed all day
God loving Christian



newphonewhoisthis, 22
Looking for a bull to fuck the hell out of me loudly while my partner is in the other room. He is really into humiliation and wants a guy to fuck me like a beast as a way to belittle him. The ideal guy would want to top me roughly and noisily at length and be able to make him feel like a pathetic cuck. He has a small cock and enjoys feeling like he can’t give me the pleasure I desire.


Pleaseaskforaphoto – Nov 21, 2020
i am the partner of newphonewhoisthis . he is a demon from the ninth circle . he needs complete and absolute destruction for his sins . there is no forgiveness for his mistakes , just eternal damnation and pain beyond pain ..

newphonewhoisthis (Owner) – Nov 3, 2020
OK things have changed. I am now serving my partner 24/7 as a sexual and domestic slave, and he wants me to find help to castrate me. We hope to find someone who can assist with this necessary next step in my life. He is also very interested in me becoming a eunuch or nullo bottom slave whore if he decides it pleases him. One month ago, my partner took me to Mexico to inject my balls and cock with something to make them dead weight and make me a permanent bottom. Please reach out if you’re able to castrate me or maybe worse.



Fistmeim14, 18
Im a 14 yo fisting bottom looking for 15-35 yo’s to stretch my hole to infinity and conquer the world.


Wittyname16 – Nov 14, 2020
I’m 16 and just obsessed with ass. Seeing an ass gape is like my heaven. I’m so tired of jerking off. I hate being a virgin!

davisfamily8 – Nov 10, 2020
Im pretty lit and if we are hanging out we would be laughing our asses off.😂

Novembergetsmehorny – Nov 10, 2020
Ik its weird,but , i need a pic of yr ass cuz i made a bet with my bff, plz help me 🙃



Straightlikeanoodle, 21
This is like super weird to even describe the phase I go through every freaking month. I am hoping that any Dom here might have some insight into this, so please do share it with me without any hesitation.

The issue that I wanted to discuss is that I am not a gay person. Or am I? I am not sure about it. I am a person who will masturbate 3-4 times a day watching gay porn when I get insatiably horny and sometimes I would go weeks without jerking off, thinking why the hell am I attracted to dicks in the first place. This issue has been with me for almost 2 years now and I am no where near to it’s solution. What makes the matter worse is that I am a virgin, never slept with any men or women. So I won’t be getting answers that way anytime soon. That’s why I am here, hoping that any Dom can help me understand the problem and how I can deal with this.
Thank you for reading my profile.


TheMagus – Nov 22, 2020

electrocbtpig – Nov 20, 2020
I want to see you scream as the sweat drips down your face

holecumslutneeded – Nov 18, 2020
you gay and you need fucked very hard

ThickDickGuy🍆💦 – Nov 18, 2020
Lemme tear that apart



realgrandfatherandgrandson, 18
Kinky real biological granddad and grandson looking for a third
Granddad can spend hours having his mouth used to spit into
Grandson loves being choked while he’s dragged across the floor
Both love slaps kicks punches and that kind of banter


c_oppe_r – Nov 7, 2020
See you tomorrow in the hotel, then in the basement!!!!!XXX

Leonardo669 – Nov 3, 2020
Karl Lagerfeld & Tina Turner 💃

johnnyq – Nov 1, 2020
These two are not behind the profile. They are unwilling participants. The perpetrator is the son/father. He is present for the meeting and is enacting some kind of Muslim interfamily punishment on them. Don’t ask him for sex with the grandson. I did and almost got myself killed.



thewayyouroar, 21
A simp for tops, born in the motherland grew up in Ireland. Essentially a functioning alcoholic who’ll die from alcohol poisoning soon, till then let’s make it worth it.

(Deleted my old profile and recreated a new one, didn’t like how it looked or how depressing it was)


ProjectX8400 – Nov 22, 2020
Yes, i’m old, Yes i’m ugly, Yes, i’m horny, Yes i’m sadistic, Yes i have a large cop fetish….Yes i want to you to live as my prisoner 24/7. Yes you can keep drinking yourself to death.

thewayyouroar (Owner) – Nov 19, 2020
I’m not picky (like a lot of people cough cough).

neworleans – Nov 17, 2020
His skin is hella more weird yellow color than the pic would suggest.

thewayyouroar (Owner) – Nov 12, 2020
“Brain, what are we gonna do today?” Brain: “The same thing we do every day.”










ARDENTPREY (Owner) – Nov 24, 2020

ARDENTPREY (Owner) – Nov 15, 2020



Brainwashed_slave, 21
He was a gorgeous illegal Mexican, I would guess 21 or 22, looking for day labor construction work in the parking lot of my local Lowe’s, but now he is hypnotized and brainwashed until his identity/ego is completely destroyed so he can be rebuilt as a 100% faggot slave. I beleive he would be a great addition to your life as an object of pure use.


meatslaves – Nov 20, 2020
Interested parties should contact Slave Market Auction Farm



torturetom, 18
Young guy looking to get mummified, starved and waterboarded for being gay. Yes I’m into old men. I have a thing for germans.


Anonymous – Nov 6, 2020
your bathroom looks like mine. Omg!



Scarecrow, 19
Scarecrow ready for full use no limit use fix me up permanently in your field of crops to keep the birds ects off .
I will be your scarecrow stuff me with straw permanent fixed to a frame with arms out mouth sealed up ects


Anonymous – Nov 20, 2020
I’m sad.



withouthesitation, 20
20 years, very little experience in both gay sex and BDSM
i am not unemployed or student i have a steady job as a worker at Terminal Bahia Las Minas
i always had sex with girls but june 2020 drunk i had sex for the first time with a man,
it was violent sex, very painful, humiliating, the next day I was terrified, scared, I decided that I would never do something like this again in my life, but even if I repeated it to myself every day every night I would go back to thinking about it and I had erections and nocturnal sperm loss.
after three weeks he called me back and despite all my good intentions not to do anything of the kind again, I returned to him.
the second time was much worse than the first time, for two weeks I had to hide the marks he left on me before they fucked, two weeks of telling myself that I was a jerk, crazy and sick, that that was the last time I did a similar bullshit.
AND THEN HE CALLED ME AGAIN, and I dickhead, invertebrate, went back to his door.
there have been other calls and after three months spent with him he left Panama but i have changed i can no longer have sex with girls and i can only get aroused by masturbating thinking about what i did with him.
Now I repeat to myself that over time it will pass but it is not passing on the contrary it gets worse, I do not sleep at night, I am always nervous, I have a violent reaction to any idiocy, I cannot concentrate on anything, I am always distracted, it seems to me to be a lived animal always in a cage who has tried freedom for some time and is now back in the cage.
I’m looking for someone who wants to point me on the right path, who makes me who I am meant to be, who I still struggle to write, a submissive perverted animal.


logangayartist – Nov 2, 2020
I want to draw you.

French homoerotic artist who finds daily inspiration in the twink slave subculture. My characters are mostly lithe, slim, pretty faced (like you!) rocking their asses, bruises, open mouths, and puny cocks. They also feature extensive demeaning body writing and are heavily restrained, oftentimes wearing full body bondage and hoods. Whether muscled or thin as rails, my boys proudly represent the fantasy world of sexual freedom and filthy desires with every artwork. Evoking erotic arousal and opening one’s mind towards BDSM practices is one of the key aspects of my artistic expression.

Type of artwork: Indian-inked pen and pencil on paper



Justcuminme, 18
I am not allowed to say what I am looking for here … but Im am a such a whore – I am so cheap – I am trying to 🅿️🅰️Y my rent come I will explain everything to you 🥰🥵


Anonymous – Nov 21, 2020
I did not regret my big cock in you. You are serious.

dontwannaknow – Nov 18, 2020
We got drunk, argued about drag race and then I fucked him and took a lot of photos I’m going to post on my Patreon for $100. It was an awesome night.



JockSlave19, 19
I need to lose all agency over my life.

I realized a while ago that it’s my destiny to serve a Superior Man. Yes, I’m a straight gorgeous jacked jock. But mentally I’m pathetic.

I want and need to be a himbo. Get in my brain and destroy me.

I’ve been like this for 6 fucking weeks.


JockSlave19 (Owner) – Nov 17, 2020
I am now SpikeTheTyke, and I wear diapers.

HorseHungHans – Nov 9, 2020
I am 14″ deep in his hole right now. How are you doing today?

member12 – Nov 2, 2020
A noose around his neck really does it for him. As he rose to his tip toes, I attached his balls to the ground making him choose between air or his balls. Then I whipped him thoroughly front and back and told him how worthless he was trying to get his noose off with his arms tied behind his back until he came like a firehose.

imfat – Oct 30, 2020
I made him clean my asshole with his mouth and tell me it’s what he was born for I raped him I hit him with my fist in his slave face with my strong fist

Cursed – Oct 24, 2020
Masc acting but only until the jock garb comes off then he was so inferior to me and I reminded him of that, while he licked the lower half of my body.



xxFxckMeOrMyLifexx, 24
Sand monkey knee-bender here to show HHonor in Respect to the only Maϟϟter it will ever.

A kkunt for Maϟϟter’s seed, and a Arab hide for Maϟϟter to hit, whip, burn and cut.

I has the body of MMA and Ju Jitsu fighter and the angelic beauty of a woman.

Maϟϟter’s regimen for it need never be disclosed.

It will always drop everything to come to you crawling and leave with a limp.


worseandworse – Nov 8, 2020
now in full captivity,transformation from human to object,it

xxFxckMeOrMyLifexx (Owner) – Nov 6, 2020
None I trust You will take good care of me.

worseandworse – Nov 6, 2020

xxFxckMeOrMyLifexx (Owner) – Nov 4, 2020
Also ready to grow a mustache if instructed.



exitum, 20
is seeking to offer this pathetic thing that lives with me for extreme slavery to brutal Master with no mercy who can take it and dehumanize it in HIS basement with no return to society. have given up on any ideals about romantic gay love and marriage with it. is seeking for it to disappear from this society and end its life on this earth as a slave and prisoner.


exitum (Owner) – Nov 12, 2020
i see it serving evil, sadistic, perverted characters Like “The Riddler” “Catwoman” “Bookworm” in 1960’s Batman series but it can work with almost any body so long as the personality is repulsive.

slaveBilly – Nov 11, 2020
I regret ever meeting you

exitum (Owner) – Nov 11, 2020
it was a jock throughout high school and was with some of the hottest chicks in the past. i can tell you more about its good old days in private.



chlorohypnodrugme, 20
total bareback bottom zombie.
3 or 4 months, early 2021, will be fucking my way around vic, nsw, and s.e qld … on the hunt for any and all hypnotising, drug supplying total tops.
no one gets refused … ever. no matter how out of it you get me and long you fuck or how rough you and your mates get … and for FREE!

coming new years resolution : progressing towards as fuckable a state as possible.


DevilsDraw97 – Nov 17, 2020
Bit of a long shot but I’d love to dose you with a chemical that slows down your sense of time so that one second feels like ten thousand years, dose you with a second chemical that amplifies all nerve sensitivity by a power of one hundred thousand, dose you with a third chemical that slows down the aging process so that you only age one second every one hundred years, then melt down glass and pipe it into your urethra while fucking you in the ass with a spiked bat set on fire, as I hang you with electrified barbed wire and inject a constant IV drip of concentrated salvia, datura, and LSD into your bloodstream for the next million years.



username___, 20
but keep in mind I have a girlfriend and she will want to meet you and hang out with us.

Also looking in Los Ángeles for a fucked up white dude to give me my first really short hair cut then take me out on a hike or to the beach.


GayManBigCock – Nov 10, 2020
Bring a syringe.

iBearU – Nov 5, 2020
Don’t fall in love with him, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.



aslavecallednobody, 19
I am kind of young man that like man that date only one person if you can do that with me then we will have more time to concentrate on each other but let me know if you have anyone you are dating presently or if there is anyone you are seeing please tell me because i want this relationship we are trying to build with each other to be honest with each other please am pleading because i am very scared of getting hurt again.


Schmo718 – Nov 14, 2020
It’s been over a year since I was with you.
-I miss your nice tight delicious spankable ass.
-I miss the passionate kisses. Feeling of your tender lips and driving tongue invade my mouth.
-Having my big arms around you; consuming you, And drawing you closer, the feel gripping your ass as we embrace our naked bodies.
-My manly hands directing you to the floor as you drop to your knees.
-Taking my Manhood into your eager mouth and gently messaging every inch with your tongue and throat. Only looking up at me briefly to see my approval, as my hands hold your head, continuing to please my Hard Cock as you struggle to accept my meaty thick shaft.
-Licking and suck on my full sack and heavy balls as my hands grip your silky ass cheeks.
-Listening to my demands and obeying by bending over for me as I warm up your ass with my hands and belt.
-Feeling my thick fingers push deep inside your tight hole opens you up. My long tongue diving inside your awaiting boypussy, Driving you wild as I eat you out and lube you up for my soon incoming onslaught.
-My hands and tongue tease your small cock as my fingers work deeper inside you
-My Thick head of my Cock push against your tight hole, slowly stretching it open as My manhood penetrates your wet warm insides.
-My Thickness filling you whole as I push deeper-Engulfing you as my heavy strong body falls on top of you.
-Your legs spread wider and wrap around your body as I watch your lustfull eyes dive into my soul, causing me to need your kiss and embrace, But My strong hands hold your hands still above your head making you stretch painfully to reach my mouth.
-My throbbing Cock retracts as you feel the empty void leaving your body; Then quickly plunges back deeper, opening your tight canal, Causing the air to rush out of your mouth as My mouth covers yours- making you moan into my mouth as we kiss deeply.
-My hips driving my cock deeper and faster as I Fucks you Hard- Owning your Hole – taking over your body with every Thrust.
-Your hands finally released as you grab my ass and help push me Fuck you deeper.
-My body tenses and my muscles tighten as My engorged Manhood drives harder and faster.
-Your cock explodes onto My stomach, as My Cock Blasts inside you and fills your pussy with my cum- Breeding My boy.

If your interested in getting back together Let me know – know that i am married now and this will be occasional discreet encounters.



Roughslut666, 24
Into anything extreme, twisted, violent and perverted. No limits at all. None. Zero.

Brutal scenes, pain, blood, body mods, broken bones, maiming, breath control, brain death, 666

Okay with being killed if there is someone around who thinks they are up to the job.

Excuse the sexy pics. It knows it is a meaningless object, but a boy has to put itself through college somehow.


Roughslut666 (Owner) – Nov 8, 2020
Bit of a quirk but I’m only into ass sex if I’m dosed, tied up and taken to an abandoned building and it happens there.

creditcardinfopliz – Nov 6, 2020
like 80% of 5th gradurs in Norway have watched a snuff video i read that in an article 1 year ago

Summers – Nov 6, 2020
Funnily enough, I told my son by accident. We were chatting online, the subject of people being decapitated came up (I forget how exactly), he said “beheading, so hot” or something, I agreed, he said it was a sarcastic comment and wondered if I was being serious. I was honestly worried about rejection, but when I told him my biggest fantasy was to decapitate a cute boy he took it quite well, and it honestly felt great to get it off my chest.

icecubeeee – Nov 6, 2020
Yeah. My boyfriend got annoyed when I tilted my phone when I was looking at a fake snuff photo so I just ended up showing him.
“I dont care about whats in your phone just show me the photo”
“I have porn in my camera roll”
“I don’t care”
“Its snuff porn”
“Really? can I see?”
He seemed a bit weirded out by it but he didn’t ask again after I showed him. I don’t think he minds that I look at it. He’s pretty open minded and we’ve talked about choking in the past but this was never brought up again. It was fake snuff but still.

PMMEDANCE – Nov 6, 2020
Yup, told it to my best friend, he told me it was alright cause he liked scat. So we didn’t judge each other. We still joke about it though

Grimskard – Nov 6, 2020
I’m aware of how fucked up it is that I’m jacking off imagining this guy getting killed, so I have a question: has anyone here who feels the way I do ever talked about this kink to someone they knew in person? And how did they react?



“Give me everything you got, for this wet-ass pussy💅 💸💸💵💵”

Hi, I’m Andy but call me AndySugarbabyboy. I’m a Pisces and a pothead, and I need money💅💸🍀

I’m a virging so lets make a licitation … who will offer more for this pussy 😋 Believe me I’m addictes.

Daddy let me tell you! I guarantee I am smooth and young and single, and you will nut out!


Leon___18 – Nov 22, 2020
Send me nude, I horny .

TH3SLUT (Owner) – Nov 20, 2020
Ok weird someone 👹here recently paid to hypno me (〠_〠), anyway i decided I really want to be brainwashed 😵by a stranger, would love to be in a haze 🌀🌀🌀most of the time and forget to cum. Mind flaying is what I need 🤯. If you are interested, change my life and break my brain 💣🧠●~*😈💦

AndyPutney – Nov 14, 2020
I hate your “hey. Hey. What’s up. Not much” bs.

TH3SLUT (Owner) – Nov 11, 2020
Also I would love to scat in someone’s mouth free of charge.

Bored2Death – Nov 9, 2020
You look like you’ll be a 5 star bottom … just sayin’ 😉



druggedandraped, 23
Me: boy next door. Innocent looking. Science nerd.

You: dominant. Sadistic. No guilt.

Kidnapped, drug me, tie me, gag me, and rape me. Cock, huge dildos. Fists. No safe word.

Fist rape is the most intense, but I’ll take any rape.


druggedandraped (Owner) – Nov 13, 2020
Also I work in Clinical Trials so I’m your best bet at fighting COVID.

druggedandraped (Owner) – Nov 13, 2020
I also like watching the sunset and playing solemn music.

druggedandraped (Owner) – Nov 13, 2020
Ok but smoking weed before would be nice.

Needlesthroughdick – Nov 13, 2020
I like your dick. I’m looking to put needles through it.

OrgasmControlSwitch – Nov 12, 2020
looks especially hot in…
+latex & rubber catsuit with mask
+spiderman morphsuit
+shiny nylon downjackets, -pants
+denim overals
+shiny nylon trackies & windbreaker
+bicycle gear
+motocross gear
+snowboard pants
+wrestling singlet
+shiny nylon boxershorts

druggedandraped (Owner) – Nov 1, 2020
I am as confused as it gets. One of my sisters may have seen this profile by accident so I deleted it yesterday and here I am ALREADY which shows how addicted I am.



NakedFoodExperience, 19
A smart, young and charming lad offering a different type of non-sexual experience for you during this wonderful lockdown.

What I offer:
Private Chef services for dinners 1 on 1 (you and me) or dinner parties up to 20 persons. A multi-course experience with a welcome cocktail and wine pairing, naked if wanted, until we all get fairly tipsy, menu to be defined in advance.

P.S. For any type of experience you choose I can be naked, but I don’t do anything sexual! But yes I do have a cute ass, however it’s just for watching.



TaintedGravity, 18
My name is michael
Im passionate about what I am doing especially volleyball
Im here to practice bjs on someone
Im single
Im only attracted to men over 45 who are fat and hairy
I don’t know maybe something else


Anonymous – Oct 31, 2020

Selectiveharddom – Oct 26, 2020
Looking for a live in boy to make my life easier. Very picky. I don’t care what you do in your off time. We’ll make a schedule for you where you get 20 or so hours a week to yourself. Otherwise you are having sex with me. You’ll pay rent and live in a guest room in the basement. I’ll monitor you 24/7 with a camera. I’ll have monitoring access to your phone. When my friends are over you’ll be locked in your cage. Depending on what friends I have over, they may eventually use your mouth or ass. Or you may be ignored for hours. At least a one year commitment given rent.

grabandgo – Oct 21, 2020
idk why i’m even bothering but i kinda have a fantasy where i skin a boy in warm and sterile room so neither hypothermia nor infection kills him then once i’m bored pour salt on him to kill him like a snail if you want to help with that

behemoth9 – Oct 14, 2020
You will be a smoker. You will be made to smoke Marlboro Reds and cigars and a lot. Dont waste both our times if you are not a smoker. If you do want to learn thats fine but you will be expected to smoke a lot so bear that in mind – it is non negotiable! Also I dont send money nor care about ur sick grandma. To sum up, HEAVY SMOKING reds and cigars, ASHTRAY – eg your mouth or hole, you provide a picture taken today of you smoking with clamps on your nipples, FORCED SMOKING.



rockthehole, 20
I was traveling around and got stuck here in Belgrade because of the virus. If you are going to ask me, how do I like it here. It’s relaxing here, Many nice people, I visited many different and beautiful places. But the gay community is really weird, people are scared and not mean enough, many boring and miserable guys are trying to drag me down.

I really don’t want to say these but it’s really necessary to make it clear since it’s really hard to meet someone normal here. I don’t send meaningless dick pics. If you want to see dicks why can’t you just check onlyfans, their dicks look much better than mine. My asset is somewhere in that word I just typed.


EdgeVB – Nov 9, 2020
he’s got a prince Albert 10mm which i wanna keep as a Bug

rockthehole (Owner) – Nov 5, 2020
Keep in mind I am the whitest of guys and the most boring of boring white guys and I’m only into guys of other colors, black (or brown), peach, yellow, even whitish but not as white as me!

Anonymous – Nov 2, 2020
A message to be published in the face of time and with no hope of an answer, and then life did the rest … I had a great time with him, he was perfect from start to finish … and he loves himself Fist him …. ❤️



godsnectar, 24
Looking for the ultimate and final HIV-Poz-Fuck as quickly as possible If you don’t have a high viral load and the convo doesn’t start with hello you’d look beautiful dead or something similar it won’t work

Formerly twink porn star Logan Stone


Anonymous – Nov 11, 2020
“Formerly” is putting it mildly.

godsnectar (Owner) – Nov 11, 2020
If you want me to cum my orgasm must be really unpleasant and ruined. Whether I need to be gagged, hypnotized/drugged, estimmed, etc. my cumming must be a real disturbing mind fuck for me where I crave the orgasm and dread the release.



Autassassinophilia, 19


Autassassinophilia (Owner) – Nov 24, 2020
If you’re reading this, I’m deceased.

Autassassinophilia (Owner) – Nov 10, 2020
When someone is covered in blood it makes them 10x more attractive, this is a fact

evilvillain123456789 – Nov 10, 2020
What if I hurt and killed you? What then?

Autassassinophilia (Owner) – Nov 10, 2020
then that would be my problem

evilvillain123456789 – Nov 10, 2020
What if I killed you

Autassassinophilia (Owner) – Nov 8, 2020
A man who could successfully murder, disassemble, and eat me, who forces alcohol down my throat and starts to, but chooses to love me instead




p.s. Hey. ** Ian, Hi, Ian. Good, great, that your writing/editing went so well. Keep the faith. And you’re in for some excellent books right there. It was a solid weekend on my end, hopefully the same on yours. ** NIT, Hi, Steven. NIT, nice. Like nitwit, ha ha. Hardly. ‘Castle Faggot’ is a total mindblow, IMHO. Oh, man, finish your damn book, okay? So want that. And AS is a publisher on fire and as good a place to be housed as is extant. And obviously you have a greedy, starry-eyed future pair of eyes plus brain for any gif work you get up to. Speaking of, I’m finally going to take advantage of Cyber Monday and get my Switch today. Check the prices. ** David Ehrenstein, Howdy, sir. ** Bill, Hey Bill. Whoa, I don’t know that ‘Because Horror’ book, and it’s by three dudes whose work I like a ton. Allright, finger on that tab as soon as it’s not on this tab. I heard you guys are closing up shop. I guess LA is getting even more squashed. I wish you were here where we can suddenly go shopping again. ** Steve Erickson, I do have a lingering fondness for Paul McCartney-related batshit, so I’ll head over to those coordinates, thank you. New song … Everyone, Get your earphones out ‘cos …. here’s Steve: ‘Here’s my new song “Heartbeat”. The drum track is sampled from the packs I downloaded yesterday, as are 2 Autotuned vocal loops. I liked that sound because it reminded me of the first Suicide album, and the whole song has a somewhat murky feel.’ Yes, that Akerman is terrific. She is so missed. ** _Black_Acrylic, Top of the Monday morning to you, Ben. ** Jeff J, Hi, Jeff. Oh, man, you are having a dark, dark November. Which happily ends today. I’m so sorry. I have seen ‘Empty Suitcases’, and your description of it is really spot on. ‘Variety’ is probably Gordon’s best or at least most fully realised film. Kathy’s text is curious and very ‘her’ while being intriguingly not ‘her’ at the same time somehow. Have you read the play she wrote for Richard Foreman? ** Derek McCormack, Thank you, thank you, thank you, maestro! For the gift itself and for coming in here to confab with DC’s unwashed masses. Much love, me. ** Brian O’Connell, Hi, Brian. It’s pretty phenomenal, yes. Which ‘Fanny and Alexander’, i.e. the original release or the lengthened one, the latter of which I haven’t seen strangely? Great film. My weekend wasn’t buzzy per say, but all the stores reopened and the streets were full of happy Parisians, and that made the days feel prettier than they technically were. Here’s to the start of a week of weeks. ** Right. Those of you who already know it’s the last day of the month will feel no surprise whatsoever by what you have in store today blog-wise. See you tomorrow.

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