
The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Page 566 of 1063

Mary Ellen Bute Day


‘In 1940 the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Film Library actively began to document a rich international experimental cinema, and staged a show featuring the works of Hans Richter, Fernand Léger, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Len Lye, Ted Nemeth and Mary Ellen Bute. Richter, Duchamp, Léger, Man Ray, and Lye – filmmakers working in Europe – have all become familiar names in any standard text of avant-garde cinema, and their films included in this show have become cinema classics. Mary Ellen Bute and her movies, however, are practically unknown today.

‘Such a fate was not unusual for prewar American experimental filmmakers. They worked in the 1930s and 1940s within a fragile support network and, after World War II, received only sporadic attention from serious film critics when a new generation of filmmakers achieved prominence. The individual filmmaker of the prewar era had to be not only a filmmaker but also a distributor, critic, and educator for an experimental cinema. The reclamation of the individual filmmaker can reveal a great deal about the definition and workings of an experimental cine- ma in the United States before World War II. Bute’s career exemplifies how the artist-filmmaker during this period successfully invented experimental cinema at both the individual and the systemic levels. She achieved an individual aesthetic style, separate and distinct from her European counterparts, and she devised strategies for the distribution, exhibition, and reception of experimental cinema in the United States.

Ten of Bute’s films, made between 1934 and 1953, belong to the category of cinema known as “abstract films,” “motion paintings,” or “experimental anima- tion.” They place Bute in a painterly-filmic tradition alongside Richter, Viking Eggeling, Oskar Fischinger, Lye, and Norman McLaren. Yet if Bute’s films today seem easily contained within a discrete aesthetic category and tradition of cinema, they were less easily situated within the contemporary avant-garde’s rigorous and exclusionary measures for film art. Unlike most experimental filmmakers before and after World War II, Bute did not explicitly claim an anti-Hollywood stance for her aesthetic principles. In- deed, she publicly situated her films not in resistance to Hollywood, but in conjunction with it, since she marketed her films as short subjects for commercial, theatrical bookings. In the 1940s and 1950s, Bute’s films opened for Hollywood features in Radio City Music hall as well as theaters across the country. It is, however, precisely this tension between the films’ elitist modernist aesthetics and their popular reception as pretty amusements that is worth further exploration.

‘Trained as a painter at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in the early 1920s, Bute identified with the dominant intellectual preoccupations of the mod- ernist avant-garde. Like Richter and Eggeling in Europe, Bute tried to express movement and con- trolled rhythms in time-sequence paintings. Like Richter and Eggeling, she subsequently decided that painting itself was too limited a medium to represent time and motion. Throughout the 1920s and early 1930s, she extended painterly concerns to music and light so as to represent the kinetics of modern, fast-paced, highly technologized life. Like many other painters, she understood that such concerns were within the mainstream of contemporary art, the logi- cal outcome of a linear tradition established through Paul Cézanne’s abstractions of form and color, Cubism’s attempts to produce “surface sensations to the eye,” the Italian Futurists, the American Synchronists, and Wassily Kandinsky’s paintings of relationships between colors and music, works that Bute herself called “abstract compositions based on an arbitrary chromatic scale of senses.”

‘After she graduated from art school and moved to New York City, Bute attempted to transcend the limitations of painting through combining theatrical performance, music, colored lighting, and two dimensional pieces in stage lighting and design. She at- tended the Yale School of Drama, and following her graduation in 1925 and a subsequent trip around the world as a drama director for a “floating university,” Bute worked with the inventors of the new light organs, musical keyboard instruments that could simultaneously produce and create moving colors on a screen. From the Russian physicist and color organ inventor Leon Theremin, in particular, Bute developed a sophisticated orientation to art as an elaboration of the scientific phenomena of color and light. Theremin taught her to use light on a static surface and how not to use light haphazardly. While Bute was working with Theremin, a third person joined the team. Russian-born Joseph Schillinger ranked among America’s most sought-after composition teachers for his methodology which reduced musical elements to geometric relationships. Schillinger’s students included popular music icons Tommy Dorsey, George Gershwin, and Glenn Miller. With his application of mathematical concepts to music composition, Schillinger taught Bute a central means by which she could coordinate musical composition with painting in shared terms of light, form, time and color. Bute went on to apply concepts from her collaborative experimentations with Theremin and Schillinger in her own “absolute film” titled “Rhythm in Light” (1934).

‘Bute’s four films released between 1940 and 1950 represent a third phase of “absolute films” and the most mature of her drawn films. Textual inscriptions that introduced each of these films marked Bute’s cinema as educationally edifying by announcing the film’s intention “to present a new type of film-ballet.” Such titles presented Bute’s cinema from the outset as promoting appreciation for tunes already popularly canonized as acceptable highbrow music.

‘“Tarantella” (1940) is a five-minute color film animat- ed from more than seven thousand drawings and set to original piano music performed by Edwin Gerschefski. Bute positioned her short films in commercial movie theaters as toney introductions, “class” or “art” acts that would precede specific Hollywood prestige productions. “Tarantella” opened for “Paris Waltz” at New York City’s Paris Theatre, where Bute’s original animation art was displayed in the lobby.

‘The commercial premieres of Bute’s films often occurred a few years after their completion. But if the films did not always win immediate commercial success, they enjoyed longevity without regard for timeliness or topicality. Bute attributed their long runs to the films’ abstract nature: “It’s just like music. You can see it over and over.”’ — Lauren Rabinovitz





Mary Ellen Bute @ Light Cone
CVM’s Bute Research Pages
Mary Ellen Bute: Seeing Sound
The Films of Pioneering American Animator Mary Ellen Bute (1930s-1950s)
Mary Ellen Bute: “Film Pioneer”
Expressive Motion in the Early Films of Mary Ellen Bute
Mary Ellen Bute Papers @ Yale University
Book: Mary Ellen Bute, Pioneer Animator
MEB @ The Heroine Collective
MEB @ letterboxd
Seeing Sound – Mary Ellen Bute tribute.
This Animation Pioneer Turned Music into Pure Light
The River’s Roar: Mary Ellen Bute’s Passages from James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake
MEB @ Sketch Gallery
The Possibilities of Animation as demonstrated by Mary Ellen Bute
Mary Ellen Bute’s Synchronization of Sound and Image
Experiments In Love and Film: The Wondrous Work of Movie Explorers Mary Ellen Bute and Ted Nemeth
The visual music of Mary Ellen Bute



Mary Ellen Bute according to the BBC

Mary Ellen Bute: Mother of Animation

Mathematical Beauty: Visual Music by Mary Ellen Bute




For ten years or more, avant garde film maker Mary Ellen Bute sat on the front row of Society meetings. Her full-length film, Passages from ‘Finnegans Wake,‘ was adapted from the Barnard College production of Mary Manning’s work by the same name. Conceived and carried on in concert with Frances Steloff, Padraic Colum, and other Joyce Society members, it remains the most innovative cinematic interpretation of the spirit of Joyce’s last work ever attempted.

Bute addressed her response to those who questioned her apparent shift from abstract film to Joyce in the biographical note for the New York Film Association:

“I am often asked how I moved from abstract films to Finnegan’s Wake? It’s plausible…Joyce’s premise: ‘One great part of every human existence is passed in a state which cannot be rendered sensible by the use of wide-awake language, cut-and-dry grammar and go-ahead plot’ is, like abstract films, about our ‘inner’ landscape. Joyce, like Whitman, and much Art, is about the essence of our Being; so, we’re traveling on the same terrain.”

And in an interview about the film with Gretchen Weinberg for Film Culture in 1964 she described herself as:

“a Finnegans Wake girl . . . I may never do another Joyce work but I would like to make several films on different aspects of Finnegans Wake, . . Several people have already prepared treatments which could easily be adapted for this , . . Joyce
loved the movies and hoped his works would be filmed.”

In the Camera Three interview we have the opportunity to hear Bute recount her interest in the Wake directly. She explains that she was “first exposed” to the Wake at a friend’s ranch in Texas and was immediately drawn to the singular response each reader could bring to the work, and that she was immediately struck by its visual potential.

“The whole feeling that you were on your own in Finnegans Wake was very encouraging,” she says.

She took Professor Tindall’s course and eventually saw the Barnard production of Mary Manning’s play “Passages from Finnegans Wake”. Manning, a childhood friend of Samuel Beckett’s, was a founder of The Poets’ Theatre in Cambridge. Bute was attracted to the humor of the play & realized that, for copyright reasons, it would be easier to produce her film from the play than from the original Wake. Eventually Manning helped co-write the film treatment and the script.

The interview also affords a chance to see the noted scholar Tindall discuss Finnegans Wake as well as his reactions to Bute’s film. Before the start of the Joyce Society, Frances Steloff had arranged for Tindall and noted book collector James Gilvarry to offer unofficial instruction to those who were new to Joyce’s work.

When host Macandrew asks him to describe Joyce’s Finnegans Wake to the t.v. audience, Tindall replies that:

“Nothing could be easier to describe. It’s about everything and everybody at all times… Read it closely, scratch your head, and there it is.”

Bute the Joyce aficianado comes through clearly as she discusses not only the time commitment to completing the film but the nuances of Joyce’s text. When Tindall discusses Finnegans Wake as being a story about a family she explains that:

“We did take this family story that Mr. Tindall spoke of just now. . .You see, Shem and Shaun, as well as being Finnegan’s sons, are also conflicting parts of himself. He has to come to terms with these parts–realize the excesses–in order to wake up. I was very eager to do the waking up part of Finnegans Wake–you know, the part where Joyce says ‘it’s the problem passion play of the millentary going strong since creation.'”

Tindall is complimentary about Bute’s film and explains that even though Finnegans Wake “appeals to the ear,” Bute has “translated, transformed and transfigured it into visual form.” And that the problem of “selection and condensing the material took fortitude.”

But in spite of this “fortitude,” one later senses that Tindall can’t dismiss his respect for the written text so easily. In a particularly compelling part of the interview, Macandrew asks Bute if the language used in the film was a problem, because the actors were essentially ‘speaking words that had never existed before.’

Bute replies that she was delighted with the cast:

“You see it’s an Irish cast. Most had had great experience. And you know how Joyce, among other things, wrote the Irish dialect into many of the words. If they’re pronounced the way they’re spelt they come out with a bit of an Irish brogue with a Dublin lilt. And this cast was theater trained–none of them had been under the camera before and that was very nice. We took the shooting script and rehearsed it like a play from start to finish and for quite a while til they got the rhythm and the whole thing going. Then I broke it down into sequences and shots and put it under the camera.

By that time they were ordering coffee and discussing groceries in Joycean.”

When John Macandrew comments that he feels that the use of subtitles is a “tremendous bridge” for the audience, Bute pleasantly responds with:

“It makes it so much more entertaining when you see..if one of the celebrants says ’tis really the truth’ and you see ‘Tis (she spells out) ‘R,’ ‘A,’ ‘R,’ ‘E,’ ‘L,’ ‘Y’ the truth.’ It’s much funnier than if you just think it’s a British pronunciation of ‘really.’ You see?

And throughout if it’s a ‘wallstrait oldparr’ then you know that the actors are saying what you think they’re saying.”

Bute laughs delightfully, but at this point the discussion becomes a bit energized as Tindall the literary scholar objects and we perhaps get a sense of the mentor the Joyce initiates experienced at the Gotham Book Mart: “But how are you going to understand what ‘oldparr’ means? That takes 15 minutes of contemplation and this goes right by….”

Bute interrupts: “But now you know how we do that–we have him falling out of bed so it’s visual, it’s being said….”

Tindall interrupts: “Wall Street…..falling off a wall…..wall street crash….par value stocks….’oldparr?'”

Bute shakes her head: “Oh now please, we had to simplify it a little. But we did have a montage of all that.”

Tindall still objects that the viewer “cannot get more than a little fleeting part of this tremendous whole and that’s the problem.”

At this point Mary Ellen Bute concurs, but we know from watching the film with its energized editing techniques & inclusions of such modern day images as television screens & rockets that she took seriously her belief that one could come to Finnegans Wake on their own terms. In her 1964 Film Culture interview with Gretchen Weinberg she pointed out that “the film is not a translation of the book but a reaction to it.”

The interview contains other tales of her experiences with the film. She says she had one typical “Joycean” calamity after another, and describes calling Erik Barnouw of Columbia University to come down for a screening. She apologized that the film took so long to make–after all it was in preparation for 7 years. But she is obviously delighted in relating Barnouw’s response that “it would be presumptious to do Joyce too fast!”.

The interview concludes with a few segments from the film. Mary Ellen Bute must have been satisfied with the outcome of the film, because in that same year it won a prize at Cannes for best feature film debut.


10 of Mary Ellen Bute’s 17 films

w/ Ted Nemeth, Melville Webber Rhythm in Light (1935)
‘Premiered at Radio City Music Hall, 1935. In RHYTHM IN LIGHT, the artist uses visual materials as the musician uses sound. Mass and line an brilliant arabesques from the inexhaustible imagination of the artist perform a dance to the strains of Edvard Grieg’s music. The visual and aural materials are related both structurally and rhythmically – a mathematical system being used to combine the two means of expression.’ — Light Cone

the entirety


Synchromy No. 2 (1936)
‘Kaleidoscopic arches, classical busts, and swirling staircases drift comfortably in time with Richard Wagner’s “The Evening Star,” gently melting and flowing along with the song. Oddly (at least for this viewer), neither the music nor the imagery command your full attention. Rather, the film seems to encourage the melding of the senses: sight and sound weave together into a shared expression. When the five or so minutes are up, it’s hard to decide how to categorize what you’ve just experienced. Was it animation set to music, or music set to animation?’ — Stylus Radio

the entirety


Dada (1936)
‘One of the livelist of Mary Ellen Bute’s abstract films, DADA was intended to be part of a Universal Newsreel segment, showing Bute and her partner Ted Nemeth at work in their tiny New York studio. No copies of the newsreel itself are known to exist at this time.’ — Cecile Starr



Synchromy No. 4: Escape (1937)
‘Beginning with Escape, Mary Ellen began to work in color, and used more conventional animation for the main themes in the music, but still combining it with “special effect” backgrounds–sometimes swirling liquids, clouds or fireworks, other times light effects created with conventional stage lighting, such as imploding or exploding circles made by rising in or out a spotlight.’ — awn.com

the entirety

w/ Ted Nemeth Parábola (1937)
‘Sculptor Rutherford Boyd worked in collaboration with Nemeth and Bute, whose NYC production facilities were placed at his disposal. Filmed, frame by frame, in a sequence of stills that varied the arrangement of sculptural pieces under controlled illumination, PARABOLA introduced the potential of a new design technique.’ — Douglas Dreishpoon

the entirety


Tarantella (1940)
‘This new medium of expression is the Absolute Film. Here the artist creates a world of color, form, movement and sound in which the elements are in a state of controllable flux, the two materials (visual and aural) being subject to any conceivable interrelation and modification.’ — letterboxd

the entirety


w/ Norman McLaren, Ted Nemeth Spook Sport (1940)
‘Animated by McLaren, utilizing his adroit ink-on-film technique, Bute’s film visualizes Saint Säen’s music. It features colored globes, ellipses, and triangles that move ghost-like over monochromatic backgrounds, communicating the notion of spirits rising from a graveyard. Commercially Bute’s most successful animation, it ran for months at Radio City Music Hall.’ — Jan-Christopher Horak

the entirety


Color Rhapsodie (1948)
‘Many pieces of music may share exactly the same mathematics quantities, but the qualities that make one of them a memorable classic and another rather ordinary or forgettable involves other non-mathematical factors, such as orchestral tone color, nuance of mood and interpretation. In Mary Ellen’s weakest works, like  Color Rhapsodie, she is betrayed precisely by this problem, using gaudily-colored, percussive images of fireworks explosions during a soft, sensuous passage–perfectly timed mathematically, but unsuited to mood and tone color.’ — awn.com



w/ Ted Nemeth Abstronic (1952)
‘I wanted to manipulate light to produce visual compositions in time continuity much as a musician manipulates sound to produce music. It was particularly while I listened to music that I felt an overwhelming urge to translate my reactions and ideas into visual form that would have the ordered sequence of music.’ — Mary Ellen Bute



Passages from James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake (1965)
‘A dead man lies in a coffin. Mourners drink and dance around him. Suddenly, the man sits up. The mourners push him back down. Thunder cracks. Buildings collapse. A bride runs through the city streets. Roses float on the water. These high-contrast black-and-white images, in evocative collage, make up the texture of Mary Ellen Bute’s 1966 film Passages from James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. Filmed in Dublin and the Ted Nemeth Studio facilities in New York, with an Irish cast, it was a labor of love for Bute, a longtime member of the James Joyce Society, who made her name as an experimental abstract animator in the 1930s. Bute collaborated on the screen treatment with Irish actress and playwright Mary Manning, who had already done an adaptation of the book for the stage. Further work on the script was done by Bute, Ted Nemeth, and Romana Javitz.

Passages is an attempt to re-create the book’s linguistic inventions through the use of montage, collage, and music. Since Finnegans Wake is about a man going to sleep, it’s almost the platonic ideal of “universal.” Bute was fascinated by the malleable quality of the text, how each reader has a unique “way in.” The text shifts, depending on your entry point. Bute’s version has aspects of a variety show: she incorporates theater, singing, magic tricks, soliloquies, a burlesque bump-and-grind. She even includes a “television commercial,” with a woman advertising cold cream while lying on a zebra-striped rug. In a 1964 interview with Film Culture, Bute said, “The film is not a translation of the book but a reaction to it.” Yet there’s not a word in the film that’s not in the book. One of her most important choices was to use subtitles, showing Joyce’s spelling of what was being said on screen. It makes the point that Finnegans Wake’s language may look incomprehensible, but when spoken out loud it’s really quite clear.

‘Bute’s film played at Cannes. Some scholars chastised her for dragging Joyce down into the muck, but such snobs ignored his love of pop culture. (Mutt and Jeff are recurring characters in Finnegans Wake, after all.) Joyce was fascinated by cinema, too. In the early 1900s, while living in Trieste, he decided to bring the exciting new art form to Ireland, and so he started the Cinematograph Volta, operating in Dublin. His involvement was short-lived, but it shows his interest in the “now,” in the future—in art for all, not just the elite few.’ — Sheila O’Malley

the entirety




p.s. Hey. ** JM, Hi, J. I trust your government from afar and figure they’ll sort it. Our cases are going up now, and new/old restrictions are looming ominously on our possibly immediate horizon. I agree about the word ‘slut’s’ potential affability. Ooh, Gary Lutz, yum. Take care, pal. ** Natty Soltesz, Natty! I know, how about that? (The Lucille Ball reference). Dude, how good to see you! We can meet up here, and we do, at the least for now because things are starting to downswing. Yes, good timing on the Paris visit. It’s still great Paris — at the moment at least — even under the circumstances, but fuck knows when anyone in your neck of the world will get to visit again. I didn’t know you have a Patreon. I’ll find it. I had a couple of Patreon things I was following, but I bailed on them for forgotten reasons. Yes, Aaron Brown actually directed or co-directed three short videos/films based on stories of mine in ‘Ugly Man’ for Dazed and Confused a few years ago under the moniker Focus Creeps, and they were quite good. They might still be online, I’m not sure. Yeah, scary but uninteresting fantasy seems really, really big in the States right now. Man, you take care, and I’ll go seek out your Patreon, and please come back any old time. ** Bill, If I had known in advance of the real world hotness you were going to deal with this past weekend, I would have looked for escorts with an ice water effect. Not sure how that would work. At least with the Europe escorts, I think things got chill enough that the pandemic stuff was understood, but now things are getting spooky over here again, and references to it are becoming voluminous again based on my recent hunts. Did you stay sufficiently hydrated? ** David Ehrenstein, I think you would need to pay Michelle to get him to tell. ** Misanthrope, Doesn’t seem weird to me. But if it feels weird, it’s weird, right? ** Prince S, Hi, Prince S. Oh, it’s you! Hi, G. Yes, damn good writers in some cases. I’m always making notes and outright swiping things here and there from them. How are you? Enjoying the blissful lack of high heat like me? ** JoeM, I’ll see your ‘indeed’ and raise you a ‘but of course!’. ** Steve Erickson, Were they? Unusually wordy? I wonder if those QAnon weirdos are still monitoring my blog? They would have had a field day this weekend. Congrats on your museums reopening. Very happy to have ours back at work. At least for now. Especially during the recent heatwave. ** Nick Hudson, Hi, Nick. Oslo, very nice. You gonna see Kier? That ‘UBEB’ must be quite the rarity now. I think that’s the one piece of Gisele’s and mine that will never be revived. One by each? Okay, but these are totally personal fave/subjective picks. Robbe-Grillet: (that’s tough) my fave is ‘Recollection of the Golden Triangle’. Simon: My fave is ‘Triptych’, an odd but very genius one. Pinget: That’s easy, ‘Fable’. So far the only new restrictions are that we have to wear masks outdoors in certain, more populous and touristy areas of the city. But I think harder restrictions will be coming soon. Safe trip, stay well, have fun. ** Rafael, Hi, Rafael. I find them on a number of sites, but I do certain things with the profiles to alter/obscure and protect their identities, so one would probably need to have Sherlock Holmes-level skills to actually find them out there. Thanks for coming in. Take care. ** Right. Today the blog celebrates the works of the great and undervalued (by reasons of misogyny, clearly) filmmaking pioneer Mary Ellen Bute. Please figure her out and enjoy doing so. See you tomorrow.

‘Cum vibe with me ugh’: DC’s select international male escorts for the month of August 2020


daddyslayer, 20

I’m super good looking & have a 6 pack & want to try things while I’m young and hot. I’m way too high rn to take pictures of myself and stuff, and that’s the only sober pic of myself that I had.

Guestbook of daddyslayer

daddyslayer (Owner) – Aug 7, 2020
I never feel guilty about being privileged.

desputschia – Aug 7, 2020
speaking as his former sugardaddy know that literally all he does when he’s not putting out is drink champagne and spend your money on things he doesn’t need

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Average
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks English
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 130 $
Overnight On request



godsaveus, 21

versatile pair of very hot, gifted, totally broke bitches due to this shitty time who are monogamous but will provide one or more men access to our bodies while we suck, rim, and fuck each other and we can subdivide and redirect our bods to men if we remain in close proximity to each other and if the offer is lucrative enough to deserve consideration.

Guestbook of godsaveus

ifuckyoubitch – Aug 10, 2020
They are ovens for a lot. Put anything in them, it comes back bigger and delicious.

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Socially
Speaks Italian, Greek, French, English
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty WS only
Oral Bottom
Rate per hour 250 €
Overnight 800 €



-headbang-, 19

I’ve discovered that almost anything is hot as long as there’s financial compensation involved. Scenes and acts that would otherwise seem intolerable are appropriate when earning money is my motive. That changes me into someone else, someone that understands the fairness of (and even likes) whatever you do to me. And, by extension, my cock is changed, too — when it is purchased, so to speak, things that would never unsoften it become occasions to which it greedily arises.

At one point in what feels like the distant past I engaged in a long-term sex for gifts situation with someone I admired greatly. I documented the experience online on the dark web and gained about 10k followers in the process. When the situation ended, I lost confidence in what I thought I wanted and vanished from the online world for a long time.

I have retreated mostly to asexuality or “bisexual under specific conditions”. Ever since the failure of my previous long-term arrangement, I do not mix my professional and social worlds at all. In the past year and a half (December 31, 2018 – July 1, 2020) I can count my number of erections on one hand and I have not cum outside of one spontaneous orgasm on the way to work one morning.

Guestbook of -headbang-

MrCJPorter – July 28, 2020
Slowly undressed him and fit him with a black jock strap and black bow tie. I liked kissing him, getting head. Fucked him while he was sitting on my dick. Collected the black jock strap and black bow tie for dry cleaning. Should do me until late August.

Dick XL, Cut
Orientation Bisexual
Body Athletic
Body hair Smooth
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Socially
Speaks English
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 150 $
Overnight 500 $



TeenRafael, 19

Badly need cash. 7″ thick tool and hungry shaved ass up for grab. Your place or hotel 3:00pm – 4:00am. It’s also possible to buy me to marry.

Guestbook of TeenRafael

WhiteDick4You – Aug 9, 2020
He’s not a teen and his name isn’t Rafael.

TeenRafael (Owner) – Aug 5, 2020
‼️GET OUT‼️of my profile if: 1- You are ONLY looking for HOT SEX. 2- You are looking for a PERFECT person. 4- You are not PATIENT

micasaessucasa – Aug 4, 2020
I tried fighting his anxiety but couldn’t, anxiety level 999+

TeenRafael (Owner) – Aug 1, 2020
If you don’t like it I don’t want to know about it

weedguy – Aug 1, 2020
tired and stressed

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Spanish, English
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 80 $
Overnight 200 $



myassass0000, 24
Palm Springs

I love getting fisted and getting my ass eaten.

I have three gspots.

Please don’t destroy my jockstrap, it was expensive.

I have a great kind of sort of bubble butt.

Sunrise and Alejo in Palm Springs.

1st Punch: 18/11/18 👊🏻
1st Double: 05/07/19 👊🏻👊🏻

Guestbook of myassass0000

TopPigPervFF – July 27, 2020
His ass is insatiable, so I named it Audrey 2.

Dick M, Cut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Some
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 200 $
Overnight 1500 $



PragmaticLucifer, 20

Top only in anal due to having a penis implant that gets rock hard for as long as you want it.

It’s that adaption and ability to take in and process the immediate changes of ones future, then adjust course and correct for the missing pieces that was left behind and manage for a better tomorrow with or without someone in it that has made me the amazing person I am now.

Dick XL, Uncut
Orientation Bisexual
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks Spanish, English
Position Top only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty WS only
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 180 €
Overnight 1000 €



xxghostxx, 19

Hello I am a anorectic boy impulsive and introverted.
I like to fuck I am very thin.
I don’t have a place to live and can therefore fuck anywhere.
I am looking the partners that accepts and likes me with my anorectic look and way of life.
I like cum inside my hole and eat everything when your cum do comes outside.
Discount if you’re from Islam.

Guestbook of xxghostxx

Bheng0723 – Aug 2, 2020
only for someone who does not use physical appearance as a basis

uglygod – July 31, 2020
He’s so thin his bones literally creak and clack together when you’re fucking him.

SirPhillip – July 21, 2020
Not to turn this place into Yelp or TripAdvisor, but he has the most incredibly delicious cum that he shoots in large volume. Could his anorexia have something to do with it? Any doctors out there?

Anonymous – July 18, 2020
why doesn’t such an AIDS radish go home to his mother’s pussy … who she’ll recognize by fucking herself with it
Bravo bitch !!!!

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks Spanish, Portuguese, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 1 $
Overnight 150 $



Alexander-the-hot, 19

Hey!! I m damn beautiful to see. I can literally play any instrument musical or otherwise!

Guestbook of Alexander-the-hot

Alexander-the-hot (Owner) – Aug 12, 2020
I may be introvert but there are scary voices inside me.

Adrim – Aug 11, 2020
Don’t believe anything he says while you’re fucking him

Jake_Jizzpump – Aug 8, 2020
refreshingly unprofessional and awkward sex like a cute straight teen in a wtf mood gets fairly into it is surprisingly kissy-kissy acts cold hostile and guilty afterwards plan for a swift exit

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Average
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks German, Hungarian, English
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
S&M No
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 230 €
Overnight 940 €



BelchingTurtle, 18
Federal Way

Cum vibe with me ugh

Guestbook of BelchingTurtle

BelchingTurtle (Owner) – July 30, 2020
I’m back because every time I start having fun with men on here someone has to become incredibly creepy to the point I have to escape and delete my account.

BelchingTurtle (Owner) – July 14, 2020
Don’t report, younger than it says I am🥺 hmu :)$$

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Average
Body hair little
Piercings No
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight 250 $



Stayinbed, 18

Portstution exist since a very long time, and it seems to always have been a respecting thing among human communities. Always, except very recently. We have taken a path in which we pretend everybody is equal and every life deserve the same respect and have the same value. I think it’s wrong, twisted, and it’s part of the reason why so many people are sad in our society. Let cute guys be porstitues, and ugly guys be customers ! I proudly belong to the cute guy race, and I would not be happy pretending otherwise.

Guestbook of Stayinbed

KDrew – Aug 12, 2020
I am 100% inexperienced in paying for sex. It’s something I recently found out about myself. I basically had a dream where a boy who looked remarkably like you lay naked on my bed while I inserted wads of cash into his ass like it was a satchel. If you want the full details of that dream then let me know.

Stayinbed (Owner) – Aug 1, 2020
sigh ok Jim but it is not going to be cheap.

SexLover82 – Aug 1, 2020
Hi Caspian, I’m a friend of your mother. We have been in one another’s company in social settings for years. You’ve always acted like you think I’m a creep. I’ve always wanted to fuck you. I’m pretty sure you’ve always known and is probably why you think I’m creepy. But yes, fucking you has always been my fantasy that has never been fulfilled. Sometimes my desire for you feels like it’s burning me alive. Hit me back if you think money can make it happen.

RimPig – July 23, 2020
He love sex where he get to show how truly enjoying that dick in him then I pull out and eat his hole for the 100th time and he remind me of my granddaughter (long story).

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks French, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M No
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



alex, 20

am alex i live in texas.i work in sonic company and i also working konagrill .lundry .i work four job a day.i love to fuck ass and i will them o fuck me hard. i am free for anything but.. i am ho. i am.

Guestbook of alex

Dommatcho – Aug 9, 2020
No muscles and not xl

blearyardal – Aug 2, 2020
I’m a pervert kinda geeza, who likes nothing more than getting baked with a cute fuckboy.

I’d once saw this boy getting off a bus, and the boner had been after me ever since.

The first thing I noticed about him is his smashing ears. You may find yourself awed by the callibre of his ears.

I work as a swordsman, helping children. This allows me to exercise my skills: wielding weapons and poking younguns.

And I’ll leave you with a quote from the one-and-only Harry Potter: “It seems as though I always knew I’d have to face him in the end.”

Dick XL, Cut
Orientation Bisexual
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position Versatile
Kissing No
S&M No
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 80 $
Overnight On request



CNcuteboy, 20

strangle. choke,chloro. fainting. drink till unconscious. knock out with a punch. 100%passive

not interested in vanilla sex under any circumstance

Guestbook of CNcuteboy

CNcuteboy (Owner) – Aug 11, 2020
isn’t it beautiful that i drive you crazy psychologically then do it physically for that matter the shiver in your spine, every nerve of your skin gone insane the pleasure you would get strangling me comes Ten fold Higher

Derelt – Aug 10, 2020
Apparently if you’re Chinese this isn’t as unusual and out there as it sounds.

CNcuteboy (Owner) – Aug 10, 2020
i might be too pretty as a guy. also my age is too young for strangling? is it? what a wasteful thought! we don’t know who are the childish guys out there that are more older rather than us right? so keep it mind. stop being rude and toxic masculinity, it just made you like an A-hole.

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Athletic
Body hair Some
Piercings Yes
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks Chinese, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate hour $1000
Rate overnight On request



mad3byang3l, 18

Hello everyone. I’m gay. Like all gays I like to suck and sit on faces and get fucked and sometimes get sucked. According to grandma a gorgeous boy.

Guestbook of mad3byang3l

Anonymous – Aug 6, 2020
Your grandma owes me 100€

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Hungarian, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No answer
Oral Bottom
Rate per hour 20 €
Overnight On request



notpopularjay, 18

I’m just a dumb kid who can’t afford shit due to the pandemic… I’m very depressed well who isn’t! lol…😅 but I try to be positive you know despite all the financial problems and finding it hard to get a job😞 it would be nice to be paid to nail my ass🥺

Guestbook of notpopularjay

LovesFries – July 29, 2020
I have hired him as a sex doll for the weekend, and only allowing myself his saliva and cum. My hope is to lose 5lbs as a result.

zaddyy150 – July 24, 2020
1. Kpop anime and Drag Race, let’s say that his life is basically based on these three things.
2. Popping his clean sweet scented smooth boy pussy open missionary is a bombastic event.

Dick M, Cut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Socially
Speaks English
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 100 $
Overnight 500 $



cutetwinkyvortex, 18

i’m a young kitty blonde twink addicted to having my dick, balls and butt licked for hours until i cum… my cock are better in good, it’s a beast… we all know my ass is the perfect and only word there needs to be said 👌… i want rich men to shove their faces between my legs and lick everything and when i say everything i mean it…

Guestbook of cutetwinkyvortex

otkspanking – July 22, 2020
He does indeed have a very pretty little ass but it’s counterbalanced by the fact that in person he looks, acts and even talks like Lucille Ball.

BillyBoy – July 21, 2020
youre cute hehehee

Vqueer – July 8, 2020
Don’t meet him for drinks or dinner, he is very whorish so discrete is not something he can do.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks Croatian, French, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M No
Dirty WS only
Oral Bottom
Rate per hour 250 €
Overnight On request



Trashytrashbag, 19

Bottom boy, thin, smooth all over, and have a great ass with a tight, moist hole that loves wringing spongey tongues and milking dicks.

Love arrogant, selfish rich men that don’t hesitate to push make me take pop*ers and parTy until im a mindless slut and unload all their cum and saliva inside me.

For example an older man offers me $$$ and dr*ugs if I go with him to his home, then I lose control because I’m so high and he uses my hole hard to get off, eating it deep and fucking it raw until he shoots inside my ass. I deserve it because I’m so greedy.

Love sucking old dick when I can see a biohazard tattoo. Nothing gets me off faster than feeling a cock shooting its load in my ass whith a biohazard tatto in sight, to me it’s WILD.

… and if you “feed” (if your into it you know what im talking about) CONTACT ME, would love to taste what you give me 😉

Guestbook of Trashytrashbag

chooko – Aug 10, 2020
Trashytrashbag is the BRAND & he’s the CONVERSATION…. Can make up or break your mind by making baaad actions

Trashytrashbag (Owner) – Aug 4, 2020
It was nice to eat you

nowguy – Aug 4, 2020
I gratefully took advantage of his “feed” option and … there are no words. I gave him big hits of poppers and fed him dogshit and poop out of my infant daughter’s dirty diapers then watched him swallow the meal. Wow!

curveddicktop – Aug 2, 2020
His ass has a strong internal “grip” and he’s not afraid to use it!

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Farsi, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



iwantcake, 19

Venezuelan living in curacao🇻🇪 🇨🇼 Skinny Legend 🍒 Arianator☁️ Poor asf (don’t expect)🤑 Obsessed with French vainilla latte♨️ Sometimes the people call me Channel N°1

Guestbook of iwantcake

iwantcake (Owner) – June 13, 2020
I don’t belong here. I lost my mojo. I get no joy.

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking No
Speaks Spanish, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No answer
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



ASStronaut_destroyers, 18

couple of macho guys with cute fag boy who hangs out with us that we fuck and rent sometimes or will sell off (due to circumstances)

Guestbook of ASStronaut_destroyers

Niceman1 – Aug 9, 2020
All 3 of them are crazy as loons but I liked that.

MrStHi – Aug 6, 2020
The most real fuck in Bucharest

work-in-progress – Aug 3, 2020
Loved the fear in his eyes.

Anonymous – Aug 1, 2020
Their fag is pretty good stuff ahhaa 🙂

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Romanian, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Top
Rate per hour 100 €
Overnight 200 €



Escortservice_Check, 20

I don’t ever take myself to seriously I just don’t see a point we are all going to die someday. I currently have a full-time job as a software developer but I’m becoming dissatisfied. There is not a lot of things I really care about. people said I’d be happier if I cared more but personally this frees up my mind for things the mater to me.

Why am I on this site well because I was happy for a while and could enjoy masturbaying alone and had an okay social life but due to recent events I’ve had to spend quite a bit of time alone so naturally I got lonely. I’ve not really shared my body with anyone I didn’t know well first, I’m a bit of a private person. I feel like I’m looking more for something for an hour then a bit longer term.

I generally try not to lie to myself, but I do feel my emotions are disassociated with my logical brain and my values. I do feel I can be very honest when I’m drunk (drunk well writing this). I don’t really change when drinking just my cock is harder a bit. I consider myself Bi but I feel women are mostly full of shit and I hate that shit.

What is this site anyways is it a prostitution site? I don’t know I’ve not had a change to look around since I’ve gotta fill this stuff out.

P.S this is my box I’ll put in what ever I like.

Guestbook of Escortservice_Check

Escortservice_Check (Owner) – Aug 14, 2020
I’m having a big problem and I need help from more experienced bottoms please! I can’t douche properly. It sounds funny, but I’m losing customers because of this. Help me please.

sheep80-60 – Aug 11, 2020
First you have to jack off with him on snapchat and if he decides he likes jacking off with you more than being alone he’ll meet with you. I didn’t pass the test but after seeing him in the light and naked I didn’t really mind.

Dick XL, Uncut
Orientation Bisexual
Body Average
Body hair Some
Piercings no
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks French, English
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



Abyys, 18

I’m 17 year old from Saint Barth and hopefully i can get to Hossegor at the end of July ☀️ to surf🏄🏼‍♂️

This advennture will not be as it was planned, but i try to make it the best (I dont know if escorting is a good way for that..)

Im so much opened to meet new men, especially from another race, i wanna be multikulti, i never ever talked to an african american, or asian, australian guys in my life, i would love to spend time with new people around me, to spend so time together, talking, telling stroies, having sex, drinking some beer, and of course practice my english. (actually i never talked to anyone in english face to face)

Looking for free? Skip
Looking for anything related to free? Skip
Not multikulti? Skip
Won’t fuck, just showing me ur dick? Skip
And the list goes on:

Dick XL, Uncut
Orientation Bisexual
Body Athletic
Body hair Little
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks French, English
Position More top
Kissing Yes
S&M No
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 350 €
Overnight 1200 €



HansLeck, 19

I was star of Czech Hunter 497

“I totally hit the jackpot with this 19 years old cutie. I met him on his way home from school and I would do anything to get him in bed. He studied at a business academy, so I was surprised he had no idea how to bargain properly. I would have paid him so much more! He took me to his parent’s flat, fortunately all the family members were away. I had him just for myself. But this little angel with dreamy eyes wasn’t as innocent as he looked. He already had one gay experience, that’s probably why he was willing to do all this in the first place. And he was really into it! I’m sure his mom would be surprised to see her eldest son in action. The guy enjoyed my cock in so many ways and loved them all. He even managed to cum with my cock balls deep in his tight asshole. I simply loved him.”


Is Czech Hunter fake? Yes
Do you really go to business school? No
Is cameraman attractive? No (but I don’t care)

Guestbook of HansLeck

Idinit – July 27, 2020
His ass is outstanding in its field

pivotaxez – July 22, 2020
1. He’s hungry 2. He’s bored. I can’t be more explicit.

fakecaptain – July 20, 2020
Sociable. Gin tonic fan. Gay but still a man.

MsXXXxx – July 16, 2020
Hes not totally perfect but parts of him are excellent.

Dick XL, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Some
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks Czech, English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
S&M No
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 200 €
Overnight 700 €



Sloshy, 19


I just recently turned 19. I’ve been a live in sex toy for a wealthy man for 6 years. He said I could create an account to make friends with people online because I’m very lonely.

I will never be able to meet up with you.

My boyfriend (I never know what to call him) is a nymphomaniac and loves fucking me in inventive and even painful ways. He saved my life and gave me purpose and I am very loyal to him.

I’m very small, 5’4” and skinny, 105lbs. My dick is 4.5 inches full hard, and I am uncut. My boyfriend is a very large in shape man and his cock is 9.5 inches long and 7 inches thick. When he’s fully hard and rests his cock on my ass width ways, he’s bigger then my ass. He fucks me a few times every day, but and, without stretching me out, will ram his entire cock inside me and basically fuck my stomach.

He has a very large playroom with a lot of equipment. And a home made electric torture device that is extremely painful. He says it’s output is just under the voltage that would cause skin burning. He enjoys hooking my very very sensitive cock head up to it and making me scream.

If stories about a life of nonstop sex turn you on I can share what I’ve been through and my whole story. Again just looking for online friends. Again I cannot meet. 😍

Guestbook of Sloshy

Sloshy (Owner) – Aug 6, 2020
👉🏻Also selling:

1. My chastity cage – $45
(45mm base diameter)

2. My vibrator – $45

Both very used, boyfriend only stores the vibrator in the freezer to ensure that flies don’t get on it.


Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Polish, German, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



UndertakerEli, 20

This is all new. This is all scary. Not quite sure how I got here, but while I’m here:

I’m completely full deaf. Just only learned to sign language, so I can’t talk and can’t hear either.

Guestbook of UndertakerEli

Standingthere – Aug 3, 2020
So you know in advance, first he has you write down a list of the sex acts you want. He reads the list and crosses out any he won’t do. If you’re still interested, he tapes the list on the wall by the bed and lies down holding a sharpie in one hand. When you’ve done a sex act, he crosses it out on the list with the sharpie. The sex continues until everything is crossed out. All that said, he’s so cute, he made me wish every cute boy was deaf and dumb.

Dick S, Cut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No answer
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 60 $
Overnight 200 $



rugbyXXL, 20

I prefer to be available only for exclusive, overwhelming and engaging mental and physical meetings with mature men, women and couples of a high socio-economic level, both as a character and as a person.
Therefore entrepreneurs, politicians and ecclesiastics are welcome, however I do not despise the rest of you as long as you can afford the company of a special person like me.

Guestbook of rugbyXXL

AnthonyXL – Aug 7, 2020
👑👑👑👑👑HIS SERVICE👑👑👑👑👑👑

Dick XXL, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Muscular
Body hair Smooth
Tattoos None
Piercings None
Speaks Italian, English
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty WS Only
Fisting Versatile
Safe Sex Let’s talk
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



idontknowdude, 22

Ah hi me it’s 👀 LOUIS if you have between (37 and 65) ACTIVE-HUNG 🐷 contact me directly 👅📞 07 80 35 59 28 no other exchange possible than by phone 🌡️ (ass / mouth) 175% (passive) 🐖🕸️ at your disposal 🐖🐖🐖 1 hour 1 night 1 lifetime! Ol lol!🔥😀🔥🍭🔥🎅🔥🎁🔥💰🔥🥂🔥🆗🏳️‍🌈🍭📞🥂😀 I answer H24 👄

Guestbook of idontknowdude

charlesflores – Aug 12, 2020
Here some extra infos: Sex is not his real job. He is a artist. Since his field right now is in crisis, he started to think what other options he have and sex is the only thing he think of. He needs to party hard first to help him escape into a world he’s not really mentally in on a reg basis. But once he does you got sex and you support art!

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks French, English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 250 €
Overnight 800 €



Steven, 18
Subang Jaya City Council

I wanna get fuck by you ,hot guy !

Guestbook of Steven

JohnFord – Aug 9, 2020
I didn’t want to cuddle after but he vehemently insisted so I did and it kind of ruined everything.

calvinnnnn – Aug 4, 2020
He eats cats

felipejulian – July 31, 2020
Highly recommended to those who lust for innocent looking Malaysian boys who have slept around a fucking ton.

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Little
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty WS only
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



I_Fuck_your_daddy, 22

I am not into Lang chat with you I don’t care about what you do in your office job or in your fucking holiday .i don’t married you 😏
when we meet you can’t say me hi or ask about my privat live .you need my cute butt hot cock scenty balls deep mouth and sweaty armpits and I need your money
.you have to use your time when you are with me every minute costs 2€ then use your time bitch and sniff my balls lick my armpits suck my cock plow my mouth throat ass.its made for your fetish life .
i am friendy with my friends and my family not with dirty pigs 🐖 I write and answer only 4 question when ? Where ? What ? How long ?
Into alof of party and fanracy depends of what you need .
a lot of guys ask me after how can have my smells take them home? I offer my underwear shirt shoes and socks price depends of how smelly are there.

Guestbook of I_Fuck_your_daddy

hereagain_ – Aug 10, 2020
you’re better off giving your pocket money to him rather than your real kids.

tryit2xs – Aug 5, 2020
After 50 yrs finally, had sex with a man (this one). Sniffed poppers until I could not feel my toes and lapped up cum his like it was water. It was nasty; it was exciting; It was a beginning; and I want more!

Sam251 – Aug 2, 2020
i bought his feet and nutted all over them for the camera and am selling videos !!

Dick XL, Cut
Orientation Bisexual
Body Athletic
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks English
Position More bottom
Kissing Consent
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No answer
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 150 $
Overnight 2000 $



RapeOpferRuhr, 20

Do you like to take what you need?

TheRapeVictim is just right for you. Grope, get a blowjob, fuck, and misuse the victim according to your ideas.

After an initial consultation, the victim can become afraid of you but helpless, or disoriented as though secretly drugged, or rebellious and defensive. just choose your flavour then take what you want emphatically.

Use the victim alone, or use it in a group.

So what are you waiting for? Write quickly and book this very special experience.

Guestbook of RapeOpferRuhr

sex-fash – Aug 1, 2020

RaperRoy – July 27, 2020
Really cool number … Has kept to the agreements and has become a dream number that just got even better with rape. I have never had such a orgasm.

Masahistapo – July 12, 2020
You need a Therapist with Good service

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks German, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 80 €
Overnight On request



Special-Top, 22

Special top….Not the usual masculine one…got it ? I love my big painted nails .d..im rude and arogant….I care about the sex andf thats all…

Guestbook of Special-Top

Special-Top (Owner) – Aug 3, 2020
If U know me STFU!

Timorws – Aug 2, 2020
Well-known big brand in saunas before the pandemic shit. For years he has been a user and of course a small boat has survived until today thanks to the stupid sisters (and I am one of them) who pocketed him waiting for us to fuck the injured … but hey … his -for-medium- dick does not get horny even minimal as much as he sees bags on his cell phone. All he does is waste your time with pointless conversations, waiting for you to decide that you will NOT eat his dick and get up to leave (after you have paid him first, of course). We fed a lot of girlfriends. You wake up!

Dick XXL, Uncut
Orientation Bisexual
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks German, English
Position Top only
Kissing No
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Bottom
Rate per hour 100 €
Overnight 500 €



hornyasfuckrn, 18

Hi guys

Since a year I found out that the idea of being a prostitute makes me feel really good. But I was to young for all this. Now, in may, I turned 18 so I want to find out how everything works in this business.

I just want to say that I’m very shy and that I’m definitely not the person who wants to hook up for more than sex. I’m here to find out what i like and I hope you can help me with that.

I don’t know anything about this so it would be very helpful if you could ask and explain things that you guys do.
(Example: tell me in a story what it would be to be your “bottom”, then “more bottom” and then “versatile”. I don’t know the difference between them)
(Another example: What would you rate my ass out of 10?)

Again, I don’t know anything:
The only thing I know is that i am definitely not a top and that I like the idea of prostituting.

I hope you can help me!

Guestbook of hornyasfuckrn

hornyasfuckrn (Owner) – Aug 9, 2020
I’m just loving your ejaculating cocks: they give me the feeling of being useful and loved as if I have reached my destiny.

yourpassion – Aug 7, 2020
In the pic I had rated your ass a 9, having now rimmed/fucked you I would rate it a 6.5 to 7.

THICKBBC25CM – Aug 6, 2020
At least an 8.

Nikolas4A – Aug 6, 2020

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks Portuguese, English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
S&M No answer
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 50 €
Overnight 200 €



IHaveNothing, 20

I feel so empty and disconnected from the real world. I’ve made so many mistakes in my youth to the extent that I’ve lost faith in ever being happy or fulfilled. My life lacks structure and purpose, and, as a result, it has slowly unraveled into a shredded mess.

During my freshman year in high school, my friends were mocking me for still being a virgin. I hastily used Craigslist to find a local woman that night to take my virginity. She told me the meet her by a road half a mile from school, and I made the trek at 2am. A man grabbed me instead, pushing me behind a building. He both sodomize and fucked me until I bled. I walked back home crying, and I haven’t done anything sexual since.

I’ve wrangled with my sexuality and image of myself ever since. Although I only masturbate to pictures of women, there’s a dark urge inside of me that is hoping that I get molested again by a man.

I want to submit to men for money to protect my heart and to feel like I have control of my sexual identity. I’m too afraid and anxious to have sex with a woman. I think, however, that having sex with older men will be therapeutic. I don’t care what sexual acts that we do. I just need to be overwhelmed, scared, and vulnerable so that when I look at myself in the mirror I can say that I choose to feel that way.

I know that this is a lot to read before saying hi or naming my price, but I don’t want to talk to some who doesn’t understand what I’m looking for on this site.

Guestbook of IHaveNothing

avuncular – Aug 8, 2020
He has amazing feet especially the inner ankle area.

LORD_FIRE_2020 – Aug 2, 2020
Plan to spring for the Overnight rate because it takes him forever to get drunk enough and even then you still have to bully the heck out of him and then once nude fuck him as hard as you can.

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Bisexual
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft SM
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 100 $
Overnight On request



p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. Yes, I very much remember that you have a copy of ‘AM’, and I hope you will keep it very much to yourself unless you’re thrown out on the street or something, ha ha. Not sure I understand the list of evaluations of those films. Everyone, Mr. E has written a think piece called ‘‘Sunset Boulevard’ of Broken Dreams’ for Los Angeles Blade and it looks to be about the film of the same name and COVID among probably other things, and you should read it, no? Here it is. Yes, i just now saw that Linda Manz. That’s so sad. I wish she’d been a lot more films, but she gave three legendary performances in three immortal films, and that’s more than a lot of prolific actors can say. ** Misanthrope, Sounds like David is settling into the job. Here’s to longevity. Big up on the speediness of your new computer. ** Sypha, Hi, James. The publisher claimed that the hardback cover of ‘MLT’ disturbed and offended people which had cut into the sales of the book, which I thought was a bullshit cover story for their own negligence, but I wasn’t given any choice. ** JM, Hey, Josiah! I’ve been thinking because the news says you guys have been locked down again? Eek. There are eerie rumblings here of a rise in cases and new restrictions likely to be put back in place. Oh fuck. That 11:11 book is a curious project. More a very interesting project than a totally successful one, but total success is such an overrated goal. Oh, wow, thanks for suggesting ‘The Sluts’, and I’m chuffed that they liked it. ‘Pedro Paramo’ is an excellent pick, obviously. The ‘Mindshaft’ package does look really good, right? I think mine is on my way. have an imaginatively explosive weekend. ** Bill, I had forgotten that you managed to see ‘Cupidon’. So cool. There’s talk of reviving it, and I sure hope they do. Yes, I heard the heat traveled over to the West Coast. Shame that sun wasn’t included in the travel ban. Speaking from the other side, you’ll feel so physically virginal when it’s over. ** Okay. Yes, it’s the middle of the month, and, yes, I of course invited a bunch of escorts to use the blog as their party space. Step inside. See you on Monday.

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