
The blog of author Dennis Cooper

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5 books I read recently & loved: Brontez Purnell 100 BOYFRIENDS, Leonor Fini Rogomelec, Alexandrine Ogundimu Desperate, Audrey Szasz Tears of a Komsomol Girl, Louis Armand VAMPYR: A Chronicle of Revenge

‘Riot Grrrl saved my life. Reading those zines when I was a teenager saved everything. Man, I was in Alabama. And in The CD Version of the First Two Records, Kathleen Hanna was saying, “There’s no such thing as a gender analysis without a race and a class analysis. There’s no such thing as a race analysis without a gender analysis.” It’s before we started using the word intersectional. In my head, there was this trifecta of identity and what it means to be someone, but this felt so 3-D. When you’re fifteen and you’re a faggot and people are fucking with you, and someone’s like, “Being told that you’re a piece of shit and not believing it is a form of resistance”—it was really fucking rad. Riot Grrrl basically taught me that I didn’t have to kill myself. It really helped.

‘When I was in tenth grade, I had a teacher who said, “Gay people are a genetic mistake.” I hadn’t come out, but I knew I was gay. I wrote Kathleen Hanna a letter about it and she wrote me back. I still have the letter to this day. She was like, “Yeah, it really sucks that people are acting that way, but you’re going to get through it, you’re going to be fine,” and she sent me the first Le Tigre CD.

‘Before I moved to California, I lived in Indiana for a little bit. There was a band there called PANTyRAiD, who toured with Le Tigre, and I got to dance for them at their shows. At one show in Chicago, Kathleen Hanna started talking to me, and it was the first time I’d met her; I was beyond awestruck. She was like, “Hey, I remember you. Didn’t you send me a letter one time?” She told me she had saved my picture that I sent her when I was sixteen and used it as a bookmark for years. I always thought that was really, really sweet. That’s when I thought, I’m going to do this for the rest of my life.’ — Brontez Purnell


Brontez Purnell @ Facebook
The Provocations of Brontez Purnell
Brontez Purnell Is Everything
Buy ‘100 Boyfriends’


Brontez Purnell 100 BOYFRIENDS
FSG Originals

‘Transgressive, foulmouthed, and brutally funny, Brontez Purnell’s 100 Boyfriends is a revelatory spiral into the imperfect lives of queer men desperately fighting the urge to self-sabotage. As they tiptoe through minefields of romantic, substance-fueled misadventure—from dirty warehouses and gentrified bars in Oakland to desolate farm towns in Alabama—Purnell’s characters strive for belonging in a world that dismisses them for being Black, broke, and queer. In spite of it—or perhaps because of it—they shine.

‘Armed with a deadpan wit, Purnell finds humor in even the darkest of nadirs with the peerless zeal, insight, and horniness of a gay punk messiah. Together, the slice-of-life tales that writhe within 100 Boyfriends are an inimitable tour of an unexposed queer underbelly. Holding them together is the vision of an iconoclastic storyteller, as fearless as he is human.’ — FSG


Me and all the rest of the boys on the block had learned a very trash and burn style with sex: no guilt, no morals, no new boyfriends. It was the rule.

Every once in a while two of us would pair up and monogamy about it while the rest of us talked shit: “Not cool, not anarchist—hoarding all that dick like that—sexual capitalist!” (We said shit like this.)

Sometimes the need for normality would pinch me in the ass. Some new young thing I was dating would seem like a good idea and I would go wander off in bliss with him for awhile, but under no circumstances could he meet my slutty best friends. They would all fuck his brains out, for sure. I would look at the little chicken and think, “The second I wife him he’s gonna fuck all my friends,” or “Actually, he’s probably already fucked all my friends,” or, the even more precise realization, “Wait—I’VE FUCKED ALL MY FRIENDS.”

(I wanted to go bathe in penicillin.)

It was a peculiar coven and we kept the circle open. I had many “brothers.” I often called on Nathan on nights when I couldn’t scratch my own itch. Nathan lived next door. I had fucked him for five years. His name was Nathan Alexander Carmichael. He was a white boy. (Hence the name Nathan Alexander.)

We had fucked each other so much that sex at times felt like scraping the last bit of toothpaste out of a tube that had shot its last load two paychecks ago. We had to re-invent our fuck buddyhood. The world moved so goddamn fast—it was all bills heartache and defeat—those moments of tenderness sometimes had to be engineered.

We did terrible things to each other. It was exciting.

It was his turn to top. He made all the rules; for this session we sat on a clean white bed sheet naked in his room, across from one another. We were only allowed to talk through text messages. He texted, “Let’s pretend we’re Boyfriends and make love.”

“Ok,” I texted back. He moved to my side of the bed. “Only I can speak now—lay on the floor.” He bound my hands and feet together with suspension ropes and blindfolded me. He left the room and I heard him set something down on the floor, heard him rubbing his hands together. He put something under my nose. “Smell,” he said. It was basil. He had to have seen me smile. He put another object to my nose—it was a cloth of some sort with Terre d’Hermes on it, his favorite cologne. I couldn’t feel my body anymore.

“Open your mouth,” he said, and I did. He put a piece of cake in it. He rolled me on my back and undid the cuffs on my ankles. He pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his hips and entered me. “I own you,” he whispered. He forced a pillow on my face and began to fuck me, hatefully. Within a minute he was done. He put a blanket over me and laid on top of me. He rubbed my lips with his fingers and kissed me gently. He lifted up the side of my blindfold and exposed my left eye. I saw him wink at me. I was freed.

I put my clothes on and walked out the door. I turned to see him standing in the doorway, waving at me. I looked at him and saw the same thing I saw when I looked at my right hand: a life line, running strong and clear through the center.—


100 Boyfriends Mixtape (The Demo) by Brontez Purnell

Interview with Brontez Purnell




‘During her teenage years, Fini suffered from rheumatic conjunctivitis, which forced her to have her eyes bandaged and to live in total darkness for two months. She later recalls that this experience really helped to develop her imagination and to conceive complex visual imagery in her mind. The need to bandage her eyes may also have also inspired a later love of being masked. By the age of seventeen, Fini was already exhibiting her portraits in Trieste, and frequenting the artistic and literary circles of the town, where she was generally considered highly intelligent (she had read Freud before she turned sixteen) and sensitive.

‘In 1931, she moved briefly to Milan and then to Paris where she became acquainted with Carlos Carrà and Giorgio de Chirico; both became profound influences on the aspiring young artist. By this point, Fini was an ambitious 24 year old, with, as art critic Sarah Kent writes, “a gift for friendship – people loved her warmth, intelligence, and beauty”. It was at this time that she met Max Ernst, who became her lover and introduced her to the Surrealists, including Man Ray, Salvador Dalí, and Henri Cartier-Bresson along with many other painters and writers of the group.

‘Fini quickly became an integral part of the Parisian art scene and social circles. She became known for her eccentricity, flamboyant personality, and particularly theatrical ways of dressing. Art critic Sarah Kent says, “She would dye her hair blue, orange, red or gold and attend private views and parties dressed as a man, or wearing nothing but white boots and a cape of white feathers”. During this time, she was also exhibiting her work in Parisian art galleries – one of her first exhibitions was at Christian Dior’s gallery that was run by Dior before he became an acclaimed fashion designer.

‘Throughout this time, Fini also worked as an accomplished portraitist (painting portraits of many celebrities and visitors to Paris, and especially of her friends including writer Jean Genet, actress Maria Casarès, ballerina Margot Fonteyn, and the socialite Hélène Rochas) as well as an illustrator, illustrating Edgar Allan Poe and Shakespeare, and often donating her drawings to new emerging writers. Besides being generous, she was talented, glamorous, and often perceived as being profoundly controversial. Art critic Catherine Styles McLeod describes her as “magnificent, perturbing, mocking enigmatic, terrible, and compassionate”. Art critic Joseph Nechvatal further enhances her colorful existence in that he writes, “her wild lifestyle, open bisexuality, and infamous ménage à trois relationships shocked even the Parisian café society”.’ — The Art Story


Leonor Fini Site
Leonor Fini @ goodreads
Eight Drawings
Book: ‘Sphinx: The Life and Art of Leonor Fini’
Buy ‘Rogomelec’


Leonor Fini Rogomelec
Wakefield Press

‘Originally published in French in 1979, Rogomelec was the third of Leonor Fini’s novels. All the qualities of the paintings for which she is famed can be found in it: an undermining of patriarchy, the ambiguities of gender and the slipperiness of desire, along with darker hints of cruelty and the voluptuousness of fear. This novella’s ambiguous narrator sets off for the isolated locale of Rogomelec—where a crumbling monastery serves as a sanatorium and offers a cure involving a diet of plants and flowers—and moves through a waking dream involving strangely scented monks, vibratory concerts in a cavernous ossuary, and ritualist pomp with costumes of octopi and shining beetles. As the days unfold, the narrator discovers that the “the celebration of the king” is approaching, the events of which will lead to a shocking discovery in Rogomelec’s Gothic ruins. This first English translation includes 14 drawings by Fini that accompanied the novella’s original publication.

‘Born in Argentina and raised in Italy, Leonor Fini (1907–1996), concluded a rebellious youth with a move to Paris and a career in painting. Her six decades of work as artist, illustrator, designer, and author bore close ties to the Surrealist movement, but though the Surrealists saw her as one of them, she herself never identified as a Surrealist. Rejecting the role of muse, her work focused on portrayals of women as subjects with desire as opposed to objects of desire, and was groundbreaking in its explorations of mythology, androgyny, death, and life as Mannerist theater.’ — Wakefield Press



Angels of Anarchy: Sphinx – Leonor Fini and Surrealism

Leonor Fini




‘The morning meant hangover and strong coffee, juices delivered automatically from the smoothie bar Elena preferred. They lived together in a loft in Brooklyn Heights, no mortgage just yet because the question of children still hung in the air.

‘They had met at a reading given by Colson Whitehead where a coked-out V, the opener, stumbled through one of his better stories and Elena, bored, beautiful Elena, was intrigued by his delivery. They hooked up several times, usually fumbling after drinks, and he accompanied her to more than one event, but while the initial spark was there it was somehow clear that their relationship had no future. V was a dirty kid from Indiana, no money to speak of, living in a sublet in Bushwick with an even-tempered young couple and an app development wiz, while Elena had her own place (the loft) and put on her own shows in outerborough galleries, and had a trust fund courtesy of her father’s copper mine in Argentina.

‘It wasn’t that Elena was shallow, more that Elena didn’t want to engage in anything resembling a serious relationship with someone not serious, and the truth was that V was simply a mess. None of his work had taken off, and as a person he was more interested in partying than living. And while Elena could party with him, she had explained multiple times that she didn’t just want someone to do drugs with.

‘“I like you a great deal,” she said in perfect, accented English. “Sometimes I even think I am in love with you. But I cannot be with you, because of how you are.”

‘So one day, filled with a Gatsbian passion to make Elena his, V sat down and wrote a novel. The entire process, fuelled with illicit adderall and pot after pot of strong coffee, was completed in ten months, an insane amphetamine trip through his own memories. He mined his relationships, his great passionate love affairs, his pathos, all that had befallen him in the brisk 27 years of his life.’ — Alexandrine Ogundimu


alexandrine ogundimu
Alexandrine Ogundimu @ Twitter
Buy ‘Desperate’


Alexandrine Ogundimu Desperate
Amphetamine Sulphate

“What’s a decent price for coke, should he stop doing coke, should he kill himself, had he ever been raped, why did he only want to fuck straight guys, what would happen if he jumped in front of a train, and the ever present question of what the fuck he was doing in New York?”

‘Considerations of self erasure are impossible if you are never really there. The writing has an exciting brutality and has me hungry for more. Highest possible recommendation!’ — Adam Hudson








Audrey Szasz is a London-based writer and poet. Her experimental narratives weave exotic prose-poetry with surreal imagery and transgressive satire.

‘Audrey Szasz is a deviant genius of surreal and perverse image-play; her subversive imagination shocks and thrills in equal measure. She may well be the strangest and most disturbing new writer now at work in Britain. If she was in France she would be fêted.’ — Todd Swift


~~ z u t k a ~~
szasz_audrey @ instagram
AS @ goodreads
‘Invisibility: A Manifesto’
Buy ‘Tears of a Komsomol Girl’


Audrey Szasz Tears of a Komsomol Girl
Infinity Land Press

Tears of a Komsomol Girl is an experimental concept novel based on the real-life crimes of Soviet serial killer Andrei Chikatilo, who was finally executed in 1994 having been convicted of murdering 52 people between 1978 and 1990.

‘​USSR, Rostov, 1980s. Arina, a young girl — insolent, obnoxious, but most importantly musically gifted, poses as the ideal student — upstanding, hardworking, and a member of Komsomol — the Soviet Union’s Communist Youth League. Fantasising unrealistically about becoming an internationally famous classical violinist, and yet simultaneously behaving as cynically and hypocritically as she can, Arina uses her Komsomol duties as a pretext for strutting unsupervised around town of an evening, fraternising with soldiers and Party bureaucrats alike, compulsively lying to cover her tracks. And yet her sleep is punctuated by obsessive and oppressive dreams concerning a certain killer who’s been on the loose for years — a ruthless, sadistic and thoroughly vicious opportunist referred to in rumours as Citizen X, the Rostov Ripper, or simply Satan — a monster who brutally slays children and adolescents having assaulted them at knifepoint. As the killings become ever more tortuous and frenzied, and the number of innocent victims tragically swells, it’s only a matter of time before Arina finally crosses paths with Satan, and her nightmares turn into a reality.’ — ILP



Audrey Szasz // Marquis de Sade // Cut-up of Justine

Audrey Szasz // Have You Seen This Girl?




‘Any art that co-operates with the prevailing ideological structure of power can be subsumed under an ‘aesthetics’ (Vichnar and Armand, 2017). On this principle, the association of the avant-garde throughout its history with a generalised anti-aesthetic bears within it broadly political connotations of economic and class antagonism, traceable to its origins in the militant revolutionary discourses of the nineteenth century across the political spectrum. Yet the notion of a specifically proletarian or working-class avant-garde is rife with paradox – stemming firstly from the fact that, historically, it has been the avowed function of the avant-garde to affect revolutionary class consciousness in the first place, and secondly from the necessity to contest precisely those ideological forces seeking to legislate the meaning of work and its role in political ontology.

‘Though having evolved in direct symbiosis with market capitalism, the avant-garde – in its militant, anti-institutional phase – emerges from an adversarial stance towards the ‘abstraction’ and ‘impoverishment’ of labour in the production of cultural surplus-value. In refusing the industrial work ethic as alienated and dehumanising – and l’art-pour-l’art-isme as its mystification – this emergence (from Blanqui and Bakunin to the Situationists and Arte Povera) manifests as a form of radical counter-work, one which sought to circumvent what Nick Land has called ‘the rage of jealous time’ and ‘matter’s positive effacement by utilitarian society’ (Land, 1992: 65). In doing so it salvages notions of usedness and uselessness (as determined by the capitalist work ethic), and entropy (as later delineated in cybernetics), for a critical affirmation of the art (or anti-art) of everyday life. Land draws on Georges Bataille’s concept of general economy and ‘expenditure without reserve’ (Bataille, 1991: 21ff) to posit such a counter-work in a virulently antagonistic relation to the logic of surplus production. ‘Expenditure without reserve’ opens within cultural labour the space of an ecstatic chthonic function, through the purging of normative social desire. This radical potential can be understood as the means of avant-garde art to affect contradictions in the instrumentality of Power (capital), in such a way that Power itself (in its mechanism of desiring-production) is caused to dissipate in a histrionic effort to re-normalise and re-commodify.’ — Louis Armand


Atelier Louis Armand
Louis Armand @ Twitter
Get VAMPYR here


Louis Armand VAMPYR: A Chronicle of Revenge

‘An anti-novel of the end times, set in the heart of Golemgrad under the spell of the CORVID-69 pandemic & an apocalyptic Corp[orate]=$[tate] terror apparatus…

‘The mirror is empty. Surely this is a sign? The error is too consistent & gigantic to be ignored. One moment, History is there, replete, like cinema. The next: Void. Where purpose was, now doubt, trepidation. Something must be to blame. We are not speaking of merely vulgar misunderstandings or an emotional ambivalence. Every disappearance can only be considered a murder, caused by a hidden hand. A crime of violent omission. These accusations demand an energy of response, not bands of superstitious dilettantes. The world is not a psychoneurotic disorder. Those still living have good reason not to feel safe from the revenges of the dead, even w/ a sea dividing them. Their taboos are as a mirror held up to a guilty conscience. Originally, all of the dead were Vampyrs. Yet we do not come from the past, but from the future.

‘A fiery half=moon low over Plague City 4:00a.m. A hole in the eastern sky. This clustering of timeframes in the phase=horror of pandemic. Catastrophe’s just another word for the future catching up w/ you. Within hours the entire city was in lockdown. Funny how we get dark cyberpunk dystopia in the newsfeed, when in reality everything’s falling apart because of incompetence. The quote uprising unquote died of apocalypse fatigue. GPS = General Paralysis of the Sane. Every posthumous affordance has its trolls. They expected to discover the complete vocabulary of extinction before words dissolved into nonsense. Transcendence w/ a humxn face. An emoji covering the void.’ — Alienist


In front of a landscape of erasures, a darkness that engulfs everything. (There was a border they didn’t always let you see, but you still knew you had to cross it.) This is the key to the game. Life stands under orders to retreat to the Quarantine Zone. Positioned outside the game, the adversaries pretend they’re only imaginary. Il n’y a pas de hors=jeu. Stated otherwise, existence of strategy doesn’t automatically confer a “tactical” advantage. There are, for example, two types of mask: those that are worn openly & those worn in secret. >the chill of sodden paper stuck to the neck glued smooth over eyelids force=fed between cracked teeth a papier=mâché of endorphined suffocation inkblotted gagging mute to dream of surfaces & air when all is a red pulsing of the eyelids turning black the blood in the ears bile in the throat welling up w/ sudden ferocity like a fountain pen from a jugular to scrawl its immodest encyclopaedias. Like Miss Muffet, you watch in sick fascination as the giant blowfly sucks the brains out of the itsybitsy spider. “There is a great danger threatening the task of emancipation, which isn’t an excess of ideology, but the opposite: an insufficiency of ideology in the direction of the task itself.” Immense relief from breathing (after all). They are selling oxygen in bottles. First degrade, then ration, then commodify. THE ONLY FUTURE WORTH ANYTHING IS ONE THAT PAYS! (“Virtuous & meek means lead to nothing!”) You’ve seen this coming but weren’t always prepared to believe it. An alibi only gets you so far, the real art is in convincing them of everything you say. Palinodes of complacency. Trocchi: “Protest is based on the assumption that social behaviour is intelligent: the hallmark of its futility.” What if everything to be accomplished, & the means of doing so, were self=evident? [An inevitable invisible insurrection?] Yet nothing cld be less clear / i.e. further from the truth (like a point on a Möbius strip returning to itself “as the crow flies”). >in place of “landscape,” write “geometry.” Perhaps before proceeding further we shld define what is meant by a distance: being the magnitude of an anomaly between two frames of reference. “She looked in the mirror but her reflection wasn’t there [wasn’t where she expected it to be.]” ¿Somewhere inside the mirror time had slowed down? The virus integrates an error into the system, which propagates until the error IS the system [the system “fails”] [or until it evolves a different system].[1] Q: Is the virus a “revolutionary” force? At what point does it renounce revolt? At what point does it dissimulate? i.e. by precipitating collapse, does the virus in fact strengthen the hand of e.g. the I=L=L=U=M=I=N=I=S=T conspiracy? “We must restate the problem of Evil upon new information.” [Every demon serves a master, but not only a demon may kill its master.] Once more back in the realm of false consciousness & instinctive dread, where G.O.D. alone maintains the Supreme Good in perpetual tumescence. To the extent that sublime revolt lives, grows & develops over the course of History… Does violence so quickly lose its attraction, when all it does is pay a salary? [A riot must also be a deconstruction.] Note, to be inscribed on every mirror: KNOW THYSELF / KNOW THY ENEMY. Thus are we all creatures of speculation. Yet who wld be the logos fallen among those deprived of speech? image among the blind? vaccine among the terminally sick? And if the virus itself wld send the image=cancer consuming the world into remission? [i.e. by debilitating global kapital], or only appear to, while in reality accelerating the cancer’s spread under a regime of inoculation [i.e. against whatever remains in the cancer’s way]? Or: if it participates in the regeneration of the world it destroys like an active supernatural force? Or: if though it represents a step towards a new world, it must still be excluded from this one? One crisis washes the hands of the other. The opportunism of love or tenderness: an open secret in front of the camera. Always the hope of future antagonism. (In the end there will be only the sound of dollars crying themselves to sleep at night.) Even when the lights have finally gone out, our task is more fraught & uncertain than ever, & the enemy is everywhere.

[1] >memory: discontinuity / a zone of inconsequentials? [political memory: power vectors that have expired?] >nostalgia: an image returning to its starting point after its reflection has already flown the coop?



Louis Armand, VAMPYR – PMF 2020




p.s. RIP Goddess Bunny, Sophie, Clayton Eshleman. ** David Ehrenstein, Thank you, David. It’s part of my novel, not a poem. It was indeed hard for me to read. It’s a very personal and emotional novel, very different for me in that sense. Anyway, thank you very much for the kind words. ** Dominik, Ha ha, that’s true, I hadn’t thought about that. My favorite? Oh, hm, that’s hard. I like raven too, I like obeyyourlastOrder too, I like TransphobicTrans. (I think I have a weakness for long hair). Yeah, I wish mushrooms didn’t start evil, but, yeah, it’s worth it. That was a good poem, right? lolokaythen doesn’t need to attend the workshop. Love, drunk, sitting on your couch, telling you the secret to winning anyone’s heart in a slurred voice that you can almost understand, G. ** Misanthrope, I have to agree with you. Deciding what someone can handle is just a wee bit authoritarian, dude, ha ha. But roll as thou rolls, golden rule. Thanks about my reading thing. Our govt. here seems to like to announce things on Thursdays for some, I guess, French reason, so it’s tenterhooks until then. Your weekend flew by? ** JM, Hi, J. Thanks about the reading and the slaves. I did see. I wish I could see that top hat performance thing. Duh. I haven’t totally finished Damien’s book — it’s a biggie — but it’s great, yeah. Best with all the things you’re doing. ** _Black_Acrylic, Yeah, very sad about Sophie. Their stuff was really fresh and sharp. A real tragedy. Thank you about the reading, my bud. Oh, and I almost forgot, thank you for the heavily banging new episode. I liked it so much my neighbour banged on wall! ** Bex Peyton, Hi, Bex Peyton. Welcome! It’s very nice to meet you. That’s so true, what you wrote, and so beautifully put. Thank you a lot. Hope I’ll get to see you again. Take care. ** Thomas Moronic, Hi, T. Yeah, of course I was thrilled to see that P&P reference. Trust me, such things are very few and far between in the wider world of slave profiles. Thank you so much, buddy, about my reading. That means a ton. Yeah, early September is what they tell me. Did they release the cover? I’ve seen the mockup. You good, writing, holding up, staying safe, etc., etc.? ** Sypha, I only saw the new Coil book in your Facebook post about it, so I’ve only seen the cover or whatever. It sounds very thorough. I’ll try to get it. Thanks, James. ** wolf, How does one best say hello to a wolf? Hm. Well, whatever that best approach  may be, this very sentence is attempting to do that. Okay, understood, and you know animal stuff much better than I do, for sure. I wasn’t meaning to say they don’t feel a thing akin to love. It’s just that, for me, I resist deciding/assuming that what they feel when they do things that seem to be generated by an emotion that resembles what we human call love is so precisely love that I can just name it that and think that I understand what they’re doing. For me that feels lazy or something. I just don’t feel that I’m in a position to understand their emotional lives and motivations. It’s my way of showing them respect, I guess. I can totally see that that might be just me overthinking and being weird, but there you go. Ultimately that thing you say we can agree on is definitely a way of thinking that I totally agree with you about. And I like thinking of myself as meat with a heart. Sexy. Ha ha. How are you? How are you dealing with the viral shithole stuff? Miss you. Big love. ** Steve Erickson, I know I shouldn’t envy your blizzard, but I do, sorry. Yes, yes, it’s a true loss that Sophie won’t be here to evolve their clearly distinct talent and work. Terrible thing. The gig I saw was Moor Mother singing/talking/etc. with a guy on a laptop and a percussionist. It was very wandering and textural and quite dynamic. She has great presence. I didn’t know the material she was performing. ‘The Extra Man’ sounds like something that could well be on one of the ‘illegal’ sites I have bookmarked. I’ll go look for it today. Thank you! ** chris dankland, Hi, Chris! Sight for sore eyes, my friend. And funnily timed since I just restored an old guest-post by you that’ll be launching here a week from today. Thank you so, so much about my reading. Aw, that’s so nice of you to day. Really, thank you, buddy. I think it was an especially wack bunch of slaves, and, as always, it’s just luck of the draw. How are you, man? How’s every little thing in your life? xo. ** Brian O’Connell, Hey, Brian! Thanks a bunch about the posts. My weekend was alright. Saw a friend, saw some art, did the Zoom bookclub thing with my US writer friends, finally started getting my brain into a writing assignment. Not so bad. Glad you liked the ‘AP’ movie. I like it too. The star of that film is an old friend of mine, and he’s so good in it, no? How are your classes and everything else going? Are you doing in-person classes or still just Zooming and stuff? Enjoy your parcel of snow. Envy. Just rain and rain here. Hugs and love! ** Bill, Yes, I think they might have a wee bit wackier than the average. But I don’t know why. Luck on the blog’s part. No, my novel is out in September. Early-ish September unless something changes. I haven’t checked worldscinema.org in weeks. I need to get over there and join you in your rich cinemaphiliac life. ** Okay. I’ve got five, count them, five books to recommend this month. (Two of them are quite short). Have a look and see if any of them seem like things you might want to similarly ingest. See you tomorrow.

“Every inch of my body is yours to edit however you want within the physical restrictions of my genetics.”


putridboy, 22
Hey I’m Ant. I don’t judge and nothin u can say to me that will make me feel,think,say,or do anything any differently than I do today. I have no boundaries,any and all things are in my limits and I never say no or anything but yes sir and I don’t want to be to much for you to handle but I also have to let you know that I am sick in many ways, bring friends family , pets and weapons . No one unde 18 . I smoke I drink I drug I don’t want to say anything isn’t possible but idk if I is either but I can prob get ur gears turnin with my twisted up mind


CodePandorumxGod – Jan 13, 2020
Inevitably, when cutting a person in half from testicles to skull, you will encounter factors that will stack against you. Even a super-sharp blade will succumb to friction, and the lack of leverage from the wrist and motion of the swing will cause the blade to inevitably stop.

Also, human biology comes into play, too. Between each segment in the spinal column is space, thus working like a sort of spaced armor in this rather specific situation. As the blade cuts through the spine, the gaps will cause increased drag against the blade.

jzillacon – Jan 13, 2020
yeah, at a certain point if the blade isn’t sharp enough, adding speed doesn’t improve cutting ability but just increases the blunt damage to the target. you wouldn’t be cutting through at that point, just turning them into a pulp. unless the blade is the sharpest frictionless thing, probably not. cyborg or robot assistance required!

That-One-Fur – Jan 13, 2020
Less about speed. More about sharpness. The answer being: hella.

lookingfortwink – Jan 13, 2020
How fast does a blade need to be slice someone in half vertically?



EarBoy, 18
• You to play with my ears. Flicking, rubbing, pulling, nibbling, kissing and more is very hot.

• Your comments on my ears, call me names related to them. Italian words like ‘ricchione’ and variations. Spanish words like ‘orejon’, ‘orejudo’ or ‘maricon’ and variations.

• I prefer if you avoid the earlobe and play with other parts of the ear, to be honest. The earlobe does nothing for me.

• No clothes-pins and no gluing anything to my ears.
• I won’t dress as a priest and shove a crucifix up your ass, as someone already asked me to.



johnny_duh__, 18
Sometimes it is very loud around you, but in due course everything will be more than silent.

If your abroad (not in Ireland) just say so first and don’t act like your gonna come over.

Anyone know any spots open during the lockdown where I can find a meth pipe?

I can assure you that u would like my facial features.


Limez – Jan 14, 2020
i methed this bitch and stole his money

igivedick – Jan 10, 2020
・An energetic girl who seems to be 18 years old.
・The coolness is celebrity-grade.
・He’s very interested in sexually explicit things!
・ The blood vessels that come out of her body are beautiful and of the highest physical beauty
・The handsome, handsome handsome buttocks.
・A voluminous vagina that doesn’t suit the body♡
. It was a pleasure to see him spray into my abdomen.
. It would have been nice if it had smelled more dangerous, but he can only be a good, earnest girl.

johnny_duh__ (Owner) – Jan 7, 2020
Recently accepted myself as bi.



Poolbusiness, 21
Wanna meet underwater? I love men in business suits completely submerged underwater. Also like wet business suits in general.

Business suits
Smart uniforms
Evening suits
Wedding suits

Whatever the suit, the suit stays on.

“This guy is absolutely fantastic in every way, you’ll love him”
– anonymous

“Hypocrite, insane, masochistic shithead”
– ex boyfriend


bourgeoistwink – Jan 20, 2020
He may not be pretty, he is not beautiful either, he doesnt have a perfect body but he has a good suit that made of the best materials.



Carsonsk8tr, 20
Just your average young skater boy looking to be a mummy over time… haven’t ever been one or had the chance. I have though always liked the thought of being one full time or even part time for when I guess I can’t be one. I guess like 70% time mummy and other just a regular guy or slave I guess.

I have seen a lot over the internet and follow some o mummy blogs and it just interests me every time and I feel like the longer I wait the more I regret. It’s a bit scary but I would get over it I’m sure after awhile.

So if you’re looking for a mummy let me know. I’m in the DFW area of Tx but that doesn’t matter as I’m open to relocate for the right person who knows what they’re doing and what they want in a mummy because I’m not even sure where to start.

Been on here before but wasn’t feeling it.


Carsonsk8tr (Owner) – Jan 24, 2020
Please note I am now a Mummy and I am taking some time off to explore myself and get to know my Mummy.



Balloonboy, 19
Hello everyone. I`m a 19 year old guy from London England with a belly inflation fetish. I`d love to meet guys who want to pump me up full of air and who will give me a huge balloon belly. And then make me go outside with it so everyone can see my Inflated belly!


Oi8Oi8 – Jan 11, 2020
You should be more involved in the Skinhead way of life, you should hangout with White Skinhead lads.

Skinhead really makes you strong and proud.

This is your true identity.

English And Proud.

Stand For England.

Oi Oi 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

ENGLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

ENGLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

ENGLAND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿



snuffmeinrubber, 20
limited till 3rd of january 21! 100 % ready for my final suffocation – snuff in rubber and airtight bags. need real men who help me to achieve the goal. only focused on the final edge play: completly shaved, sealed in rubber, suffocated till the end with poppers .


Anonymous – Jan 2, 2020



Jack, 18
I’m 5’2″, I would need you to get me and bring me somewhere cus i don’t have my kid ends but i’ll let you fuck me as hard as you want idc.


Jared54 – Jan 17, 2020
I am only 16, Please don’t report me, I want to give you head, I want my booty smacked, and I want to fart all over you.

lolokaythen – Jan 12, 2020
So I have top this kid this week he ask
me to wash my hand with hand sanitizer
but it was a bb breeding and I didn’t wear a mask
so what is the point of hand sanitizer

Dolce_Gabana007 – Jan 8, 2020
We are a couple aged M20 and M21.
We are looking for a sex slave and what results from that 😉
We have various exciting hobbies, such as playing Monopoly with 6 people, chess, going for a walk and drinking alcohol.
M20 is a bottom so he will mostly just want to hang out with you.
M21 plays on the PS4 a lot and in his free time enjoys doing sports and fucking boys who look like you very hard.

HotAndSecret – Jan 8, 2020
he has a nice ass ..this much information is sufficient..

RyanRisky – Dec 23, 2020
I fucked this boy back in March. Saw him at the airport. He was coming to visit his parents. He was tiny, really cute. We made eye contact. I made it a point to quickly follow him. Made quick conversation with him. Asked if he knew where the toilets were. He said he also need to use them so to walk w him. After everyone left I motioned him to a stall. Got him up on the toilet seat in case anyone walked in. Had a perfect little hole. Licked him out and shoved my cock into him. Started banging him. Blasted my load and we exited the stall. We walked out and I just said thanks for the hole. It was sweet seeing him hug his parents knowing my load was swimming in his gut.



Sam, 18
I’m Sam mcdearis I’m a freak for reek and I live in Gwinnett county I want to be a really gassy guy’s Fart Hoover Every reeking fart he lets out no matter how nasty I’d love to sniff it up I’m sure it will be hard to keep up with everyone who will be hitting me up non stop like grinder


OppressedSoul – Jan 16, 2020
He only wants what he says he wants when he’s drunk so chat with him to be sure he is drunk before getting your hopes up on anything.

Sam (Owner) – Jan 9, 2020
Plz do not assume that I am a fem-bitch-whore-gurl. You will find me at the lumber yard, not a mall.



Lifeisshort, 19
I’m a former high school jock, quarterback. I’ve always had beautiful girlfriends. On the down low, I’m also a 19yo HIV-POZ (also have syphilis) slam-slave cocksucking faggot bitch looking for 1 or a thousand HUNG OLDER CHEM-PIGS to pick me up at my place, blindfold me, take me wherever you want to, inject me with a hypo full of Tina and fuck me as BRUTALLY as they possibly can, FOR AS LONG AS YOU WANT AND BREED ME AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT until your faggot’s cunt is wrecked and looks like someone dropped lasagna on my ass. This should be done out of extreme hatred.


Rijal_65 – Jan 6, 2020
don’t need to find out about the cave

chloroformguymumbai – Jan 5, 2020
Been free to do as i like when i like with this worthless for some time now

satanichooo – Jan 2, 2020
If a bottom states when slammed becomes no limit are more likely not to give fuck about him

BoyStrangler – Jan 1, 2020
I am mafia I love speaking psema and hurting men

LordKardry – Jan 1, 2020
Hi everyone, I had him today. It was a great meeting, he is honest, punctual and passionate about it. I felt immediately at ease. It felt like getting years of pent up shit out with a good friend.



Metalmouthkiss, 20
I’m cute with a full set of orthodontic braces. I find my braces and why men like them interesting. Pump your semen on my braces.


Metalmouthkiss (Owner) – Jan 19, 2020
I also like being driven over by ATVs or other survivable vehicles.

Metalmouthkiss (Owner) – Jan 18, 2020
I’m also very interested in spanking and have been spanked for nearly my entire life.



BadBottom, 21
Quiet, lonely, always in my mind. Don’t have a social life. I go to work, play WoW when i come home and go to bed. I work late most days and don’t have any privacy at home. So can’t meet really. I’ve been fucked once and it hurt really bad. Other than that I’m very happy with how I pictured life as being gay would happen for me.


Tghtfckhole702 – Jan 18, 2020
Hey MasterJerry, I’m getting kicked out of my house… for being a cumdump and poz chaser. If you’re in SF tonight, I’d love to be your cumdump! I heard you were in town.

MasterJerry – Jan 18, 2020
Best of luck to ya…sounds hot, but not my thing.

helpmeruinhim – Jan 18, 2020
@Master Jerry If you see this … I am looking for another Master who would be into helping me make this boy extremely thin and unhealthy and basically us taking control of his lifespan. Thought you might be interested.

It_wasnt_me – Jan 13, 2020
I’ve had him, he’s into stuck fetish (stuck in things like glue, tar, cement, etc) long term to permanently.



i(heart)saliva, 24
aesxual saliva fetishist. yes i’m a bit of a freak. being spat on. droolled onto or made to drool, made to lick up spit, face licking, messy kissing, etc. drool into my mouth. make me messy. make me hold a banana or ice cream in my mouth so i have to drool. chew up food and drool it to me. plenty of things to drink and lots of sweets to stimulate saliva help. make me kneel and use my mouth for target practise. if its too easy, step back and do it from further back. bring friends and make it a game. only let me eat food you’ve chewed and spat into my mouth, or into my hands, even in public, or onto the floor. spit in my food or drink even in public. make me lick up your spit from the floor. or just put my tongue on it and hold it there. make me rub it into my face everytime you spit in my hands – only real men get soap and water. even in public. spit your used toothpaste into my mouth. spit on my face and hair in public. see how far you can spit and make me crawl and lick it up as fast as i can before you do it again. spit repeatedly in a glass then make me dip my food in it or drink it or gargle with it. open to ideas. i don’t mind multiple people. i don’t mind being filmed.



whitewedding, 18
I have been obsessed with the idea of my body holding so many strong and courageous men’s DNA and letting AIDS develop as it feeds on my body. Is that sick? maybe. But I fuckin love it.

Hit me up if you ever need to put your death cum into me.


whitewedding (Owner) – Jan 30, 2020
Let me know if u bred me last weekend. I took a lot of anon poz loads and enjoyed every cock, especially the guy who gave me a huge load on the bed. That you?

whitewedding (Owner) – Dec 22, 2020
My gender is dumb fucking idiot

A_Hole_For_A_Heart – Dec 19, 2020
Slammy hole. You don’t even have to ask.



Abuseme1, 19
Hi guys I love abuse chats about me and my family . that turn me up . abuse me and my family with out limit….


Abuseme1 (Owner) – Jan 23, 2020
Another idea is to find a disciplinarian to report to from time to time when the need for punishment arises… which would happen often because i’m a horrible person .



subhumanpiglet, 20
I live in a house in a subdivision 1 hour south of Paris

GUILLOU Andre – 16 rue d’Petit soldat – 45300 PITHIVIERS

You have my address and phone number you sons of bitches

You do what you want with it, broadcast everything to your friends

I receive without flinching, without arguing because I’m a shit –

Your fucking crack will have to shut its mouth and suffer!

My meat (cock of a bitch), balls, ass, tank, mouth, nipples are yours

Come destroy me, larvae, loper, torture, slaughter me

Make me female, take care of me without limit

Humiliate me, break me, I’m a junk, a dick hole

A whore to be abused without limit, to be made female


Unaccomplishedbottom – Jan 22, 2020
You know if you lost even 5 – 7 lbs. you could earn a decent living doing this.

MudoCock – Jan 21, 2020
Hey guys. I’m fisting this cunt and I’m having trouble propagating to the descending colon so I can get up it. I’ve gotten to the end of the sigmoid. I believe I am at the base of the descending colon, but having much trouble finding the way up. Over half of my forearm was up his ass, and that’s not including the hand obviously. So my question is, does anyone have any way to help us to understand what I am missing in regards to ascending the descending colon? The sigmoid was a real battle to surgically and patiently work through. Giving his ass a couple minutes rest, then I’m going to see if I can get through the sigmoid again and ascend the descending colon. I want it elbow deep. I don’t want to settle. Please help. Any info would be greatly appreciated.



badboyturnedgood, 24
So I was a bit of a party boy wanting to kick the heavy chems and work out what’s what

You may have heard stories about me already

I m not sure what ill love, what ill like, and what isn’t going to work for me yet

The only thing i know i don’t like is one man broke my arm and i didn’t like that

I dont wanna boyfriend but if u hot idk


extreme247boyfriend – Jan 16, 2020
If you want him to do something he doesn’t want to do threaten to keep his trainers his harry potter ones.



AppearanceSlave, 18
I’m Gunner. I’m from Tennessee. Every hair, every inch of my body is yours to edit however you want within the physical restrictions of my genetics.


AppearanceSlave – Jan 2, 2020
If you want sex I like Wheelbarrow position sex.



beatmeupplease, 19
Really wanna be punched when you wish and how you wish with whom you wish

Talk to me about horror movies

Preference for black or Arab guys but not really fussed


fireangel – Jan 26, 2020
Quiet at first, then very verbal when it’s time.

Emotaku40 – Jan 23, 2020
I have the same problem of hating my face. If you want to do something else instead of get punched, you take a red marker and angrily simulate self punching, it creates a similar feeling.



Kidnaphim, 19
I’m here to get my friend kidnapped. He’s cute and gay and proud and tiny. You’ll not regret.

I know this bitch really well if you want to know more please get in contact.

This is a permanent thing he needs to disappear forever so serious enquiries only!

I don’t care about how old you are, you could be even younger than him, I don’t give a fuck.

No limits, the most depraved things the better, I want to freak him out (he has no idea yet).

Someone please for the love of god send me a message and just take this boy.


Kidnaphim (Owner) – Jan 4, 2020
Fuck this is taking forever!



Youngpermanentslave, 18
Google translation: I am an asian refugee boy. I came here with an adult but he was sent back. At home i was property of a man. I do not want to go to a foster family here. I am looking for a very sadistic man or male couple wanting to own me totally. I am a small and skinny meat. I am still very very young looking. It must stay a secret.


MasterMax – Jan 22, 2020
this boy is owned by MasterMax from Brussels and is happy not to be free anymore



rightYouAre, 18
God makes everything beautiful 🏵️


rightYouAre (Owner) – Jan 16, 2020
I love everything that tops say

eggyolk – Jan 16, 2020
You’re ugly, fat, stupid, feminine and all the things I hate.

mharlee – Jan 15, 2020

toncha – Jan 11, 2020
he’s such a fat slut after sex he smokes hams



obeyyourlastOrder, 21
I once have a profile on here and thought i found a real honest Master who was serious about but i am so disappointed 90% of people on here are scum.
My content is way unique and my rabbit hole is too deep for most Masters on here to handle.
My profile photo already made it clear how i am capable of doing plus i can blend into any situation.
This one slave is worth 20 slaves.
I wear glasses btw.


obeyyourlastOrder (Owner) – Jan 27, 2020
current status

obeyyourlastOrder (Owner) – Jan 21, 2020
I’ve got a maybe Master and im gonna disappear from here so hit me up at my instagram: alibris_kurt if you want to stay in touch.

obeyyourlastOrder (Owner) – Jan 8, 2020
I love the early 70s but I’m more into the music and fashion than the killers.

Master Noah-Joel – Jan 8, 2020
DNA can be gotten around- you can burn, disintegrate the body afterwards and so firth. The problem is their god damned motherfucking cellphones!

needahboyforcd – Jan 8, 2020
It’s not just you. I haven’t felt this much internal savagery since 1974. Damn you to hell DNA!

TheNotoriousChemPIG – Jan 8, 2020
Maybe it’s just me but I can’t look at these pics without fantasising a long crazy night after which his dismembered decomposing corpse winds up lying in some bushes along a freeway offramp in the 1970s



ch6r9n, 20
tim / 20 / bottom / wasted

still hurts to fuck but i don’t care



Phallarchist – Jan 16, 2020
Men have limited opportunities to ejaculate, so they tend to choose their targets carefully. You should try to find out why men find you undeserving of their seed. It might be some factor that you can improve.

ch6r9n – Jan 16, 2020
Hello… so yes… im very upsetting while typing this text… Yesterday, i went to a sex club here in my city… while there, i had no trouble finding a man to fuck me…. the problem?? NO LOADS!!! Yesterday i had sex with 10 MEN in a 2 hour period… holy shit, 10 men fucked me, my ass was sore, i felt like my stomach was drilled because 2 well hung men fucked me… but no loads!!! Out of 10 men, 6 were bareback and 4 condom. All of the 6 bareback fucked me, said i was delicious and bla bla bla… but they just stopped and go roaming. ALL OF THE 4 THAT FUCKED ME WITH CONDOM CAME INSIDE ME BUT WITH CONDOM, SO I DIDNT GET THE LOAD,!! one of them came so much i could make a popsicle with the cum… WHAT A WASTE of cum, it should be in ME 😞 im so sad, im so done, i cant take it anymore…. people in sex club just fuck and fuck but dont cum… IM DONE



raven, 24
Been waaaay too involved in kink for way too long. I have no limits. I am the rare one on this site that actually means that. I am use to pain. Heavy sessions. Sub human-animal training. Strangling til I can’t breathe is a go. Blood and knives are on the table too. The more extreme stuff you have in mind for me, the better. All I ask in return is to be rimmed 4 to 5 times daily.


dripdripdrip – Jan 8, 2020
Warning- his sexiness has been known to cause mental illness.

dripdripdrip – Jan 8, 2020
Something better would be pulling the trigger.

NotVeryChristian – Jan 8, 2020
nothing better than getting him drugged to the point there’s no tomorrow and then watching the barrel of a gun push its way up his hungry fuck hole



exploringquarantine, 20
Inexperienced anal virgin. Had a lot of time since March to fester. Want to be murdered then savagely and brutally raped after death. You might think wanting my virginity taken in this way is not something I should want, but do not message me if that’s not something you can set aside.


aleksmathias – Jan 10, 2020
I write poems and I write them about U and only U

exploringquarantine (Owner) – Jan 2, 2020
But on a more reasonable answer, I think dead eyes are so fucking hot and I dunno what it is about them just being limp and not moving but hhnngngng imagining my eyes being like that, now that’s hot.

exploringquarantine (Owner) – Jan 2, 2020
I guess in my perspective I’m tired of getting hurt by people so the fact that I could just be a body with no one actually inside able to be hurt emotionally/mentally works.

Anonymous – Jan 2, 2020
Now that’s a curious fetish.



Steffen, 18
Look for the older man from yesterday who seduced me while fishing and sucked my bottom you said you were registered here was cool and want to do it again🤤



RapeSlutForSadist, 21
I Have Eating Disorder. I’m Unable To Swallow Solid Food. I Have A Feeding Tube In My Stomach. Unfortunately I Will Have The Feeding Tube Forever. Life Sucks But I’m Ok With It. So If You Are Ok With Me Hit Me Up!


SurprisedPikachuFace – Jan 24, 2020
I would refuse to meet you in person, but offer to leave a bottle of my piss outside for you to drink. I would send a pic of me in a black tank top and tight shorts licking a plastic bottle that says “drink this” on it. I would send you other teasing pix to totally torment you. If you are interested and need further reasons why, let me know….

RapeSlutForSadist (Owner) – Jan 22, 2020
I Could Disappear And Know One Would Miss Me I’m All Alone 4Real I Have Not Been Friends With Anyone In Over 10 Years.



its_russell, 20
choke me daddyyy….


its_russell (Owner) – Jan 5, 2020
I want to thank people for their nice been and so comprehensive

SecretlyCurious – Jan 1, 2020
He looks super gay but he is straight and weird and strange.

ASSdicted – Dec 26, 2020
His lungs are a vessel for popper vapor and his brain cells get totally destroyed.



hornydumpy, 18
uhm don’t go near me, i’ve got trust issues. bye



TransphobicTrans, 24
I have always thought that I am a girl; however, I have never had the courage to tell my family and friends how I truly feel about myself.

It is an incredibly lonely and empty feeling to spend your entire life pretending to be someone that you’re not.

I can’t spend the rest of my life believing, behaving, and having abhorrent urges to be a girl.

Please extract my femininity and toss it away.


afterthought – Jan 21, 2020
You’re a goober that take yourself too serious.

1974 – Jan 19, 2020
I really want you tied up and my fist repeatedly rammed in your ass. I want it to hurt and you not be able to stop it. I want this for hours and hours. That should do the trick.

TransphobicTrans (Owner) – Jan 16, 2020
I am aware that this is too politically incorrect for most people, as this is a blatant perversion.



trashyteen, 18
I am Harry. Im just a white trash country boy whos obsessed with Prince and the Pauper and other rags to riches storys as there called.

Whats stopping me?
I come from poor beginnings and live in poverty and I have no education.
I got the biggest Alabama accent and when I talk even people in Alabama dont always understand me.
I dont like sex but Im ok with having sex but it has to be classy sex like in a bed.

I want to be rich and have a good relationship so raise me and give me money every month.


Rommie – Jan 1, 2021
I hope u the best for this new year, specially hundreds and hundreds of mens and gallons of cumloads in u!

trashyteen (Owner) – Dec 14, 2020
My pictures give a wrong impression. They weer taken in the house of a man in the city and he put those nice clothes on me.



indifferentsub, 23
Hey, my body is open for business.
Who wants to go shopping?
Can look Asian or white depending on your preference.


Anonymous – Jan 19, 2020
you’re still alive?! cuz that’s not what i heard.




p.s. Hey. I recently read a short piece of my upcoming novel ‘I Wished’ in the Poetry Project New Year’s Day Marathon, and the event has just been archived, and if you want to see me read my thing, click this and start watching the video at 35:05. ** Corey Heiferman, Hi. That’s good to hear, ha ha. Wow, BF Skinner, I haven’t thought about him in ages. He was kind of a thing at one point. I mean everyone I knew including me was reading him at some point. Potpourri guest post = thumbs up. Oh, yeah, eflux, that’s a great site. I’ll go look at the Raqs Media Collective thing before the deadline. Mm, it depends what kind of art show you want to curate. I mean if you have two artist friends you want to show, you’re more than halfway there. You just have to think about the space and the organisation and stuff. Mix their stuff up, separate, it, etc., depending partly on if they work on walls or do sculpt/installation or whatever? I love curating shows. I used to do it a lot. I’m always looking for a cool opportunity. ** _Black_Acrylic, Loveable or … evil?! Yay! Everyone, The new Play Therapy episode is up and ready to be spun and get spun by courtesy of its host with the most Ben ‘_Black_Acrylic’ Robinson! I.e., ‘Synth-Pop, Electro, Acid House, some heavily psychedelic Dub and all sorts of other stuff besides that as well’. Join me in my gyrations, won’t you? Here. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. This may sound weird, but it always weirds me out when people interpret pets’ attachment to their owners or to other animals as love. Everyone does it, and I probably have, but that interpretation seems so territorial. Who knows why they do that? It could be  caused by some completely other reason than the thing we humans feel that we have named love. I don’t know. Ha ha. Everyone, Mr. E’s FaBlog has taken on that monstrous new Qanon adhering US Congressperson if you’re interested. Here. ** Jeff J, Hi. Me neither until I found/made that post. Gonna hope to get that new Zorn on its way to me this weekend. I do like Susan Howe’s work, yes. I’m trying to remember books of hers I’ve especially liked. Ones that spring to mind are ‘Frame Structures’, ‘My Emily Dickinson, and a book of stories I think is called something like ‘Silent Wager’? Yeah, her stuff is tough. I’m not always in her headspace, but sometimes I am and her stuff is quite insinuating. It’s cool you’re investigating her. ** Dominik, Hi! Dogs are cool. I think I’m a dog person more than a cat person. That’s supposed to be a revealing preference, but I don’t know what it reveals. Mushrooms are so nice. At least for me, the trip always starts with a good hour or so of paranoia, which I hate, but then they make me feel amazing. I didn’t know that Jeffrey Lewis song, so I just looked it up. Trippy! Thank you! It’s not LSD, although watching it can make you feel like you’re on LSD, but, because she just very sadly died, I send you love in the immortal persona of Goddess Bunny, G. ** Misanthrope, Cool, thanks. Announcing that you’re going to a place to someone who can’t go to that place but wishes they could can be rubbing it in, yes. France just put off the decision of going into quarantine or not for another few days, which is good, but keeps the anxiety happening. ** Jack Skelley, Jack Black without the Black! Ha ha ha, if the earthquake doesn’t kill you the chihuahua will. And I will see/speak with you this very evening/morning, man. ** Steve Erickson, Or maybe the Nazi origins gives those dogs’ professions of love an excitingly unnerving edginess? Everyone, A Steve Erickson twofer for you this weekend. First, his review of PRESENT.PERFECT for Screen Slate, here, and then a Spotify playlist he curated entitled “Guided Tour Through a Dark Forest”, here. Ah, I see, about Zorn’s decision. Him vs. us and he wins. Makes sense, I suppose. The name Paul Marmota sounds familiar, but I can’t recall if I know his actual stuff. I’ll check that track, thanks! ** ae, Hi, a! My, of course, pleasure. You love cold sesame noodles too? Here’s a secret cool guy club handshake. That brunch restaurant sounds so incredibly magnetic. That could partly be because we have no restaurants at all here at the moment. Have you ever eaten at a Sikh restaurant? Mind-blowing. Oh, shit, that thwarted gig with Hiro Kone and Bookworms. Hm, wow, it’s weirdly hard to remember the last good gigs I saw before the gig mass murder. I saw a very good Container gig, Emptyset, Morton Subotnik performing ‘Silver Apples of the Moon’ live, Moor Mother. That’s all I can remember right now. I’ve been looking at/reading your site and really, really digging it. What a great find. I love what you’re doing. It’s exciting and a super pleasure. Thank you, thank you for setting those items aside. Any weekend stuff of note planned or accomplished? ** Brendan, Hi, B! I’m so sorry to have made you have to wait for them. Love you back. ** Okay. It’s end of the month so if you want to hang out here you’ll have to deal with a horde of hungry slaves. See you on Monday.

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