The blog of author Dennis Cooper

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Jose presents … Parasitology *

* (restored/Halloween countdown post #4)

Parasites live in a warped version of the outer world, a place with its own rules of navigation, of finding a food and making a home. Parasites often act as architects, casting a biochemical spell to make flesh and blood change into the form they desire.



Sacculina Carnici

Castration is a strategy that any number of parasites have hit upon independently Sacculina does it to crabs. Males normally develop a narrow abdomen as wide as females, wide enough to accommodate a brood pouch – the knob that sacculina forms on a crab sits exactly where the brood pouch would be, and the crab treats the parasite knob as if it were its own pouch – a male crab acts as if he has the female’s brood pouch, grooming it as the parasite larvae grow and bobbing in the waves to release them.

Unable to waste energy on building eggs or testes, on finding a mate, or on raising young, a host becomes, genetically speaking, a zombie: one of the undead serving a master.



watch a snail under parasitic mind control



Cymothoa Exigua

The Spotted Rose Snapper Fish, which lives off the coast of California, is plagued by what must be one of the most disturbing parasites in all of nature. The crustacean parasite, called Cymothoa exigua, enters the fish’s mouth and leeches blood from the fish’s tongue until the muscle atrophies and dies. The parasite then attaches itself to the withered tongue-stump, and acts as a working replacement for the organ, spending the rest of its life living off bits of food that enter the fish’s mouth.
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Parasitologists who spend enough time looking at Trypansomes in laboratories tend to fall in love with them. In an otherwise sober scientific paper, I came across this sentence: “Trypansoma bruccei has many enchanting features that have made this parasite the darling of experimental biologists.”

Their name comes from trypanon the Greek word for an augur.

They enter the body when bitten by a tsestse fly. As the fly drinks blood the trypansomes pour in, they begin to steal oxygen and glucose from the body, multiply, invade the organs and slip into the brain. Trypanosomes live extracellularly by a process known as antigenic variation; they evade the pursuit of immune cells by tossing off their coat and putting on a new one.

Sleeping sickness gets its name from the way trypansomes disrupt people’s brains, wrecking the biological clock and turning day into night.



Cellular Warfare

Plasmodium enters a healthy blood cell, pushing aside the membrane skeleton. The parasite blasts out sheets of molecules, which join together and form a shroud around the parasite as it goes in. Plasmodium has a mouth of sorts, a port that can swing open. A little dollop of haemoglobin oozes into the maw, which then twists shut. The hemoglobin floats in a bubble inside the parasite, which contains molecular scalpels that slice it apart, letting it fall into smaller pieces and capturing the energy that had been held in those bonds. Plasmodium can neutralize the toxic heart of its meal.

A red blood cell is a good place to hide, because they don’t have any genes they cant make any MHC molecules, so they have no way of showing the immune system what’s inside of them. For a time plasmodium can enjoy perfect camouflage inside the cell.

The root knot nematode of the genus Meloidogyne hatches in the soil and crawls to the tip of a root, it carries a hollow spike in its mouth which it stabs into the root, its saliva makes the outer cells burst, freeing up a space through which the nematode can slip.

The job of a root cell is to pull in water and nutrients from the soil and pump them into the plant’s circulatory system. But under the spell of the nematode, a root cell starts to work backwards. It begins to suck in food from the plant. The nematode spits molecules into the altered cells, which form the selves into a sort of intercellular straw, which the nematode uses to suck up the food being pumped in from the rest of the plant.




The word literally means ‘beside food’ and the Greeks had something very different in mind when the used it, referring to officials who served at temple feasts. Eventually the parasite became a standard in Greek comedy with his own mask. The parasitus’ garment was long with doubled long sleeves and a pallium, his clothing was either black or grey.

When napoleon took his army to Egypt, the soldiers began to complain that they were menstruating like women, actually they had been infected by flukes, these were shed by snails and swam up through the water looking for human skin. They ended up in the veins in the abdomens of the soldiers and pushed their eggs into their bladders.




A young woman who survived a mysterious parasite outbreak at Cuttyhunk Island Research Facility that killed most residents, returns twenty years later with hopes of selling her family’s property.


In a post-apocalyptic USA, a doctor/scientist infected with a new strain of parasite ends up in a small desert town, trying to find a cure.


The film is set in a dystopian, post-apocalyptic future in which the United States has been taken over by a criminal organization who unwittingly create an uncontrollable deadly parasite and set it loose on the population.


Sexual Parasite opens in a remote jungle near the Republic of Botswana. A group of explorers run across a tribal group, and a female explorer ends up infected with a rare parasite. A Sexual Parasite!


The humanity is suffering from murders all over the globe, called “Mincemeat murders”. High school student, Izumi Shinichi has a parasite living off him, having replaced his right hand, and he might be the discoverer of truth.


After an alien spaceship crash-lands in the middle of the desert, the town starts to fall victim to a parasite that is spreading faster than it can be contained, turning the residents into deadly killing machines


A team of local scientists discover alien parasites when they investigate a mysterious, three-story-tall, cone-like object that has appeared outside the small town of Riverdale, Illinois. It becomes obvious that the parasites’ first victims, whose minds have been taken over, are the town’s leading citizens…



These videos show what a parasite does once in the human body (not for the squeamish)

Parasites Eating Us Alive

93-year-old eaten alive by parasites at Georgia nursing home

Man’s Face is Eaten Alive

Woman’s Arm Literally Eaten Alive by Flesh-Eating Bacteria


***NOTE: The annotations for today’s report came mostly from the book Parasite Rex by science author Carl Zimmer.




p.s. Hey. ** Dominik, Hi!!! I’ll be stuck in Paris for Halloween because Zac and Sabrina Tarasoff and I present our “walk-through” virtual haunted house project on the 27th. But happily the people who do the great, year-round Paris haunted attraction Le Manor de Paris are doing a huge event with 4 haunted houses and 5 scare ones and so on, and that should be amazing, so I think I’ll be there. And Parc Asterix is doing its Halloween makeover this year, and it was great last year, so I’ll do that too. So, it’ll almost be like a real Halloween. What are you planning? Does Budapest have any haunted attractions this year, for instance? That you for that love. I am covering  that tricycle. Love like an eternal anti-parasite immunity in the form of a haute couture outfit of your choosing, G. ** David, I guess you’re there. I hope it’s blowing you away. ** Sypha, Surely $6,750 would be worth the looks on your family’s faces when you turn that sucker on. Yes, I’ll endeavour to pry the XBox out of Zac’s hands. Hopefully he’s not in the middle of some epic game. ** Bill, Me too, on the spiderweb gun, and I think the ceiling headbanger might be my favorite of the lot. But, yes, a bit pricey. I hope you came out the other side of your weekend feeling ship shape. Ooh, that ‘Positano’ link is of vast interest! Thank you a million billion! ** _Black_Acrylic, I skipped Nuit Blanche because (1) it was shitty, and (2) it was pouring rain. So you didn’t miss nothing. ** Grunge, Grunge! You? Hi! Oh, you’re way too kind, but, yes, Maryse is great, and she’ll be here so we can do it in-person, which is obviously much, much better. Visa stuff, urgh, but, yeah, just handing it over to the expert is surely worth it. Excellent news about the story collection in progress!!! Ha ha, well, I have a big something maybe. Love, me. ** Steve Erickson, Hi. I’m not sure until we have whatever budget we’ll have. Also we’ll be devising the home haunt in consultation with actual home haunt builders, so its makeup is still a bit up in the air. In the version we’ve sketched out, there’s only one animatronic in the front yard. Fun indeed, not! I look forward to having a NYFF overview, not to mention by you. Everyone, Should you be curious as to what the New York Film Festival will be like this year, it’s Mr. Erickson to the rescue with this overview. ** Misanthrope, Hi, G. Good thing you’re so rough and tough. Pretend you’re me and do every haunted attraction within a two hour drive. That’s not an order. Thank you for telling about your friend’s liking of ‘I Wished’. Stuff like that means a lot to moi. xo, Moi. ** Okay. Since it’s Halloween I decided to restore this highly Halloween-appropriate old post by a long lost blog d.l. by name of Jose. Makes sense, right? See you tomorrow.

DC’s ostensibly favorite animated props for Halloween season 2021 *

* (Halloween countdown post #3)

Ceiling Headbanger $1551
‘Crazed maniac is holding onto the ceiling, banging his head against the ceiling over an over, creating a very disturbing effect. Comes with character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play). Audio package option includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect.’


Spider Wall Crawl $1499
‘Comes with Character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. Plug & Play. Designed for easy install. Mounts to top of your maze wall. Audio package option includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect.’


Man Eater Kid $2400
‘Zombie kid is on the ground chewing on a mans guts, then kid lifts up and shots up and out 5′ while torso lifts, arms grab and head turns side to side. Comes with Character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play).’


Little Daisy and the Maestro $299.99
‘They toured the world and the Maestro got rich, but it was not enough. The crowds got bigger and bigger, but all they wanted was to see Little Daisy. One night after a third encore, The Maestro snapped. In a fit of jealousy, he made a deal with a demon to be more famous than Little Daisy, but in a cruel twist, the demon turned him into a mad puppeteer. Now he is driven mad nightly by the endless applause for his Little Daisy. Little Daisy and the Maestro features red glowing eyes for a terrifying scare. The Maestro’s arms move up and down while his mouth moves with his terrifying phrases.’


Kicking Legs Commercial Halloween Prop Hack NFS
‘This video shows the hack I used to fix my kicking legs Halloween prop that I purchased commercially. Now it is better than ever!’


The Furious Demon €13,035.87
‘The Furious Demon is a disturbingly scary giant animatronic! This monster is expertly handcrafted and made to last. It is a perfect center piece attraction to a dark walk thru, haunted house, or Halloween horror event. This monster will have your guests wide eyed and screaming for more! Crafted of metal, latex, and foam filled, it an impressive 10.5 feet tall! It moves its head, opens and closes its mouth, and come with sound and fog. You need to provide compressed air and electric to make it come alive. Dimensions 96x96x126.’


Hanging Meat $2,699.99
‘half torso hangs from chains wrapped around wrist, then arms flex at elbows, head lifts and turns left to right while screaming. *** comes with character, chains, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (plug & play). *** audio package option includes: digital audio player, powered speaker and audio scream effect. *** requirements: ac power and air 100 psi’


Laying Buzz Saw $129.99
Laying Buzz Saw is an animatronic that resembles a torso and head in an orange hoodie with a circular saw blade through its chest. Upon activation, the saw in the corpse chest spins and it rocks its head back and forth as it screamed in agony.’


Creepy Baby Tantrum $33.99
‘This baby Halloween doll comes to life with a temper tantrum, full of tears and kicking! A perfect girls toy and boys toy. She brings a vintage touch for those that want gothic decor for the home! This creepy, haunted doll decoration is approximately 11 inches tall . There’s no need for cable, this doll comes with three AA batteries included! Halloween is a popular celebration among millions of people worldwide, living in different countries! It is believed that it originated from Celtic harvest season festivals, beginning a 3-day observance of Allhallowtide, a time to remember the dead.’


Ape Rage $2,888.99
‘”Ape rage” is a crazy violent Animatronic prop. This Haunted Halloween prop shakes and moves violently and includes audio.’


Gravebuster Bonnie $624.99
‘Grave Buster Bonnie is a frightronic you can place in your cemetery, grave, zombie or even pet cemetery scene.’


Life Size Living Mannequins €3,585.12
‘As guests walk by this seemingly harmless mannequin, she instantly comes to life, leaning down and reaching out for her next victim. 6 independant movements give this animation an uncanny lifelike motion that is sure to send shivers down your guests spine and keep them on edge for the rest of the night. Comes complete with controller and your choice of step pad, motion sensor, or push button trigger. Runs on 90 psi and 110vac.’


Crawling Possessed Girl $139.90
‘Bone-chilling Crawling Possessed Girl will scare the yell out of you! She has a lace-trimmed nightgown and bow ribbons in her hair. Her Eyes Light Up with a wild glowing white light, and from her crawling position, she sings a little song, then suddenly has a demonic attack!’


Wild Thing €3,221.95
‘This Wild Thing will make your heart sing… in terror. Not exactly “groovy,” this murderous maiden can’t control her violent outbursts. And so, she’s been locked in a cage until her family can figure out what to do with her. Go ahead, have a look, her steel enclosure will surely hold. Do you feel the urge to free her? Do you understand the damage she could do if she ever got loose? Don’t fool yourself, she’s a lost cause. The Wild Thing animatronic is a hanging prop that features a psychopathic individual trapped in a metal cage. This adaptable character can be possessed by demons and awaiting an exorcism, suffering from a witches spell, an untreatable serial killer, or an innocent girl, captures by a sinister sicko, the choice is up to you. Manufactured by The Horror Dome, this sturdy set up is hand detailed for a creepy, lifelike look.’


Red Demon $2701
‘Red Demon stands 7′ tall movements include: Torso forward, side to side, shoulders out, elbows bends, head up and side to side. Comes with Character, Rig, Pneumatics, Programed controller and Motion sensor. PLUG & PLAY! Wall panel not included. Audio package option includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect.’


Evil Tree €4,749.12
‘As your guests watch the this beautifully sculpted tree the “prop” with fog and sound, suddenly comes to life with a scream. Realistic movement makes this tree a Real Center Piece and a real shocker! Perfect for any Graveyard Scene or Wooded Area.’


Spiderweb Gun $29.95
‘Now, you can be free to roam your haunt, from room to room, spraying webs wherever they are needed. The Webmaster 2000 makes webs nearly 100 times faster than the “hot glue” spiderweb gun. Re-filling the machine takes only seconds, and rubber-cement-based WebGoo is very cheap to purchase versus hot glue sticks. And, unlike hot glue, WebGoo cleans off nearly any surface with ease. The Webmaster 2000 comes with a starter bottle of WebGoo to get you making spiderwebs right away.’


‘This menacing enchantress stands before her bubbling black cauldron with flickering “smoldering coals” while holding a small blond-haired toddler by the feet. Includes 400W Fog Machine and hose attachment for added spooky ambiance! Once activated, the fog will begin to swirl in her green bubbling cauldron as the witch’s eyes light up, head and torso turn from side-to-side and the child screams and flails about! The Witch Prop will say one of three sayings with each activation: “(evil laughter)”; “See what happens when you wander into the woods alone. Let this be a lesson to you – and a meal for me! Eh heheheh!”; ” You will make a tasty meal. Do you have any brothers or sisters that would like to visit me as well? Eh heheheh!”‘


Glassface $2,305.00
‘Glassface pounds his head on broken window to scare guests!’


Rosemary 2021 $199.90
‘The dark Eyes and scarred face of the 50-inch Rosemary (2021 Version) Animated Prop is almost hidden by her long hair. The unearthly demonic child giggles innocently as she gnaws on a brain, showing her Moving Jaw and sharp teeth. An eerie music plays in the background while she munches noisily. Her hands appear to be dripping with blood from her gruesome meal. Then her Eyes start to Glow Red as she Moves her Head Side to Side! Then she suddenly Lunges at you with a Shrill Scream! She laughs at your fear, and returns to her original position giggling all the while. The eyes use LED bulbs, which are energy efficient. Requires 4 AA Batteries, not included. Can also be operated with an adapter, sold separately.’


Wakeup Dead €381.79
‘The Wakeup Dead animatronic from The Horror Dome is a pro-quality design that will have your visitors staring in disbelief. An all-electric animatronic, this unit is easy to set up, and doesn’t require a noisy air compressor. Just plug her in, and the body shakes and howls in agony. This life size prop features a white death shroud, soaked through with blood from what is probably a lethal head wound. Feet stick out one side, and hair protrudes from the other.’


Face Off $1999
‘Crazy lady stands holding face, then she tears her own face off, torso leans forward, head lifts and turns while screaming. Comes with Character, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. (Plug & Play). Audio package option includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect.’


Bubba and Dinner €7,678.24
‘BUBBA – Backwoods, big boy zombie is feeding … in this case out of a twitching body (DINNER TIME sold separately). He slurps and belches while leaning over, shoveling in dinner with both arms, then stands back up, looking for his next victim. Disgusting! Includes movement controls, digital sound, amp and speaker.Works graeat with our DINNER TIME Animatronic.

‘DINNER TIME – Full length animated body is gutted out. His head is slowly moving and legs are twitching. Designed to be filled with ‘blood’ and has a plastic container foamed into the body. Perfect addition to Bubba. Gruesome! Includes movement control, digital sound and speaker. Works great with our BUBBA Animatronic.’


Cotton Candice $199.90
‘Round and round she goes; where she stops, no body knows! Cotton Candice’s love of sweet treats has caught her in a sticky situation that is spinning out of control. With her hands held high and vibrant carnival music playing, she Screams in Terror as a small motor twirls her around. The Cotton Candice Animated Prop’s Set-up is a breeze with Metal Connecting Poles that lock in place and a Simple AC power cord that plugs into the wall. Cotton Candice is an ultra lightweight animated prop that can be placed on a counter or table top as needed to suit your display.’


Falling Monk $2000
‘Monk stands above on top of your 8′ tall maze walls, then Monk falls forward with torso bending and arm grabbing while head lifts up and down. Comes with Character, Rig, Pneumatics, Programed controller and Motion sensor. PLUG & PLAY!’


Electric Wall Pounder $110.23
‘This amazing prop can be used to simulate someone knocking on a door, pounding on a wall or banging against any solid surface! And best of all? NO AIR REQUIRED! Perfect for rooms where the effect of someone knocking in a specific pattern is required. Hide it behind doors, walls or inside cabinets.’


Buzzsaw $279.99
‘Bill “Buzzsaw” Jackson never had much luck in the squared circle. His lumberjack routine just didn’t cut it with fans of the local wrestling circuit. Well, Buzzaw finally found his calling when he decided to swap his real hands for some twisted new upgrades that were sure to turn the tables in the ring. Unfortunately for Buzzsaw, the fans spent more time running for their lives than watching him wrestle. Now, instead of body-slamming his opponents, he’s busy racking up victims and running from the law! This Buzzsaw animatronic features a large mallet on one hand and a terrifying buzzsaw that spins on the other! His LED light-up eyes and left and right turning torso will have all your guests running in fear this Halloween!’


Texas Chainsaw Massacre Sizzling Gore Tray Sold
‘I had bought this awesome animated prop to be the center piece of a vampire lair in our haunt this year. My wife decided to buy 15 chicks at our farm and now I’m going to have to build her a coop. So I decided to let go of one of my props in order to do so. When you plug it in the “meat” sizzles and gives off an awful smell. I decided maybe someone over here could use it before I listed it on ebay. I’m asking $295 + shipping. PM me if interested.’


The Wizard €7,244.74
‘The caretaker of this enchanted castle, the wicked Wizard is not keen on having visitors. As you begin your journey through his dirty, dank and foul-smelling halls, he warns you about the terrors that reside around every corner. A wise sage or a deceitful demon? You can’t really tell if he’s looking out for your safety, or purposefully exciting your morbid curiosity. Appearing to be nothing more than a mystical head levitating in the darkness, you wonder if he’s really here, or just a magical projection. The Wizard Halloween animatronic is a centerpiece attraction that will intrigue and engage guests in your haunted house. Designed and detailed by the inspired artists at The Horror Dome, this menacing warlock features long grey hair, monstrous green/yellow eyes, and a snarling mouth. He can recite preprogrammed or custom routines. Watch your patrons look on in amazement at he performs his tantalizing soliloquy.’


FauxFire® Simulated Fake Fire Blast Price on request
‘The FauxFire® Afterburner is the most realistic simulated flame blast in the world! Using our latest FauxFire® technology, Technifex has created a steam-based system that produces a powerful blast of “flame” that looks like it is exiting a jet engine. Fully controllable and scalable, the FauxFire Afterburner is perfect for use in dark rides, haunted houses, concerts and theatrical presentations.’


Rabid Girl €2,653.92
‘Rabid Shock is a Shocktronic is perfect for haunts and attractions that need a great scare. This rabid woman shock is savage and will have your guest screaming at the top of their lungs! Part actor and part animatronic, it’s a Shocktronic! The animatronic arms and head, move, swing and flail, convincing people its just an animatronic until the actor in costume bursts from the prop to scare them! Includes animatronic, costume, and Sound. Requires AC Power, Air Compressor and Actor. The RABID SHOCK is adjustable to work with a 5 ft. to 5 ft. 6 in. actor but someone around 5 ft. is best.’


Ghostly Tricycle $150.95
‘An old time-worn life-size tricycle rolls back and forth all by itself! Sounds emanate from the prop like dead kids laughing on a playground, wheels squeaking, and wind blowing in the background. Creepy! Item should roll forward approximately 3ft, then back 6ft, then forward again 3ft (back to starting position).’


Werewolf Hallway Attack $3901
‘Rotted detailed cabin walls 8′ long x 90″ tall. When triggered Werewolves arms and heads come out of holes attacking from both sides of hallway. Multiple arm and head movement. 8 channels of movement. *** Great for getting a large group all at once. Comes with detailed wall panels, Characters, pneumatics, programmed controller, motion sensor. Plug and Play! Audio package option includes: Digital audio player, Powered speaker and Audio scream effect.’


Pig Vomit $6,750.00
‘The Pig Vomit animatronic by Distortions vomits into a barrel. This disgusting half-pig, half-human animatronic features realistic heaving motion along with barfing sound. This animatronic is squealing, puking, barfing, retching, vomiting, heaving, throwing up…well you get the point!’


Heartless $463.49
‘Shocking realism! Life sized, kneeling and shaking. All electric and constructed of latex and foam with a metal armature and motor. Soundtrack CD included. Customer supplies CD player.’




p.s. Hey. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, Ben. Whew, that’s unsurprising, yes, but very welcome news. You to the rescue! Especially helpful since tonight is Nuit Blanche here in Paris and there is literally not one interesting sounding thing that seems worth the hassle this year. Everyone, Want some happiness and a little exercise this weekend? Look no further. _Black_Acrylic: ‘The new episode of Play Therapy is online here via Tak Tent Radio! Ben ‘Jack Your Body’ Robinson brings you tearjerking Italo, weirdo Russian Techno and some cold bleak Norwegian Wave too.’ Shake it, folks! Thank you for the salvation, Ben. ** David, I don’t like the combination of nuts and chocolate so probably not the Mars Bar. I do like Milky Ways, or did. Whatever naughtiness I may possess pales. Aren’t you off to Greece today or yesterday? ** Dominik, Hi, D!!!! Exactly re: your brother. He and I are soul mates in games’ regard. Hence, give him my regards. Your love was very kind to Frankenstein together the perfect slave for me. I’ll take him! Love recording 3 1/2 minutes of the Electric Wall Pounder pounding a wall and releasing it as Beyonce’s new single and it becoming the biggest hit of the year and Beyonce suing Love for false usage of her brand and losing the case, G. ** T, Hi, T. Yeah, I agree. And pulling off that kind of text at that length is not easy to do either. You’re here! And you are or were even here with a capital H. Welcome, sir. Yeah, give a shout next time you enter the arrondissements. Mm, I’ll take that weekend, thank you. I hope the Christo-wrapped Arc de Triomphe yanks itself out of the ground and follows you everywhere you go this weekend at a discreet distance. xo. ** Steve Erickson, It’s not impossible. Well, imagine needing scat that much and not having it at the ready. You’d be needy too. That was one poorly timed cold. Jeez. That Body and Big Brave album sounds kooky. Maybe too kooky? I’ll find it and push Play very gently. ** G, Oh, gosh, well, if you must. Ha ha. Thank you. I’ll try to be interesting. Maryse is always interesting, so there’s that. Yeah, I was, what’s the word, relieved to find TrippyHippy420 amongst that ragtag lot. He’s hard to beat, it’s true. Though I have to join others in praising MyblondBFdofree… Oh, heck, I guess I like them all, don’t I? Hey, you have the best weekend, okay? Okay! ** Bill, Hi, Bill. No technical issue with this blog is ever resolved. It’s just temporarily assuaged. Making this blog is very pins and needles. Ah, ‘Cockfight’ I actually read that. Yeah, good stuff. I haven’t read anything else by her. Have you? Me too! ** Sypha, I think inverted nipples are probably more interesting to imagine than look at? Just a guess. Zac has an Xbox, so I could either test it at his place or borrow the system, I think. I love strategy guides. At one point I tried to write a novel in the form of a game strategy guide, but it didn’t work, sadly. ** Right. As I do every Halloween, I use one post to clue you in on the best seeming animated horror props from my perspective. That’s your raucous local weekend. See you on Monday.

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