The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Author: DC (Page 38 of 1085)

Goners (Los Angeles)

Downtown Los Angeles, 1862


Downtown Los Angeles, intersection of Main, Spring, and Temple streets, 1863


MacArthur Park, 1887


MacArthur Park, 1892


Hollywood, 1900


Hollywood, corner of Highland and Franklin, 1903


Hollywood, Highland Avenue north of Hollywood Boulevard, 1906


Hollywood, Cahuenga Pass, 1878


Beachwood Canyon, 1900


Hollywood Blvd. at Sunset Blvd., 1904


Sunset Blvd. c. Normandie, 1900


Site of future Melrose Avenue, looking north, 1876


Santa Monica Boulevard near the future La Brea Avenue, 1900


Santa Monica Boulevard at Western Avenue, 1906


Western Avenue south of Sunset, 1906


Western Avenue just north of Santa Monica Boulevard, 1896


Western Avenue north of Pico, 1895


Western Avenue at Washington Blvd., 1900


East Hollywood, 1905


Los Feliz, view from the future Barnsdall Park, 1890


Los Feliz, Los Feliz Blvd. at Griffith Park Blvd., 1910


The Los Feliz River, now Los Feliz Blvd. at Hillhurst Ave., 1884


Griffith Park, 1900


Griffith Park, 1902


Silverlake, 1907


Echo Park, Sunset Blvd. and Glendale Avenue, 1904


Echo Park Lake, 1892


The Los Angeles River, near downtown, 1900


The Los Angeles River, near Glendale, 1889


Beverly Hills, Sunset Boulevard and Crescent Drive, 1911


Bel Air, 1907


Coldwater Canyon, 1910


Benedict Canyon, 1890


The La Brea Tar Pits, 1911


Future site of LACMA, 1902


Culver City, 1903


Santa Monica, 1898


Santa Monica, 1895


Santa Monica, 1887


Santa Monica Canyon, 1885


Malibu, future Pacific Coast Highway, 1905


Compton, 1903


The San Fernando Valley, 1875


The San Fernando Valley, 1900


North Hollywood, 1909


Glendale, Verdugo Blvd. and Clifton Place, 1904


Lincoln Heights, Hancock Street, 1900


Highland Park, 1894


Pasadena, Colorado Blvd., 1895


Pasadena, Colorado Boulevard at Marengo Avenue, 1890


Pasadena, southwest corner of East California Blvd. and South Wilson Ave, 1905


Altadena, 1907

Angeles National Forest, San Gabriel Mountains, 1893




p.s. Hey. ** jay, Hey. Maybe it could be argued that 18 year old escorts are the seers of their generation? Any touching up I do, say with BrokeFemboy, is so minimal and merely helpful enough that he/they always get the credit. You can’t money launder with cryptocurrency? I literally know next to nothing about cryptocurrency. I like that the word crypt is involved, but that also wards me off. Mm, the empty IKEA space is mildly exciting, but mostly for wondering what in world is going to go into that gigantic space in this day and age. I’d like to have an hour-long conversation about games and consciousness, so … score. Monday’s here. Nothing we can do about that. ** James, Hey. Good, those posts need lots of attention just like their stars. I should write an epic poem about LA if for no other reason than to dethrone Jim Morrison as people’s idea of LA’s poetic know-it-all. Dod you know that he even wrote an actual poem, not even a song, whose first lines are ‘Los Angeles, you’re a woman / and you spread your legs for me’. LA deserves so, so, so much better. I wonder why they’re called ‘Daddy’. Why they’re called ‘Long Legs’ is a given. I think ‘ally’ is what straight people call themselves when they have a queer friend for two? ** Steeqhen, I know, he’s so nice, right? And not shabby looking either. Nice day there, chill but with sufficient detailing. Mine was chill too, but with insufficient detailing. ** Misanthrope, I know rich people who are perfectly nice too. Not as generous as they should be, so a problem with selfishness, but nice, yes. My weekend was both chill and chilly too. How about that. ** Måns BT, Hey, Måns! The blog missed you too, and so did I! Wow, I hope your last school day did whatever it could possibly do to send you off into the realms of freedom with a grin. Awesome about your friends. Friends are the best of the world in a hand basket, really, it’s easy to forget that. I’ve been fine, I think, wait, yes, totally fine. Paris gets quite decorated for Xmas, so Xmas is everywhere I look, so I guess I am feeling it, which is good, right? And I don’t have to buy people gifts or get gifts, so I’m totally squared away in the Xmas spirit without the pressure points. ‘Neon Genesis Evangelion, yes, indeed, agreed. Fun! ‘A Night to Dismember’ is hard to top. ‘Deadly Weapons’ has its charms. Great to see you! I hope to get to do that again sooner than later. Enjoy your first day off. ** Steve, Yes, and DirtySven seems to be making some decent bank. My weekend was good. We scored the world premiere for our film, but I can’t say anything about that publicly for a while. I’m in a fun level of my video game aka ‘Shroom Temple’. I’m in its dance club, and the shroom DJ asked me to find a record he accidentally lost somewhere, and I found it, and now I have to find all the shrooms in the temple and lure them to the disco and fill the dance floor with them, after which something good will happen, but I don’t know what yet. I’m sorry to hear your weekend was full of coughing. Hopefully no longer. That’s weird, they just did a INTERSTELLAR 5555 event here too. Boy, was that a good record: ‘Discovery’. ** Dominik, Hi!!! So sorry about your aunt’s less than stellar taste in boyfriends. What’s the cult-like group? What’s their thing? My weekend was good: see my report to Steve. No, the Herzog screening was jammed shut, darn. Haha, love didn’t deserve that comment. Damn Love is a Seriously Fuck’n Sexy METH Slam Injecting Hot and Homely PIG 💉👍, G. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hey. I’ve heard of ‘Lady Killers’, I think. I might’ve even seen it. Will check. Will do, if not. Thanks, buddy. ** Lucas, Hi, L. I’m good. Mm, I think I understand what you’re getting at, but I’m also thinking you might be in an ‘overthinking’ moment. Personally, I’d just put it away and give it a short rest and then go back to it when you’re feeling capable of being wide-eyed and innocent when reading it. I think maybe you had different expectations when writing it, and maybe it isn’t what you were hoping but maybe it’s actually pretty A-okay and doing something that you didn’t anticipate and can’t recognise yet because you’re still too close to what your original goal was. That’s my guess, and, yeah, I’ve been there before. I say let yourself write what you’re excited to write and don’t worry if you’re capable. Capability is something that accumulates, not something you can lock down before writing. Be patient and trust yourself. From the outside, i.e. me and surely other of your readers, the trust is there. If that makes sense at all? ** Jimmy, Jimmy, wow, that’s an interesting new name. Thanks about the lads up above yesterday. A favorite? Hm, I don’t know, maybe BrokeFemboy. Ange is sweet, and he’s a very good poet, yes. And a fine actor (he’s in ‘Room Temperature’). Huh, I think I now have, like, seven friends who read tarot for income of some degree. Interesting. Sounds interesting of course. Anyway, you have some solid, and, in a couple of cases, mysterious friends. Nice. I’m alright. Getting things done, and that’s enough for me. Happy increasingly almost Xmas. ** HaRpEr, I think in France you can’t smoke indoors anywhere. But at least you can smoke in restaurants/bars’ outdoor seating areas. In the US, you can’t even do that anymore. And a lot of businesses have signs that say ‘No smoking within 25 feet of the entrance’. I do like that feeling of ‘these are my people’ when you’re in one of those nasty smoking rooms in airports. It’s very easy to be a vegetarian in Paris. That wasn’t the case when I first moved here, but Paris is very vegetarian friendly now. No problem at all. Granted, I don’t eat at traditional French restaurants, but it’s almost as breezy being a vegetarian here as in LA where vegetarians practically run the city. So I don’t know how your friend had those bad experiences. Maybe it was years ago? Great luck with the submission. Nice title re: subject matter. If Hobart and Expat don’t take it, just send it elsewhere. There are a lot of good lit sites these days. I used to be friends with Minnie Riperton’s daughter. She confirmed the seeming myth that her mom’s voice could shatter glass. I hope your weekend was merely a preview of the wonderfulness of your week. ** alex, Hi, alex! Super good to see you! It feels like ages! Fucking Cloudflare. It’s fucking Satan. The start of winter here has been pretty good, cold enough but not out to murder its citizens, yet anyway. And we had one full day of snow even, for the first time in decades. Congrats about The Vermin! Yay! Can The Vermin be accessed online, or, I guess, ordered? Great! Right, I forgot that I donated a joke to Lynne’s book. I can’t remember the joke. Maybe a Kurt Cobain suicide one? Lynne told me a creepy joke that I sometimes tell people: ‘Why do women wear makeup and perfume?’ ‘Because they’re ugly and they smell bad’. That’s strange: I just got an email from Louise Weard. I haven’t opened it yet. And I don’t think I’ve seen her movie. And I think I had better watch it post-haste. Yes, I hope you can conquer Cloudflare repeatedly, as it’s very good to get to talk with you. ** Justin D, Hi. Oh, cool, glad you liked Cecil B. Demented’ too. I think it’s a crime that Kathleen Turner didn’t get the Oscar for ‘Serial Mom’ or even get nominated for fuck’s sake. You’re correct in thinking that ‘Dancer from the Dance’ is not my thing. I did read it way back when. It definitely has its fans, and I’m sure there’s a good reason. My weekend wasn’t bad. I said something about it up above. Kind of meandering in a not unpleasant way. Yours? ** Darby𓃱𓃱, Excellent giraffes, you are right. The giraffe is probably my favorite animal. If you saw escorts, that was the right post. You can type on a phone and walk a dog at the same time? Wow. Oh, you’re speaking at your phone. That’s a little less spectacular, but still. It sounds like congratulations are in order about you exiting the transition house, yes? Congrats! That’s big news, no? I like you as one of Santa’s elves. I like that image. Even with the grubby little fingers problem. After8 is great, yeah. It’d be much harder to live here without it. I don’t know why it’s called that. I’m going to ask them. ** Corey, I made the mistake of sharing a fresh, full little bottle of cocaine with an escort one time, and he was taking his hit and said, I have to pee, and took the bottle with him, and, sure enough, returned with an empty bottle and said he’d accidentally dropped it in the toilet, and the bottle wasn’t even wet! Khat: I only know the name. I’ll add Wikipedia’s input to yours and dwell on the likelihood or not of trying it. No, the Herzog screening was way, way sold out. Sadly. Everyone, Corey has some advice for those of you who are having problems getting through the Cloudflare doorman to comment here. Here’s Corey: ‘(1) Try using a different browser. For me Firefox works but Chrome doesn’t. Makes sense, given how Google once murdered this blog. (2) The most reliable way to open the current blog post is to click a link from Facebook — either the “Dennis Cooper’s Blog” Facebook account or Dennis’s personal Facebook account. Dennis posts a link to the blog from both of those Facebook accounts every time he publishes a new post.’ Give those shot. Can’t hurt. Thanks, pal. ** nat, Hi, nat. Luckily the blog’s week just sits there waiting for those who have had better things to do. Thank you for the kind comments about the posts. They feel fresh as a daisy. A ‘PGL’ night, excellent. Well, theoretically. I really do need to take a long look at ‘Final Fantasy XIV’ because, like I’ve said, ‘Final Fantasy’ is just a very stylised total mystery to me. You look more than vaguely cool, based on that portrait. Ryan Gosling is one of those actors where, if he’s in a movie, I don’t see the movie. He’s like curdled milk to me or something. ** Okay. I’m not entirely sure what effect today’s post will have on those of you who don’t know Los Angeles, but I feel like there’s a kind of basic charisma there that translates. Still, that’s your call. See you tomorrow.

“Adore Wagner, detest Rossini.”


MyWayofLife, 18
gmina Wołomin

Before you even think about messaging me, know this: I’m not a random dump who’s taking dicks for a cheeseburger like 99% of the guys on this platform. So if you’re just here to drop a load in some young ass, save it. Go find some “piece of meat” a few profiles down.

Guestbook of MyWayofLife

Whanderer – Dec 12, 2024
I first picked him up when he was 17, a young sexy teen, deeply classic, with a cute ass, medium dick, fairly common in bed. Deep down in him, I saw potential. A potential unfortunately wasted by life itself. Deeply sad, in a horrible family, a fairly dull living condition, unemployment, harassment. In short, he was unhappy. And one day, he told me about his desire to be loved, to leave hustling, to be with someone forever. He had already made attempts. I knew he loved me though he could never say that. I could not offer him this life that went beyond my interests. He is nothing in the sexy body of a human. A good lay, an attractive bag of cum and saliva. I hope there is a man who will convince him to have that life, the only one he deserves, what he was born for. Who will love someone who is only a simple object, a useable whore without interest.

astrocat – Dec 10, 2024
Depressing but incredible.

Hungry-Jones – Dec 6, 2024
In Poland boy whores still hustle on the street. This boy was perched outside a boarded up convenience store. He had a suckable face and a small meaty butt in tight jeans. I waltzed him to my hotel and screwed him for a night for, yes, the price of a Burger King meal.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Hair Smooth
Smoker Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings Yes
Languages Polish, English
Position Versatile
Dick L – Uncut
Fisting Active/Passive
Kissing Yes
Dirty No
Hourly Rate 60€
Overnight Rate 90€



luxury_private, 19

If you’re looking for a twink, I am the gold standard.

Adore Wagner, detest Rossini.

I do not allow scum in my home so you must accommodate.

Guestbook of luxury_private

luxury_private (Owner) – Dec 8, 2024
Currently stuck with 7 Arab men.

HelpMeGetOverMyEx – Dec 7, 2024

davidfrank – Dec 7, 2024
I want to shower you with my liquids.

watermelonslut – Dec 7, 2024
Amazing! I have never seen anything like you before and I could not have imagined you. You are so beautiful! Oh my god. So beautiful.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Mixed
Body Hair Smooth
Smoker No
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages English, French, Italian, Latvian
Position Prefer not to say
Dick L – Uncut
Fisting No
Kissing Consent
Dirty No
Hourly Rate 1500€
Overnight Rate 5000€



Iknowmyjob, 18

Hey! I’m in Spain for a coupla weeks looking for paid hookups.

Guestbook of Iknowmyjob

Rip-your-underwear – Dec 13, 2024
Hot, vast, picturesque pussy

Clarkhugeboy657 – Dec 10, 2024
Super wet and non-tight

AlexNeeds – Dec 9, 2024
Nice busted hole, but there 1000s of them for free.

VanillaIs4Cones – Dec 7, 2024
Loose 🍑 as possible, turned me on.

Body Type Average
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Hair Smooth
Smoker Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages English, Spanish
Position Bottom only
Dick M – Uncut
Fisting Passive
Kissing Yes
Dirty WS only
Hourly Rate 180€
Overnight Rate 800€



ThereForYou, 23

Only 💶 🥵

Hi! I’m Jane and run this account on behalf on my straight meathead boyfriend (in the pics).

I’m experimenting a lot on him with forced bi including him doing requests and putting out for men with the prequisite of him getting tributes etc.

Guestbook of ThereForYou

feelthe – Dec 11, 2024
Met him spontaneously and briefly in the hotel yesterday.
As agreed, I immediately emptied my bladder in his stomach.
Awesome date, made him seem like a pig.
And he looks better than the Picasso I had earlier in the evening.

ThereForYou (Owner) – Dec 9, 2024
Boyfriend just headed into the bedroom to suck two dicks. So fucking proud of him, such a filthy slut. Love how much he’s okay with sucking strangers’ cocks. Can’t wait to taste his mouth when he gets out. Just needed to share.

Body Type Muscular
Ethnicity Latino
Body Hair Little
Smoker No
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages Spanish, English, Hungarian
Position More bottom
Dick XL – Uncut
Fisting Passive
Kissing No
Dirty Yes
Hourly Rate 200€
Overnight Rate 2000€



Rohypnol, 19

Transfer the money into my account… Give me a drink… With Rohypnol… Stun me… A few minutes later use me, do it your way… Maybe capture it on film…

Guestbook of Rohypnol

Rohypnol (Owner) – Dec 2, 2024
The truth is I’ve never been with a guy… I need 200€ to pay for my room… I don’t have any other help and the Rohypnol is to help me get through it…

DennisFiks – Dec 2, 2024
Quite interesting to roofy someone consensually, I must say. If you don’t already know, limp bodies are heavy and a hassle and have many limitations.

Rohypnol (Owner) – Dec 2, 2024
Yeah I have mental problems so if you don’t like guys with mental problems move on to a normal guy… because I don’t give a shit…

Cog77 – Dec 2, 2024
My goodness, there are so many crazy escorts here, it’s getting worse and worse here, there are so many new crazy escorts here, it’s unbearable anymore, there are no more just escorts here, there are only crazy escorts you can throw in the trash can, no, no, no, it’s terrible here, this is a dump!😡👎

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Hair Some
Smoker Socially
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages German, English
Position More bottom
Dick M – Cut
Fisting Passive
Kissing Yes
Dirty WS only
Hourly Rate 200€
Overnight Rate On request



Young4Gangbang, 19

“Daddy fuck me fuck meeee

“Okay what is written above is from a song but I DONT GIVE A FUCK cuzzzz I just love it and I actually mean it seriously🎀

“Fuck me and don’t keep stalking my account

“😔I don’t know anymore”

I’m his manager. Contact only if you have intention of gangfucking him. No matter how many. 10 or 20 or even more.

Guestbook of Young4Gangbang

Lizardkings – Dec 10, 2024
Myself and my fellow huge dick’ed boyfriend fucked him for about an hour. He’s on MtF HRT, has some decent newbie titties going and his family jewels are shrunken nearly worthless for anything. But through a strange stroke of luck, nothing’s turned us on more using him as our cuntboy, and we are taking the necessary steps to make that arrangement permanent. Both figuratively and very literally.

Young4Gangbang (Owner) – Dec 7, 2024
Accepting massage offers as long as it’s free and you get him pregnant.

MorganC1573 – Dec 3, 2024
I’m going to assume that any men who take you up on your offer are fully prepared for the grotesque creature they’ll be dicking. My only quibble is your use of the term “twink”.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Arab
Body Hair Shaved
Smoker Yes
Tattoos Yes
Piercings No
Languages Turkish, English
Position Bottom only
Dick S – Uncut
Fisting Passive
Kissing Yes
Dirty Yes
Hourly Rate 80€
Overnight Rate 300€



Boytique, 20

Hey;). We are Pierre, Dante & Oscar, 3 young international students and we want to serve our cocks and asses to people. Pierre is French, Dante is Italian & Oscar is Norwegian.

We identify as gay, but any prospective feminine clients shouldn’t fear! We know our way around all kinds of genitals, no matter what you’ve got. Our cocks measure 6″ (15 cm) more or less. Our assholes are pretty stretchy, and we’ve yet to encounter someone that we can’t take all the way to the base. If you’re feeling ambitious, put us to the test!

Guestbook of Boytique

SweetSunny – Dec 11, 2024
We started with group cuddling, then the hot part and ended it with cuddling again covered in sperm.

velvetmorning – Dec 6, 2024
I hate blonde.

NorwegianTop – Dec 4, 2024
First of all, I have to say that these escorts look much better than in the photo. Absolute erotic aura. I have rarely experienced such an intense needs for sex. Super likeable but at the same time overwhelming in their erotic power. They let you feel that they are the ultimate sex without saying it. The fucking and fucking and everything around it was just uniquely ASTOUNDING. At least I have never experienced anything like it with any other escort, singular or plural.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Hair Some
Smoker Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages English, French, Italian, Norwegian
Position Versatile
Dick L – Uncut
Fisting Active/Passive
Kissing Yes
Dirty Ask
Hourly Rate 200€
Overnight Rate On request



thepolyglot, 20

I’m an American twink looking to escape the political situation in my country. I’m a hectic gadfly, would hopefully make some British aristocrat a great boywife.

Guestbook of thepolyglot

Nero – Dec 13, 2024
Oh god this faggot

hilltop93 – Dec 13, 2024
Snooty, erudite, hyperactive hyena.

stepfatherofyourson – Dec 9, 2024
Speaking from experience, when he’s standing still across a room, the sight of him can run a load of cum up any flagpole. As soon as he moves, talks, does basically anything, he wilts dicks in fast-forward.

Victorkingsley – Dec 5, 2024
I’ve had sex with him and if asked why I would say because I was looking for some peace of mind and good memories.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Mixed
Body Hair Shaved
Smoker Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings Yes
Languages English
Position Versatile
Dick L – Cut
Fisting No
Kissing Yes
Dirty No
Hourly Rate 250€
Overnight Rate 700€



BedSuperstar, 19

Hi, I love animals. I would like to have my own animal shelter! I’m looking for benefactors. I’ve never been on such sites before! But I’m 19 years old so I know how to have sex.

Guestbook of BedSuperstar

BedSuperstar (Owner) – Dec 10, 2024
I just downloaded this app (12/3/24) and have not told my girlfriend YET. I have to do that very soon.

Karlmarks – Dec 9, 2024
He likes to be humiliated, praised and objectified. I don’t care to interrogate the ironies in that.

BedSuperstar (Owner) – Dec 8, 2024
I have too much messages, please wait

KingLukas – Dec 7, 2024
So you!!!!
The King is back and ready to let a wretch like you put out!!!!😈
You little piece of meat are ready to kneel down before your King and obediently do what I ask with the bills I pay you in your mouth!!!!
With me there are no half measures, either all or nothing.
Get in touch, you comely piece of shit!

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Latino
Body Hair Shaved
Smoker Socially
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages Spanish, English
Position Versatile
Dick XXL – Uncut
Fisting Active
Kissing Consent
Dirty No
PNP Weed only
Hourly Rate On request
Overnight Rate On request



BrokeFemboy, 19

i am neurodivergent and have ADHD and autism. aside from the income it provides, escorting personally functions to me as a means of examining desire on an interpersonal level and formulate novel and coherent understandings of its logic. and most importantly, i know how to surrender when required, which is what my life experience and autism has taught me.

if you aren’t jerking off like you’re at gun point, pleading and panting desperately, eyes hazy and all, quivering and unfocused on everything but wanting me, what’s the point,,,mmm that’s right- that’s a good brainless rich dude. look at me and pleasure yourself like you life depends on it!!<33

Guestbook of BrokeFemboy

BrokeFemboy (Owner) – Dec 4, 2024
this mf gets it

elZop – Dec 4, 2024
let me drink your blood >.<

BrokeFemboy (Owner) – Dec 4, 2024
that’s my ex- he has sex with dogs.

BrownNoser – Dec 4, 2024
He talks big but he’s completely average in every way. Average height, average weight, average looks, average intelligence, average sex.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Mixed
Body Hair Little
Smoker Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings Yes
Languages English
Position Versatile
Dick L – Cut
Fisting Active/Passive
Kissing Yes
Dirty Yes
Hourly Rate 120$
Overnight Rate On request



sweet_butt, 18

I am a bit shy boy at beginning due our society rules and family beliefs as an arabic boy.

I had some nice experience as bottom boy 2 years ago with a very old man who make me descover this world and it was a nice experience he made me have it which I keep missing that feeling.

This time and finaly I become over 18 I said to myself to give a try for full experience with old man like my ex age over 50 as a secret advanture.

Might panic delete account.

Guestbook of sweet_butt

ArabHunter – Dec 8, 2024
He made my cock so hard and shoot so many loads, it needs a gun licence.

sweet_butt (Owner) – Dec 2, 2024
If you have any kinds of substance/pills etc please let me know I would like to share or buy some with money or my body.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Arab
Body Hair Shaved
Smoker No
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages Arabic, English
Position Bottom only
Dick M – Uncut
Fisting No answer
Kissing Yes
Dirty No answer
Hourly Rate On request
Overnight Rate On request



BimboSummit, 18

slave – owned by my master
being rented to arouse him
all decisions are made only with his consent

his slave – not yours!
-> be unemotional
-> don’t try to steal me

Guestbook of BimboSummit

Caregiver? – Dec 12, 2024
I used to play with your ass (a while ago!) and seeing you makes me want to dip back in again. And by dipping, I obviously mean diving in head first (absolute anal destruction).

Hollowpurple – Dec 9, 2024
I know what you’re all thinking but I swear my cock was hard the whole time and cocks can’t lie.

psyagami – Dec 7, 2024
PNP (vodka, tina, ghb) ✅
blowjob and swallow (multiple rounds) ✅
call him an ugly slug ✅
fuck and breed (multiple times) ✅
kick him out ✅

BrockTheJock – Dec 1, 2024
Damn You are a Seriously Fuck’n Sexy METH Slam Injecting Hot and Homely PIG 💉👍 Seriously Need to Fuck’n METH Slam Inject Hard with you Man and then Get Some Big METH Dicked Bareback Stud Fuck Action Going On With You for Balls Deep Load Swaps of Big Dicked METH Up Cum Floodin’ My Big Dick and your Load Hungry METHED Up Cunt 💉👍

Body Type Average
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Hair Some
Smoker Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages Swedish, English
Position Bottom only
Dick M – Uncut
Fisting Passive
Kissing Yes
Dirty Yes
Hourly Rate 200€
Overnight Rate On request



alwayshorned, 19
San Jose

Lets keep it real.
Just two dudes looking to jerk off with an older homie.
Some on the regular.
Hang out type shit.
Watch games. Or sum vids.
Grub n rub.
We know some of yall want the same.
Nothing crazy.
Again just two dudes for chill old dudes.

Guestbook of alwayshorned

Mind4closure – Dec 6, 2024
So this is not your typical ask. I am straight for many years. Recently however I’ve come to ask myself what’s it like as a gay ie what do they get out of it. It’s an itch I can’t scratch. So here I am asking to try it out with you two. I doubt I’ll really enjoy it but at least I’ll know and put this to bed so to speak.

SalemsShadow – Dec 6, 2024
I’m not sure if I’m looking for the impossible. I would like to tie you boys up with cuffs etc and then take a couple of photos. Ideally I need some shots of you with suntan lotion all over your bodies too. I’m not up for jacking off, unfortunately.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Hair Smooth
Smoker Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages English, Russian
Position No answer
Dick L – Uncut
Fisting No
Kissing No
Dirty No
Hourly Rate On request
Overnight Rate On request



WhoArEWE, 18

I’m theo, fun to be around, rewarding to take with you on luxury vacations, and have a good time 🙂

Guestbook of WhoArEWE

JustinControl – Dec 11, 2024
Try explaining Deleuze to him and see where it gets you.

ColtonT – Dec 9, 2024
I took him on vacation to Belize and I quickly came to terms with the fact that he needs to be spanked. Every time I tried to take a break from spanking him he got way off track, so he needs a man who’s prepared to spank him at the drop of a hat. Not sure why he needs to get spanked, but like I said when he’s not getting spanked, he’s very unfocused.

Gingerdaddy57 – Dec 7, 2024
I booked us two nights in St. Tropez before I fully comprehended how ditzy and whorish he reads, my mistake. Eyes rolled wherever we went but behind closed doors his ass is incredibly tasty and you can suck it endlessly with breaks for fucking it like I’ve never fucked in my life. I can still hear the sound of my balls hitting his perineum among other things.

ArthurKolty – Dec 4, 2024
He can be funny and distracting, so it’s best you shove something in his mouth.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Mixed
Body Hair Shaved
Smoker Socially
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages English, French, Dutch
Position More bottom
Dick S – Uncut
Fisting Ask
Kissing Yes
Dirty Ask
Hourly Rate On request
Overnight Rate On request



DirtySven, 24

Come and eat shit with me. Mutual shit eating. I love to feed and smear and eat 😍😍 💩💩💩💩💩

If you’re vegetarian or vegan, with advance notice I can adapt my food supply so that it’s a very attractive thing for you ✌🏻😌

Guestbook of DirtySven

DirtySven (Owner) – Dec 11, 2024
My ass is the center of my being.

WalterT – Dec 11, 2024
As a psychologist, I can only recommend that you go see a colleague for in-depth psychological advice. Not to mention the bacteria, pathogens, etc. in human excrement. I think it’s sick that you get an erection from it – to be honest, I wouldn’t want to treat you. Reflecting is the first step – that would be admitting to yourself that you’re sick, even if you might be able to function socially.

mmmmm88 – Dec 7, 2024
❣️maximum professional service❣️
💋he loves to defecate, especially in sporty positions, standing and from behind💋

DirtySven (Owner) – Dec 1, 2024
You’re just conservative and not in keeping with the spirit of the times. You don’t even know what is beautiful.

Privatekinkster – Dec 1, 2024
Your profile is disgusting – repulsive – abhorrent – disgusting.

Body Type Slim
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Hair Smooth
Smoker Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings No
Languages Swedish, English
Position Versatile
Dick L – Uncut
Fisting No
Kissing No
Dirty Yes
Hourly Rate 75€
Overnight Rate 300€




p.s. Hey. ** Dominik, Hi!!! Sure. Oh, okay, a TV series-only club, that makes sense, and that is interesting although I was hoping it would be a bit more complicated, oh well. Sure hoping love upped your heat if where you are is anything where we are. Paris is an icebox (without the ice). How’s your weekend looking or how did it look? Love making the screening of Werner Herzog’s ‘The Cave of Forgotten Dreams’ in 3D at the Pompidou this afternoon with him there in person not already sold out, G. ** _Black_Acrylic, Worth sitting through the whole thing, but long, yes. Me neither on the Ealing comedies, but me not being a Brit makes that crime by omission a little more understandable, I guess. ** James, Hi. On balance, I would say, yes, Los Angeles is Los Awesome. So, do you feel pressure to have a total blow out of a weekend, and will/did you? Clubs can be very interesting, yes. Their atmosphere, their music (if you’re lucky), and the proximity of lots of people escaping into mindless pleasure physically and mentally is a beautiful thing providing that a sufficient number of positives align. You would be depriving yourself of a possibly insinuating influence if you never try them out. Daddy Long Leg spiders are cool. Dubai’s illegalizing of queer people is definitely a massive drawback, yes, agreed. Celebrate your ultra-gayness, just be careful not to start thinking Randy Rainbow is funny. Liking muscles just means you’re libidinal which is not inherently superficial. Nice about your new friend. She sounds like a … what do they call it … ally. Again, your weekend + you, go nuts. ** diesel clementine, Yesterdays will do that, that’s for sure. I can relate to your wish for an A club vis-a-vis the George Miles Cycle, absolutely. Naming a club Bonjour outside of France seems so sweet and naive and reasonably clever at the same time somehow, I’m not sure why. Lawn chairs … you mean the aluminium, foldable ones like these? Nice, if so, or probably even if not. Thank about the ‘Flunker’ stories. I am rather earnest but with, I hope, a healthy skeptical tone. Anyway, yeah, thank you. I do try. I’m well enough. Adventures galore this weekend or no? ** jay, Hi. Sometimes I wish I knew how to launder money. Yes, I saw Bauhaus live. They seem to have regrouped to do reunion gigs or whatever. Friends in LA saw them recently at a big 80s retro festival (alongside, you know, Gary Numan, Adam Ant, Siouxsie, Human League, Devo, etc. etc.) and said they still did that thing they used to do without creating embarrassment. I had a friend who, one time when we were together, saw a kid wearing a Joy Division t-shirt and went up to him and demanded names of JD songs, and, when the kid could only name ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’, he ripped the poor kid into mental shreds, and I thought that was evil, and I never spoke to that friend again. I did live near the IKEA, but it closed down about five months ago, and now I live near a big empty storefront. It was handy while it lasted, yes. Did you write? About that game or in some kind of proximity to it or something? I do have an email from Horatio in my box, and, as usual, I’m massively far behind on email, but it’s there, I’ll open it and answer him ASAP, maybe even this weekend. Cool. ** Steeqhen, Congrats. Skipping parries is always a good idea, if you ask me, which I know you didn’t. Paris has the power of refreshment in its arsenal, so you should be fine, I think. I hope you had a relaxing yet dedicated weekend. ** Same Old G 🧸, Hi, G, no problem. Uh, there is a kind of core group of buche eaters — Zac, Michael Salerno, Ange Dargeant, plus me — but we often have invited guests. In fact, a few invitations have been issued, so we’ll see. Yes, I recently met this guy named Arley at an After8 reading, and we’ve become friends, and I also met this new friend named Holiday who’s studying the American University here, and they’re both writers and great people. Have you met any inspiring new pals of late? Bisous! ** Steve, Every time I turn on International CNN, which I haven’t been doing hardly at all since the election season started for the obvious reasons, they always seem to have some glamorising travel program about Dubai on, and no matter how hard they try, they never manage to make Dubai seem remotely appealing. I’m putting the final polish on my lists too. Well, logic says Mangione will be played by Timothee Chalamet. ** Justin D, Hey! Oh, I didn’t mean to make myself sound sad about the no presents thing. I feel actually kind of liberated. Well, you sent me a Xmas gift that I’m about to open. So, actually, I have received a Xmas present, and I could want for nothing further. What did you watch? What’s your favorite John Waters film? Mine’s a tie between ‘Female Trouble’ and ‘Serial Mom’. But I also do think ‘Cecil B. Demented’ is very underrated. Great weekend to you and all of yours! ** HaRpEr, I can relate to that, yes, you bet. And that’s why I reinforced your feeling that it’s very worth fighting for. There is no truth, right? There’s just fair and unfair maybe. Maybe not as smoke filled as in the movies, but at least as many people smoke here as don’t, I would say. And no one here gives you evil eye for smoking, or not openly. When I’m in LA, I’ll be walking down the sidewalk smoking, and suddenly I’ll hear some distant voice from, like, a block away yell that I’m invading their space. I’m completely positive that work of yours is not shit, but sure, show me so I can prove it. Happy weekend to you, whatever that necessitates. ** Right. It’s the month’s middle, and the escorts have invaded the normally chaste blog, and that’s the deal. See you on Monday.

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