The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Author: DC (Page 33 of 1085)

Patrice Énard’s Day


‘Patrice Énard was a French filmmaker, born on September 17, 1945 in Bordeaux, and deceased on June 1, 2008 in Paris. He was also a researcher/iconographer, theorist and film critic.

‘An avid patron of Henri Langlois’ Cinémathèque Française, Énard developed a particular appreciation for Russian cinema — especially the work of Dziga Vertov — the Lumière school and the French New Wave. Those influences led him to conceive of an activist, subversive and deeply political form of cinema. Following studies at the Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français, he directed some industrial films and news reports on motocross. He completed his military service with the Cinéma des Armées in Baden-Baden.

‘Énard made his first short films in the mid-1960s. From the outset, his provocative style, stripped of all psychology, attests to the fact that he was part of the generation that launched the French protests of May ‘68. Invested in the dialectic of disobedience, his films constantly question their immersion in the ideological context of the time, in order to better escape it. It was as if the genetic codes of that artistic movement were programming the concept of a permanent on-screen revolution.

‘The filmmaker’s work was widely distributed within those circles, as well as in traditional movie theaters that were more open to innovation at the time. The numerous film festivals that had sprung up across Europe and North America also welcomed his films. In 1972, Patrice Énard was honored by the city of Belfort, and Joris Ivens presented him with the Grand Prize at the Hyères International Festival of Young Cinema in 1982.

‘Like all pioneers, Énard often traveled with his films to discuss them with audiences. He encouraged viewers to rely on their own strength and to take power by way of the movie camera. He liked to say, “There are no more filmmakers than films. That’s why the cinema exists.” (“Why Do You Make Films?” Liberation, special edition, 1987).

‘His name is sometimes associated with collectives like Ciné-Golem (with Philipe Bordier), which programmed a radically different form of cinema in the early years of the Sigma Festival in Bordeaux; Cinéma Différent (with Marcel Mazé); and the Independent Filmmakers Cooperative in Paris (with Patrice Kirchhofer). Yet, his career as a filmmaker advanced in opposition to all of those cliques. He rejected the systems and labels of all the trends and artistic movements he rubbed shoulders with — the counterculture, young filmmakers, avant-garde, experimental, etc. In fact, he was all of those things — simultaneously or in turn — but as someone who treasured freedom above all things, he preferred autonomy and continued to produce his films himself.

‘Énard’s cinematic expression evolved toward a fundamentally analytical and experimental form of cinema. Driven by his increasingly personal reflections, he developed his own language and perfected it through the prism of an atypical, radical esthetic. His discoveries and inventiveness were often a source of formal inspiration for commercials and music videos. His later films could be described as a form of cinema-poetry. He raised the bar higher and higher.

‘His deepest desire was always to incite curiosity, to elicit knowledge by way of the big picture. But as time went by, his field of action extended beyond the silver screen, devoting himself to the creation of a network of cinema bookstores (in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Montpellier). One notable example is the legendary bookstore Cinédoc, in Paris’ 9th arrondissement, which Énard crammed full of movie posters, photographs, magazines and books for its opening, to the great delight of cinephiles everywhere and his two bearded partners.

‘Beginning as a researcher/iconographer and special film consultant for Ciné Choc, Fascination, Polar, Cinématographe and Star System, from March 1975 on, Énard served as journalist and editor on several film magazines, including Sex Stars System, Star System, Ciné Eros Star, Ciné Girl, Star Ciné Vidéo, Ciné-Films, Erostory Film. His work as a journalist also testifies to his predilection for the most extreme cinematic forms, from 1970 to ‘80. For example, he applauded the rise of eroticism and the birth of pornography and gore. He shed light on those genres in magazines such as Sex Stars System and Ciné Eros Stars. Interviews by Jacques Rig, one of his pseudonyms, became famous. His critical approach would lead those popular rags, pummeled by censorship, to become cult favorites.’ — Collectif Jeune Cinema





Patrice Énard @ IMDb
Association Patrice Enard
Patrice Énard @ Collectif Jeune Cinema
‘Cinq films de Patrice Énard’
Association Patrice Énard Presents …
‘Le Pornographe’
Buy Patrice Énard’s complete works on DVD here






The cinema of Patrice Enard
from Association Démocraties Nouvelles


Master of education, Patrice could drive a car very quickly. He anticipated curves, turns, slowdowns and had a very elaborate mental setup, which, on circuits enthusiast, led him to surpass his competitors despite a smaller car. He was not at the service of a “bandwidth”, he built the best trajectories in the imposed sequence of each circuit. 12 08 14 09

What he imagined was not just a reproduction of the configurations of the track. The hazard of a latecomer could thus be integrated without causing discomfort, at most an event complementary to this construction of trajectories. This reveals Guy Debord’s cosmographic strolling as a practice insufficient to transform the old habitus: this ethic of film-editing, which was initiated by Jean-Luc Godard, noting the nihilistic outcome of the “situationist drift”. is clearly proposed, with Patrice, to bring the theory of drift to the critical elaboration of the derived meaning.

It is the phenofilm which inscribes us in the awaited continuation of the current plan and we remain ” in plan ” as for the enjoyment of the imaged events of the genofilm. Indeed, to obey the “logical” sequence of the visible crushes the swarming of the observable in favor of what we recognize, that is to say what we think we know, victims of the familyist empathy of food concessions, clan blackmail, class submissions.

Party of the deconstruction, in particular, of the impression of reality, Patrice Enard, like the great poet Paul Celan, works on the awaited continuation, it is to say that it questions the series and thereby wakes us on the contretype, mimetic plagiarism, of which Lacan, reopening the contribution of Jean Piaget and, periming the Catholic conception of the lie as sin, meant that to make it “pretend”, besides it is a fact of “the inscription of the subject in the chain of signifiers “, is not confused with the fact of performing or taking the other than its” spectacular “. The scene of the very long kiss, in Differences and Repetitions I (1970), implied us to see, by the subtle variations of clothing of the so pregnant Michele, that the furious pleasure of embracing, lived by the greatest number, can be to stereotype in “sad passion” and how much this “armored” emotion, covering all other perceptions like a small mental tsunami, can rob us of the multilateral knowledge of the plans of this surinvested scene. This overinvestment, a petty merchant capture of an affective commerce, also becomes a lie and thus a privation of a greater freedom, which would be that of integrating the social determinants to our reduced love affair, a little ridiculous – which is ready to smile – measured against the clashes of our species.

The intrigance is, in Krishnamurti’s way concerning the disabling psychological fear at every moment, made of “conditioning” which reduces our vital field to banal and impoverished repetitions. Patrice Enard, filming the human dependence – which deprives us to deepen our life and that of the other protagonists of the film of life – by its discrete and persuasive demonstration and not by a sterile denotation – this “denunciation” which directs the superego by his On the moralist side, according to the Nietzschean expression, we restore a psychic and sociological capacity for resistance, which is more sympathetic than the learned demonstrations of man. 12 08 14 07

Patrice shows us the everyday gestures we make without savoring the chance we have to be able to execute them fully, for we are small-imperialists even in this sufficient contempt. 13 11 03 11

Were gestures of speech, so daily trivialized, shown just as well as in The Word in Two (1973), to the point of making clear that acting out in our lives is more often empirical than practical that is to say, enlightened by scientific theorizations: if the people were revolutionary without having to practice the revolutionary theory, it would be noticed day by day; instead, a populism covering the consumer addictions of the people insinuates itself into the councilist conventions that had been embryoed to overcome the capitalist lifestyle. It is therefore necessary to break the fantasmatic knots of the conceptions of the people which remove these addicts and those ignorant from the Marxist theory, updated by the distributive or communal polyhumanist ethics. 14 01 04 08

If the passer-by seems to represent the positions and the trajectories, his ethic remains connotatively disposed to fatalism: “everything passes all broken all tired”. And when handing over corporate powers


8 of Patrice Énard’s 13 films

Parcours (1968, 10 minutes)
‘La folie du protagoniste capte l’œil de la caméra et l’entraîne dans son sillage. Ivre de liberté, celui-ci dessine une trajectoire inédite : la sienne. Elle n’est autre que le reflet de son scénario intérieur, à mi-chemin entre fantasme et réalité.’ —



Différences et répétitions I (1970, 20 minutes)
‘Le film interroge le spectateur sur sa dépendance au cinéma dominant. Il l’invite à démonter les mécanismes du système pour accéder à une compréhension à la fois différente et infinie des images et des sons.’ —



Différences et répétitions II (1971, 17 minutes)
‘Le son est entré en rébellion avec l’image. Il y a de l’infilmable dans ce qui est montré. Le film soulève une série d’interrogations sur des questions cinématographiques fondamentales – comment, pour qui, pour quoi filmer, qu’est-ce que le cinéma?’ — CJC



Différences et Répétitions III (1971, 17 minutes)
‘Patrice Enard a mis un pluriel au titre de Gilles Deleuze. Car seul le cinéma pouvait réaliser – au sens de rendre réel – ce lien si étroit qui lie le même à l’autre. Le film est un fleuve d’images avec une bande-son de bruits d’eau. Emportées par les flots, les trajectoires se croisent et se décroisent, échappant à tout scénario. Les protagonistes pourraient être remplacés par d’autres puisqu’ils ne sont que les singuliers figurants de situations répétitives.’ — Le Nouveau Latina



Le Cinéma en Deux, (1972, 7 minutes)
‘Claude Chabrol, très ouvert et intrigué par ce curieux gauchiste, chevelu en catogan et tout de noir vêtu, défie Patrice Enard : comment va-t-il pouvoir tirer parti du tournage de son « Docteur Popaul » ? Invité à porter sa caméra 16 de cinéaste différent sur le film, Patrice Énard, tout en jouant les figurants dans les scènes de cimetière, regarde autrement « l’autre » cinéma en train de se faire. Et il le défait. C’est sans doute là le premier making off, avec deux f, de l’histoire du cinéma!’ — Le Nouveau Latina



La Parole en Deux, (1972, 12 minutes)
‘La mise en scène de la parole à l’écran est le sujet du film. Seul le premier plan est synchrone. Tout ce qui suit est une exploration systématique de la production d’un discours à l’écran. Pour unifier cela et pointer les questions de la prise de parole, il fallait un message politique fort, militant. L’un des deux groupes maoïstes de Bordeaux, celui des théoriciens non rattachés au Parti Communiste, se prête avec talent à ce difficile exercice de style.’ — Le Nouveau Latina



La Vie en Deux, (1980, 15 minutes)
‘Erica Blanc, ou Erica White, ou encore Erica Bianchi possède déjà une filmographie européenne lorsqu’elle rencontre Patrice Énard. C’est l’une des reines de la série B. Elle rédige le texte du film où elle rejoue avec distance et humour sa fameuse « carrière », sa « vie de pellicule ». Au besoin, elle n’hésite pas à réendosser les costumes de ses rôles les plus déshabillés ! Ces scènes sont émaillées de photographies de films dont elle fut l’héroïne.’ — Le Nouveau Latina



POURVOIR (1981, 90 minutes)
‘Le tournage a duré dix ans. Une fois dissipée la fumée des barricades, la libération sexuelle émerge – en particulier celle des femmes – et le discours freudo-marxiste prend le relais. Le bas du T-shirt de ces dames devient pour le spectateur un jeu de ligne obsessionnel qui à la fois montre et cache. Le style de Patrice Énard se radicalise en une sorte de poésie visuelle, répétitive. Cette musique pour les yeux met en valeur autant de charmantes différences qu’il y a de femmes pour se prêter à cet étrange divertissement en vert et blanc… couleur chair.’ — Le Nouveau Latina





p.s. Hey. ** jay, Hi. I did start to begin to understand the interesting nature of perfumes whilst organising that shebang. Yeah, the cancelled photo was on the galley of the book before his son nixed it. No, the son had ownership of the photo we wanted so we found a photo of PC that was owned by someone else who didn’t care what it adorned. Before the book was published, the son heard about it and that it featured his dad, and he wrote me a semi-threatening email, but he was mostly concerned that I would portray his dad as gay, and when I told him I hadn’t done that, he backed off. Mario just managed to defeat a boss that was a giant, evil scotch tape dispenser, and now he’s in a place called Shangri-Spa run by Buddhist-y Toads where he is currently trying to cure Bowser’s son who was turned into origami by a evil force and, presumably, once he does, he will get a reward that is as yet unspecified. How was the exhibition, and how did you know it was great before you visited it? ** _Black_Acrylic, Does it actually smell like black pepper? I could almost seeing spritzing some of that on my whatever if so. Thanks a bunch for the link to the free download. You’re a hero. ** Misanthrope, Weirdly, even if I knew how to make a ton of money, I wouldn’t do it, and yet I want a ton of money. Schizo. Ride that grid like a snake into the lake, the sacred lake. ** Steeqhen, Ha, I wondered about Union-J. I had never heard of them before. I figured they were a UK-only briefly lived phenom. If someone opened a perfume shop specialising in pop star branded perfumes and if each one had a tester, I would definitely make a beeline for it. Now you’ve got me wondering what a Death Grips perfume would smell like. There goes my day. Thanks for the link. I’ll read it when I’m done here and have a clear head. Everyone, Do you want to read a poem by Steeqhen? I think you do, right? Go here. Being the amusement park fanatic that I am, I do know about Emerald Park, but not its back story, so thank you! It looks very family oriented. I think the giant potato man would be main reason I would go. But I would go, don’t get me wrong. ** Tyler Ookami, So you’re a sniffer, eh? Sniffing is really big amongst the slave crowd these days. There’s a whole fart sniffing thing going on recently. Maybe you can explain it? Early Nicki Minaj was fun, yeah. I never got Kanya, even the early stuff. I always thought he was a blowhard. There’s a new werewolf film? I’d go see that. Well, if encouraged by something about it. Report back, iow. You’re a contrarian. It’s true: that’s more interesting than falling in line. But, in Dumont’s case, I have to say I think the narrative is right. ** PL, Well, hey there! Amazing to see you! Maybe the Cloudflare monster really is dead. I’m really bad and slow with email. I’ll go look for yours. I could’ve easily missed it. ‘Silver Gods’ does sound quite exciting. I want to see it. I do know ‘Who Killed Teddy Bear?’ It’s been ages since I saw it, but I remember my delight. Astrology? Hm, on the one hand, I don’t really believe in it. On the other hand, every time I’ve read a description of what a Capricorn (my sign) is like, it’s exactly like me. Like, exactly. So, I don’t know. What’s your take on Astrology? Again, lovely get to talk with you again. ** James, So, you prioritise Japanese anuses, that’s interesting. Because of their diet? We can play frisbee with a custard donut, sure. Granted, I’ve only watched her concert film, but I have yet to be convinced that Taylor Swift has written even one half-way memorable song. Your Xmas sounds Xmas-y enough. ‘My Fair Lady’? My mom was obsessed with ‘My Fair Lady’. She owned, like, fourteen different soundtrack recordings of it. Time is still extant and creeping along, at least in Paris. ** David Porter, A 10! I can’t remember the last time I ate a 10. Nice. I can never remember whether boxing day refers to putting things in boxes or about the sport boxing. Happy approaching New Year. ** HaRpEr, Agreed. ‘Legendary’ is massively over-applied too. People have started to do that with me. The legendary Dennis Cooper. Like how? The legendary Aerosmith, the legendary Bon Jovi. It’s a boring combination of lazy and insane. You already know that I’m totally uninterested in identity politics. Generalising is the enemy. The guy who plays the son in Zac’s and my new film, arguably the main character, is trans. We and he have no interest in making that an issue. We want people to watch the film and think son = boy, and that’s it. Not that we’re hiding it. Only a couple of people who’ve seen the film have asked if the actor is trans, and we said yes, of course. But we’ve been advised repeatedly that if we made a big deal about the actor being trans it would make the film more marketable because trans is ‘trendy’ and having a trans performer not portray a trans character is still very rare. But we just don’t want to do it. Why? The guy identifies as a boy, and he’s playing a boy, and that’s the only thing that matters. I would probably prioritise being in people’s wills if I were you, yeah. There’s wisdom for you. ** Steve, Yeah, I’m like you. I seem to have missed Jeremy Fragrance. He didn’t come up in my searching, which I guess says something. People have threatened to give me the Sade perfume, but no one has pulled the trigger. I think I missed the limited Paris run of the ‘Eno’ doc, but, actually I will check to make sure. ** Matt N., Hi, Matt! Wow, that long ago? How are you, how have you been? My year was up and down, mostly down, or, well, ultimately up. Long story. Gosh, I read so many new novels, and I like so many of them, it’s hard to pick. If you look back through the blog a few days, I posted my favorite novels of this year last weekend. Maybe that would be a start? I haven’t communicated with BlaB in a million years. Maybe even a billion years. He sure does get out and about, that Bruce. This year? Zac’s and my new film finally gets born in early spring, and I’ll probably be doing a lot around that. And writing the next film and getting a producer and starting the fundraising to make it. I want to go to Japan. I’m going to go to my favorite amusement park, Efteling, in Holland, for/around my birthday. What is your year looking like, best case scenario? ** Corey, Hi! Does Windex still exist? They don’t have it in France. Paris is pretty quiet at the moment, yes. Everyone is still off on their Xmas getaways. Weekend? Uh, see movies and art mostly, I think? That risograph machine and output looks cool. Very Xerox machine, yeah. I have read Roberto Bolaño, yes. He’s very good. The hype is not unwarranted. This is the Buche we chose and ate. It was very good. Still is, or at least the white chocolate fireplace is still good since that’s all that’s left. I’d like one of those Hanukkah donuts. Is one in your stomach, or was it at one point? ** Okay. Today I give you the opportunity to begin to get to know the work of another very unique and interesting filmmaker whom I gather not many among you are familiar with. See you tomorrow.


Wode Paint is the first ever visible fragrance by Boudicca, it comes in a graffiti spray can and its color is cobalt blue. At first it will turn your skin and clothing blue, but it will disappear after a long time.


Ephemera presents olfactory compositions based on musical resonances and reverberations. The nose behind the project is Berlin-based Geza Schoen, known for the groundbreaking Escentric Molecules series as well as various avant-garde/conceptual scents. In the first phase of the project, musician Tim Hecker created raw sonic material which Schoen then reinterpreted to create a scene: Drone. The perfume comes with music and a video.

The air and aldehydes are what I first notice in Drone. It is magical and otherwordly, and somehow earthy and grounded at the same time. Think magical medieval forest, but full of silvery transparent trees. It smells clean and cooling, but lighter and more elevated than typically clean scents, with less of a laundry vibe and more of an ice cold mountain stream water vibe. There is a hint of incense, but it’s barely there, and somehow the concept of “levitation” is something that just makes sense when experiencing Drone.


This product use to be a scent of anal (What?!!) The spokeperson said “This product does not smell like sh**. It is purely the smell of anus.”




Ah&Oh; Studio has taken some of the most macabre figures in the history of western letters and given them their very own perfume bottles. Scent Stories, as the line’s called, pays homage to literature’s great lords of darkness: Edgar Allan Poe, the Marquis de Sade, Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, and George Orwell. The design theme’s a clever one: basic white ink bottles done up in the author’s name, a famous quote (eg., de Sade: ?…ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust?; Poe: “I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity”), and a frightful stopper.


I dunno what it is exactly but it was fun to mess with.


The makers of Stilton cheese have launched their own perfume, Eau de Stilton, which claims to “recreate the earthy and fruity aroma” of the pungent blue cheese “in an eminently wearable perfume.” The perfume, blended by a Manchester-based aromatics company, features a “symphony of natural base notes including yarrow, angelica seed, clary sage and valerian.”


Jazz legend Sun Ra has joined the ranks of perfume makers with not one, but two scents: Saturnia, which “transport[s] you out of the doom and into orbit as you ponder THIS PLANET IS DOOMED” with the “aphrodisiac” smell of “Neroil distillate of bitter orange blossoms,” and the more demure Prophetika, which “invokes a mirage of memories and mysteries and incites a call to action.” The latter is also the name of Norton Records imprint Book Arm’s impending three-volume release of Sun Ra’s poetry and prose. Both come in 0.5 oz glass bottles with an iconic brass Sphinx or pyramid keepsake amulet, and were “bottled by Gigi of Midwood during the Capricornus July full hay moon.”


Apparently, men doing some work in the graveyard in Croatia found the knobby chunk of unidentified god-knows-what about a meter below the surface. The so-called “alien head” reportedly has a rubbery texture and smells like men’s cologne.




Perfume, poetry, and transfiguration are intimately, inextricably connected. Like the spirit, scent penetrates self, body, and world. It is formless, ephemeral, unfixed, “and moves ineluctably toward disappearance.”

Baudelaire’s understanding of correspondence, a term coined by him, lays the ultimate groundwork for the existence of the perfumed word. It is the experience of synesthesia, “through which information provided by one sense if filtered, interpreted, and ‘read’ through the medium of another.” His “dream of a sublime poetry” involved “…colors, as dazzling in their scent as in their sound, and…scents animated by an odorous spectrum of colors and by a scale of aromatic notes — as resonant with hues of red, blue, and yellow as they are with chords of jasmine, iris, and patchouli…. ”

For Baudelaire more than the senses correspond. The spiritual is immanent in the natural world, not just transcendent to it. He wrote, “Everything –form, color, number, perfume — in the spiritual as well as in the natural world is meaningful, reciprocal, converse, and correspondent…. ” The spiritual world and the natural world form a unity, as do the sounds of distant echoes coming together into one unified, symphonic sound.


Teen Top – No Perfume On You (dance practice)


Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have officially assembled into theaters and IMAX 3D, and what better way to celebrate the release of “Marvel’s The Avengers” than to smell like your favorite Avenger? Bring out your inner-super hero with “Marvel’s The Avengers” Cologne or Perfume by JADS International, a worldwide fragrance company! “Demand for our official Avengers cologne and perfume has been, pardon the pun, out of this world,” said Andrew Levine, Chief Executive Offier of JADS. “Everyone has conventional cologne and perfume at home, but we take it to another level by offering supernatural scents that will empower and bring out the super hero in all of us.”


Xyrena has developed a perfume specifically tailored to people who love water rides. The scent of Dark Ride has that token hint of chlorinated water and mildew that will remind water ride fans of their time spent on Splash Mountain or the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. One verified buyer reviewed the product and could not believe how much the scent brought them back to the amusement park.


Bruno Fazzolari pays homage to Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 horror masterpiece The Shining with his fragrance Room 237. In the film, a woman named Mrs. Massey goes to the Overlook Hotel in order to embark on an affair. However, her young lover takes her Porshe and splits town. The heartbroken Mrs. Massey offs herself in the green room’s bathtub. Years later, young Danny Torrance walks into the room and discovers a beautiful young woman in the tub. When he goes to kiss her, she becomes an old, decrepit corpse. Fazzolari’s Eau de Parfum Room 237 has a soapy, plastic smell. Its notes are derived from angelica, fleabane, estragon, costus, opopanax, and olibanum. It opens with an overwhelming granny floral, which disappointed me at first. However, much like the dead woman in room 237 it began to reveal its true form, a rubbery, synthetic musk that makes me think of sterile operating rooms, new vinyl car seats and light green surgical gowns. It is such a strange but gorgeous scent, so ethereal and dreamlike in an “I’ve always been here” kind of way.’


I imagine it’s what Winona Ryder smells like in Martin Scorsese’s The Age of Innocence.


Secretions Magnifique is from Etat Libre d’Orange perfumers. Available in the US only at the swank Henri Bendel department store in NYC, it smells of. . . sweat, spunk, and blood. Oh, the French! From their smelly cheeses to their famed aversion to daily baths. They have seriously cornered the market on stinky.


Eau de Toast perfume was recently featured at London’s Fashion Week and was created by Federation of Bakers. Reports indicate it actually does smell like toast. If you want a vial of your own, you are out of luck. Eau de Toast was extremely popular and sold out almost immediately.


Asmr role play perfume relaxing touch


Using one of Man Ray’s earliest portraits of Rrose Sélavy (Marcel Duchamp dressed as a woman) Duchamp made a label that he affixed to an empty perfume bottle to create his 1921 artwork Belle Haleine, Eau de Toilette (Beautiful Breath, Veil Water).


8.5 Extra Strong is a 1 oz. parfum (approximately 29ml) with very simple small dark glass bottle like those for liquid medicines. It is indicated about the perfume that it includes black leather and erathly cedars which apparently are not the only notes in the composition. Let me open the notes with some examples about how the perfume actually smells. It opens with exact abrasive vibe of hospital and its morbid alcohol-based cannibal attracting human waste smell, plus some sort of regularly used mattress with sucked fat, sweat and semen repeatedly dropped on it. Not a brothel sense of smell with too much exotits and synthetic vanilla fragrances. It’s kind of private and DBSM fantasy.


An alcoholic woman who resorted to drinking perfume and spraying aftershave in her mouth got sent to rehab on Jeremy Kyle. Tanya, 40, was told by doctors that she only had six months to live if she kept drinking everyday. Her partner Paul wanted the intervention because Tanya was killing herself and didn’t want her to leave her four-year-old son without a mother. Paul told Jeremy that sometimes Tanya asked him for surgical spirit wipes so that she could suck on them because they contained alcohol.


To book lovers like us, the smell of leather-bound tomes or fresh paperbacks can be utterly seductive. Ever wish you could bottle that mysterious library scent, the aroma of rummaging through the stacks? As it turns out, renegade perfumer Christopher Brosius has done just that. With his line of scents under the banner I Hate Perfume, Brosius captures certain experiences, like walking in a snowstorm. Among his favorite experiences are hours spent browsing in bookshops or getting lost in a story, so book-inspired scents were a natural step. Several of his perfumes have a literary connection, such as A Room with a View, sparked by the Forster novel. (Sniff the violet-based scent and dream of George kissing Lucy.) With his In the Library perfume, though, Brosius evokes the books themselves, conjuring up Russian and Moroccan leather bindings, cloth, and a rare English novel.


Amid growing rhetoric around the body as the new frontier for technological advancement, internationally celebrated body architect Lucy McRae teams up with acclaimed Harvard biologist Sheref Mansy, to create Swallowable Parfum: a digestible scent capsule that breaks entirely new ground in the science of human instinct. Fragrance molecules are excreted through the skin’s surface during perspiration, leaving tiny golden droplets on the skin that emanate a unique odor. The potency of scent is determined by each individual’s acclimatization to temperatures, to stress, exercise, or sexual arousal.


Pop star odors






























Sony will soon be rolling out its newly designed camera, which is a perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera. The perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera comes with a clear casing at the top that houses a large lens. The launch of perfume bottle-shaped selfie camera and Xperia C3 selfie smartphone indicates that Sony is trying to target new set of consumers who love to click selfies.


Paper Passion Perfume captures the unique bouquet of freshly printed books. Designed by boutique perfumer Geza Schoen in close consultation with Gerhard Steidl and in collaboration with Wallpaper* magazine, the perfume expresses that peculiar mix of paper and ink which gives a book its unmistakable aroma, along with the fresh scent which a book opened for the first time releases. Schoen spent days in the depths of the paper-filled Steidl headquarters in Göttingen, sifting through books, papers samples and inks, to find inspiration for a perfume that is true to books, wearable, and which ages well in time just like a good book. It took Schoen seventeen trials to preserve in his words, the right balance between the smell of paper as such and an enjoyable perfumistic aesthetic. The elaborate packaging of Paper Passion Perfume does more than justice to the perfume within. The packaging is a real book with a hidden cut-out compartment in which the bottle sits. The first pages of the book contain texts on the pleasures of paper and the Paper Passion project by Nobel Laureate Günter Grass, Karl Lagerfeld, Geza Schoen and Wallpaper* Editor-in-Chief Tony Chambers. The end product is a unique perfume, an homage to the luxurious sensuality of books and in Karl Lagerfelds words, the silent smell of paper.


Love the sensation of golden showers? Well, get the experience whenever you want one with this Japanese Schoolgirl Pee Smell Bottle, a scented liquid with the aroma of a female school student’s urine. Great for adding to clothes, dolls, onaholes and more, this is erotic fetish at its most convenient!


(AUSTIN, TX) 11 Year-Old Girl Sent to Criminal Court for Wearing Too Much Perfume in Class.




Will Oldham has collaborated with Sanae Intoxicants to create his very own fragrance, and you can buy a bottle today for $220. Diane Pernet’s blog shares Oldham’s influence: “It was originally based off a palette Mr. Oldham shared with SANAE INTOXICANTS which included a note of his own inspiration: the scent of the Agarwood tree, also known as ‘oud’ which is not only a fragrance that has been used in perfumery dating back to the most ancient times, but also a beautiful Middle Eastern string instrument.” In addition to the oud scent, the limited, handcrafted fragrance includes “Egyptian jasmine, French mimosa, and the rare, exotic oils of Mukhallat and kewda.”


Grip Limited, an advertising firm that works with Pizza Hut Canada, originally originally floated the tongue-in-cheek notion on the Pizza Hut Canada Facebook page back in August as part of a broader push to promote more engaging social media activity. The post asked fans to dream up names for an imaginary scent inspired by “the smell of a box of Pizza Hut pizza being opened.” But the fan response to the idea was so enthusiastic that Grip and Pizza Hut decided to make the perfume a reality. A month and a half later, to commemorate the fact that Pizza Hut Canada had gotten 100,000 fans, the chain’s community managers announced that the first 100 people to message them would actually get a bottle of Pizza Hut perfume. And sure enough, the bottles were shipped to those 100 lucky fans at the beginning of December.


A new perfume is sure to raise a stink from fashionistas because it’s going to be made from sweat. Not just any sweat, mind you, but the sweat from Swedish glass blowers. The odd and odorous idea is the brainchild of Daniel Peltz, an Associate Professor of Film/Animation/Video at the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, R.I. Peltz, who summers in Rejmyre, Sweden, came up with the concept of collecting the sweat of glass blowers and turning it into perfume after noticing every piece of glass work produced at the local glass factory contained a little sweat from its creator. “The glass blower’s sweat and work is something that tourists appreciate when they come here and look,” he said, according to UPI. “So for me there isn’t such a huge difference in selling the glass-blower’s sweat and the finished glass.”




Phase inversion of fumed silica particle-stabilised emulsions of water and perfume oil can be effected in three ways. The transitional inversion from water-in-oil (w/o) to oil-in-water (o/w) occurs upon increasing the particle hydrophilicity for 9 oils of different polarity and structure. Results are compared for systems in which particles are pre-dispersed in one of the bulk phases and for those in which a novel powdered particle method is used. Using a simple theory involving the surface energies of the various interfaces, the contact angle θ of a particle with the oil–water interface is calculated as a function of the particle hydrophilicity. Assuming phase inversion occurs at θ = 90°, very good agreement is obtained for all oils between the calculated and experimental particle hydrophilicity required for inversion in the case of the powdered particle method. Inversion from o/w to w/o induced by simply increasing the particle concentration is shown to be as a result of changes in the aggregation state of the particles influencing their wettability. Finally, catastrophic phase inversion from w/o to o/w is achieved by increasing the volume fraction of water, and multiple emulsions form around inversion in a system containing only one particle type. Results of the latter two inversion routes are combined to develop an emulsion compositional map allowing a variety of emulsions with different characteristics to be described by varying the relative amounts of the three components.


45-year-old TV presenter Andy Cohen revealed that he had the 27-year-old pop star Lady Gaga’s urine made into perfume. ‘So she peed in a trash can in her dressing room,’ the 45-year-old presenter told Tuesday’s Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. ‘It’s a long story, but she did. She said on her way out, “Look, I couldn’t get my way to the bathroom, I’m sorry.” ‘She’s a superstar, she’s Lady Gaga, she can pee wherever she wants as far as I’m concerned.’ Cohen then enlisted his ‘renaissance PA’ named Ryan to find some sort of recipe online to preserve Mother Monster’s bodily fluid. The Emmy winner declared: ‘He made it into perfume. So, we have it in a pretty bottle. I know, it’s kind of gross, but that is a pop culture artifact, if you ask me. That is going to be worth something.’


The smell of humans is strong in his nostrils. He longs to be with them, to caress them, to be one of them again. Another scent drifts in and awakens older desires, of pleasures long forgotten, and then he sees it… the Donut Shop on the corner. Earl: So where you from? Boya: It’s a long story. Earl: I’ve got all night Boya: You’d need all night. Earl: Well I’ve got all night. Dark Egyptian amber and gaharu wood, well blended and served with creamy vanilla, cinnamon spice, rich chocolate, and a splash of turkish coffee. It’s…. to die for. Perfume comes in a 1/3 oz. (9 ml) frosted cobalt blue roll-on bottle and comes ready for gift giving in a little fabric bag.


Strangé – It Stinks So Good


We have created a strong buzz in Hollywood Circles. We have had the opportunity to place our product in the gift bags of the OSCARS and GRAMMYS as well as Numerous Movie Premieres. We have also made a presence at the Celebrity Gift Suites for both The MTV Movie Awards and The Nick Kids Choice Awards to name a few. In Hollywood Celebrities refer to our product as Shoe Perfume for the STARS. Our enhanced marketing collateral around celebrities will make this a fast sale for your customers.


“The smell of opium is the least stupid smell in the world.” ― Jean Cocteau

‘The odour of pink, low, thanks to the light wind of summer that passes, mixes with the perfumes that it put.’ — Paul Verlaine

“At no other time (than autumn) does the earth let itself be inhaled in one smell, the ripe earth; in a smell that is in no way in
ferior to the smell of the sea, bitter where it borders on taste, and more honeysweet where you feel it touching the first sounds. Containing depth within itself, darkness, something of the grave almost.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke

“The immortal one does not have odor.” — André Gide

“A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.” — Coco Chanel


In 1988, fresh off his success with Blue Velvet and just before he started production on his landmark TV series Twin Peaks, David Lynch made his first commercials — a quartet of advertisements for Calvin Klein’s perfume Obsession featuring passages from such literary titans as F. Scott Fitzgerald, D.H. Lawrence and Ernest Hemingway. The commercials have all the pretension, the luscious black and white photography and the vacant-eyed beautiful people that you might expect from a Calvin Klein ad. Yet they also show glimmers of Lynch’s aesthetic – a noirish, dream-like tone, an oddly framed close up, a fondness for flashing lights. Lynch dialed down the weird to serve the text. The result is far more romantic and beautiful than you might expect from the director. The Obsession ads proved to be such a success that he started getting requests to do commercials for other luxury perfume companies like Giorgio Armani’s Gio and Yves Saint Laurent’s Opium. As Lynch told Chris Rodley in Lynch on Lynch, he thinks of commercials as “little bitty films, and I always learn something by doing them.”




Thanks to a French company, it might soon be possible to store the comforting scent of a loved one forever. They plan to launch their new line of perfumes made from fragrances that people leave on their clothes, in September. The idea for the perfumes belongs to French insurance agent Katia Apalategui. She came up with it seven years ago, when she was devastated about losing her father. At the time, she wished there was a way she could store his scent in a bottle. Apparently, her mother felt the same way: “I also miss the smell and do not want to wash his pillowcase,” she had told Katia. Intrigued by the idea of preserving odor, Katia began to investigate if she could actually make it happen. She tried researching but met with little success, until she came across an innovation agency called Seinari, in Normandy. They put her in touch with the department of organic and macromolecular chemistry at the University of Le Havre. Researchers there were able to explore the possibilities of bringing Katia’s idea to life. After much trial and error, they actually developed a technique to extract the odor out of a person’s clothes, and reconstitute it as an alcohol-based perfume in only four days’ time.


Country music promoter and frequent traveler Lois Lewis was stopped by TSA agents and investigated by a bomb expert at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor after trying to bring her 2-ounce bottle of Jimmy Choo perfume in her carryon. Lewis said that she placed the $83-a-bottle perfume, which was within security guidelines, in a clear plastic bag and sent it through the scanner. When the TSA agents saw the perfume bottle, they shut down a lane at the Southwest Terminal for nearly an hour to investigate.


Vulva Original is an actual scented product with a vaginal odor that is specifically described as “not being a perfume.” The scent is intended to “stimulate the one who wears it rather than someone else.” While most perfume products act as “odor cues” and are used to improve ones personal odor in order to become more attractive or social acceptable, Vulva Original is designed to be consumed by its owner by applying a drop of it to skin for sniffing it immediately after.


L.A.-based company My DNA Fragrance will now be selling a new series of colognes made from the DNA of deceased superstars. Blue Suede is based on Elvis Presley’s genetic code. Monarch is extracted from the DNA of Katherine Hepburn. M, our most popular fragrance, is made from samples of Michael Jackson’s DNA. M is an exclusive one-of-a-kind fragrance that explodes into an indescribable fragrance, which seemly draws the attention of every person in the room. It is composed of the lightest, but most volatile essences. Much like the performer himself, this cologne is unique and like no other cologne in the world. We guarantee it. M is engineered from the DNA genetic code of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. All of our exclusive scents are priced in the range of $50 to $100.


Tierra Santa, a perfume inspired by the mysterious and haunting atmosphere of a graveyard. The scent captures the essence of the earth, the Dirt, and the Fresh-Cut Grass that intertwines with the souls resting below. The notes of the fragrance are carefully crafted to transport you to the heart of the cemetery, with a base of rich, dark Dirt and a top note of Fresh-Cut Grass. The combination of these two scents creates a unique, earthy aroma that is both haunting and beautiful. Tierra Santa is a fragrance for those who seek to embrace the beauty in darkness.




p.s. Hey. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi! I super loved the new PT episode, it really made yesterday become a Xmas replete with gifts galore. Very smooth and rocky. Tons of highlights: Dopplereffekt, Balaban, Two Dogs In A House (!), Women Of The SS (!!), and on and on. Thanks, maestro. So are you gazing fondly on your new hat stand? ** James, Thanks. Well, it wasn’t me with that spray can, I swear to ‘god’. Oh, sure, pop is all over the place. Taylor Swift is dreary, unlike Britney. Do spare your grandma a heart attack, yes. Parents’ sense of entitlement about the people their bodies produced becomes kind of charming once you’re old enough to see them as quaint. I hope your Xmas got bigger as in materially generous. The only Xmas song I listened to yesterday was Sparks’ ‘Thank God It’s Not Christmas’, but that was plenty. ** jay, Merry Xmas retroactively to you. I wanted a different face shot of Pierre Clementi on the ‘TMS’ cover, but his son wouldn’t let us use it, I don’t know why because the only difference was his eyes were looking in a slightly different direction. Well, at least your bf’s mom says things like ‘insanely compartmentalised’ as opposed to ‘uptight’ or something, that’s kind of impressive. Thanks for the generous offer. The things I like best don’t cost very much, so I’m good. ** Lucas, Hi. It’s okay, I got a fair number of Xmas texts and emails, so I’m sated. Fancy ring, fancy how? Enjoy being well rested and max it out, as I know you will. ** David Porter, Hi. How was your dinner compared to what you wished your dinner would be? xo, moi. ** Justin D, Merry day after Xmas to you. Aww, thanks. I hope the festivities were mind-boggling. Seems possible. Whoa, I hope you’re right about Cloudflare. That would be a miracle and a half. ** Bill, My Xmas was very uneventful and perfectly pleasant, thank you. You’re home. You alway seem like a great jet lag conquerer to me, but I’m not a fly on your wall obviously. ** Steve, You forgot crying children, another iconic Xmas representation if there ever was one. Alright, Ethel Cain, pretty enticing there. I’m on it. Everyone, Steve has reviewed the new, in his words, ‘would-be erotic thriller’ film ‘Babygirl’ which, from what I hear, includes lots of naked views of Nicole Kidman, which sounds completely terrifying, but I haven’t seen it. Anyway, see what Steve thought here. My day was literally nothing unusual at all other than some electronically transported well wishes. True about authorised musician documentaries, although I am very, very interested to see ‘Eno’ and the Pavement doc. ** Misanthrope, Thank you, G. I’d go ahead and start your Paper Mario investigation with the new one ‘The Origami King’. It might even melt your mom’s cold, cold heart. I don’t know, wanting to buy Greenland and the Panama Canal seems pretty crazy to me. I got some warm texts and emails. A ton of money would have been nice, but this is the real world and, considering the context, that was enough. ** Steeqhen, I would like to be able to say that I hid a complex narrative in that Xmas image stack, but, between you and me, I didn’t. The son in ‘KotH’ is the smart character. Kind of the ‘Lisa’ of the show, but more doltish. A new poem! Do I know where to find it? I can’t remember. Your family sounds quite fun. Um, hm, I don’t have any non-ordinary plans for the pre NYE days, but I will make non-ordinary plans of some sort now that you’ve suggested that possibility. Enjoy the start of yours. ** Cletus, Belated MX to you. Thanks about the scroll. Yeah, that poem by Keegan Crawford is the only thing I know by them too. Ace about your new poetry collection in progress. I haven’t listened to the audible ‘I Wished’, but I’m a little wary based on reports back. But, hey, let me know if I’m wrong. I’d like to be. Great to see you, by the way! ** HaRpEr, Yeah, right? I had always kind of assumed that going to Disneyland was my first revelation about art, and it was only what you wrote yesterday that made me realise that it happened even earlier. Pretty cool. That didn’t sound depressing. It sounded like … what’s that horrible term people use as a shortcut when referring to wisdom … ‘mature’, that’s the word. I hate that word. I must have some hangover childhood trauma around it. I had a nothing much day, and it seems that I have at leave survived it and possibly even needed it. I hope your day ended with … a bang? The good kind. ** Malik, Merry post-Xmas to you! Wine and movies, sweet. I got a Merry Xmas text from an ex-boyfriend of mine who I haven’t talked to in years. That was probably the sprightliest thing. Wow, Rapid Lemon is still happening. That’s very cool. All the luck punching up that play if you need it, which you surely don’t. What do I know, but a gummy + ‘The Lion King’ seems like a no-brainer maybe? Happiest day! ** Joe, Hey, Joe! Now I have that song playing in my head. The Patti Smith version. Merry Xmas a day late from the semi-frozen semi-north. I’m glad that book is paying off. And that you’re unfolding a new one yourself. I have about eight sentences written of a possible new thing, but that’s all. Enjoy the warmth, pal! ** Right. I was talking with someone here about perfumes recently and realised I know very little about them. Consequently, I went on a little fishing trip to attain knowledge, which became less little, and, while I sought perfume-relating things that caught my attention, I made a post, and that’s your deal today. See you tomorrow.

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