The blog of author Dennis Cooper

Month: May 2020 (Page 7 of 13)

Please welcome to the world … Mark Gluth Come Down To Us & Mark Gluth and Steven Purtill Crippled Symmetry (Kiddiepunk Press)

A girl and her twin brother watch a storm from the living room of an empty house while a sense of apprehension overtakes them. As the twins move through the house, it becomes an archetypal space from which a series of horrific actions unspool, leading to a sense of overwhelming dread that consumes them both. Focused on a murder and a series of events that both follow and precede it, “Come Down To Us” — written in Mark Gluth’s characteristically unmistakable voice- is a labyrinthine, dream-like world in which motifs recur, fluctuate, and vanish within cycles of overlapping narratives that transcend reason.

“A meticulous little masterwork at once topographically detailed and as privy as a hallway bleared by smoke machines. A novel where every slightest movement counts and every word hinges on the next word and every syllable matters like a lit firecracker.” – DENNIS COOPER on Come Down To US

Come Down To Us
Crippled Symmetry



Some Other and Separate Iteration: An Interview with Mark Gluth and Steven Purtill by Sam Moss


We come to fiction with a set of assumptions, basic rules we expect to build the work’s world and which, through their evolution, will bring us to places of novel beauty. It is an uncommon sort of work which effortlessly teaches us a new set of rules from which fiction can be built and brings us to conclusions, realizations and beauty far distant from those we have experienced before.

Through two novels (‘The Late Work of Margaret Kroftis’ [Little House on the Bowery/Akashic], ‘No Other’ [Sator]) and a collection of linked short stories (‘The Goners’ [Kiddiepunk]) Mark Gluth has developed a style – practically a genre in itself – that is at once terrifying, mind-bending, full of challenge and utterly heartbreaking. While these works use some tropes and tactics found in literary and horror fiction it would be a mistake to categorize Gluth’s style as one or the other. Influenced by diverse sources like Marie Redonnet, the players and drama of the WNBA, perfume criticism, Mikhail Nesterov and Black Metal among others, Gluth has a broad artistic gaze and his syntheses of these source materials is utterly singular.

On reading one of Gluth’s work one is immediately struck by the prose style: deceptively simple, marked by short, declarative sentences whose brevity approaches incantatory cadence. This rhythm is occasionally broken by sentences which truncate or invert, wrenching the reader’s attention onto the page. Rich imagery blooms throughout, especially in descriptions of the forests, fields and seasides that the work’s characters inevitably explore. Ubiquitous dripping moss and mud-slicked trails, isolated train stations and storm-wracked rectories, inspired by Gluth’s Pacific Northwest surroundings, serve not only as a backdrop but work further to set the psychological background, evoking a Cascadian Gothic. This world is peopled by characters that, through significant descriptive restraint, appear at first to be ineluctably distant from the reader. It is through the open channel of a pervasive sadness, their utter loss and bereavement that the reader ultimately finds a reflection of themselves in their own sadness, their own loss.

These tangible elements lull the reader into a sense of normalcy, but the true heart of each work is some paranormal element so quiet, so subtle, as to be almost invisible: the titular works of Margaret Kroftis, [the brother in no other], the many (or few) ‘goners’, who all appear to slip through time, space or existence without comment. Dream and waking, text and substance, past and present, life, death and identity weave, fade and interpolate. These occurrences resist explanation and gesture toward a logic beyond logic. Ultimately the metaphysics of these worlds are irrelevant, rather it is the human toll, the emotional complexity, these events generate which take precedence. These events often pass by so quietly that Gluth’s works not only reward rereading wonderfully, they almost require it to blossom fully. At less than two-hundred pages each, the effort is always worth it.

It might be most accurate to categorize Gluth’s work as a sort of literary Drone: moment to moment the narrative varies in minor ways but through the passage of time, the accumulation of moments, the interaction of far distant allusions, powerful emotional and spiritual overtones emerge just at the edge of human perception.

I spoke with Mark about two upcoming works: his newest novel Come Down To Us which will be released by Kiddiepunk this summer, and ‘Notre Mort’ a short film he cowrote with Kiddiepunk editor Micheal Salerno. ‘Come Down to Us’ can be purchased directly from Kiddiepunk. Additionally, I spoke with the artist Steven Purtill with whom Mark worked on the zine Crippled Symmetry which is paired with Come Down To Us in an expanded addition.



SM: While the setting in your stories is never explicit, the atmosphere – the weather, plants, earth, air and light – plays a huge role in the work. Can you speak to influences on this atmosphere?

MG: Yeah, I’m not a fan of defining time or location or whatever in any overt way because it’s sort of beside the point to me. In a general sense, though, I do have to say that each sentence in my books has a very specific visual I think about, but those are all within me. As far as your question, I live in Bellingham, Washington which I find very compelling aesthetically. Just grey, rainy. Really awesome skies projected behind black trees. At least in the non-summer seasons. It’s so great.

In CDTU, there’s some of that. There’s forests and shores and stuff, but I also had a kind of retro or nostalgic feeling about certain interior spaces. So I wanted to capture how like, my aunt’s house felt when I was growing up, or how a normal suburban living room can be super compelling to kids because of the way they can view it in a totally different context than just whatever space they’re occupying. So there’s that in it. Also, I was (and am) into the Salinger story Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut to a ridiculous degree, and I kinda want CDTU to be an homage to it. I love the feeling it has with 2 characters in a upper middle class living room. But I kinda wanted the locations to have a sort of archetypal vibe. Like a clearing in the woods, placed in all these different contexts, always has the same sort of meaning because a clearing is a such a powerful thing unto itself. Or like a suburban house. But I don’t want it to be too defined. I like it to be blurry, a bit. I was also heavily influenced by the paintings of Mikhail Nesterov. So there’s a bit of that too.

SM: Your work – so far most notably in The Goners – plays with and examines your character’s identities in ways that are astonishing and novel but which resist easy description. In CDTU we are repeatedly brought to characters described as ‘the boy’ and ‘the girl’, various iterations of which share some characteristics and differ in others.

Do you have any formal or effable thoughts on identity that you can share?

MG: I think I like really liminal things. I also like a sense of mystery as it relates to those things. In the Goners, and CDTU, I guess having characters that are something whilst also being something else is a way I can portray that. I kinda like the idea that the edges of something can give way to something infinite. My writing hasn’t really captured that successfully though. But yeah, I assume a lot of art I love employs techniques that kinda do that to the characters….Most of everything Lynch has done after Dune in one way or another has it, my favorite book of all time The Notebook, The Proof, The Third Lie by Agota Kristof does too, Alain Robbe-Grillet’s books often do. It’s not like I came up with it or anything.

SM: There are these particular sentence constructions that you started deploying in No Other and have expanded on further in CDTU. These constructions use the unnatural – even alien sounding to the English speaker’s ear – Object-Verb-Subject and Object-Subject-Verb forms (e.g. ‘The shapes of things seemed long as the trio moved through them’ and ‘Her cupped hands were what she gulped from.’).

Aside from the effect on the sound of the sentences, these construction could act as a statement of agency or will; objects take syntactic primacy over the the subject, so that it appears as if the characters are being acted on by the world around them.

Do you have any thoughts on free will or agency, either in the world(s) of your novels or in our own world?

MG: I’m not sure I’ve ever thought about it, but after reading your question my immediate reaction was that all the characters in my books have total free will. A) because that’s my perspective, but also B) because it makes the narrative function more fully, with more emotional weight. But then I started thinking about it, and for what it’s worth, I don’t believe the brother and sister in CDTU – who are what I guess you could call the main characters – consistently behave with agency over their own actions. In CDTU I felt a sense of nightmarishness, like I wanted that to pervade the book, and I think this feeling of the subconscious overwhelming the conscious played into that. As far as your example, I always work on sentences and paragraphs until they feel right to me, and sometimes I’m going for a certain rhythm in the overall paragraph where one oddball sentence fits into that, or there are things that come after or before the sentence that lead me to that kind of phrasing. But a lot of times it’s just something that strikes me in a sentence and I just go with it. But yeah, I do view all the elements of my books as essentially equal, so like ‘a girl sitting in a room watching light come through a window’…’the girl’ is the same as ‘the light’ to me.

SM: You use some nonstandard or archaic contractions (‘neath’, ‘wash’d’ et c.) in CDTU. What influenced this choice?

MG: I dunno. I have a hard time agreeing there was a choice as that infers I was aware of what I was doing and I’m often not when I’m writing/revising. I work on my sentences a ton, rewriting and revising, and any of those contractions just ended up feeling correct in the sentences that worked the best for me. I do think I kinda prefer sentences that have a chatiness to them, beneath a formal seeming surface, and the contractions feel kinda chatty to me. Or I just removed syllables to make the rhythm of the sentence flow better. Thinking about it now, I’d say contractions that we are not used to hearing or seeing can make things more complicated, and I’m usually a fan of situations that become complicated by way of removing an element.

SM: Artists who make cryptic or abstract work tend to take one of a few different attitudes toward their work: some enjoy explaining ‘what is below the surface’, some – including one of the notable influences on your own work, David Lynch – prefer to allow the reader to form their own conclusions or otherwise shy away from exposition, while others state that there is ‘nothing beneath the surface’. Which camp do you fall into?

MG: I like a sense of mystery. I love when I don’t understand something, and conversely having a thorough understanding of something feels really dead to me. Truthfully, there’s parts of CDTU that I don’t understand fully, and that’s by design. To me, any book is a whole thing and it might be interesting to talk about how it functions, but not in any manner that makes the sense of mystery leave. In CDTU, disparate and sometimes contradictory sections sort of accumulate, and they aren’t placed in conventional narrative structure. The way I saw it while writing it is that the accumulation is kinda the main thing, whatever is there for the reader after they’ve read the last word is the point.

SM: Is the Natasha Howard the second epigraph quotes the WNBA player?

MG: Totally the WNBA player. She’s an amazing player, but more than that. To paraphrase Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, ‘she’s more than an athlete, she’s an artist’. On offense she has really great footwork, which coupled with her shot making ability makes her really impactful. But her true shining moments are on defense. She’s a great shot blocker and turnover creator.

SM: The title of the novel Come Down to Us comes from a song by the artist Burial. Can you point out other influences on the novel?

MG: Oh, um. Burial for sure. I love the way he takes his music and creates structurally complex suites like things. Also, I’ve gotten into perfume criticism of late, and understanding how perfumes are structured, how perfume is an art. I try to take what I learn from that and apply it to fiction. A well composed perfume develops, and different notes and accords fade in and out for aesthetic reasons. I tried to do that with CDTU … have different aspects of the fiction come in and out of focus, with no concern for linear narrative coherence. Also, the music of Morton Feldman. I don’t have a vocabulary to really discuss it in any serious way, but I find it really compelling. Also, I’ve been doing screenwriting with my pal Michael Salerno, and this is the first thing I’ve written after working on texts structured around what they will become when they are filmed. It gets more complicated, thinking, perhaps, more visually, than I am used to. Aside from that, the whole idea started with this Hardy Boys book I found at the used store. The Witchmaster’s Key. I posted a picture of it on Instagram and the writer Gregory Howard commented that I should rewrite it. That kinda struck me as a good idea. So I dropped the novel in progress on which I was working, and started on this. I never read the book but I based the initial draft off of the chapter titles. This is the first of my books where I wrote an initial draft that was designed to be a complete thing. I rearranged and edited heavily after it.

SM: What was the process of writing Notre Mort like?

MG: Well, Michael and I are kinda very similar in many ways and he liked my Instagram which led him to reaching out to me. I loved his film Silence and somewhere in conversation we decided we should write a film together. He had a bunch of ideas that he’d been collecting for decades for this one particular project, and he sent them all to me. Out of that I assembled a very rough draft that kinda allowed the ideas to cohere, then we went back and forth for like for five years, adding stuff, removing stuff, reimagining things….I think the whole time we both felt like we were centimeters away from being done, but obviously we weren’t. Anyway, towards the end of that process a producer agreed to give Michael some euros to make a short film, which ended up being Notre Mort. In both cases there was an idea, or ideas, and then we kinda had a back and forth, the way a band might jam when they’re writing a song. I think Michael and I have very similar ways of looking at things and thinking, and unique skill sets as individuals that compliment each other.

As far as a role in the film making? Not really. Michael is super generous about soliciting feedback and stuff, but he’s the filmmaking genius. For the feature length film we wrote GIANT, which he just finished shooting, he’s talked about using some images from my Instagram in the film, which I’m all honored by, particularly because I don’t really consider myself a visual art person.

SM: Many of your previous works deal in some way with ‘life and death’ or ‘the afterlife’ but you seldom come out right and invoke these by name. Was there something specific that caused you to refer to ‘the afterlife’ explicitly in Notre Mort?

MG: Not really, I guess considering the types of ideas I find compelling, my work was bound to eventually cross into some sort of metaphysical place. But even with Notre Mort Michael brought the afterlife stuff to it. My initial idea which started the whole thing was kind of simpler and blanker.

joyful thing @ instagram
joyful thing @ blogspot
cultoftusk @ bandcamp


Interview with Steven Purtill/BLACK DROP & Crippled Symmetry

Sam Moss: Tell us a little about yourself, what sort of art you make, projects you have been a part of etc.

Steven Purtill: I think of most of the stuff I make as collage I guess, since I almost always work with found images which are manipulated and repurposed, if not always juxtaposed or assembled. If I use original images they are treated in the same way. I try to blur the line a bit by taking stills from video footage in many cases. So it actually is an original image in some way. Aside from still images, I have done a fair number of video and audio works, installations, etc. I’ve been very lucky to collaborate with a couple of my favorite writers – Mark Gluth and Thomas Moore, and to have been published by Kiddiepunk and Amphetamine Sulphate, two presses whose output I dedicatedly follow and collect.

SM: What are some of your influences? (visual art, music, literature, cinema, anything that you think is relevant)

SP: I’m sure all kinds of influences come into whatever I do but I’m not always so aware of it. I could waste a lot of space listing artists in all of those mediums that I love… When I was sort of initially starting to do the kind of thing I do now I was into a lot of film and video art – Kurt Kren, Paul Sharits, Valie Export, Peter Tscherkasky, Stanya Kahn, Gary Hill, Jordan Wolfson, Ryan Trecartin, Andy Warhol, Mike Kelly, to name a few. Outside of video Dennis Cooper, Thomas Moore, Simon Johan, Michael Salerno, Kier Cooke Sandvik, and Philip Grandrioux seem relevant. I’m not sure how much of that is influence or just inspiration.

SM: How did you meet Mark? What is it that draws you to his work? Was there anything in particular that drove you toward Come Down to Us?

SP: I came across Mark’s writing first. I picked up his debut novel because it was published by Dennis Cooper’s imprint at the time. I’ve been a huge fan of Cooper’s since I was a teenager. The book made a deep impression and Mark’s style really got to me immediately. After seeing that he inexplicably lived in the same smallish town as me, I think I made contact through Dennis’s blog. We soon met up for coffee, which is still our standard practice. Many things about Mark’s writing appeal to me – the spareness, the melancholic emotional weight that is conveyed so effectively and devastatingly with seemingly so little. But it’s his prose, I just love reading his sentences. He creates a mood that is completely his own.

SM: For your collaboration with Mark, what drove the decision making for the sections you pulled to use from Come Down to Us?

SP: Mark gave me the text for Crippled Symmetry before the novel was completed if I remember correctly. I had little to no real awareness of the larger context and reacted to it as a complete work. I was aware it was related to a longer piece, and to the content used in BLACK DROP, which was done before.

SM: What can you say about the process of making these works? The images, the sounds, the text and their relationship. How did they come to you, where did they come from, how were they made?

SP: In both cases the works began with Mark’s texts. Responding to these visually was pretty natural to me since his stuff consistently evokes imagery for me when I read it. I never try to illustrate a text, but I try to react empathetically, for lack of a better term. The audio stuff involved a lot more back and forth between us, as Mark’s actual voice was included and we needed to find a point where he was happy with that. The main sound source besides his voice came from Hildegard von Bingen’s music, a shared love of ours.

SM: Some of your earlier work [i.e. vimeo and some other content I could find online] looks at childhood, especially the darker parts of being a kid and teenager. Doser [I think this is the title, correct this if wrong] for instance takes these naive, childhood rituals, these forays into things unknown, and amplifies the terror and confusion that comes along with them. This sits in very closely with the aesthetic Come Down to Us and most of Mark’s other works evoke.

What can you say about childhood, and that unique terror that comes along with it? What draws you to this aesthetic?

SP: When I was in school (as an adult) I was once told by a visiting artist that I was self medicating for personal trauma with my work and should seek therapy as soon as possible. While that interpretation was pretty out of line and misguided, there may be a kernel of truth there. Whatever it is that drives me to do what I do goes back to childhood. The anxiety and confusion I deal with today is an echo of something that started when I was young. Also, I have an interest in physical representation of emotional states, like involuntary facial and body language driven by emotion. This is much easier to see in younger people maybe because they haven’t learned to effectively hide their feelings yet? I think the way we treat children and childhood, adolescence, etc. is kind of strange so I guess I try to look at things differently based on my own experience to some degree.

Steven Purtill @ Vimeo
stpurtill @ instagram




Interviewer Bio: Samuel M. Moss is from Cascadia. His work has been published or is forthcoming in Dim Shores Presents, Vastarien and decomP among other venues. He cohosted Hespera, a quarterly reading series in Minneapolis concerned with the distant and ineffable and is an associate editor and web lead at 11:11 Press. He travels between, lives on and writes within North American public wilderness land. More at and on twitter @perfidiouscript



The sea rose then clipped against it’s own rise. Directionless wind drafted thin on the pricked surface. Collapsing white caps capped black swells then. The wind wore at the shore, all the land beyond it. Swept at trees brushed buildings they grew beside. The girl sat up in bed. Tears ran down her cheeks as crushed feelings buried her. Rain drowned out the sound of her crying. She lay back. The line beneath her door was hall light. Her hand felt damp when she coughed into it. Something caught in her throat. She closed her eyes, or the dark room fell away revealing something darker. Her dream masked how sleep’s so unloaded: These woods were dark the way fire is bright. Rain rattled leaves above her head. She came on a clearing. It was inseparable from this other clearing the way she was inseparable from herself. She just knew it. She felt like she was falling. Twigs hooked at her feet. The woods and the clearing all fell away. Blood pooled on damp grass. The surface of this pond was all tumult and bloody foam. The sky looked blurry like she was beneath something that smeared it. It looked so beautiful she began to cry.


The girl thought her eyes were shut though they were so wide. She bit her cheek. Coat liners pressed on her neck. The boy’s name rang when she shouted. It gave way to train sounds the way the air gave way when she reached wildly for him. Knocked over luggage jogged the cupboard door. She pushed it to the side. A draft ran on her arm. She hit the door with her shoulder. This strip of light lay on the floor beneath it. It shook when she saw it like her voice did when she said her brother’s name again. She felt the grain of the door-wood on her palms. The tip of her index finger bore along the hinge seam then the jamb. She knew it, that there was no way that the thoughts that ran through her head could help her run away from where it was that she was. She undid her sit, hugged herself. There was a sound then, like if a tight cable snapped then slapped back on itself before it turned slack. Her ears popped. She fell after being thrown. The train started to sink. The girl was a crumpled and pinned thing on the ceiling. The cupboard filled like a lake dumped into a tub. She choked when she gulped air. She arched her back when she tried to breach a surface that didn’t exist.


The girl dreamt of light. She woke. A bare bulb showed from in a recessed fixture. Her eyes darted as she turned. It was her brother that she didn’t see anywhere near her in the train station. A wall sign reflected streaks on its’ glass facing. She walked past a brochure rack, said her brother’s name. Her footsteps rang as she walked to the doors that led to the street. She walked through them and into the rectory foyer. Her fingers ran on the wall paper. This door handle didn’t turn. She walked to the end of the foyer and into the living room. The corners were dim the way the lines where the ceiling met the walls were.


This afternoon was what everything occurred within. Idling engines made the rail yard smell like diesel smoke. Sun showed on tracks, the hill they ran beneath. Heat shimmered off a tiestack past the edge of a train-shadow. Chipped ballast locked against other ballast as workers walked on it. The building they made towards was in front of the sun. Thus how the bricks came off as golden. This girl and boy detrained from the back of a passenger car. They ducked then strode through clangs and whines. The sky arced blue. Gulls drifted high and distant. The kids came away from where the trains were. The yard was just open where they stood. The sun fell on their faces and their arms.




p.s. RIP Phil May (The Pretty Things) ** Hey. This weekend the blog has the supreme pleasure of doing its part to help usher Mark Gluth’s new novel and Gluth & Stephen Purtill’s ltd. ed. (act fast!) collaborative zine Crippled Symmetry into this wreck of a current world. I can tell you that Come Down To Us is just incredible, and I very strongly recommend you grab and read it at the soonest possible opportunity i.e. this weekend (at least for the grabbing part). Use your local time to scour the post until further notice, please. Thanks! ** chris gugino, Hi. Oh, you’re your real self. Steely Dan is great. They’re like ABBA for brainiacs. I’m on board. I’ll go find that Beauty Pill thing. Fuck knows when I’ll be able to get stateside again. For now, if I did, I’d be quarantined for two weeks on arrival and then I wouldn’t be able to come back to France since its borders are locked to non-French people for who knows how long, for instance. Plan is for a Halloween trip to LA if that’s possible by then. I’m beginning to doubt it will be. Uh, … I’m pretty sure I haven’t done a Natasha Lyonne Day. Some of them say that. Well, hang in there whatever it takes, bud. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. The escorts over here in Europe are back in business in some way or other now that we’re free to come and go, or rather cum and go. ** Ian, Hi. You love them because they’re awesome, ha ha? Tell your girlfriend it’s all about the text, about how objectifiers and self-objectifiers experiment with ‘the personal address’ because, honestly, that’s my interest in those posts, with the photos just being either proof positive or examples of unlikely juxtaposition. Being back inside bookstores is so nice. And you can even smell that bookstore smell, albeit slightly, through one’s mask. Wait, is Nitepain you? Is that guess logical? If so, or if not, I’ll go follow that link and see what’s going on shortly. Thank you! Everyone, If you hit this link, you might (or, as this has yet to be confirmed, might not) end up on the blog of our fine d.l. and scribe Ian, and, in any case, that little trek will do you a world of good. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi. Yeah, using memes as sex ad tools is not uncommon. I’m pretty sure I’ve had a number of meme-using escorts or slaves here before? ** Dominik, I did notice, or, okay, plan that this week was particularly beset with the dark and out-there and scary/sexy, I will admit. And I think the pile-up worked like a charm maybe. Well, there you go: Jung. I’m waiting for Zac to get back to me with his thoughts on my script transformation attempt and, assuming he thinks there’s something there, add his considerable input. Gisele is pushing me to read it, but she won’t see it until/if Zac and I are confident about it. I like it. It needs something/work. But I like it. Oh, shit, about your panic attack. Understood, though. Big shifts are stressful before they actually happen. For me, at least. But then they happen, and you’re, like, ‘Oh, this is fine. This is great.’ You’re moving to Amsterdam? Is that new news? Am I spacing out? Wow. That seems like a good idea, no? Cool. I’m glad you’ve becalmed. My yesterday was pretty nothing. Walked around, emails, a bit of work. Today I’m venturing over to the Marais to see which (if any) galleries or chocolatiers or bookshops or falafel take-out places or etc. are open and get the new vibe in that part of town. And you? Any cool weekend plans, or, well, weekend goals accomplished? Ha. I think that particular form of love for which you feel impatient will arrive on June 1st, I’m told. Love that keeps hitting the SCAB link repeatedly while anxiously awaiting the new and amazing, Dennis. ** Bill, Hi. One of the big sites where I gather escorts is based in Germany, and I think the posts end up being dominated by the Germans most months? The escort posts are unreliable narrator central. And let’s not even talk about the slave posts, whoa. I agree, although it would probably be safer to do a GoFundMe thing since meeting that goal isn’t a slam dunk. I think I will mosey over to this weekend, thank you very much. I am in the mood for some Dots, so thank you yet again and even more so. Have a fine weekend however it transpires. ** Jeff J, Yes, the clockwork escort posts are a good reminder that the world remains the world. Phil Seymour’s album … it’s not great. He’s great, his voice is great. Not all of the material on that album is. If you’re loving Twilley, I would give it a spin. There are a few excellent tracks on there, the ones that sound the most like his work with Twilley basically. Yes, exciting about Ken’s book. And last I checked, it was basically funded already. When Blake Butler was here last year he mentioned to me about those novels by Ken, but then I forgot. I’m tracking them down almost as I type. ** Steve Erickson, Hey. Thank you. I have no doubt I will enjoy that parody. New bed, new sleep, new you, whoo-hoo! Mm, here is not there, but we’re all falling right back into our friendships and acquaintanceships and other relations like time hadn’t passed over here pretty much. ** Corey Heiferman, You feel that way about people you aren’t even paying for sex?! Dude. If memory serves, I don’t believe I line-edited ShitTwink’s text. It’s possible he’d written an intro or outdo that I found extraneous and cut, I can’t remember. Today is my galleries and Mexican food — although I’m more in the mood for falafel now — searching day, so we’ll see. Yesterday ended up being a wash for no good reason. Thanks for the teleport invite, but I hate heatwaves more than words can describe, so I will decline politely. Although gazpacho is very hard to reject. Oh, separate tracks, gotcha. Cool. ** Right. Do let the birth(s) of Mark Gluth’s and Steven Purtill’s book/zine fill you with exuberance! See you on Monday.

‘Don’t mind me, I’m just here to help my fiancé pick out a stripper for his bachelor party’: DC’s select international male escorts for the month of May 2020


cuteboy_1, 19

wanna suck a cute boy’s dick?
need money for beer

Guestbook of cuteboy_1

cuteboy_1 – May 3, 2020
thats trippy to know thanks

Anonymous – May 3, 2020
you’re so cute that just smelling your groin was like a million christmas mornings. you could’ve had a 2 incher and I wouldn’t have blinked but you have a large 8 inch whopper that leaks precum like a broken faucet so when I finally downed your delicious load of cream it was like spending quality time with a dear friend! p.s. I love your balls!

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Muscular
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks German, English
Position More top
Kissing No
S&M No
Dirty No
Oral Top
Rate per hour 100 €
Overnight On request



Shark, 21

If you are planning to be naughty in bed then Shark is here for all your needs.
Your ass is my first preference but that doesn’t mean others can’t ping me; respect to you all!
Your age doesn’t matter for me. If you are for shark, Shark is for you ❤😎😘
But don’t waiste my fucking time!!!🔥
You don’t want see me angry!!!

Guestbook of Shark

Anonymous – May 11, 2020
OMG, I fucked this guy too
actually he is in prison, so I wonder what he’s doing here again?

Anonymous – May 9, 2020
Finally he is back … 🥰 I met this escort … several times … he is very cute. Crazy mofo, man a cock very stiff and well veined he smashed my pussy like a bull … 🥰🥰🥰🥰 my anal mucus was leaking and sloshing all over and spraying him … he likes to bathe it 😘😘😘

Anonymous – May 6, 2020
I once had sex with this Finnish boy
A liar and a great speaker, nothing behind it
very behaviorally disturbed

Shark (Owner) – Apr 27, 2020
I’m also a actor porno and I’m looking for amateur beautiful ass for make porn movie so I offer also for that ass.

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Muscular
Body hair Smooth
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks Finnish, Swedish, English
Position More top
Kissing Consent
FF Active
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 200 €
Overnight 1000 €



marco_XO, 19

Don’t mind me, I’m just here to help my fiancé pick out a stripper for his bachelor party.

Guestbook of marco_XO

marco_XO (Owner) – Apr 30, 2020
You and everyone I know would get along famously.

Uknowhatiwant – Apr 30, 2020
You’re awfully young and gorgeous to be getting married. You sure you don’t want to play the field for a while longer?

Dick M, Cut
Orientation Gay
Body Average
Body hair Little
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position No answer
Kissing No answer
FF No answer
S&M No answer
Dirty No answer
Oral No answer
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



GoodBabyBoy, 20
Corpus Christie

Im looking for someone to come into my area and buy a hotel room. We can then meet up there and we can do whatever you want, you take control. Im a virgin, so please go easy on me. Bring lots of money!

Message me! My legs they are always open!

Guestbook of GoodBabyBoy

GoodBabyBoy (Owner) – May 4, 2020
I hate fat people.

Anonymous – Apr 28, 2020
stressball in human form

GoodBabyBoy (Owner) – Apr 20, 2020
I was going to write please dont contact me if youre ugly but every man on here is very ugly!

Dick M, Cut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks English
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
FF No answer
S&M Soft
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 150 $
Overnight 500 $



willsuck4weed, 18
Fort Worth

Love weed and money!

(Tried to start a meme account but now I’m taking 10″ dick instead! Humour 💯 Fuck me not my planet 🌿 )

Guestbook of willsuck4weed

youllneverknow – Apr 22, 2020
What was the childhood of someone who can only express their opinion with a single adjective.

Anonymous – Apr 19, 2020
I wrote the first review. After that some idiot copied it and added things and has filled this profile with shit.

Anonymous – Apr 19, 2020
Very good kid but he cries and smells his legs. I do not want to blame, I do not know if there is a problem with hormones or anything else, but I tell the truth and we talked about boho.

Anonymous – Apr 18, 2020
Yesterday we found ourselves! Baby brainless finishing late with sex. And above all a very good kid but he squawks like a chicken and I came out laughing!

Anonymous – Apr 17, 2020
Yesterday we found ourselves! Very good at sex with a ridiculous. And above all a very good mouth but it was drooling and talking in tongues!

Anonymous – Apr 16, 2020
Yesterday we found ourselves! Very good at sex with my pole cock. And above all a very good kid but he was out of it!

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Average
Body hair Little
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
FF Versatile
S&M Soft
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 80 $
Overnight 400 $



saleHooker, 21
Iowa City

Isolation can be a scary thing especially if you’re a hooker who’s used to getting it several times a week. It can lead us to a lot of dark thoughts. It can make you think about going back to the bottle and drugs, or suicidal thoughts. I will admit that’s what happening in my case. Although most of us are in a self-quarantine situation, that doesn’t mean we need to shut others out. Look out for each other! I’m ready to risk getting the virus and will barely even charge you if you want me!

Guestbook of saleHooker

saleHooker (Owner) – May 7, 2020
The worst part of being an escort it’s this💩

Anonymous – May 7, 2020
I sometimes wonder if there isn’t something in certain boys’ DNA that gives them a particular kind of almost cute faces and nearly hot bodies plus just the right combination of cynicism and a high, undiscriminating sex drive that causes them to mesh perfectly with men whose lust for youth in general causes their erections to have a magic wand-like beautifying effect on these almost hotties and predestines the boys to be hookers and risk their lives, in this case to Covid-19, in order to feel realistically hot and cute for an hour or two. If so this guy is definitely one of them.

theoppositeofbad – May 7, 2020
What can I say? He’s a generic, standard issue gay boy with delusions of adequacy who to his credit drifts all the way to slutty for a reasonable price.

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
FF Versatile
S&M Yes
Dirty WS only
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 250 $
Overnight On request



VictoryisYours, 19

Into older man.
From Nothern Europe (not Scandinavia, Europe is bigger than you think.)
Haha no I am not fake.
But if you think like that, that means my friends made a great pictures of me.
I don’t want to meet any Europeans. Sorry but other ethnic groups are more appreciative of me and I prefer that.

Guestbook of VictoryisYours

MattCalinus – Apr 29, 2020
he’s my best caucasian friend! i make ravishing love to his colourless body three times a week!

rovin52 – Apr 26, 2020
Im from indonesia and i like white skin

Blessed – Apr 24, 2020
A truly exceptional caucasian: physically superb, a face so beautiful it’s hard to keep one’s eyes in focus, flawless tender white skin, humble, kind, intelligent, inherently and neverendingly sensual, sexually profound because his perfect body adapts exactly to your requests, tenderising and opening to your desires no matter how taboo without any reservation, the veritable dream come true made flesh. For my part I keep most in memory the wonderful hourlong moments I sucked and devoured his rich, lush and ever saliva refilling mouth as he so evidently loves.

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Slim
Body hair Some
Piercings No
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks French, Dutch, English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
FF Versatile
S&M Soft
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 300 €
Overnight 2000 €



ShadowNinja, 20

HELP, confined all alone without my boyfriend and job and going crazy in MUNICH! My ability to do sex is only 25-30 minutes so rush jobs only. No romance!

Guestbook of ShadowNinja

ShadowNinja (Owner) – May 8, 2020
Well, if you put it that way 👍👍

crazydragon – May 8, 2020
All you would need to do is relax, hold your nose and light some incense.

ShadowNinja (Owner) – May 8, 2020
Never tried scat but don’t think would enjoy it.

crazydragon – May 8, 2020
Studying the human body is my favorite part of the nursing profession. You don’t do scat by chance do you? I’m dying to discover what your ass has up its sleeve.

Donminic – May 5, 2020
let’s just say there’s a very good reason why he says his boyfriend’s nickname for his ass is the pinky palace.

ShadowNinja (Owner) – May 1, 2020
For those who keep asking the time limit is because I have heart disease and my doctor says 30 minutes is the most my heart can safely take. I also cannot get a hard-on anymore.

Dick XL, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Muscular
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks German, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing No
FF Passive
S&M No
Dirty No answer
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



immoralxxx, 23

Young student, no longer having school or his baby-sitter job to pay bills I therefore make my body available to satisfy your desires and fantasies in order to compensate for my lack, I am available all the time and open to ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING except sodomy.

Guestbook of immoralxxx

immoralxxx (Owner) – Apr 26, 2020
Okay for gays instead of sodomy here are various games you can play with my butt if you want:
1. You can ask me to write something on my ass.
2. You can ask me to pose in any fuck position and take a a pic.
3. You can ask me to stretch my hole and stand like that for whatever time you want.
4. You can make my ass a comment wall and I will write anything and you can take pic of it after writing.
5. You can ask to watch me do anything with my butt, I will do it and you can take a pic of it.

PirateRumDrunk – Apr 24, 2020
We want Ass

Leaaaa – Apr 21, 2020
Hi Im a girl -sry. Just looking for a gay friend. I feel super comfortable with gays (I know that sounds strange …).

immoralxxx (Owner) – Apr 19, 2020

PirateRumDrunk – Apr 13, 2020
We want Ass

Bulldozer – Apr 11, 2020
Never for one moment do you not know how much he hates having to do this.

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Muscular
Body hair None
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks German, English
Position No answer
Kissing No
FF Active
S&M Yes
Dirty WS only
Oral Top
Rate per hour 25 €
Overnight 100 €



the_hawk, 18

surviving the only way i know how

Guestbook of the_hawk

the_hawk (Owner) – May 2, 2020
that would be a go

Sparklingbubble – May 2, 2020
looking to sniff your ass and get some gas love farts and would love to sniff you farts all night long while you mess my place up that’s right I also love slobs

LIONVC – May 2, 2020
Call disney. This prince escaped.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Spanish, English
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
S&M Soft
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 200 €
Overnight 1000 €



Any_sugar_daddy, 19

I’m looking for anyone who can give me a large amount of money. DM me to suggest an amount and ask me for my age (it may be low).

A good man will be happy with his life and the world around him, and he will want to look out for others and help them, personally I prefer the wealthiest.

Guestbook of Any_sugar_daddy

Any_sugar_daddy (Owner) – May 3, 2020
Man gays are so arrogant!

Anonymous – May 3, 2020
Your attempt to make a living from being a nervous robber does not make you an escort!

Any_sugar_daddy (Owner) – Apr 30, 2020
I’m not white but I act white.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Slim
Body hair Little
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks Italian, Sicilian, English
Position No answer
Kissing Consent
S&M No
Dirty No
Oral No answer
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



e m o t i o n a l – m e s s, 19

Holla together,

even if I look gloomy in black, I think colorful! I’m just asking myself what I want here. Money absolutely, and maybe you have a reason for me, or even better: maybe YOU ARE the reason for me!

Here is a small overview for better handling of my admittedly not always lightweight type, or maybe just a good start for you:

+ Eating … EATING A LOT
+ Loud emotional depressing music
+ Eloquence
+ Behavior
+ Warm summer rain
+ Cuddling
+ Banana milk (somehow eating again)
+ Rats (PETS !!!)
+ Good theta pieces

– No sense of proper behaviour
– Don’t understand my “no”
– Soap operas
– Mucus
– Whole grain bread
– no real life … live 24/7 on PC … why?
– fond of animals

P.S: I’m very emotional, so don’t be too offended if I tell you I’m in love with you.

Guestbook of e m o t i o n a l – m e s s

e m o t i o n a l – m e s s (Owner) – May 10, 2020
I’m gonna review everyone who reviews me. Skye is a funny lay, he ­cracks jok­es at the ­wrong time­, like “I’m… so funny,” and I like getting laughs but he’s very, very apathetic… sorry. He’s not gay for real just as a joke but you can’t tell. 3/10.

Skye – May 10, 2020
Just another broken young person dressing up and blabbing to distract himself from himself. And btw yes, he would be hot if he shut up. And a last minute warning, skip the small talk and shove your hand in his pants the moment the door shuts. From that point on he’s drinkable and an 8 out of 10.

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Muscular
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks English, German
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
FF Versatile
S&M Yes
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 250 €
Overnight 2000 €



ShamHot, 18

Do not trust this person at all. He is not safe at all. This profile is created so that you do not trust this person at all.

Comments of ShamHot

NationalSport – Apr 8, 2020
You have very beautiful eyes. I would love to suck them out of your head and swallow them.

Dick S, Cut
Orientation Hetero
Body Average
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position No answer
Kissing No
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 170 $
Overnight 800 $



ivegotacuteass, 21

Hello! It’s nice to meet you~ I’m not in Germany, I’m just using a GPS mocking app because Japan is boring.

I’m here looking for men who would like to invite me for a short or long time to their homes anywhere in the world except in Asia ☺️

I worked in a brothel in Osaka and was very popular so you know I’m great at sex. Then I was the boytoy of three wealthy, important Japanese men who were very obsessed with me so you know I have staying power. Then I starred in some BDSM porn videos so you know I look exciting when I’m tied up.

I also have a hand fetish so you I will treat your hands very, very, very well 🥰

I might have problems with English since I get dizzy looking at Latin letters and my grammar isn’t perfect but no white man has ever seemed to mind.

Guestbook of ivegotacuteass

ivegotacuteass (Owner) – Apr 23, 2020
ivegotacuteass does not write this, but one of his best friends. I think almost nobody could describe him better than I do, since I have known this young man for exactly 11 years. What can I say? If I had to describe him in one word, it would be “different”. He’s just different. The way he speaks, how he behaves. How he thinks about life. How he gets dressed. His hobbies, his intelligence and how he deals with people. However, not always in a positive sense. He is a strange young man. Despite everything, he is always available and makes other people horny, even if he has a lot to do. He is not a good listener and not much of a talker, but can tell exciting stories that are so boring. Luckily you can talk to him about everything. Really about everything. God & the world. He is tolerant of talking and is not rude to anyone who is not rude to him. And he’s crazy. And no, when I say crazy, I don’t say that because it sounds “cool” when someone is crazy or something. No. No, he’s really crazy. He spontaneously rides alone to Osaka by bike (that’s 4 1/2 hours by car !!) for sex dates, he spontaneously goes into someone’s dungeon for days, he really dares a lot and if you should get him to talk you will find some stories that he will tell you will not believe because they sound so crazy. But they are true. They are really haha. On the whole, he is mysterious and at the same time an open book, and he is really funny. So, if you are lucky enough to take this freak here to Germany, you will wonder if you made a mistake, but feel very horny and satisfied in some way and appreciate and possibly even learn to love him. He definitely deserves to find someone who takes him the way he is, and if you shouldn’t take him that way … then you should make it easy for everyone and back off. Otherwise I’ll break your neck.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Little
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Japanese, German, English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
FF Passive
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request




I’m into me pretty much. Unless you’re into me ;$

Guestbook of ESCORT1

ESCORT1 (Owner) – May 5, 2020
My favorite film is the fifth element, my favorite album is outkast’s stankonia and my favorite book is frank herbert’s dunes. more or less I think there is everything.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Hetero
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks French, Czech, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Consent
FF No answer
S&M Yes
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 50 €
Overnight 50 €



dont_wanna_know, 20

Sissy, needy and genius at pleasing 😈 who is supposed to offer myself here to earn money for my boyfriend.

Beat me up, hold me down, and rape my pussy hard until I’m in tears. Or lie back and relax and let me worship every inch of you while you ignore me completely. I’m only 20 but I don’t have any limits and I want to be pushed even further. I will move in with you so long as you are demanding and heartless and will hide me from my boyfriend and have money to share.

Ask me about my lack of limits, particularly if you’re interested in trying out more brutal interests.😏😈 I just happen have the world’s highest tolerance for pain as well as non-physical torment.

I often have bandages from mistreatment or self harming so if that irritates you I understand but please don’t report that to the social services.

Outside of that, I’m a very fun, conversational, high energy guy who loves telling and being told jokes more than anything.

Guestbook of dont_wanna_know

cockinyourmouth1 – Apr 26, 2020
Established a contact
To exchange, to appease
What does beauty matter, subjective
I’m frantically typing on my smartphone

Fraykus – Apr 24, 2020
If you are searching for a new dress like that one they sell them at most thrift stores for a buck or two.

iluis – Apr 13, 2020
He don’t need drugs to be crazy cause crack is coursing through his veins naturally

obsceneaddict69 – Apr 10, 2020
Very resilient, not really fussed about the sex side of things to be honest – but took cock every time and everywhere I forced it in him. Spent the night as my fuck hole and punch bag, gave him plenty of bruises. Treated him to a tattoo at the end.

Textmethenfuckme – Apr 8, 2020
Baraback and more, only pigs

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Average
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
FF Passive
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 60 £
Overnight 800 £



ShitTwink98, 21

Young dirty shit piss cum gob sweat blood puke eater.
No limits appetite.
Anything from your body goes in my mouth!

Young dirty shit piss cum gob sweat blood puke feeder.
Anything from my body can go in your mouth!
Can be deep fisted to get at my deep fluids and slime.

Guestbook of ShitTwink98

ShitTwink98 (Owner) – May 2, 2020
Because everyone says I’m arrogant 1) I’m not arrogant because I don’t want to get to know you, I just don’t see the point.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Muscular
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
FF Versatile
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 150 £
Overnight On request



CallMeJohn, 19

❤️ 420, u don’t have a joint, don’t worry 😉 i got one 🙈

Guestbook of CallMeJohn

Anonymous – Apr 27, 2020
This boy is beautiful almost beyond comprehension, when he looks you in the eye, you practically stroke out … He has a super perfect body, and when he lies on his back it’s like a conveyer belt of priceless treasures, not a mlm of his flesh that doesn’t beg to be devoured, and a pristine cock, hard as tensile steel, whose orgasm is volcanic and unreal in its deliciousness, and …. [A great experience with him To have sex!]

Blessed – Apr 11, 2020
He is a very, very beautiful kid, moving, endearing, it’s a dream! In sex he is a genius at the same time completely passive and wild with a perfect little puff of an ass to eat without moderation.

Anonymous – Apr 3, 2020
Best fuck ever! Ever!!! He is extremely beautiful, insane body, soft skin, perfect bone structure, the perfect amount of flesh and minimal muscle, angelic smell, tastes like god, sweet asshole … his spit and cum taste utterly incredible. And fucking him … I’m struck dumb.

DevilWhisperer – March 28, 2020
My session with Kris was just the best money I’ve ever spent. He knows how to give to men in bed, he is a rabid kiser, I ate his snakey, flooded mouth like I was starving to death, and he takes assplay and cock like there’s a time bomb you’re helping to defuse in his ass – He also looks even better in real than on the Pics. Amazing, Staggering, Thank you! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Some
Piercings No
Tattoos Yes
Smoking No
Speaks German, Portuguese, English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
FF No answer
S&M No answer
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 100 €
Overnight 1000 €



IraqiBomb, 20

I’m a bomb from Iraq! I like to give clients unplanned pleasures!

Dick XL, Uncut
Orientation Hetero
Body Average
Body hair Little
Piercings A lot
Tattoos A lot
Smoking Yes
Speaks Arabic, Kurdish, English
Position No answer
Kissing No
FF Active
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral No answer
Rate per hour 250 £
Overnight 1200 £



dima_global, 19

I’m 19
Have zero real life experience
Never even had my first kiss yet
I have a very very long list of sex I want to have and message me if you want me to send it to you
Looking for an older generous man to start and then many older generous men to follow
Will chat online but I really want to try start getting real life experience
I want to try and have lots of generous men sex partners in this wonderful city
I don’t smoke or drink
And I’m skinnier than a twink
Also always looking for people to play call of duty with on ps4 but cod is cross platform now so doesn’t matter if u have pc or Xbox or ps4
Also love watching sports
Also can’t feel love

Speaks English, Polish, Russian

Guestbook of dima_global

RASKO – May 8, 2020
I believed him! I’m so stupid …. I feel very sick. The boy is really slut!!!

Kris – May 2, 2020
To add to the first reviewer, I gave Dima the fuck of the century not even a week ago. I split his hole so wide open I suspect it won’t ever close tightly again, so think twice not only if you want a virgin but for hygiene reasons too. My friends, don’t fall for it.

dima_global (Owner) – Apr 30, 2020
I don’t why I said that about zero experience
I’m unhappy kind of depressed and idk
I just want some money or idk

Anonymous – Apr 30, 2020
I’m an American expat living in Kyiv. This boy is the opposite of inexperienced. I’ve had him many times as have most of my friends. I can recommend him, but if his butt were a lamp it would work perfectly well but you could pick it up for 15 cents in a yard sale.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Ukrainian, Russian, English
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



FeederBoy, 21

I’m looking for someone that will buy me gothic clothes….in return you can’t fuck me but my mouth is wide open 😉

Guestbook of FeederBoy

FeederBoy (Owner) – May 5, 2020
….Or if you are scared of corona and practice social distance I am 6’1″ and love having my feet licked and my and toes sucked.

FeederBoy (Owner) – May 5, 2020
I have a lot of piercings, and I love dipping my French fries in ice cream.

Dick S, Cut
Orientation Bi
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings A lot
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position More top
Kissing Yes
S&M Soft
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



🅿️🅰️✝️®️❗️K, 19
San Diego

This profile is not for everyone, but it is the most authentic version of myself and what I am seeking. If you are upset or concerned by anything in here, while I appreciate your concern, I believe this is what is best for me.

For the past year I have struggled with where I fit in in the escorting community. After much contemplation I now believe that what is right for me is to be wrapped permanently in slick nylon and down with the support of my future Sugardaddy.

About my future Sugardaddy: An interest and desire to have a sugarboy forever enclosed in slick nylon and puffy down is a requirement. I am much more concerned with finding the right man on an emotional level then I am temporal things such as big dicks and tight asses.

Creating this profile and expressing these interests is leap of faith for me. Please understand if I hesitate to jump for the first man who shows me his Sleeping Bag.

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Average
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks English
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
FF Versatile
S&M Yes
Dirty No answer
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



CoronaSuperHero, 19

confined n desperate n trying out a new angle, not looking for bf but i love sucking D n getting my B licked n if u wanna get my ** , i have paypal😛 please help my superhero to become famous 🙏🙏🙏

Guestbook of CoronaSuperHero

CoronaSuperHero (Owner) – Apr 27, 2020
also sell chems tina coke poppers viagra shitt G Mdma

CoronaSuperHero (Owner) – Apr 24, 2020
i have a tattoo of a Mies van Der Role quote on my left arm, “I don’t want to be interesting I want to be good”.

CoronaSuperHero (Owner) – Apr 24, 2020
btw if you look at me and have a fetish for being facesat, I TOTALLY GET IT.

CoronaSuperHero (Owner) – Apr 21, 2020
important thing is im virgin anal because was only top b4 but need more €€€ would like to try 🙂

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks French, Arabic, English
Position Versatile
Kissing Consent
FF Active
S&M Soft
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 80 €
Overnight 500 €



GoldilocksBoy, 22

I’m Goldilocks and my whole body smells like fresh flowers.

The prices are real and, yes, it costs so much – whether you like it or not. You meet me and you will renounce capitalism.

This is my side job, I don’t care about my customers. I am also healthy and it’s only right that getting unhealthy should make me rich.

Also last semester I had a 1.5 gpa while also failing a class and this semester isn’t going very well either, so there’s another reason.

Guestbook of GoldilocksBoy

GoldilocksBoy (Owner) – Apr 22, 2020
I’m not a cheap sex doll okay so piss off you stingy guys!
Trans people are the happiest people in the world, like even in our darkest times we never forget how to smile and make people happy!
We trans also are very clean and you should see how we take care of ourselves.
I know that God loves me unconditionally, you should too but I don’t care!
PS: I’m a moody person sometimes like now so please do understand and adjust!

Anonymous – Apr 19, 2020
he turned me lesbian

Anonymous – Apr 19, 2020
He turned me straight.

NoOneKnow – Apr 17, 2020
1000 £ !!! Sweetie, if you were a 10€ breed & go I would try to haggle down the price.

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Average
Body hair Shaved
Piercings Yes
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
FF Passive
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 1000 £
Overnight 3500 £



I-know-why-I-exist, 18

I began having sex with men around 7 years of age at a neighbors house in Istanbul after he began to molest me. I was afraid at first because he told me bad things would happen if I told anyone.
After a few months of him playing with me I began to enjoy the experience and would look for him if he didn’t contact me. That was about 2009 and I have not stopped since.
Thank you for reading. I will be patiently waiting for my next man and I’ll be doing this naked in my room pleasuring myself with my hands and sex toys as that feels normal to me. I am a Pisces.

Guestbook of I-know-why-I-exist

I-know-why-I-exist (Owner) – Apr 30, 2020
I remember you :-0

saTanicMasTers666 – Apr 30, 2020
I am full gear muscled aggro biker.
He is 18 slim buTTerscotch subpig for sickass shiT.
I shoveD MonSTer toys up his aSS so HaRd so LOnG I sweated an Ocean and nearly bROKe my back.
All Hail SaTan n ME.

Dick S, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Smooth
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Turkish, Arabic, English
Position More bottom
Kissing Yes
FF Passive
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



ABody, 20

I am someone with who You can share time with, have funny, and who be deeply connected to each other, enjoying a special and unique moment together, or who You can simply breed 💰💵

Guestbook of ABody

Anonymous – May 2, 2020
Also, mostly talking to myself here, another reason I did it is because I knew he’d had COVID in March and recovered and is immune now so he wouldn’t give it to me and wouldn’t get it from me if I have it.

thefetishdud – May 2, 2020
If you put on House (dance music) he becomes an amazing trip that you will never forget I guarantee you and you can fuck him over and over and over until his ass becomes a flower.

Anonymous – May 1, 2020
I don’t know why I’m going to share this. Maybe it’s for the men among you who still care about morality in this day and age. I’m very close friends with ABody’s longtime boyfriend now fiancé. I am 100% certain the boyfriend knows nothing about ABody’s whoring around. I would have been shocked to find him whoring here until last week when I hooked up with a faceless “cum dump” bottom boy on grindr and it was him. Yes, I partook, and yes I am horrible person. And yes, I wanted to tell my good friend but didn’t. And yes, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Maybe I just want to get that off my chest.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Little
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
FF No answer
S&M Soft
Dirty No answer
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 150 £
Overnight On request



SammyGey, 19


Guestbook of SammyGey

SammyGey (Owner) – Apr 22, 2020

SammyGey (Owner) – Apr 22, 2020

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair None
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Thai, Japanese, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
FF No answer
S&M Soft
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour On request
Overnight On request



KinkyTwinkWhore, 21

Fistfuck sub twink bottom with gaping hole. Hungry ass pig looking to get my ass worked over whit many cocks 🍆 🍆💦💦 and hands (you can double FF me -ready to go elbow deep & wreckedhole -) . Love 🅱️☣ & dirty 🐽😈. Make my ass a primordial soup.

Guestbook of KinkyTwinkWhore

KinkyTwinkWhore (Owner) – May 6, 2020
I’ve decided to describe my most recent experience with a man called Chris Underground. This is the second time I have been with him. From the first time I knew only that with Chris Underground would I get paid very good, because that alone is a real gay neighborhood. The previous time he was patient as he opened me. This time it was another Chris Underground …

He entered my apartment and took off his thick woolen socks and started poking them into my mouth at dawn. And when I say socks I mean sweaty by the sobs as you squeeze the zoom from the homeless pedal. He pushed me to the door and ripped my jeans and started kicking and kicking my ass while trying to pee into the hole, which was impossible, because yes I am loose on the first lap but 24 hours past my last date and my ass mouth was closed again.

He tells me with a shouting voice we go into the porn bed! Chris Underground lay on the bed and stuffed his hand in MAN … Come on baby baby, eat the fisherman. You didn’t want this? He throws me face with a push and falls on me. He was trying to get his forearm in but it was difficult again. I shouted and pushed him. Let me just say it and catch my hands back, bring your fist to tear it down after you’ve eaten it all, that’s not what you want; to rip me ? I tremble and he kicks my ass and it stabs it with his arm all over…. YeahYes so fucking fucking now do you like it? He stays his arm inside until I get used to it, and then he starts fisting me fast and so deep I pass out to the unconscious … so your fucking momma tears you down.

After he woke me up (after fisting me for I don’t know for how long) he threw me 4 face slap then climbed on top of me – ruthlessly ripped my hole up and made me look like a bunch of wild boobs … Then he tells me to sit up now. I sat and began to fist myself with my back turned to him. I lay back down to take a break, but the hardest started there… .. Seized the opportunity and started shadowing me with a very fast fistfucking almost to his shoulder saying So do you like it now? does your ass burn pizzas?

No matter how much I wanted to hold on to it, I couldn’t stand it and started pouring cum without touching my dick … .. Did you burn dirt? Do you like it now that you have a elephant’s pussy? He comes over me, starts fucking me in the puddle of rubbish of my hole and throws me rivers of cum into the berry.

Believe it or not believe me, I made 2500 euros that night.

Dick M, Uncut
Orientation Gay
Body Slim
Body hair Shaved
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking Yes
Speaks Spanish, English
Position Bottom only
Kissing Yes
FF Passive
S&M Yes
Dirty Yes
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 300 €
Overnight On request



THOR, 24
New York City



Guestbook of THOR

mateos-20cm – Apr 24, 2020
I confirm, a lying goose

anonymous – Apr 23, 2020
An insane job

imcuteperiod – Apr 20, 2020
a monkey playing a violin

Dick L, Uncut
Orientation Bi
Body Muscular
Body hair Some
Piercings No
Tattoos No
Smoking No
Speaks English, Polish
Position Versatile
Kissing Yes
FF Versatile
S&M Soft
Dirty WS only
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 250 $
Overnight 2000 $



staygold, 24

I don’t fancy men, but they fancy me, and I got laid off from my job thanks to the virus crap, so I need an income and this seems like my only option, and I don’t like it, but I didn’t like the job I got laid off from either.

Why I will not take my shirt off: In the past I had two major surgeries that have kept me from becoming paralyzed from my legs down. When I was about 7 years old, I was diagnosed with Scoliosis. For you that doesn’t know what Scoliosis is, it’s a spine condition where your spine curves when you grow instead of staying straight. This can become a hard problem for the lungs, breathing, and possibly paralyzation. To prevent this from happening they started me with braces to wear everyday to stop the curve instead of surgery. Soon enough, after 2 years, my spine had became a 50° curve which is the limit for surgery since the braces didn’t work. This surgery included placing to ladder titanium metal rods down my spine with 18 screws screwed in there. This way my back no longer curved or caused me any harm or difficulties. Last year in November, a piece broke from my titanium rod. So, I had to get a revision done to fix that. I am doing all better now thanks to hospitals and technology. But my back is very scarred and ugly, and you do not want to see it, trust me.

Also: Excessive computer use during quarantine has led to carpal tunnel in both of my wrists.

Guestbook of staygold

i_like_vibrators – May 4, 2020
He also has bladder control issues. I picked him up and was driving him to my place and he pissed on the floormat of my car, just whipped it out and let loose.

Dick L, Cut
Orientation Hetero
Body Athletic
Body hair Smooth
Piercings Yes
Tattoos Yes
Smoking Yes
Speaks English
Position More top
Kissing Consent
FF Active
S&M Soft
Dirty No
Oral Versatile
Rate per hour 75 $
Overnight 1000 $




p.s. Hey. ** David Ehrenstein, Hi. I figured anyone who would look at this blog is already familiar with the Jeffrey Dahmer story and I was going for discoveries. As best I can recall, Ronald Popov is alive and I think, but don’t hold me to it, that he’s had facial reconstruction surgery. Everyone, Mr. Ehrenstein has newly topped off his legendary FaBlog with a thing called ‘Unmasked and Anonymous’. Go here. ** _Black_Acrylic, Hi, B. Thanks for the link. Everyone, Should you want to get ahold of a fine seeming item called Quarantine Zine Project that includes work by our very own Ben “_Black_Acrylic” Robinson, you can score a copy here. ** Bill, Hey. Yeah, Timothee Chalamet could play a couple of those cannibals in the movie versions, or he could play their victims at least, which would be quite meaty roles, ha ha. Yes, wrong time to suggest, but you really must come back to Paris once it has become the new version of what it used to be. The Criterion Channel isn’t available in Europe, which is an ongoing big drag. ** Dominik, Hi, Dominik!!! Yeah, I decided not to include the famous ones like Luka, rightly or wrongly. I always like making posts where it’s like entering the unknown in some way. Ha ha, impeccable tastes. That opinion crossed my mind as well, I will admit. I’m fine. Getting out. The be-masked Paris is starting to feel more normal. Talked to Gisele for the first time in more than a month, gonna see her. People are starting to want to interview me re: the Diarmuid Hester book, so I’ve started to field that. And the usual. Great about you feeling pumped! A great time to be pumped, obviously. I’m sorry that my post stole you from Jung, although there is some kind of relationship there, between cannibals and Jung maybe, no? How was your day? Walking home from the American/British store WH Smith with two boxes of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese love, Dennis. ** rewritedept, Well, hey there, Chris, good to see you! You are surely not alone in those lockdown expenditures. I assume you can preorder ‘Wrong’. It’s on Amazon, so … Well, if you remember, you know where I am. Take care. ** Jeff J, Hi. Female cannibals are relatively rare but not unheard of, although they’re almost always part of a male-female cannibal partnership from what I can tell. I haven’t seen ‘Caniba’ only because I don’t think I’ve had the chance. I’d like to, duh. If you watch it, give me your report. I saw ‘Beach Rats’. Mm, I felt like I was on its side, and the kids were mostly terrific, and her cinematographer is fantastic, but I ultimately didn’t buy it. I can’t remember precisely why. I think I thought it was too mediated by something I wasn’t interested in. I haven’t seen ‘It Felt Like Love’. Cool, bon day, bud. And thank you! ** Sypha, ‘Epic Mickey’ is a terrific game. Much more strange and interesting and artful than the word Disney would lead you to expect. And it looks great, beautifully designed. Recommended. ** Steve Erickson, Hey. Everyone, Here are your Steve Erickson trips offsite for today. (1) His review of Dan Sallitt’s FOURTEEN, and (2) a new song that he’s proud of. Cannibal fantasies are fairly common in the master/slave scene. Not as common as foot fetishists or ABDL or puppy play, mind you. And, interestingly, the pandemic seems to have turned a lot of those guys into either wannabe cannibals or wannabe meat. You’ll see at the end of the month. Yeah, from over here where people are just adjusting and being relatively chill, the chaos and insanity and fear going on in NYC and the US proper is quite astounding to watch. Scary shit. I count my lucky stars every day that I’m riding it out over here. ** Joseph, Hi. Oh, I don’t think laughing at the cannibal’s travails is weird, but I am, you know, me. It’s more interesting and fruitful to laugh than to, oh, vomit, for instance. Is ‘uje’ the correct way? I too have always wondered. And no matter what wordage I’ve ever tried to type to say that, including ‘uje’, the dreaded red underline that tells me I’m wrong always pops into existence. I did get out for some strolling and shopping, yeah. Like I said above, it’s starting to kind of weirdly normal. But Parisians are being very pragmatic about it, and the vibe is very, well, ‘c’est la vie’. How is your world around treating you at this very time? ** Misanthrope, Le Petit Show could probably keep y’all’s stomachs full for a good several days if it ever comes to that. Fingers crossed for everyone indeed! Well, almost everyone. ** h (and now j), Hi, h (and now j)! A true pleasure to see you! Yeah, a bit intense, that post. I guess I was in a strange mood the day I made it. I’m okay. Paris has reopened to a degree, which is very welcome. I’m so saddened and astonished to watch the insane, hellish coordination of the pandemic in the US. It’s par for the current government’s course but so deeply shocking. Take care! ** Corey Heiferman, Hi. You might have to go back pretty far in the centuries to find a time when those guys would be considered fine upstanding citizens, or else way, way out into the ultra-rural world maybe. I know about Rick Gibson, and I’m at a loss to explain why I didn’t remember and include him in the post. Good news, such as it is, about your dad’s chemo success. Ongoing magical vibes towards him/you/them. Your audio pieces were terrific. Are terrific. Curious to see the ones with found footage involved. I will go hear Netta Zak, thank you. Weekend? See Gisele for the first time in ages. Hopefully Zac will return to Paris from his quarantine outpost down south. See if any galleries are open. Try to find take-out Mexican food. Stuff like that there. How about yours? ** Okay. Mid-month = escorts, this time coping with/exploiting/etc. the lockdown situation in their own sometimes imaginative ways. See you tomorrow.

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