Hi! I’m Dennis Cooper.
World Premiere @ Los Angeles Festival of Movies (LAFM), April 5 @ 8 pm & April 6 @ 1 pm. Tickets go on sale Monday, March 17.
FLUNKER, six fictions, 124 pp., from Amphetamine Sulphate. US: Order. UK/Europe: Order. Cover by Michael Salerno.
* Dennis Cooper : Cet obscur objet de l’écriture (J’ai fait un vœu)
* Podcast: La Grande Table critique: Littérature : “J’ai fait un vœu” de Dennis Cooper
* La fin du Cycle de George Miles
* On I Wished by Dennis Cooper, by Ted Rees
* Podcast: Dennis Cooper : “J’ai tendance à penser que la confusion, c’est la vérité”
* Dennis Cooper, à George déployé
* on symbiosis and the welcome limitation of collaboration: an interview with dennis cooper
* „I’m an experimenter“: Ein Interview mit Dennis Cooper
* Dennis Cooper in conversation with Ryan Mangione @ November Magazine
* “Artists On Writers | Writers On Artists”: Dennis Cooper and Ryan Trecartin in conversation
* DC interviewed about I WISHED by Paul Bomer @ FULLSTOP
* Podcast: DC is the guest on Jesse Pearson’s APOLOGY
* Dennis Cooper’s Teenage Spirit @ Frieze
* Dennis Cooper’s Love Story of a Lifetime @ The Nation
* An Elusive Wish: A Conversation with Dennis Cooper @ LARB
* Podcast: OTHERPPL 742. Dennis Cooper
* Best Books of the Year @ Bookforum
* LIBRI VIOLENTI SU RAGAZZI ROTTI: Conversazione con Dennis Cooper
* Pornografischer Schlachthof der Romantik: I Wished von Dennis Cooper
* Difficulty Is My Drug of Choice: An Interview with Dennis Cooper @ SWR
* ‘I Wished’ reviewed by Jeremy Lybarger @ 4Columns
* Podcast: Dennis Cooper: “I Wished” @ Bookworm
* I Wished Is One of Dennis Cooper’s Most Vulnerable and Enigmatic Books Yet
* Dennis Cooper: “I’ve Never Written a Book That’s Personal Like This Before” @ AnotherMag
* I WISHED reviewed by Golnoosh Nour @ queerguru
* The Best Books to Read This Fall @ Vogue Magazine
* Dennis Cooper interviewed by Richard Hawkins @ Interview Magazine
* Podcast: Dennis Cooper – I Wished @ Wake Island
NOW: ZAC’S DRUG BINGE, a gif novel (Kiddiepunk Press)
Now available in North America Blu-ray * DVD * Amazon Prime * Vimeo * Kanopy Now available in Spain Filmin
Now viewable VOD worldwide @ Vimeo
NOW: Diarmuid Hester WRONG: A Critical Biography of Dennis Cooper (University of Iowa Press)
* NOW: The New Inquiry: Final Fantasy: Dennis Cooper’s The Sluts in the time of social distancing
* NOW: Thompson’s Live: S6 Ep6 (podcast, 17th April 2020): DC in conversation w/ Chris Goode
* Dennis Cooper @ Editions POL